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Sky Turtles (Episode 23) Review

BRIEF STORYLINE: First to the turtles lair, Splinter admonishes Michaelangelo for over-eating when, out of the blue, everyone starts leviatating towards the ceiling.

Meanwhile, back at the Technodrome, below the Earth's surface, Shredder is pleased with the invention of his "gravity altering" device. This can increase or decrease gravity levels on Earth. Shredder increases it beyond the subterranean level and Krangs shows his doubts and tells him to stop, because the device may not be 100% efficient. Shredder can't take the waiting game any longer, he wants world domination now. Krang is livid with Shredder being too impatient and power-hungry.

At Channel Six, Irma is telling personal stuff to April about finally finding "Mr. Right". Suddenly, they are all rising to the ceiling. Burne the boss, quickly puts the blame for those turtles responsible for this. April gets in contact with them, and they too are experiencing the same problems with no clue what is happening either.

Inside the Technodrome, Shredder increases the power yet again, and yet again Krang warns about overloading the system. The device soon falters and stops abruptly, leaving April, Irma, Vernon, Burne, Splinter and the turtles all to fall flat on the floor. Splinter knows Shredder is up to these high-flying shenanigan's. Shredder isn't too bothered by this setback. He makes a few adjustments and the device raises hell again.

The turtles go topside to the streets on patrol. They use a "gravity scope" to locate the source of this gravity mangling device. They spot a wave coming from below the ground, but before the guys can turn around, they are dragged into the sheer pull of the device are trapped, and can't move!

Shredder is smug about his accomplishment in the Technodrome, but Krang puts a new spin on this situation. What is so great about a city that can't move? Shredder's reply is, people can't fight back, so he sends Bebop and Rocksteady and some Foot soldiers. They are all wearing special gravity boots to move on ground.

Bebop goes along with the Foot soldiers to "shoot and loot". Rocksteady wants to have a little playtime with the helpless turtles. However, the turtles get the best of him and nab his gravity boots. Michaelangelo is now free to move. He steals 2 more pairs. Donatello realises that the device does not affect the birds and concludes they are above the force of this mega-gravity. His idea is to use the Turtle Blimp. Michaelangelo has four boots for the 3 other turtles, which would 1 turtle wouldn't get any. To swerve round this problem, the 3 turtles share the boots between them, having to walk at the same time.

Shredder is anxious to put a stop to the turtles and goes to the surface to oversee the gravity device does the job properly.

The turtles search for the Gravity Altering Device via the Turtle Blimp. Shredders reveals a mobile device of the same kind that reverses the gravity, making everything -including skyscrapers-float into the sky! Oh no, the Channel Six building has left it's foundations too! Can the turtles save the building with April and Irma being passengers to this unwanted voyage? Can they find a way of stopping the Gravity Altering Device which could turn New York into a wasteland? Or will their plans go SKY-HIGH and get them nowhere nearer to saving the world? Or will their plans SKY-ROCKET to success?

TMNT REVIEW HQ COMMENTS: An original opening sequence we see first, showing us the New York cityscape from above with this wacky novelty music playing in the background. It's a sharp start including when the turtles are weighing Michaelangelo.

A good scene involving Krang and Shredder in the Technodrome as they brew up another dastardly plan for the turtles to foil. Krang insults Shredder, and Shredder says "Thank you". Something that he has take as a compliment before. He see himself as being a bad apple. April, Burne, Vernon and Irma floating in the air come out with a mix of bad and good humour. Mostly bad. Such as Vernon, saying something about asking for a "raise". And Irma, when she gets dropped to the ground, "dropped, just like in my love life". The editing is still sharp though.

The lady dressing shop scene is quite funny, which includes unnamed civilians. The 2 ladies tag the man-in-charge dresses as "tacky". Also they are blaming the man for their feet being stuck to the ground, which is caused by Krang mutiplying the gravity on Earth. The action scene showing the city responding to the ignition of Krang's gravity device is good, as you see lamp post bending, buses caving in to themselves thanks to the sheer heavy power of the gravity, then great action, with the Turtle Van somersaulting and landing upside down. Good moment when Rocksteady, Bebop and Foot soldiers come walking towards the trapped turtles giving the turtles a serious dilemma. When the turtles surprisingly manage to grab Rocksteady's gravity boot, he hilariously whines "hey, give me back my boots!".

One very smart feature is, accounting for the heavier gravity levels, is when Michaelangelo throws his ninchukas, they go very slow in the air, and Bebop and Rocksteady easily zap it with their lasers. Some decent action follows. We then see most impressive shot of everything going up into the air, including the city buildings, tearing off their foundations. This makes this a very memorable episode. We then reach this crazy illogical situation of tying the levitating upwards Channel Six building to the needle of the Empire State building, which is the only thing that hasn't moved anywhere. Very original, but the editing stinks.

Very funny humour up next, when Irma wrongly thinks Donatello is refering to her as the "suspendous dish". Getting a bit sexual there. Don's actually refering to the giant satellite dish for Channel Six. Another funny piece is Donatello nabbing Michaelangelo's speech by exclaimimg "exactomundo dude". Michaelangelo almost says it but realises Donatello's poke at his lingo.

They really do give Shredder some horrible bad luck. Bebop and Rocksteady who were in the air, before the gravity device was destroyed, now have to except the inevitable. Of course, of all the places, they land right on top of Shredder.

A dramatic finale is revealed, when Krang revs up the power of the gravitation device to cancel out the beam power from the turtles "borrowed" satellite. However, Krang's decision lead to the device exploding, there's always at least one explosion in a TMNT episode. The ending isn't bad, with some sexually suggestive behaviour from the turtles to April, allwanting a kiss from her. Thats 2 sexual gestures or sugeestions in this episode(remember Irma "suspendous dish" part). Hmm, one of the more "sexualized "episodes of the cartoon.


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