JESUS Christ Gives:

Precept On Precept / Verse On Verse / Word On Word / Letter On Letter.

Open letter to Christian President Don Trump:

Dear Christian President Don Trump,

..."whatsoever ye shall do, ye shall do it in my name"....

Yours Truly,

JESUS Christ (3 Nephi 27.7).

Note this above letter is Given from JESUS Christ to all that all would Best Benefit others (Precepts including first JESUS Christ Name then JESUS Christ Charity), that all would Best Benefit likewise Precept On Precept.

Signing Charity Into Law is with JESUS Christ Precepts and therefore Maximize JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Spirit Father With Word One Faith [so including Charity], and since in the world [similar to being already over Census in this generation] also to Give Charity (so in JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibility: in this world Work(s)).

This JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibility is over the talents and such, as much as already known of JESUS Christ One Given Miracles; though specific to Charity in this generation so far are [some, You may interpret] generally two types, A & B: A. to throw money into the sea (of people Matthew 6.3) or B. to allocate (as to Give to a favorite Christian Church Faithfully: loyal to that Church)(also for instance offers interpretational ideas).

Type A is the Better Path because it offers direct Giving (so without losses nor handling cuts...Deuteronomy 25.4) save when Type B already is with a better system for handling such for JESUS Christ (an Ascending Wisdom key like unto Particle Accelerator discussed below).

JESUS Christ Gives You the Gift to Choose: so within Law is Your Right Over how to accomplish Righteous Charity.

JESUS Christ Prophecy about Christian President Trump Signing Royal Law Grace Firmament Empowering Prophesying preparing the Second Coming Timeline flying into Heaven Elijah Elisha parting waters watchers Double Charity Blessings Angel Wing separation copyrights SP Futures Banking allocating CERN tera electron volts reentry corridor Global Warming particle accelerator ufos movie The American President USA President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Constitution ACLU Jehovahs Witnesses, movie Down PeriscopeKelsey Grammer Captain Tom Dodge Rip Torn Admiral Winslow Lauren Holly Emily Harland Williams Sonar operator knew their war whale language, Working Girl Tess McGill Melanie Griffith Harrison Ford Jack Trainer Oren Trask Philip Bosco, Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe Ron Weasley Rupert Grint Rowling Philosophers Sorcerers Stone, Wallstreet Bud Fox Charlie Sheen Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas script didn't see me saw right through me. open letters to the President NASA CO2 Methane Yale former ways backward Jews secular Greeks specific details Gaza Strip Seat Of Knowledge Chi Che TV Adam Ruins Everything 2019 2020 JESUS Christ

If I, a citizen of USA, command the President then my command is invalid (typically, except such as to push out of the way of a bullet), so in the normal and typical sense of Grace: JESUS Christ Lovingly Commands Christian President Don Trump to be "Signing" (John 5.31) per se even though including great Charity Benefit For Christian President Don Trump even if the Benefit is unseen as yet.

JESUS Christ is Creator. So what relative importance is it if to want to help everyone within next year and find that [better than] welfare costs [a number not yet calculated (by a particular person)] such as symbolically as a future projection 926 Trillion dollars perhaps, so that each person can live in a mansion and have rockets and luxuries?, who will pay for it?:

the "926 Trillion" is not exactly insignificant concerning Edifying, rather it has all too often been toward hardly applicable

(precept on precept)(if to leap of Faith then also offer step by step as much as needful for any to participate 3 Nephi 26.19 so the importance of this JESUS Christ key is now made more clear for need To Be Applied including as specified from the Sermon until now)

(therefore if "To Be Applied" this becomes "now" in You Beloved Anew Heart JESUS Christ key as a Distinguishing of fruits key in the high level sense of Righteously Distinguishing the Prophetic Fruit Value over the predictive which currently continues with values: this is a needful thing for these current times),

it is merely a Given JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibility;

the greater key JESUS Christ Faith Wisdom concern is to establish the number even if it seems absurdly huge and impossible: then to solve. First then next: In The Name JESUS Christ USA, then Prayerfully plan, then Do Your Best In JESUS Christ Faithfully (verily Matthew 6.33 applies though with the solving often not as expected from the Creator)

(so if there is true Prophesying In The Living JESUS Christ Spirit [and greater seen or not] then this "Prophesying" aspect alone can pay for it but not in the former competitive sense [due to JESUS Christ Physics With Also Grace] except that sinful ways should not be promoted even as much law has already guided thus far to today).

So You would be with the JESUS Christ Faith Wisdom goal (some dollar amount)[a hoped budget (though people have often hoped amiss)], and You would be with Your Maintenance of proven income to be allocated Responsibility (Actual Budget but after-the-fact so not yet perfect: if to perfect, then to Maximize the JESUS Christ Faith Wisdom Aspect (Your Hoped Grace Budget: likewise is a Christian Written Prayer List of things Faithfully Hoped For Hebrews 11.1

know what Your Eternal Hope is).

Your Hope for this nation: know it as hardly various keys of various ideas and rather as One Key, as JESUS Christ Taught: so One JESUS Christ Key.

One nearly immediate value such as four years from now is that the above stated "Actual Budget" Will Prophetically In JESUS Christ not only tend to write itself, it Will also tend to be the Best Budget Ever [of this nation] of this JESUS Christ USA.

Your planners already do this, but in a worldly sense. Worldly laws as if without JESUS Christ tempt (similar to actually encourage: a thing that can be correlated in worldly physics) so worldly former laws cannot stop the criminals that worldly laws that in the legal sense: "more than" give opportunity to. The term "more than" is that if higher good is illegal then such undoes itself, for example if the greater if forbidden such as if not allowed to mention JESUS Christ when appropriate or for example if the Ten Commandments (a law foundation key aspect) can be removed from in front of a courthouse because some say it is offensive, then to know the examination results of their faithlessness [they did not create themselves (reference such as Faith and such as Matthew 11.9 & 10.37, and with Matthew 6.25-34) the Eternal Created them for to repent].

The non-law abiding reveal the fruits of their hopes when anxious to remove [symbolically:] "Do not kill innocent people", "Do not steal from corporations", and such.

JESUS Christ in pertinence is with One Law And One Grace: the same for each and all, though that a person should respect another person and a corporation (1 Corinthians 15.40-41) so Charity is for beyond the: in this situation, nation. Therefore subset Charity is also required (Double Charity). The second and in JESUS Christ necessarily less important than the first for other nations until after-the-Miracle-fact [sown in meekness, raised in new power from above 1 Corinthians 15.43)] Faithfully (see Double Blessing in the Drawing below).

JESUS Christ is that people go through JESUS Christ To Best Solve To Best Help Others Likewise (a mighty key concerning Wisdom [Faith With Benefits]). If to Do for others, then for example through JESUS Christ (a Gift [and greater]) is the author of this Sermon therefore is to Give This JESUS Christ Prophetic Wisdom Gift: that Christian President Don Trump and this nation and so forth be with this thing, this Miracle, "This JESUS Christ Prophetic Wisdom Gift" (even if this fact is not yet seen by others, see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on do not put God to the test though with [Firmament exceptions]: "JESUS Christ said test God in this").

Note that not as an excuse to sin nor backslide (higher conditions apply to "backslide") to not put God to the test is likewise no test [nor exam] of Faith and not for the current time as if under laws without JESUS Christ Faith so for later Prophetically are Exceptional Firmaments For Good: not to punish yet for praise and uplifting (so not for former laws that punished without relief, generally speaking). This JESUS Christ Praise With Uplifting is within and key to the New Christianity Path Of Faith.

And so this is "key" to the Walk Of Living Christians (and if likewise: Spirit(s)), such as in pertinence as with "Signing" this "key" that laws be with Best Guiding Grace From Above.

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing is JESUS Christ begging Christian President Don Trump, like unto a goodly parent or a goodly secular teacher kindly imploring a child or a coworker to learn the physics to ride a bike even though previously bruised: a trust of faith [thus far (and the next step awaits)]; and not of force, and not required by law to ride a bike [perceived as dangerous (and true in part, yet of higher value not necessarily yet seen)].

A parent option is to beat the child with a stick, instead JESUS Christ Taught To Kindly Impart Wisdom such as to gain an unspoiled child lest the child not gain wisdom and the child "beat" others and the parent if given the chance.

The New Gift You Received From JESUS Christ is a New Stick Known As Wisdom In JESUS Christ: the Wisdom Of God!

Your JESUS Christ Pen And JESUS Christ Tongue And JESUS Christ Hands are become as the JESUS Christ Heart: A New Sword Of Wise Strength Guiding: Pointing The Way.

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing the secular already controls the forming and guiding of the snake: Convert In JESUS Christ to put the snake on the stick as Moses Did for to Do The Will Of God. Protect Your Nation Prophetically As Moses Did For His Historic People For Their Future ([like unto:] as each opted to participate or not, to be healed or not).

JESUS Christ is empowering the secular to lead sinfully, if the Christian opts to fail to lead: this is as if a constant as long as the world exists though is ancillary to the Second Coming when as much as (Best Time, Best Situation: so as to least destroy / Book Of Revelation) to come to Agree Together As A Righteous One.

Another open letter to Christian President Don Trump:

Attn: Christian President Don Trump:

Your Prophecy awaits You In JESUS Christ. Concerning Your Responsibility Over Your nation

including various faiths and mortals in general, such mortals under You have been given

a life span. Similar is true of any former type of nation, save if a President (or similar

of a nation) repent (in given position)[Positionally: "Signing" In The Name JESUS Christ

(Responsibly [on behalf of the nation: that it ascend currently and greater later])].

With Zion Chosen In Friendship Likewise, Be Of Such Faith, not only for that nation, yet

also for this nation of Your Responsibility. You Accomplished the outward Charity criteria

and now is time for greater Faith In The Name JESUS Christ. If not yet found in Your Heart

then at least now are coming these JESUS Christ Guidance Helps, With Miracle Incentives.


JESUS Christ.

USA currently is as Ezekiel 16.4 and Your Position now as Christian President Don Trump is [with instruction Help] as Ezekiel 16.6 as the Walk Of Faith is easy and of light burden with wondrous Blessings though the if to be too much distracted then other. So for Your situation now come these Helps Anew in JESUS Christ for Highest Purpose (currently toward 3 Nephi 27.7).

