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Why this Club is good.

            So, ye know what this club is about, what Redwall is about, but ye want te know what makes this 'ere page so grand. I'll tell ye. First off, this page is made by two people, an' not one. Now, ye're probably sayin' that that isn't so good, 'cos there's plenty o' sites with many more webmasters than we have. Aye, 'tis true. But the difference is that in this 'ere site, the two webmasters know each other. An' so, 'tisn't jus' some net aquantaince. An' that means that they kin talk about the site, an' not jus' in E-mail. Next, this club is made by people wi' experience. Urthpaw the Blade ran a Redwall Club, once apon a time, an' so ee' knows what kin go right, an' what kin go wrong. Opaxia Mole is a veteran o' many of the clubs, present an' past.  This 'ere club has tried to combine the good of all clubs, eliminating the bad.  Our ship system is well nigh the most complex o' all yon clubs. An' our battlin' system ain't harf bad, neither. We got good In-character Role Playin', an' a site. So, ye might give a thought te joinin' this 'ere club, aye.