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This is a ring to unite a lot of pages out there that have collectibles on them. If you collect Boyd Bears, Annette Funicello Bears, Barbies, Furbies, Beanie Babies, Madame Alexander Dolls, Hallmark Ornaments, Angels, or other collectibles, join us! You'll get more hits on your webpage, and perhaps more guestbook entries and meet a new friend! Note this webring had over 80 members, but after transition - moving from to, the number went down a bit. It's easy to join, just follow the 3 steps below:

Step 1

Fill in the form below and follow the instructions listed:

Submit a site to Love of Collectibles Net Ring
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Site URL:
Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Site Description:

Step 2

Place the HTML fragment on your webpage. Below is what it should look like. You will receive an email with the code listed on it, just copy and paste the code where it says "Begin Love of..." and "End of...". Also copy the graphic below (click right button on mouse while holding the cursor on picture, chose save as "collect1.jpg") or choose from: Alternative Graphics (Pooh, Boyds Bears, AF Bears, Furby, or Vintage Barbie).

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Step 3

Email me when you have the above ring graphics on your webpage. Please include your Site ID# (which is given to you when you submit step 1) and your webpage address that you placed the graphics on. Then you will receive an email confirming that you have been added to the webring. The sooner you complete the 3 steps, the sooner you will be included in the webring fun!

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Please place link on globe back to my site.

INSTRUCTIONS: First right click the globe image you want (right click mouse on graphic) and save as "globe.gif". Copy this graphic to your website. Second, copy the html below. To do so click your left mouse button and hold on text till entire text is highlighted in blue, release the left mouse button and press "ctrl" button & "x" at the same time. The text will be gone. Then go to your website and copy that html to your site by clicking "ctrl" and "v" at the same time.

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If so, join my other webring! Click on graphic above.

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