A Gift from JESUS Christ Spirit Father One [as so interpreted] is You have seen some in Congress not as much with Your opinion as You would prefer, so this Gift for You is for You to Give them specifically (pertinence for others is less applicable): this concerns life and/or abortion. This Gift is a matter of JESUS Christ Faith Grace as Distinguished

(not separated, not toward illegal such as segregation, so

instead of

but not to relegate under law lest "toward illegal")

from former separated laws [secular toward lost laws: that nations undid themselves (reference also previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on proprely overcoming separation-of-church-and-state)].

Make this Gift for them greater than a matter of increasing complexities as civilization Prophetically grows [even as they undo themselves (even as this nation would do if left under the Firmament)] so hardly of laws.

Give this Gift for them in Promise if necessary (rather if they have Faith or at least Accord for to examine). This JESUS Christ Gift is that because they are with souls, [and with You] they Will be Comforted toward solving their concerns and Yours within a reasonably Wise time frame such as a year after the above stated "Double Charity" for JESUS Christ Mutual Blessings For All and therefore to pass the exam, and then greater Mutual Success(es).

Onto another matter: related is that if the previous Gift exam is passed in their opinions and in the opinion of the JESUS Christ National Leadership, then those that formerly were energized to do so many things this way and that way and swaying and being swayed as energies driven by lower level winds: since You may opt to Give them (some of them, though this is an open letter) this "Promise"

then at the time of Giving such "Promise" in the former sense of quid pro quo then force them

[(though in the sense of JESUS Christ Grace) hence not toward You attacking them if they fail to comply: so also Give them a little elbow room and You would very likely come to see why as events transpire]

to Give You this Gift: that if the exam is passed to their reasonable satisfaction, then they must "Promise" to do something for You: to support such of Your Helping them including them Giving You Work "elbow room" even if they don't immediately understand (reference a related future sense [colonizing]: JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on Exodus 34.27 at

JESUS Christ already has Gifts for future Worthiness, tools for future Worthiness types and talents and situations and systems.

Concerning abortion and the above JESUS Christ Drawing (Grace) though (to Edify pertinent level(s)) lower left is a snake like unto symbolizing a male concerning the female, though key is the future aspect portrayed: the hand. A power greater than "the hand" is in the Name And "Double Charity" Will Of Father Spirit JESUS Christ One. Your people and visitors need to and Will see with Anew JESUS Christ Eye(s) if to endure their cause(s).

Now this foresight Gift: if to see into the future, then to be aware that after JESUS Christ USA Nation Name And "Double Charity" Will Be This Gift from this "Double Charity" as if overabundance though prepare in advance [frankly, Friend] toward Triple Charity and greater: The Holy Path. What this aspect, this longer range "foresight Gift" is about (see above "Your planners already do this, but"...) for their sakes is

like unto the above negotiation Gift though proven ("Gift exam is passed in their opinions"...),

then [Your] JESUS Christ USA Nation is become Exemplar [though see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on specifics per se e.g. watch where to invest Charity]

so then other nations become in the Name JESUS Christ.

This does not say there would not be naysayers. But it is progress (because of JESUS Christ Grace, not toward because of inquisition under laws and stings of sins).

Therefore You are with this Wisdom Gift from JESUS Christ: that while You Will be functioning within greater Grace, others might have opted to be under former ways so opted not for such: Blessings, Advantages, Benefits...; so while Your Nation produces greater and greater Miracles From Proper Faith, their levels opted would at a rate see such Miracles (as You prefer that they be of JESUS Christ Faith Leading One instead of merely following Your Miracles).

JESUS Christ is the Perfect Strategist greater than all the secular combined, though the following ratio is Given to Edify.

Tactic : Strategy :: Strategy : JESUS Christ;

though actually JESUS Christ is also over Tactics (as is Strategy, yet greater unseen since Faith comes before the Miracle). In other words, the Highest Level is on top, and the lower levels are ancillary so the Physics Of JESUS Christ and not lower levels are to be feared. In The Name And Will Of JESUS Christ the fear is become JESUS Christ Converted Fear so is become Highest Level Wisdom With One Living JESUS Christ Spirit Father.

So when "other nations become in the Name JESUS Christ" Prophetically, then is Your With Their Agreeing As One Inviting the Second Coming

that JESUS Christ Come [at a time, at a rate] To Receive His Worthy Glory.

And who can lift if all at the top, so then One With Anew Beginning.

Note the "all at the top" is of JESUS Christ Grace, so if of "Grace" then not only the Pure Nations As One In Name, yet the Giving Of Charity Must Continue e.g.: Bride for Second Coming Groom, and if so then "time" and "rate" apply during those years, to Best Help each vessel be Pure One JESUS Christ For Best Good Joy and so on.

Be aware of Your current nation seeking sins instead of seeking to help You.

As explained by JK Rowling agreed to change the title of the book from "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" to "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" because the publishers thought that American readers wouldn't pick up a book called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

If to look into a mirror, then according to JESUS Christ Physics as with the speed of light to then see into the past, such as to see what used to be.

In this movie of this great though secular movie series, at the mirror Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe said to Ron Weasley, Rupert Grint "Look in properly".

If to not look at the self, then to see other, in the past, to see history.

The JESUS Christ Physics are of the Heart [Soul (interacting with the Eternal Greater Good including past present and future good)].

Sensors, things made by hands, any sin, all secular, and Followers (as much as of lower levels as long as such exist): such Miracle things are all of the past (Save JESUS Christ Time Travel Transfiguring such as bringing Moses into [His] the future).

To "Look in properly" is of value, not merely looking to see the self, selfishly, and too much would be toward sin (often, the Father is excepted since of Grace [over law])(if only spirit, then this key, that such can possibly be above the law, and likewise is true of pure though true highest pure is definitively above the law JESUS Christ).

The previous sentence did not say let Christians be lawless though save if over pertinent Heavenly Firmament, and save when all nations become Highest JESUS Christ One Pure including in the Given if the Bride awaits to fully learn to Perfectly Yearn for Husband JESUS Christ.

So at least for now (pending if a JESUS Christ Given Mission directs otherwise) to look at technologies, hands, and similar is to behold the Miracles of the past,

while if to look into the Heart is to see the current.

This is also a JESUS Christ Gift for You, a key if to open the Heart to peer into the future.

Likewise let Your peers strategize, such is like unto the Kingdom Of Heaven, the future, and such is similar to the spirit world (conditions apply: past, present, and future).

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing top center a timeline is Given, from upper left to mid Drawing to up to the right. The pertinent aspect (according to knowns in the secular world, reasonably) are "Abraham", "JESUS Christ", and "Today" ("Today" is interpolated [including JESUS Christ Physics precept on precept] from above [sited] indices and then for perfecting from above text in this JESUS Christ Sermon)(ibid.: a key is on the line and above the words "Second Coming", though also see that Mormon site for further clarification / grid).

Between Abraham and JESUS Christ the People Of Faith per se walked into and through the desert to the "Gift exam is passed in their opinions": of the "Promise" (the Promised Land). Today and with "Signing" is the Joyride of Faith Leaping into the JESUS Christ Given Dessert (for Desert Luke 14.12 / Luke 14.10). Note "Dessert" is stated in the lower level sense of accountability, "Desert" is stated in the higher level sense of accountability (reference accountings of loaves and fishes, and healings,...).

Currently longsuffer to bear in mind, the brain is history in the perspective of the Heart (Isaiah 65.17, key to enabling to remembering the stings of sins no more)(be aware of the Tree Of Knowledge, so this is a JESUS Christ Oneness key to the Promised greater Anew Vessel Creature Higher even Highest Eternal One)(for now Matthew 24.13 applies).

Too much selfishness risks the self. In the great though secular hilarious movie Down Periscope with many stars such as Kelsey Grammer as Captain Tom Dodge, Rip Torn as his mission pertinent Admiral Winslow, Lauren Holly as his new sweetheart Emily, and Harland Williams as his Sonar operator; Sonar heard and so knew their war game enemies according to [JESUS Christ Given Physics (in this section of the multiverse)]

hearing a person on the other vessel buying candy as far as symbolized: selfishly, then dropping change that made noises: so immediately the entire vessel became known [as the Orlando (toward thoroughly) including Orlando equipment, it's leadership, capabilities, mission, and even reasonably into some strategies predictably](military secrets have often been quickly fleeting: compare [to Edify concerning Charity] the military budget, though consider the "equipment"..."strategies" values).

Verily, verily, a better defense than weapons of wars is extra charity. Only if in the Name JESUS Christ is the Highest Value from Charity (to give for sinful pleasures in not enduring fun), and if after "Signing" "in the Name JESUS Christ" then is a greater new perspective such as if to include on a tax form for instance a line for Charity (note some may not be able to do much such as stuck in hospitals though may want to do their part,...[more examples]).

JESUS Christ Gives in the above Drawing "Today"

(with Easter JESUS Christ Ascending Anniversary [April 21, 2019AD and today the 27th] with the coming events times with time flow rates)

as a special point in time (such points Help for others standardizing and planning, see recent Sermons in this Series). We the people can find that "Today" is important since as stated in the text above "if to leap".

"Today" "We" are the raised fist of Che Converted In JESUS Christ (reference as the Faith And Timeline Reveal.

[JESUS Eternal Future] Christ / Chi / Che / JESUS Eternal Christ The Creator.

[JESUS Eternal Future] Christ / The world currently as much as with Accord (such as Chi) / The former world / JESUS Eternal Christ The Creator.

Victory on Victory on Victory continues in JESUS Christ.

"Chi is a Chinese word meaning aliveness, life force energy. or life breath - also known as Ki, Qi or Prana. The Definition of Chi:" "Theories of traditional Chinese medicine assert that the body has natural patterns of qi associated with it that circulate in channels called meridians in English" (

This "Che" Fist of the above JESUS Christ Drawing Timeline is "Today" in this point in time

as a "Fist" and much more than a "Fist" In The Right Hand Of JESUS Christ:

as the above timeline starts changing "now" from U shape toward rainbow arc shape

this "Fist" is as a flower bud about to open, for the higher Firmament (and greater than many bees Matthew 10.31)

as to be about to accept the Betrothal [with "Signing"].

This is in preparation for about to Give the Sweet Most Desirable Aroma Gift Miracle [Of The Faith Of JESUS Christ]

for to start to Invite JESUS Christ.

Observe how some flowers flex their petals such as to open each morning and close each night (power(s)).

The above JESUS Christ Drawing shows a timeline from JESUS Christ curving up and to the right until today [generally (see above "events" and "rates")], and "Today" is with nations much at peace in the world, so on the straight path in the former sense (of projecting into the future, reference such as televised S&P Futures and generally a low risk stable economy).

Yet for greater Good is coming the "rainbow" economy arc of triumph.

