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JESUS Powers Sermon.

JESUS Christ Power is One [singular] in the name JESUS at the completion of as much as All has Fully Ascended in JESUS Highest Purpose, of His Plan. Power [singular] is in His Name in Highest Level, and likewise a Christian Ascending the Best They can are with Power in His Name, JESUS the Christ. Other Christians and Others Ascending somewhat are with "somewhat" [hence conditions apply] Power in His Name: JESUS Christ as much as not said in disrespect vanity [donating money does not absolve sin (Hosea 12:11) though is goodly and often in Christian Churches a minimum of Tithing a Responsibility including for the Church and for Members so Tithing the Overcoming of the love of earned money].

While the start of this Sermon is the more important part as explained in this Series, this particular Sermon concerns "JESUS Powers" in the plural sense, continuing from the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon: JESUS Answering Prayer Sermon at including how to make the situation "that it will happen" and not merely as an emergency response in hope of a miracle and rather in JESUS Christ Spirit Name Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law and the Higher Level More Valuable JESUS Christ Grace!

Below are: 1. Emptiness (theoretical), 2. Radio waves, 3. Microwave radiation, 4. Terahertz radiation, 5. Infrared radiation, 6. Visible radiation, 7. Ultraviolet radiation, 8. X-ray radiation. 9. Gamma radiation, and 10. Mass.

JESUS Powers in the symbolic electromagnetic spectrum.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, electromagnetic spectrum power Mass


Shown above are some of the types of JESUS Spirit Powers. The sizes of the waves up and down, amplitude, are indicated as with such as 100 yards amplitude, and such as a yard or two high people, and smaller waves such as of butterfly size amplitude. While We for instance see "6. Visible radiation" [including people though not as shown on this graph (discussed more below with Elijah The Prophet)] [and spirits], We hear such as a Godsling from insects to thunder, and also spirits of a Godsling (see below "Main Page" Definitions). So "not as shown on this graph" is less about this Sermon.

More specific to this Sermon is as discussed below. Yet for now consider the People [amplitude] sized wave(s), such as for outer space travel within a safety margin of any space envelope(s) ship. This Amplitude for People evidently also applies for Transfiguration Of People through JESUS Christ. Yet Elijah (see mid page Drawing in JESUS Christ Gives...Sermon at also guided His Horses with chariot into Heaven, so this also applies. So if to move types of Masses then to consider JESUS Christ, and not to complicate things (see above Power in the Name JESUS) You can also consider pertinent Amplitude.

Illustratively for instance if able to give Your Child younger than toddler a cup of water [similar to Transfigure since the Child knows not yet how such a Miraculous thing can be done] You can Best Way Lead if able to so transport the water to the thirsty Child, or You can for instance continue lying in bed Praying JESUS to do it for You.

The Chosen People in the Exodus were advised to bring things, and They gathered provisions. Elijah likely had no provisions for his horses. So while JESUS Christ You Best Way Preparing Before The Fact applies for Ascending, also [when prepared, though a Leap Of Faith may apply] consider the JESUS Christ Original Highest Purpose Mission and whether to "gathered provisions" and make preparations or not ([conditionally a more Ascended Loyalty concern] Matthew 8:21 & 22).

Now below is Given from Heaven a beaming streaming flow of fire and as much as show the Amplitude of a Person so 3. Microwave radiation Amplitude applies, though also 4. Terahertz radiation may apply such as a spirit might bump a Person at 1 trillion vibrations in 1 second (reference eg. dolphins struck by such sonar), though also 5. Infrared heat radiation applies, and 6. Visible light radiation applies, and 7. Ultraviolet [blacklight] radiation applies somewhat, though 8. X-ray radiation hardly applies (though such as reference as on TV The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch and the spokesperson was burned by "Gamma" radiation overlapping X-ray radiation), 9. Gamma radiation applies (ibid.), and of course 10. Mass applies.

So there are Godslings throughout parts [at least] of the electromagnetic spectrum of concerns that apply for Your JESUS Given Mission Powers, so these are JESUS Mission Preparedness and Readiness factors.

Elijah calling down fire from heaven.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Elijah calling down fire from Heaven,  TV The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch and the spokesperson was burned by Gamma radiation


[From JESUS Christ] Elijah Faith is very important, He was Heading across the Jordan River to Jerusalem and beyond walking on water: flew into Heaven.

Yet as stated above this Sermon is "continuing from the previous" as a JESUS Spirit Power Flowing Word Continuity [including with seeing]. And this brings Us to the main point of this Sermon concerning Ascending and Levels. In the Ascending Tube around the JESUS Christ Best Way For All Straight Up Path, are the vertical lines of Parameter levels, the levels like unto wall after wall horizontally, room after room, if to go through doorway after doorway, if to stray and rather to be Best on course (see previous specifics in this Series).

These lateral walls levels are as shown above concerning the "JESUS Powers in the symbolic electromagnetic spectrum" and to the right in "10. Mass" as the wave is no longer as floor levels as the symbolic plot of land as shown as the football field.

If to stray as from "1. Emptiness (theoretical)", and "2. Radio waves," then to increase the number of walls per second, the number of risks per second. The farther to stray the more frequent the risks.

The more frequent the risks, the more frequent the likelihood to fall, the farther to fall the more rapid the risks, such as ouch or splat first death.

As alluded above there are other types of graphs, reference such as stopping distance but for a long massive train, and such as for a crane lifting various masses and such as wind conditions. Many cranes have let things [masses] coast somewhat to a stop, though increasingly the precise stopping distance is law or rather more precisely of the standard for safety [personnel, and equipment...] and rather more precisely for the better proprietary process.

As stated above Elijah flew into Heaven, though let Us consider more Before The Fact for the Best For All in JESUS Christ.

1 May 2020AD.

tags: JESUS Spirit Graphs Sacred Planning Safety Over system matters kept secret since the world began with the electromagnetic spectrum concerning risks specifics and such as train and crane stopping distances for best proprietary processing symbolism with such as Elijah flew into Heaven, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas System Correlation Measured for Best For All, spirits pushing People at 1 trillion vibrations per 1 second, TV The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch and the spokesperson burned by "Gamma" radiation.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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