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   So, ye've read all the info, an' ye figure 'tis time fer ye te join, an' be a Longshorebeast o' Port Moss? Alright then, friend, just fill out all them fields on the form. But first, ye've got te know wot they mean, an' wot ye kin put, an' wot ye kin not.
    Fer now, we're stickin' the the basics with species. Ye kin be a Mouse, Badger, Otter, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Vole, Hare, Mole, Bat, Sparrow or Shrew.  Sorry, te all ye fishy types... but fer now, 'tis too complicated! Later, we'll include 'em.
    After that, ye've got te chose two proficiencies. They kin be the same. Here's a list fer now (we might add more later)
  • Cooking: Let's ye be in the Ship's Galley section, an' be a ship's cook.
  • Writing: Writers kin be ship's recorders... an' ship's recorders get paid handsomely!
  • Commandin': Ye've got te have commandin' te be a cap'n some day!
  • Rationin': Rationin' does two things: first off, it lets ye be quartermaster if'n ye want to. Also, a crewbeast with Rationin' needs less food te fight harder.
  • Forging: If'n ye've got forgin', ye kin make some weapons for the general store, if'n ye've got metal.
  • Healing: The skill to heal a beast is a great one indeed. This skill 'll give ye the ab'lity te heal almost anybeast.
  • Fletching: A fletcher kin make arrows te sell, at the rate of a three score a day, provided there's wood enough. Unfortunately, if'n ye make to many arrows, the price goes down!
  • Music: This skill will let ye play a musical instrument, and maybe even sing. With it, ye can perform fer sum dubloons.

  • (If'n ye've got ideas fer new skills -that don't require too much work for the webmasters, submit 'em!) 
        Next, ye've got te chose yer weapon o' choice. This doesn't mean that ye get that weapon... for if it did, everybeast would have a big sword. It means that ye fight best with that kind o' weapon.
       Finally, ye're nearly done. Ye've got te say how ye found this 'ere site... An' if'n 'tis another site, tell me the URL, if ye please!
        For us webmaster types, an' ye're cap'n, an' ye're crewmates, ye've got te have a E-mail address that we kin send ye ye're E-mail te. If'n ye've not got one, or if ye want another one, or ye'd just like te have an E-mail specially fer this club, then ye kin sign on te our free E-mail service. Ye kin get any address ye like FREE!!! So, ere's the link: Port Moss Free E-mail Service. Remember, type in your full address! This way, we can reach you by mail!
           Alright! Ye're finally done readin' this 'ere boring 'elp file.  Now ye kin join on!
    What is your character's name?

    Pick your character's Species 

    What is your E-mail Address? 

    Pick your Character's Weapon of Choice 

    Pick your character's first skill 

    Pick your characters second skill (they can be the same)

    Where did you find out about Port Moss?