The timeline continues up though at a rate other than from JESUS Christ to "Today", and more toward progress (JESUS Christ tech revelations with JESUS Christ improving learning to Best Guide such "revelations").

So this is a key Prophetically Given from JESUS Christ, that lest to be under the Book Of Revelation in the former sense, the New Creature needs be in Control lest a self would remain toward former destructions interpretations. Even so, there Will Be Miracles (e.g. "rainbow" "events" with timing pertinence).

As people control the weather increasingly, and control other things, there can be types of secular followers, though with "Signing" hardly as previously (reference a frame and then installing the final piece the engine and then to test drive the new car, and reference a frame with it's enclosed "mirror", and reference a frame with the person's heart enclosed).

Concerning the "Signing" since the Signer would be the first One to Sign, then therefore the first to Benefit from 3 Nephi 27.21 (Save JESUS Christ Spirit Father Heaven To Benefit In Highest)["events" "rates" and JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Apply]:

for You Will Do Godly Things,

the first is the "Signing" itself (as Exemplified in John 17.12).

Concerning "events", consider how a person is with an event of time, such as age 12. The person communicates with other 15 year old teens, but not the same as when communicating with 2 year old babies nor adults of 22 years. Old Testament valuations need apply, though not as formerly. So to apply in the JESUS Christ Grace sense to be able to Be More Triumphant, rather than held back in the following sense.

In the great though largely secular movie Working Girl Tess McGill, Melanie Griffith, with Harrison Ford, Jack Trainer, made a sales pitch to Oren Trask, Philip Bosco with Tess explaining "No one was gonna listen", then spoke about "bending the rules"

but in JESUS Christ the listening precludes "bending the rules". This is a great JESUS Christ Spiritual key [counted as though over spirits (or perhaps not per se if noted spirits Be already Straight).

Listening is like unto the "bud" becoming the open flower (exhaustion for instance in the former sense is as close, similar to backslide [follow]).

Listening is to hear people, spirits in dreams, and so on.

Listening is You Inviting the Teacher (or at least in former sense to hear other spirits).

This is for the value in JESUS Christ for as written in Hebrews 13.2 NAS:

One Listening In The Name JESUS Christ is key to Inviting JESUS Christ.

If with a position over a nation or over a corporation, then the previous key applies to whether such is with such "Inviting" per se or not per se. This key according to the above JESUS Christ Drawing Timeline as shown is not since long before Abraham, and even Anew In JESUS Christ One as Given for this civilization as much as evidenced as shown. "Signing" is needful for the next higher value for Your "nation", "corporation", or other vessel.

JESUS Christ "Signing" enables Your "aroma" Invitation Gift to be sent in the Name JESUS Christ: so a JESUS Christ Gift can be Received [formerly by, though Anew:] In JESUS Christ

(concerning "formerly by", see previous on JESUS Christ "triads" [though Living "triads"]).

The Living Triad Properly Best Guides In JESUS Christ Faith, the former triads follow in Miracles (including subset miracles or things observed in the secular world). Such "things" of the secular can be readily measured, relative to the greater unseen "Faith", therefore needful is to Properly Wisely Best Ascend (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons).

Note Christians might easily agree with such ascending, and others too, though the others possibly might be at a faster ascending pace (Romans 4.17); though typical is that JESUS Christ Lift The Faithful Christian so at a quickening pace or beyond measure (1 Corinthians 15.45).

The JESUS Christ key to this "pace" is Luke 19.40 so is pertinent for [all, and for in point (at least near future)] Planners, Regulators, and Bankers.

The above Drawing antenna with the snake pic with green arrow pointing toward "Today" symbolized the current times of the JESUS Christ Physics as far greater than sky delivery drones increasingly apply. As the large pic in the above Drawing lower right symbolizes from the Heart Saith Paul Gives (Preaches, is there with a Holy Record for a Mass) so internally from the Heart and through the air

(though now Anew JESUS Christ "air" key [hardly as though former lower] is Given You as projectiles, particles, and plasma fly so Be "Signing" to lead the nations to Purely Give Space Force A Righteous Ambassadorship Representation [Moroni 10.34 to meet JESUS Christ in the air 1 Thessalonians 4.17])(Ephesians 2 first sentence).

So the JESUS Christ Physics steps include in the future for the Godly "the Word became flesh" as much as so Doing as the Exemplar One (John 1.14).

This JESUS Christ key is over ability to reverse age time lines (Matthew 1.17 [even a key to Affiliated JESUS Christ GodMath Testament Bible Code pattern 14 (with pattern 7 see e.g. verse below)].

JESUS Christ would that all opt to Best Ascend to Be with this Fountain Of Youth key, 2 Kings 5.14 NAS:

Yet with "Signing" and "Best" "steps" You may opt to say "A greater than former Kings is here", though higher JESUS Christ Grace parameters may apply.

Some things are for symbols and for show, other things are for tangible purposes: all for the Good Creator so via the JESUS Christ Physics. In the upper right with smiling JESUS Christ is the table of the elements, and many more elements can be formed. If the known elements are tangible fact, and there is no other fact in the former secular sense (not unseen faiths but agree facts and law over such collective fact), then if to form a new element, then not able to innovate it.

If to rightly form a new fact, under law, it must come from the Legislative and Executive Branches per se, that the Judicial may so determine whether fact or not. So the new element forming is not innovation but Creating (inventing). Likewise if to create a new creature such as a new jury (as from "Heart" and "air") then to be of a created time frame so not of the same as the former, so in process of trial then results as to opt:

therefore is greater incentive to be "Signing" for these coming "events" (also reference above stated "preclude" option). For instance and in other words if to be with a new chemical in the brain from the word from a change, then to think and conclude differently. In the past it was to sway opinions such as by evidences of facts. Though things are changing beyond laws that have not perfected: therefore JESUS Christ Grace is needful [such as for a nation].

The power of cell phones, the power of satellites imaging, and many things are in better need of proper Guidance. Hardly in the former sense (though of values for now and at least near future) such as the White House in a place, Congress in another place, State Department in another place, and so forth in the secular Universities known as Ivory Towers hence toward competition instead of toward agreeing toward a more perfect oneness and more perfect union.

The factions have values, similar to how an opinion is of value (even if a selfish cry such as so a parent knows a child has a tooth problem to be addressed)(reference previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Quality Assurance and on Demming and the Golden Rule).

Factions and opinions, yes; though the greater value is the Best and if Best then the wise and reasonable and alert agree. So not only right or wrong, yet also let the highest Leadership Best Guide As Agreed (of the previous sentence), and let the incorrect answers also be Quality Assurance matters of great values (raw data, original data, pure data if without sin: an incorrect answer is of value to the extent for Converting it similar to fertilizer for better crops though a mistake on purpose might be for lower level selfish sin toward poison against crops.

Any "poison" needs be put where such "poison" belongs or undone (Converted), according to JESUS Christ Physics And Highest Purpose.

The Table Of [some of the known] Elements is generally speaking with a mid section that is relatively more toward current life, with an other than mid section often less suitable for life; though many conditions apply, one being that larger atoms have been associated with radiation (they fall apart easily). So consider what spirits are if not properly aligned according to Your JESUS Christ Criteria: many fall apart (Matthew 22.14 key of JESUS Christ Faith applies).

Good Spirit unseen by a goodly person can make goodly things happen for that "goodly person". But this is no excuse to sin nor to unreasonably backslide (reference the addict or non-addict aspect for instance, similar to Living Grace Faith Firmament over secular knowledge [or over lower level love of secular knowledge though "love" in this situation refers to counted-as-though-not-a-subset-of-the-higher-love Matthew 18.3&4]).

Understand this nation is great, though can be better. This nation, USA, has consistently voted for [JESUS Christ] Christian Presidents [100% or nearly (note the following text)].

But the Presidents have not yet so acknowledged JESUS Christ in the multitudes of laws signed.

If "without representation" then it "is tyranny" (goog).

The following quote has come from wiki which has evidently not been true, though [otherwise in JESUS Christ Wisdom] the point of this is it indicates the true confused feelings of many people then and now.

"There have been four Nontrinitarian presidents, and a single Roman Catholic president (John F. Kennedy). No president thus far has been openly an atheist. However, it has been acknowledged that two US Presidents—Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Johnson—had no religious affiliation." (

Concerning the previous quote, the reference cited about Thomas Jefferson (#"36") for instance quoted Jefferson explaining ..."I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus,"...[so of Christian Faith] and even wrote a book Philosophy of Jesus [so of goodly religious practices],

(let Christian Leaders beware of secular corporate criteria and let it not be conflict-of-interest).

Every person has a heart [and soul]: there is good from the Creator in each vessel and each spirit. The former President did what is known today as a stop gap measure, hence misleading though to "stop" worse misleading.

In other words the former President Thomas Jefferson inserted a flaw into the laws to cause separation-of-[against JESUS Christ]Church-and-state. It was a giant flaw, but helpful at the time: so learn to instead gain JESUS Christ Wisdom now: plan for living in the distant future and the Eternal.

So now You with this JESUS Christ Wisdom is a Victory to Give (e.g. speaking of JESUS Christ in speeches as Christian President Don Trump Does)(with e.g. "Signing",...).

What the former President did per se was like unto having a car with engine functioning but none added oil (JESUS Christ Name Spirit Grace) in the engine (therefore lower level secular miracles laws), so President Thomas Jefferson removed that engine and installed the working class (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on "caste system")(reference slavery, and excessive patent and copyright priviliges [a month head start might suffice but that is already accomplished since to bring the product to the pertinent office])

(note "a month head start" is a secular similar situation: when a company buys another company, the bought company offers the courtesy [often] to help the buyer for a month, similar is if to buy a product then [often] able to return soon [such as a month] if with a factory defect: these are reasonable within the Golden Rule).

So the former President "flaw" is not exactly about money (in cliche to throw money at it until the problem goes away) and instead vests on the back of everyone especially the United States Citizen.

Now what if the "Signing" Prophecy is not true?, and what if Christian President Don Trump does not sign?: for the opted sinner the risks and former interpretations of the Book Of Revelation await(s); though for the properly ascending Christian the "Signing" is already Written Of The Hand Of Creator JESUS Christ In The Heart, and furthermore [even if the citizens...understand it not yet] the United States Of America already wrote it into law [such as "First English edition published in 1830" with subsequent copyright e.g. "1981" and "2/93" info (THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ)]

(see Deuteronomy 17.18 at and behold the many translations likely each with copyright at So the "Signing" is not for the USA Christian Churches [generally speaking in a "religious" sense] per se, it is for the many that have been otherwise victimized (so in that sense it is for the Christian People and the Christian Churches And Groups and for goodliness in each and all vessels and spirits),

(subsequent to "Signing" Charity for Christian Churches (ibid.) needs apply [legally "as part and parcel"] so in this subset sense can be Righteous pertinence)(note individuals also do goodly things, reference IRS Standard Deduction [and the Magnifying Of Charity Luke 1.46 BL]).

