Adam West is the REAL Batman -- Bat-Baddies -- A Study in Villianry
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-- Bat-Baddies --
A Study in Villianry

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The Greatest Villians In Gotham

These Menaces to Gotham ...
.. are in the order of my particular preference

Riddler -- Frank Gorshin {John Austin}
Joker -- Cesar Romero
Penguin -- Burgess Meredith
King Tut -- Victor Buono
Catwoman -- Julie Newmar {Eartha Kitt}
Egghead -- Vincent Price
Olga, Queen of Cossacks -- Anne Baxter
Bookworm -- Roddy McDowell
Shame -- Cliff Robertson
Colonel Gumm -- Roger C Carmel

Mr. Freeze -- Otto Preminger {George Saunders,Eli Wallach}
Ma Parker -- Shelly Winters
The Archer -- Art Carney
Chandell -- Liberace

The Minstrel -- Van Johnson
Marsha, Queen of Diamonds -- Carolyn Jones
Dr. Cassandra -- Ida Lupino
False Face -- Malachi Throne
The Sandman -- Michael Rennie

The Puzzler -- Maurice Evans
Clock King -- Walter Slezak
Nora Clavicle -- Barbara Rush
The Mad Hatter -- David Wayne
Zelda, the Great -- Anne Baxter{So good she became another Villian}

Lamest Guest Villians

1/Minerva -- Zsa Zsa Gabor
2/Lord Marmaduke Fogg -- Rudy Vallee
3/The Black Widow -- Tallulah Bankhead
4/The Siren -- Joan Collins

TV Guides 1966 Batman Villians Flip Game
You have to try it if you are a true BATFan .. I did all 10 pictures ..
Average : 88.74 %
See if you do any better ..

Cool Cameos

Recognize this [cinder]Fella
Jill St. John gets the Award for best Cameo
for dressing up as Robin - the boy wonder
Doesn't this [perpetual]Teenager look familiar
How `bout this driver ..
isn't he a [Amityville] Horror ..
Or this maid .. she's a funny lady ..
remember this rat-packer ..
thought he was in Vegas
all the time whats he
doing in Gotham anyway ..

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