JESUS Christ Gives Double Blessing [Aspects] keys.

JESUS Prophecy about Christian President Trump Signing Royal Law Grace Firmament Empowering Prophesying preparing the Second Coming Timeline flying into Heaven Elijah Elisha parting waters watchers Double Charity Blessings Angel Wing separation copyrights SP Futures Banking allocating CERN tera electron volts reentry corridor Global Warming particle accelerator ufos movie The American President USA President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Constitution ACLU Jehovahs Witnesses, movie Down PeriscopeKelsey Grammer Captain Tom Dodge Rip Torn Admiral Winslow Lauren Holly Emily Harland Williams Sonar operator knew their war whale language, Working Girl Tess McGill Melanie Griffith Harrison Ford Jack Trainer Oren Trask Philip Bosco, Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe Ron Weasley Rupert Grint Rowling Philosophers Sorcerers Stone, Wallstreet Bud Fox Charlie Sheen Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas script didn't see me saw right through me. open letters to the President NASA CO2 Methane Yale former ways backward Jews secular Greeks specific details Gaza Strip Seat Of Knowledge Chi Che TV Adam Ruins Everything 2019 2020 JESUS Christ

Above right, if to ascend through levels, if to seek JESUS Christ, then JESUS Christ Will Be Encountered: because of JESUS Christ [typically unseen though everywhere ("unseen" in the sense of not always appearing such as shown above [symbolically])], Elijah was able to fly into Heaven, and Elisha was able to watch. So Elijah became part of the JESUS Christ Super Highway (see recent Sermons) for Boss JESUS Christ [curved arrow (Mission Leaping to Help)] and for Elisha [reverse the arrow for Elisha to "Leap"]: so a living triadic leap of the Physics Of JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ Offers Firmaments, that You can reliably encounter JESUS Christ (Your Soul in such situation becomes One Christian mailing address [in the Name Of JESUS Christ])(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Drawing at

To see JESUS Christ this might apply: a shadow, a fleeting glimpse, and such are often the situations though face to face daily is also the situations: depending on the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and depending of the free option choice as a measure of faith.

Yet JESUS Christ is in all things seen or not. If sin, then no excuse to sin is given here, though likewise to the "encounter" JESUS Christ is with apparent [see previous sentences] Glory and with largely unseen functional beauty Glory perfecting each and all as much as of the Original Plan.

To watch (such as on TV) the "Signing", is like unto watching the Holy Birth Of A Nation.

There were Joseph And Mary, and then there was the Immaculate Conception JESUS Christ. The Heavenly Father became no longer [counted as though] alone in the Highest (and with Christians since). People were born prior to JESUS Christ, some were cast out of the Garden Of Eden. So it is hardly the same as the former: let the nations enter the Garden Of Eden.

Above left Elisha watches Elijah flying into the Heavens. So great is the Miracle for Elisha to Witness the Miracle.

Even so, let the watchers of today [including the nations] rather be of the Grace to be as Elijah ("Leap!").

Christians have Given of a Leap of Their Faith: Charity. Many Christians have Given a greater Leap, more than their previous Charity percentage, perhaps Double, perhaps greater, perhaps increasingly: this is a JESUS Christ key, increasing Charity and also therefore Wisely learning to Give of Thyself increasingly yet precept on precept in JESUS Christ or at least for JESUS Christ (allowing for growing pains of longsufferings [especially e.g. for Anew "Holy Birth Of A Nation" so the greater for the JESUS Christ Exemplar]).

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing lower left is Elijah parting the River Jordan with His garment (reference casting down a cloak for another to walk above a puddle [miracles: so seek to reference JESUS Christ Elijah One when so Doing])(reference Stephen Ministries [laying on of Holy Hands, Blessed cloths; also Anointing [for the Worthy In JESUS Christ Ascending]).

Note that today if to dam a river, people tend to dam section on [after] section, similarly (with precept on precept.

Above Drawing left, the Elisha hardly merely witnessed, that is, a Book Of Revelation disaster some years ago didn't just happen

as if the only thing was flip-of-coin luck, it does exist though also the Physics over it exists in the Name JESUS Christ able in or above a specific Christian Firmament Level [Edifying the lower level vessels:] to change not merely the outcome of a coin flip, but also the very physics.

Rather In Highest Purpose In The Name JESUS Christ is the more perfect union to Best Convert These Creator Physics (For Highest Eternal Purpose, hence Best for each and all).

Consider how a new innovation functions but then when showing the marketed potential buyer the innovation fails, though consider how a Woman put into the Temple Her needed two mites (Mark 12.42).

JESUS Christ One Properly Ascending Needs Be With Charity, thereafter the Wisdom From Above Comes (key) though hardly for the recipient to guide that Wisdom, instead to be Guided Via That Higher Wisdom: as what to specifically Do next (Prayerfully In The Name And Work Of JESUS Christ).

A worker visited Church, gave money, went home, went to work again (during that event JESUS Spirit Christ Wisdom came but was ignored by that vessel): this does not say don't go to work, often the JESUS Spirit Wisdom is for to go to work but hardly the same if stuck in a rut when supposed to be Best Leading (reference John 19.11 applies whether that the "worker" learn or whether that the "worker" with having learned to be worthy so ascend [in that venue or another].

Note the word "learned" per se refers to JESUS Christ Victory [in that "worker"] over a [level] situation.

In the above Drawing to the left Elijah flew, it didn't happen according to a flip-of-a-coin but happened during a specific event in series for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose (Matthew 11.12-14 yet Miracles continue if You Ascend Faithfully). People fly every day, some by gusts of winds, some by innovations: if to innovate, innovate better than the former, innovate better than the "Woman" and innovate better than Elijah [or at least equal] for if not then how little value are your ways: Convert.

Moses parted a sea, though Elijah parted the flow of known physics: from one side of the part was upstream and the other downstream and You were taught water flows downhill though You were also taught of exceptions to former secular ways such as surface tension can be utilized to lift water, and water can evaporate and rise, yet now Behold [Now Known As JESUS Christ] Faith Does Yield Power Over Lower Levels (secular former ways include Mark 6.28, instead Matthew 3.11).

Two seeds are shown, and many seeds can produce crops to harvest for years for your enemies, instead for Your JESUS Christ Converted Family. The border of Israel changed back and forth many times, one owned the land and crops then another then another. None of those ownerships flew as Elijah. Even today Space Force is somewhat on the back burner simmering.

In the above map is shown the Gaza Strip at a key location between great land masses of Europe, Asia, and Africa, so a seat of knowledge (instead should have been a seat of JESUS Christ Wisdom). During the days of JESUS Christ in the census sense, Joseph And Mary avoided [the people of] that land, Gaza (see map at previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon

The smart ("seat of knowledge") people of what is now Gaza tightly held (though see above "Woman") iron [sword, chariot,...] making secrets. Note that JESUS Christ Physics could have exerted Power over those people then the Philistines of the Aegean [hence including Grecian pertinence in Bible translation concerns]

though very young JESUS Christ opted to instead bypass (in order to Be Of The Original Straight-And-Narrow Plan, ibid. Sermons on elbow room and related talents,...precept on precept [not a line of words otherwise, nor otherwise a plotted line such as on a map]).

Now Miracles [Thank You JESUS Christ] have come and so explained. While writing this April 29, 2019AD, again the Angel Wing Appeared and so Another Christian nearby was Invited to come see that it Appeared according to sunlight atypically refracting, and that Christian saw a partial bird shape and regaled atypical events experienced in early hours this morning such as about bunnies and as reported..."what I'll call JESUS Star". Now the Wing refracted light changed to fit more to the pattern of the above JESUS Christ Drawing to the left.

The map shows the Way Physics through the parted Jordan River whose physics could not withstand the Higher Level Elijah Physics [Of JESUS Christ]. The map arrow points into the Heart of the fertile Promised Land at Jerusalem where JESUS Christ planted the Zion Seed daily in the Temple. Now in this generation Christian President Don Trump Righteously put in the sickle and Harvested Israel Via "Signing", lifting Israel thus far and far greater is needful here and abroad as written in Luke 10.2 NAS:

What is spirit, that the world might opt to appreciate and so be as JESUS Christ In Heaven?, the Highest Spirit Is In The Human Flesh Vessel JESUS Christ as much as opted to be with such "Human Flesh Vessel", as the Highest Spirit can multiply like unto seeds and like unto hearers; to the spirits are as talents in the world such as situations each having their own talents and each having their own glories and so with talent levels and glory levels, though

each situation vessel is only Highest when Best applying such spirit then Holy Highest Oneness, not the same as imitator spirits though an imitator spirit is of a certain amount of talent levels and a certain amount of glory levels though not to be measured if for not Highest JESUS Christ Original Plan.

If to be with great JESUS Christ Faith but then to turn to deny a pertinent Miracle of that same JESUS Christ Faith then toward self [counted] as if dead [sleep, unawares in the worldly sense: zombie, as if the walking talking dead]. Similarly is if to say "It's a miracle!" but to then not credit JESUS Christ.

Note, please forgive, and this is not meant to be the wordings of other Christians that might be far more eloquent per se that some of the following about Jews and Greeks are not stated as Highest perfectly as preferred but are stated according to Faith as a needful step at this time to clarify and cover specific points of the Old Testament and/or the Bible including for the benefiting of Jews, Greeks, and all in the near future (so this is presented albeit unevenly and not fully explained Luke 2.49: greater need to move on).

Being Jewish but not Christian is ignorance, not Holy Highest Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1.22), friends. Greeks and others about physics formulas and less about [lower levels, miracles (see above text "new innovation"..."fails")] have had faiths in the mortal senses, faiths in the Tree Of Knowledge but not the Heart [Soul] higher, the Eternal. Christians are with friends such as non-Christian Jewish followers that wait for Christ but do not as JESUS Christ, and with friends such as formula writers that Give not the Higher the credit, but take credit against others (correlated to above "Philistines").

It is only at the "Highest" per se that Highest Faithfulness can apply if a person is to be able to realize in full per se (to opt to Agree In A Miracle Of Highest Purpose JESUS Christ Faith Creating), 1 Corinthians 12.11 LDS:

The Best Spirit needs not the Miracle (save to be with JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose) in the worldly sense, though all things are created for Good so the Given World Is Joy: Heaven On Earth for the Highest One Christian ("Christian" refers to the One(s) the Christians the Truly Righteous Ongoing Chosen People for the greatest Benefit for all: e.g. Behold how Christian President Don Trump freed the Jews, and now with "Signing" can free the other secular formula users and secular philosophers and such).

Many former ways and things are no longer as they were, would the non-Christian Jew truly be free if to opt to remain non-Christian?, no (see the first book of the New Testament, Matthew 16.23). Backsliders and sinners slide from side to side and flip flop when the Straight And Narrow Precept Properly On Precept In Highest JESUS Christ Applies Alway(s).

The non-Christian Jew becomes secular Greek and the secular Greek becomes non-Christian Jew resisting the Straight And Narrow until the "Signing" (currently).

The non-Christian Jew remains faithful to the past but ignores the future, the secular Greek remains faithful to the secular physics [proofs (after-the-fact)] but not the Eternal Physics (asleep instead of Church and during the passing of the collection plate as if to catch up later at best).

If the past fails they switch to the proofs, or vice verse (the Church has had problems too) for instance ancient cave people physics proved the world was flat and generations have entered into such ways by birth, including JESUS Christ (Luke 2.51, see above "elbow room" and reference Mercy [including for Jews and Greeks as never prior Giving Convincing Benefits so Converting through JESUS Christ]).

The JESUS Christ Drawing shows the eye and what powers need make the eye see to enter into visual sensations of JESUS Christ Joy (which actually requires no eye though is for the sake of the seeing including with the "eye"). A "gap" is noted. It is a gap against Highest JESUS Christ Faith Save If Highest Oneness. It is a gap against knowledge as the Tree Of Knowledge is ancillary to the Tree Of Life: Even The JESUS Christ Spirit Tree. Though if to be with Wisdom then also with "Knowledge" gaps as shown.

Secular physics is with points of understandings and with gaps. This is key to understanding how JESUS Christ Miracles Work (Function). It is for instance why safety criteria is formed, and why the Priest leads instead of the New Member though if the New Member be JESUS Christ then let the New Member Be As The Priest, and the Priest As JESUS Christ though not as the New Member save John 10.18.

The top physicist at an institution is not the new hire typically, but instead with knowledge and experience [knowledge (except if higher Christian Wisdom)](reference e.g. how a video can show experiences such as pics of deep outer space or pics of inside other brains, though witnessing can be with the eye or with the pics and eye: so the boundaries of the real [experiences] and the not real blurs in the secular).

In JESUS Christ is the clarity ((saiah 32: see the intro with "restoration and gathering" at [as the "restoration" has been accomplished with Israel Zion land, and now coming is this "gathering" with "Signing"])(1 Corinthians 13.12).

Virgin Israel and virgin secular, prepare the virgin for full knowledge and [eventually] Proper Best Birthing.

JESUS Christ Faith is without gaps. Knowledge [physics, lands, secrets, miracles, things, wayward spirits, backsliders against Faith,...] has been with gaps. Full Wisdom is not with gaps: know all things: know all things the Original Plan Purposed To Achieve: One Victory In JESUS Christ.

Full Wisdom / Full Faith / JESUS Christ Victory Over knowledge gaps.

Full Wisdom / Miracles / JESUS Christ Full Faith.

With JESUS Christ the knowledge gaps are filled, so that Your Faith be Full And Glorious, resulting in Full JESUS Christ Eternal Living Improving Wisdom. Even so the timeline is that first comes Faith In JESUS Christ [then Miracles that You made so less important], then Full JESUS Christ Wisdom.

In other words to understand miracles in the Highest Perfect Sense is to first be with that level of Faith and so producing the very same in point "miracles".

Faith that made Miracles already knows the Miracles (even Luke 9.62 applies) therefore Your faith level now has results. If with Perfect JESUS Christ Faith then to know the Prophetic Miracles Coming As Victorious Joyful Result(s).

One greater than non-Christian Jews and the secular, is come already.

JESUS Christ would that each and all consider in the Name JESUS Christ for each and all your sakes for each vessel, each dust particle, each spirit, and for the all,

the True Highest Purpose Holy Spirit above the 1 Corinthians 1.22 Firmament;

but below this Firmament many spirits that have falsely claimed they are the Holy Spirit but are not.

The True Holy Spirit is within the Highest Purpose within the Name And One Work JESUS Christ.

If to hear voices or see actions it does not mean it is Holy, whether in flesh or in dreams amidst spirits.

The former state of Jews [even any non-Christian now] of 1 Corinthians 1.22 relied [and rely (they explain)] on this is the way it's been done,

a shark does as much, and a worm has not much evolved, and such are at a rate, and the secular physicists when not innovating revert back down to the same methodology.

The former state of the Greeks in 1 Corinthians 1.22 revert back down to losses of others as to cost others for saving themselves, when the Greeks should have been with (at least Charity) the other part of the Tree Of Knowledge.

So the lost Jews as opted daily reverted to the generations of roots and "the same methodology" as toward cave people and tribes and bondage.

The lost Greeks similarly reverted to the right or left branches above but not Straight And Narrow.

So the lost people

(including faiths of vessels, including spirits of people [and other], including backsliders conditionally, and including the low levels of secular faiths including sinners)

flip flop between temporary (failed) secular methodologies ("Jews" per se) and ("Greeks" per se) busy about working to try other ways of secular logic to get into the "mind of God" (secular cliche).

Statutory law is a small step higher in secular level value than unwritten law (common law). There have been Christian Parish common laws that have been better than written laws though "Statutory law" has worked to incorporate such into "written" (but not in the Name JESUS Christ Law: failed or failing efforts and wasted time).

At there are such indicators: look at the many times translations the word "after" is mentioned (after-the-fact). And look at translations NL, APE, and especially CEV:

the ..."Greeks want something that sounds wise."

The secular of today is the Greek amounts of failures of the past (not in the Name JESUS Christ nor Giving JESUS Chris proper credit).

The Lexicon offers

"Greeks Ἕλληνες (Hellēnes)"..."especially a non-Jew".

So secular is a sinful separation of logic from Jews and Judaism: sinfully against Jews and against Judeo Christianity.

A nation / legal corporation / follower legal corporation church or temple.

Note the previous triad is for Edifying concerning JESUS Christ, understanding there are many Christians that speak rightly even if "legal" ways are or appear as though confused. But there are Christians in not so fortunate situations such as losing rights from the secular "legal" removing JudeoChristian Charity They Gave such as a Ten Commandments sculpture for the public to read (reference Washington, D.C. symbolism).

In the great though secular movie Wallstreet Bud Fox (Charlie Sheen) talking about Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) said [in the script "Yeah, but he didn't see me" though in the movie more clearly stated] "Yeah, he saw right through me."

Now April 30, 2019AD another more clear Angel Wing appeared on the wall yet also as though including an x-ray of bone structures: JESUS Christ Be Praised: this symbolizes how in one sense of one talent of one symbol how God sees right through [Righteously through] sinful former ways, back then down there, and now, and as much as needful: to see the Good He Created In Each And All that each and all turn from that sin. This is keenly pertinent in this Sermon in these lines.

Today's secularism has it's roots in that same costly high risk former ways of lower logic after-the-fact of the Greeks:

secular people make hell.

There are three words translated "Hell" in the New Testament, Hades and Tartarus, which are Greek, and Gehenna, which is the Greek form of the Hebrew words Gee and Hinnom, meaning "the valley of Hinnom." (

Exemplar JESUS Christ is the key and the exception, the rescue Mission for USA, for nations, and for this civilization and all.

Exemplar JESUS Christ Will make all things known such as increasingly this year and the next for USA and for Christian President Don Trump and for all. JESUS Christ sees Right through Your problems and concerns and JESUS Christ Gives the ascending goodness according to their faiths amounts, and Gives The Christian Ascending Everlasting Joy [Faith amounts JESUS Christ may opt whether to apply and if so for how long, or...per situation or event such as at a peak moment to Uplift The Worthy (a Firmament Making Or Modifying key option in the Name JESUS Christ Doing)].

Now this yields another key of JESUS Christ Over backsliders [whether Christian or not] but not an excuse to backslide when supposed to be properly ascending: this key is that at times and in situations, Doing The JESUS Christ Father Will can be to utilize a key or to not utilize a key.

A. So the former Jew circa 2,000 years ago relied on backward thinking, as though to dwell in the past and former glories (Revelation 3.1), and

B. so the former Greek circa 2,000 years ago relied on after-the-fact flip-of-coin logic, as though to climb into wisdom some other way(s) (Revelation 3.1).

So a sinner tried "A" and later failed so tried "B" and later failed so tried "A" again and then "B" again (stuck in a rut of sinfulness).

JESUS Christ is Victorious already Over the problem and Gives This Solving Path As The One True Solution: 1 Corinthians 1.21 & 23 LDS:

Like unto the eye sensor of the above JESUS Christ Drawing the ear is also with gaps, and for the Best Ascending Christian (the Best They Can Be [at least currently (though conditionally)] the faults, the "gaps" are not Your Fault Perfect One In JESUS Christ One Leader. Those "gaps" were caused such as by past civilizations largely unseen and their sins, also those "gaps" were caused by sinners of this civilization: yet all such are for You One To Overcome In The Name And Work Of JESUS Christ.

The above eye gap can be measured such as in terms of voltage from electron shell to electron shell, though can also be measured from nucleus to electron so involving the proton(s) and/or the neutron(s).

Two to three electron volts are said to be needful for to see according to the site.

So to Edify, if whether to see or hear, then to go beyond the "gaps" and the spaces between words and beyond merely the past and beyond merely logistics of others ways: for to go beyond such values to first Be With The Preaching Victory Through Which JESUS Christ Gives Benefits. In so Preaching JESUS Christ is to start [often slightly as first (often a long time as a slow rate)] to find Righteous Guidance Value Added Unto You Christian Leader Humbly Prayerfully Faithfully.

What has been taught by law?, to be Good?, or instead to be legal?: in the Name JESUS Christ Doing is Good [and Truly legal (above any illegal laws if any [so this is a key over writing Law and Grace)].

The backward need Guidance (backward "Jews"), the hellish need Guidance (secular, "Greeks"), any turning to sins [and similarly illegal] things need Best Guidance From One Highest Purpose JESUS Christ: these three examples are Given as written in Matthew 13.4-7. The "backward", the "secular", and those that tried such and so turned to sin: these three are to be Overcome As JESUS Christ One Leader Guides For Mutual Benefit.

Above mid Drawing ascending to form JESUS Christ are DNA sets as though from the "backward" (previous generations [and their ways]) yet from the "backward" flowing to be ascending properly to form JESUS Christ. The "generations" are [at the bottom] as other (from each other) logic paths laterally yet likewise as much as faithfully giving of each self to be ascending properly to form JESUS Christ.

Below the feet of JESUS Christ is shown a gap even in the symbol and the words [e.g. "Faith" and "Spirit"] (Matthew 5.35 [note True Law Will Allow And Of Grace Invite The Great King]). So JESUS Christ Gives this Anew key: if there is an [ignorant, confused,...and/or sinful] attacker You might opt whether or not to open a level "gap" of knowledge and/or such a Firmament of One JESUS Christ Wisdom (see above text whether or not to "utilize a key");

yet as much as proper Preach JESUS Christ and not so censor, and not so fail to invite yet invite precept on precept in Faith Before-The-Fact therefore Wisely in the original Physic Plan therefore Holy Highest Strategy instead of problems.

If to close the "gap" between DNA and the higher JESUS Christ Of The Above Drawing center and upper right, then through "Faith" and "Spirit" Preaching of the Heart Love and to Preach [not about an unknown god]. In secular cliche "teach what you know" (Matthew 22.16). Do Be Righteously Legally "Signing" And Do Preach in the Name JESUS Christ. Such "Signing" is a form of such Preaching (like unto this JESUS Christ Sermon).

Such "Signing" is also a greater Empowering over illegal efforts.

Such "Signing" Empowers, and closes and seals (see above text on the Book Of Revelation) a pothole "gap" and Best Guides (a starting key) and is also a countering [balance, direction,...] over to solve stray addictions (loving JESUS Christ is not addiction).

There have been many other problems, yet JESUS Christ would that One Leader Overcome

that the Groom Come And Find The Bride So Doing Likewise

("Come" in the sense of the Second Coming, so not merely to travel from point A to point B, nor other [reference Nuns Married To JESUS Christ and reference proper Christian Baptism]).

JESUS Christ offers Anew Hope key for any victimized, whether afraid or after-the-fact, to fear God above and serve Him so Do Good for all (see previous JESUS Christ Sermons on much Faith Work and also on responsibilities over Miracles Maintenance), and with this is Given Hope Anew for people [vessels, spirits] such as abducted and concerned that DNA was changed in their body, and such as people likewise fearing lower level drugs and/or mind control energies tried to change them (though these are not reason to sin):

so this new Hope key JESUS Christ Gives is in the form of the story of the Chosen People after the Manna and were anxious for meat and the birds came and a human started [carelessly] thinking as a bird to catch more birds to eat and became as a bird: the point is if God can make a person into a bird, God can properly Convert bird DNA to human DNA, and restore the human brain and so mind and limbs. If to think, if to do, for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Continually For Best Eternal Good including for all One.

Toward the mid lower part of the above JESUS Christ Drawing is a small CO2 graph showing a white horizontal line of British CO2 levels after the Industrial Revolution (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons such as at from 1890 to present and how levels rose (reference e.g. pertinent former Vice President speeches) and though the CO2 levels eased for instances the glaciers continue to melt away their fresh waters for communities and nations, and note how other [than Yale] secular results have been such as at and (this point being deviations from Best Ascending amplify complexities of problems James 2.10).

With their "melt away" results consider the lack of fresh water as a whole of the planet, therefore more toward many types of drugs, waste products, poisions, toxic odors, paints, plant sprays, oils, microorganisms and new chemicals may not only pass through water sanitation plants unchanged, they can also be cumulative at an increasing rate and not delimited to downstream.

People said the oceans were being polluted, and limits of what the oceans (and atmosphere and Earth) can bear are already being trespassed. Can it be fixed in a generation or within the next five years or so?, no, not in the former sense of sin: the correct answer is JESUS Christ Solves (Therefore Yes In The Father Highest Spirit Eternal).

Now Behold!, from the previous sentence You [or a person or vessel such as a computer] are with being aware of the "Highest" Level: that there is a "Highest" Level, a Solved Level Inviting.

Open letter to Christian President Don Trump:

Dear Christian President Don Trump,

New problems, pollutions, hate crimes, and sins do not come from JESUS Christ.

For Your Being Helped, Yours Truly,

JESUS Christ In A Citizen-At-Large.

If a watcher tells You to leap in faith by immediately running across a street, and You almost get hit by a car, and then the watcher asks if You learned Your lesson, it was of Satan, the devil(s), and hell in the secular senses;

but it was actually vessel ["watcher" in this sentence] ignorance or sinful confusion, and also actually Your need for Best Ascending In Highest JESUS Christ (the "watcher" too) in order to Best Lead In The Name JESUS Christ.

There was a goodly well behaved child that the parent did not beat with a rod, as far as known currently, yet the child grew within proper discipline, and later the child with others grew to be a great goodly leader (e.g. Exodus 2.2...).

JESUS Christ is hardly about giving any punishments, instead for all to be not only Good yet Best!, this is a key precept JESUS Christ Gives.

A leader is correlated to popularity. Look at the popularity of the phrase "we don't believe in punishing" (it is a subset of The Golden Rule of JESUS Christ) such as at .

Act quickly such as to Be Saying, Doing, and "Signing" for Good Highest Purpose, though afterward Be Wise that prior you did not such. Therefore if to have mercy on the self for not acting sooner to Do Good, then have that same mercy on others that seem slow to agree even after-the-fact of them gaining many great Good Benfits: as a minimum "have that same mercy on others" and rather show them the greater Holy Highest Mercy Of JESUS Christ The Eternal Exemplar Pure From Start To Finish And Greater Unseen.

Do for [former] enemies, and for the right wing and the left, Do for the law enforcement community and the military and their new technologies, Do for hotel owners and homeowners, for restaurant protection and helps and better than former guidance, Do for real schooling True And Righteous, Do for plants and animals without putting them above people, Do Good for this administration and the next and for this system that the next be better and more perfect.

Do for banks and for corporations, Do for Christian Churches and for other faiths, Do for neighbors and the unseen: Do Good In JESUS Christ, Do Best.

It is easy to Do for goodly people and reasons. Do also for others, yet Righteously in the Name JESUS Christ Via "Signing".

In the great though largely secular movie The American President U.S. President Andrew Shepherd (Michael Douglas) talked greatly about the Constitution and the ACLU, Do Good And Best for the entertainment industry

and for the ACLU (note Jehovah's Witnesses are also Christians so bring Them to be on You side with JESUS Christ "Signing"[and look at the problem of "separation of church and state" even victimizing ACLU the suit perp and victimizing all (ibid.)](and the "Santeria religion" has rights too (ibid.) as do the secular athiests and the agnostics and other faiths (ibid).

Note "1983 Bob Jones University v. United States Two fundamentalist Christian colleges that practiced racial discrimination lost their tax exempt status. The IRS can set rules enforcing a ""settled public policy"" against racial discrimination in education" (ibid.).

Why?, why side with the voodoo and addiction mongers and criminals?, yes. For Your sake Be Wise In JESUS Christ that if to question then question properly Best [(Mark 2.16) this is also key to have Mercy on tax collectors that tax the jobless or worse those with jobs without money.

JESUS Christ Wisdom further answers the previous question (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on rates) that as You may Sign quickly others may lag (Luke 19.40) and therefore of the Physics Of JESUS Christ they would opt to risk according to their faiths, and that "risk" is largely a function of the others so opted to "risk" also (even a secular military so called "strategy" though a tactic save if in the Name And Exemplar Work Through JESUS Christ),

similar to how two people opted to become boxers when they could have rather opted become Christian Preachers or as much as workers in stores or in other legal venues.

If You want voodoo and other gods make it so or instead make it illegal, even so at least Best Guide In Grace ([in the sense to see above text on "Exemplar" and "JESUS Christ" yet also Be Wise to consider rates and properly in the Name JESUS Christ establish time frames and/or other criteria as much as need be]): for instance if voodoo has been tied to sins and illegal activities then to consider a ban under law or at least for any goodly redeeming social value if found consider Grace from Your Christian Heart over such and whether to Sign Guidance over such if to allow to continue awhile or so.

There are people that have been known as Christians that have committed crimes: better Guidance is needful toward mandatory: please Sign. Sign JESUS Christ Grace into law that JESUS Christ Grace Best Guide lawmaking as much as humans can do (better if possible, such as for Helping higher Spirits in the Heavens under JESUS Christ). With "Signing" some things Will work out better and quicker than other matters: these Will Be key for working out the latter needs and concerns.

"Jan 30, 2017 - Five members of a Benin religious sect have died of asphyxiation after they were reportedly told to burn incense and charcoal in locked prayer ... Anti-Voodoo Cult: Death, Despair, and Religious Exploitation in West ..." (; "Feb 10, 2017 - A religious cult that opposed the local voodoo tradition, known as 'Very Holy Church of Jesus Christ of Baname,'" (

Some Christians are evidently not perfect even though Saved. Save Your nation.

Open letter to Christian President Don Trump:

Dear Christian President Don Trump,

Beware that discipline, whether to discipline a child, an adult, or a nation ([spare the rod and spoil the child] Proverbs 13.24) is subset to The Golden Rule (Matthew 7.12).

Similarly if a spirit or a person initiates and gives a problem without also solving [including inquisition and excessive surveys such as for employment

with many applicants for a single possible opening hence not a serious offer in the greater part (Matthew 23.4)] it is a bad and sinful thing illegal under proper Holy Highest Law:

a spirit to commit sin and crime has had such a lower level pattern. If under (hence lower level) guise to double-cross then not for a child, an adult, nor a nation.

Exceptions can apply but first that child, adult, and/or nation should be in the Name JESUS Christ for to be with that Wisdom properly with at least double Charity as stated at

For protecting You and Yours, Truly,

JESUS Christ (proper precept on proper precept).

God Will Not Save Your Nation

associated with the following letter as though option.

Open letter to leaders of nations:

Dear National Leader,

Thank you very much for your leadership thus far as we work together to improve your nation.

Therefore thanks be for JESUS Christ for respecting your freely opted decision to destroy

your own nation and yourself in painful ways. As I respect you faithfully and don't understand

all your higher wisdom most excellent National Leader, I thank you again as your beloved follower.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance,

Anonymous faithfully loyal citizen.

Christian President Don Trump, God Will Not Save Your Nation unless You Prophetically Be With This Victory In JESUS Christ Over This "Signing" Firmament that this nation has been under: until that day of "Signing" the JESUS Christ Original Physics be not yet agreed in You nor the nation.

If to sign a memo then the memo physics apply per se, if to do great public signing then great faith and so great physics spirits move!

This is a great opportunity for You, Yes, yet a great opportunity for this civilization as never realized previously (a gift from JESUS Christ [JESUS Christ realized and knew all along] yet given now for You in this appropriate situation for world Conversion for unrealized gains (Good). In this situation currently (as with these coming 18 months [maximum for the Prophecy though Good Benefits continue according to Faithfulness In JESUS Christ]) JESUS Christ Gives You Specifically Christian President Don Trump because of Your seeds of proper Christian Faith (Exemplar: Faith exemplified including Miracles).

Some have tried to kill all others so they can be the leader (a sinful addiction)(similar: House Of Bondage:): they failed. Otherwise a leader became a leader because they at least promised and/or indicated [directly or indirectly] they would benefit the constituency they gained (even if the constituency was misinformed or mistaken, the constituency thought it beneficial (except if flip-of-coin). Even sinners hope their sinful paths would be benefitted as if for themselves and their own interests.

Note these letters and this Sermon Series are all written by the same person whose name is not important in this sense thus far relative to the Name And Work Of JESUS Christ at least circa 30AD since JESUS Christ Oneness Gives All Life, Love, Joy, And Good Accomplishments. In subset note "not important" is in the sense that each is important since created by Good though of Grace let the Second Coming Eternal Judge decide (John 5.31: free the Groom).

The previous [considered] letter shows how Satan can wrongly have had followers, even to this day but in the sense that while a person that died from an addiction is no longer an addict per se (at least in the census sense) though others being born eventually tried sins (except JESUS Christ) as did Adam And Eve; and such "constituency" (to go sinfully down levels and to stray from the Good Straight And Narrow Ascending Path) is correlated to each of their own faiths amounts,

though also to leadership faiths amounts, such as parental faiths and national faiths.

JESUS Christ Gives this key that Good Faith Compounds Good, but bad sinful faiths do not compound but turn various ways

(proud sinners that bragged of their gains actually brag about luck Ecclesiastes 9.11, luck that was created long before they were born).

JESUS Christ is the source of all Good Gain including any good [such as worth bragging about] if from luck and/or from proper work(s).

The Christian Churches are Praying for the "Signing", though since the "Signing" would Benefit the Christian Churches then any such "Praying" and associated Work(s) might be wrongly (conditionally) interpreted by others as if to lobby selfishly as if toward sin; so let all be wise to be merciful for the Christian Churches Doing the Best Christian Churches can Do (of talents Given, of One Faith In The Name JESUS Christ).

How shall one describe the Kingdom Of Heaven Physics and to what shall it be compared?, JESUS Christ Precepts Edify:

a Prophesy is a great force, like unto a Firmament

yet a Prophesy is more like unto a Firmament in [a greater rate of] motion,

therefore a Firmament is like unto a bus refueling, while

a Prophesy as concerning this "Signing" is as the bus at top speed with velocity and power.

So in secular cliche pay attention at the wheel to steer into Charity and as much as indicated of True Grace In JESUS Christ steer toward greater allocating Charity (Ephesians 3.7 to accomplish including verse 9).

Charity is hardly to puff up the self (though hardly stop Charity because of such unless if to wrongly tempt others but in the Name JESUS Christ Convert such "tempt" into the proofs they requested)(subset Matthew 6.5).

Under the CO2 graph is the "re-entry corridor", the shortest living distance between two points (per situation), the straightest living JESUS Christ Highest Value per se: the Highest Purpose includes Helping others. Therefore to go straight through them if Spirit, Yes in the Name JESUS Christ. The Perfect Living Word is able to Do such and other spirits can go through some things according to talents, faiths, and givens.

Though otherwise lower level spirits can hardly go higher unless worthy (angry naysayer spirits carelessly fighting harm themselves more than higher spirits). Yet since to be "Helping others" if with a vessel (body of flesh, nation, a set of systems,...) then hardly to go through lest to collide and harm (Pure Physics allows exceptions though perhaps not sufficiently achieved yet in this generation).

So to Help and not harm is to go around other people and things for their sakes and mutual benefit, as long as You continue on the JESUS Christ Straight And Narrow: then to ascend to Highest Level including Transfiguring Talent and greater. So the Second Coming of JESUS Christ (perhaps with You) is not necessarily through the "re-entry corridor" (Acts 1.11).

Of course You know the "re-entry corridor" is with value, though not necessarily with: Second Coming per se, nor healing value typically, nor path for sale value generally speaking. So the spirit of the "re-entry corridor" while of great value concerning planets and many other values (such as plotting slingshot effect, and electron fields), it has not been of the same value concerning multitudes of other things.

Toward JESUS Christ Oneness is properly ascending so to Help "multitudes of other" without helping the "re-entry corridor" spirit concern, the amiss; though JESUS Christ Gives You other people and spirits to be solving though Righteously therefore in the Name JESUS Christ Best Converting if to be Best solving. The former ways of angry confused sinners has been an attitude of "I know what's best" such as for my family and nation, and "I know how to handle it" such as by shooting, imprisoning, or changing the brain. But

JESUS Christ offers the Better Way, if to say "I know" (I see, I understand) is the weed fruit of ignorance or stupidity and sin (John 9.41).

Do as JESUS Christ in the Name Of JESUS Christ, and when needful go around (people, things, "re-entry corridor",...) though not to stray, as written in James 4.15 WNT:

This is a JESUS Christ Doing key for "Signing" and Preaching and proper "Double Charity" as written in James 4.17 WNT:

So the JESUS Christ Straight And Narrow is with the proper interpreting of Scriptures as in this example:

the "Straight And Narrow" is not "this or that" save through proper interpretation according to You Agreeing In JESUS Christ Faith.

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing above the rocket and "re-entry corridor" is according to NASA Earth with "Reflected" "700" Watts / Meter Squared and "Emitted Heat" "305" Watts / Meter Squared. Such ties to Global Warming and/or Climate Change ("Global" tied to political and/or scientific controls, and "Climate" not [so out of control per se so to speak] and tied to a lower level of concerns toward carelessness as climates have been tied to regions an not the planet as a whole).

But the previous sentence is far from alone, it is ancillary to many other higher levels of JESUS Christ Wisdom. For instance Earth is expanding from Global Warming so the "Watts / Meter Squared" is conditional (it doesn't necessarily hold up in court [note the multitudes of lay people per se in courts and in corporate purchasing and human resources in positions over others that are the top experts in their fields]).

In The Name Of JESUS Christ the confusions must be put in proper perspective from the top Christian President Don Trump

(and Congress,...and governments in general, and corporations, and all).

Earth is expanding as stated at secular site "presidential address to the Royal Astronomical Society, where he used a new cosmological theory based on a decreasing gravitational constant to argue that the Earth is expandingat a rate dR/dt~ 0.1 mmyr-1. Neither Halm (1935a) nor Hoyle (1972) was trained in geology or geophysics".

Concerning the previous sentence, in JESUS Christ Be Wise to consider bubbles exist, most by far have been unseen; bubbles inside people, in minds (gaps), in atoms, in rivers, in magma, and in outer space, and bubbles are evidently less often spheres and more often other shapes, crooked (e.g. gas is the shape of it's container) or elongated (piping porosity): so the expansion geophysics of Earth is their faith(s) as flip-of-coin technology especially concerning orientation per moment (reference e.g. tides) and location in the Laniakea which can override expansion theory applicability to Earth (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at

But that ancillary conclusion is far exceeded with the above info in JESUS Christ, and also as sectors of outer space flow and converge or diverge, and such as the mass of the Sun changing, also note photosynthesis in the from the Sun though also from Earth as not merely waves of Watts of energy is noted yet also according to items such as photons interacting.

Distance from the Sun [and tilt (such as whether or not shining on oceans and/or caps, effecting systems with their recovery rates)], for perspective note

"Jupiter receives 25 times less energy per square meter from the sun that the Earth does" from article titled "What climate change is happening to other planets in the solar system".

The Earth from heat is expanding so the meter standard no longer perfectly (so to speak) applies as previously. But the Earth hardly changes compared to the life (of JESUS Christ Spirit) on and in and above Earth. Also the oceans and waters change per se far greater. The atmosphere is changing far more than the water (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons).

"The heat capacity of the Earth's entire atmosphere is equaled by the top 3.5 meters [11 feet]" as part of the article "This is where 90 percent of global warming is going".

Earth's atmosphere continues to fly away (ibid.) cooling as Earth heats faster. Flying away means the protection JESUS Christ Gave this civilization has been reducing such as by secular governments and others changing the weather (ibid. and car exhausts, dwellings, careless wastefulness,...and obsolete technologies that have remained very popular). Note cliche "tighten the belt" concerning "wastefulness" is hardly the path toward mansion living.

There is a "cumulative impact" of population,...planes, "methane and nitrous oxide, amplify what is called the greenhouse effect. Historically, this has been a good thing. These gases trap heat" But "since the industrial revolution, greenhouse gases have shot up by 30 percent, rapidly raising Earth's global temperature" while it "altered the chemistry of the ocean―making it more acidic" (

JESUS Christ offers the better, as stated above.

Also as stated above "Flying away means" often the more heated particles of the atmosphere leave Earth and the particles leave in many ways such as from solar energies, though tend toward the living path even though a exit, a set path (cone shape) like unto clones of the "re-entry corridor" forming the cone shape. So if to measure Global Warming then like unto (right to left):

Cone shaped Earth with time space field anomalies and greater in JESUS Christ / Geodial (historically the surface shape of Earth) / Egg shaped / Round / Flat Earth.

Proper accounting / Christian [or at least Christian led] experts / Nation In The Name JESUS Christ.

If a stock goes up it does not change a person into an expert [typically (though experts can be hired, and/or Charity involvement), though if with experts the stock should go up, and greater if with more employees properly functioning with such expertise yet allowing for startup and not big vessels competing against therefore more and far better startup Guidance is needful, also for job seekers.

Consider how a family is with a person that is in charge or is under authority: Best Help needs Be for either case.

A government might only monitor or might be integral or other, yet in any case: Best Help needs Be.

JESUS Christ Charity Ascending Wisdom key like unto a Particle Accelerator as shown in part above though with reference to the JESUS Christ Perfect Path Safe Zone key (per se: i.e. per JESUS Christ Mission and/or i.e. a pertinent talent or a pertinent system operational series path such as an allocating system for successes or a machine converting ores into products per goals).

CO2 emissions is one of multitudes of ancillary indicators, for instance popularity is a far more reliable indicator of whether Global Warming is increasing at a swift pace or not such as whether to vacation in distant places, whether to waste food, whether to add insulation, and whether to popularize one person or another.

The hot Sun pushes away atmosphere from Earth, and from Earth hot particles fly away such as particles from campfires and from coal.

The above CO2 graph of Britain is that "CO2 Emissions Have Fallen"...Driven by a rapid decline in coal use, the United Kingdom’s greenhouse gas emissions fell to 388 million tons of CO2 in 2017 — a level last seen in 1890, when the country’s population was nearly half the size it is now".

JESUS Christ would have that You be with Wisdom to properly interpret. Lower "CO2 Emissions" (of value(s)) did not stop Global Warming, not even in the United Kingdom where it happened, though the point is hot CO2 particles fly away from Earth, therefore cooling though also heating Earth according to less atmosphere so losing the shield of God (Heavens Firmament) and thinning atmosphere bringing the solar heat closer though the Earth ice and water enter the sky more quickly:

therefore like unto Global Warming with both natural and synthetic complexities, so too the undoing of Global Warming is with a set of "complexities" save the Guiding Hand Of JESUS Christ.

Rehetorically how hardly is victory for the United Kingdom (Ecclesiastes 8.14), if victory is not for all nations.

There must be One Law for citizens and foreigners alike.

One Law and One Grace.

But "One Law" is toward meaningless (ibid.) if not under One Best Guiding Grace For Highest Purpose In The Name JESUS Christ,

for the benefit of all, that all be One, even One Function In Highest Purpose In The Name JESUS Christ.

The rocket exit and re-entry cones are similar though not specifically the same. JESUS Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, precept on precept (Hebrews 13.8, 2 Nephi 2.4).

A "particle accelerator" is shown in the above JESUS Christ Drawing.

European CERN is planning a new particle accelerator four times bigger "with 100 teraelectronvolts of energy, or nearly 10 times" [more] "towards electron collisions with much heavier nuclei of lead atoms" (ZME Science 2019);

so 100 million million electronvolts more radiation (of atoms falling apart as stated above).

[Formerly in the smaller collider] "9.9 trillion Fahrenheit" according to

and "The standard unit for the rate of heat transferred is the watt" (wiki)

as cooling results in Global Warming involving (note a ton = 2,000 lbs, though a tonne or metric ton = 1,000 kilograms (2,205 lbs):

"10,000 tonnes of liquid nitrogen", "120 tonnes of helium to keep the magnets at 1.9 K", and "turbines" (

JESUS Christ Grace is hardly about ordering people as if slaves (it is OK to say "I am a slave of JESUS Christ", hence for Good not sin, also hence not for lower ancillary levels of former lusts such as enslaving a person so instead proper liberty for mutual Best Benefiting reasonably precept on precept in JESUS Christ).

So in JESUS Christ Grace it is proclaimed the new much larger CERN construction project does not belong in Europe nor on Earth, rather in outer space (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at with the solar map showing the Frost Line Firmament between Mars and Jupiter, and for more distant into the future plans the Methane Freeze line roughly an orbit beyond Pluto):

For the sakes of Christians and all people and known creatures reasonably, put heat where heat belongs, and not where it doesn't belong.

The United Kingdom invested in the above shown graph to reduce CO2 for cleaner air and for the reason of Climate Change, but the United Kingdom also invested (such as tax money) in CERN (to increase Global Warming [a thing able to be Best Controlled Victoriously via JESUS Christ United Kingdom Guidance and rather JESUS Christ United Nations Guidance, of Highest Grace for Best, if not by lower laws toward gaps that later need fixed toward compounded individual cases])

(also reference

From Earth: wirelessly remotely forming machines on distant planets is key: via once in the Name JESUS Christ (minimizing risks, maximizing successes).

Though see the above JESUS Christ Drawing of how a "particle accelerator" is depicted to portray applicability to the Earth "re-entry corridor".

Note because the "cone" is formed with the position of the Sun (reference comet tail) it can be of various levels of importance when considering exiting Earth (or a planet or a field) and re-entering.

As seen on TV with ice falling off rockets at launch, the launch, and exit escape velocity from Earth is toward cooling the rocket

(see pertinent out-of-control NASA story at

while re-entry is toward high wattage heating (especially as seen with TV animations)[and vibrations and shock waves]. So if to think of sending freezing cold particles to Earth such as via a vessel such as rocketry or directly via a "particle accelerator" the atmosphere would heat the particles as Sodom And Gomorrah. So there is a JESUS Christ Living Path For Wattage Transfer (And/Or Wattage Transfiguring).

To send lava into outer space is a stop gap plan similar to how a nation is with land (a Victory Gift From God) but then to throw away that natural resource is loss. Popular is to gain land, rather than lose land. The Chosen People were 40 years in the desert with Hope for Gaining The Promised Land (also flowing with milk and honey though lava has values too such as construction materials, obsidian cutting properties, and for pumice in soap and abrasives).

Government over money, business, science, lusts (ranging from illegal sins to the lust for life with Doing Best Greatest Good With, In, And Through JESUS Christ), and faiths needs proper Grace Guidance from all yet properly from such "all", if government is to be most proper.

Note the previous key concern (ibid.) need of government. Formerly government used the power of legal or illegal (and talked about other). In The Name JESUS Christ And So Doing In Grace is far greater strategy than merely "talked about other": "In The Name JESUS Christ And So Doing In Grace" is a plan and yet in one highest purpose force: working [since of Grace: Functioning] as One, each can already (Heart, soul within) be with knowing what to Do

(reference the higher wisdom of: ignorance of the law is no excuse)(ibid. note people do not know specific laws if the pertinent specific laws have not been specifically read by each person and if such laws are un-Holy (not lawful to be written nor passed [also consider Mercy on the ignorant: not all people are as smart as the lawmakers]).

This JESUS Christ "Mercy" is a key reason to not merely be with laws, yet also to be within the Name JESUS Christ Signed Into Law.

In the above Drawing lower right are two people in UFOs (above the Crucifixion Of JESUS Christ [not shown] Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo (

JESUS Christ is full of Grace, Peace, and is Merciful including Mercy to Give people the values people most yearn to be with [not to merely award people variously otherwise (many secular gifts have not even been wanted, for instance many winners of brand new cars rejected them to accept not taxed cash even if of a small amount)].

Vigorous youthful people naturally enjoy thrilling amusement park rides and displays and new and exciting technologies. With growing up, maturing, and/or wisdom, is more responsible joy in safety and power and abilities as never before (JESUS Christ New Christianity).

The JESUS Christ Mercy Path yields True pleasure(s) of better living, with exciting joyous victories, of the Heart, Yes, yet also the greater Faith (great enough, yet also with the greater Miracles increasingly).

You beheld the roller coasters and the safety ideas. In JESUS Christ You Will Behold the things You imagine would be greater and awesome [for all, for good joy mutually].

"Signing" the USA to lead the nations in their "Signing"s Into The Name JESUS Christ is Good, and to not sign is to chase people away, to fall from popularity, to fall from talents, to fall from resources, to fall from the Grace Of God.

Open letter to Christian President Don Trump:

Dear Christian President Don Trump,

Therefore, whoever knows the right thing to do, yet fails to do it, is guilty of sin.

For protecting You and Yours, Truly,

JESUS Christ (James 4.17).

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing upper right

Yesterday (May 2, 2019AD) on TV in the secular often having been anti-Christian series Adam Ruins Everything, at times with truly valuable quips, Adam said: when brought to court defense explained that the medical practices "are for entertainment purposes only".

Sickness is not only in the people known as patients (

In the JESUS Christ Drawing above upper right Elisha asked for a Double Blessing, and in Grace And Mercy Good (as much as proper Faith to receive not toward overly tempted toward sin): rather of JESUS Christ Grace become Worthy then when proper such Will Prophetically Be Added Unto You.

With or without "Signing", those that try to harm You and undo Good Work(s) and that try to harm this nation and that have been "devouring the poor secretly" Will Be Exposed (Habakkuk 3.14) of the original physics. In The Name JESUS Christ You don't have to worry about sinful naysayers against "Signing", they Will Be Exposed anyhow. Their "secretly" sinful practices cannot stop the properly ascending (though not always obvious, Be Of Faith). The Original Physics Plan continues.

Contractors have often looked at what equipment they have to bid on a job, though many jobs already have equipment ready and they only need contractor workers to do the work, the point being a contractor might miss a great job. Many that hire contractors already are prepared.

JESUS Christ is already prepared, the Victories are already waiting for You.

Government leaders in the world have looked such as at how wide their roads have been and after-the-fact traffic congestions:

it is Wisdom In JESUS Christ to be with this Victory key You already Know In Your Heart

that a person that won an election for a term in office plans mainly for their personal tasks or better for their realm of responsibility and a little into the future.

Plan with Precepts Of JESUS Christ Authority for Guiding All Nations

and Space Force and greater. As stated in recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons with "Signing" the lower levels (such as a neighbor wall) concerns Will Be Added To You In The Name JESUS Christ And Also As You Continue To Properly Ascend: love thy neighbor,

Your Christian President Don Trump "Signing" is the start of the "fulfilling the royal law" (

Coming Soon:

Planned for the next JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon, the topic(s) of

sex, love, Marriage, and more on "Signing".

May 4, 2019AD.

Click for JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Site.

tags: Prophecy about Christian President Trump Signing Royal Law Grace Firmament Empowering Prophesying preparing the Second Coming Timeline flying into Heaven Elijah Elisha parting waters watchers Double Charity Blessings Angel Wing separation copyrights SP Futures Banking allocating CERN tera electron volts reentry corridor Global Warming particle accelerator ufos movie The American President USA President Andrew Shepherd Michael Douglas Constitution ACLU Jehovahs Witnesses, movie Down PeriscopeKelsey Grammer Captain Tom Dodge Rip Torn Admiral Winslow Lauren Holly Emily Harland Williams Sonar operator knew their war whale language, Working Girl Tess McGill Melanie Griffith Harrison Ford Jack Trainer Oren Trask Philip Bosco, Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe Ron Weasley Rupert Grint Rowling Philosophers Sorcerers Stone, Wallstreet Bud Fox Charlie Sheen Gordon Gekko Michael Douglas script didn't see me saw right through me. open letters to the President NASA CO2 Methane Yale former ways backward Jews secular Greeks specific details Gaza Strip Seat Of Knowledge Chi Che TV Adam Ruins Everything 2019 2020 JESUS Christ