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Deep Underground Military Bases
Experts Come Forward With New Information: [UFO Crash Retrieval]
Aborted Babies Food Additive Corporation
The Incredible Truth That You Will Find
Is Covid-19 Part Of A Global
The Ghost
Black Holes, Sink Holes, and Cancer Cells
Join the Army
See the World
Meet New and Interesting People
Shoot and Kill Them...
Beware The
Alien Types
Strange Sea Monster Loose in Disney World
Project Camelot - Way Above Black
UFO Lectures On
(The FIRST link Below shows absolute video evidence/proof -- somehow smuggles out of NASA -- SHOWING two UFOs coming up behind the Space Shuttle Columbia... right before it was DESTROYED by a CLEARLY VISIBLE BEAM WEAPON!!!)
IS ON !!!
Was this the "Cosmic Pearl Harbor"!?

R.I.P. Columbia Shuttle Crew
(Note: The Space Shuttle CHALLENGAR disaster from all indications
was most likely a tragic accident, however one might say that the Challenger crew was murdered by the Secret Space Program [of which even the president of the United States does not have the "right to know" about because it is controlled by the Military INDUSTRIAL complex] BECAUSE they possess the TAXPAYER FUNDED FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY that COULD have saved ALL of the NASA astronauts who have DIED in FOSSIL FUEL accidents!)
The Biggest Cover up in History is Happening Now
Several reports of encounters with
Currency WAR on GOLD
A Fascinating But Disturbing Interview With Antony C. Sutton
Walt Disney was a
33rd Degree Freemason
and therefore a
'Alien Photos' on Youtube
"They Are Made Out Of Meat"
The Amazing Research Of...
Clifford Stone
And His Friends
Samantha's Story
One of the Most Beautiful, Relaxing, and Healing
That I Have Come Across
(even helps to lower my blood pressure ;-)
A Treatment With Over A...
99 Percent Cure Rate For Covid-19?
The High Price
of Appeasement

Have some politicians and celebrities and businesspeople sold themselves over to the 'dark side' for worldly success and power!?....
- -1- - -2- - -3- - -4- -
Michael Salla's omniversal links page containing much info on the
Exterran - Quanterran - Subterran realities
Americans... you are the
of the global financial/fraternal elite !!!
alien implant removal
Many claim to have experienced abductions with malevolent aliens or contact with benevolent aliens. But very few have claimed to have had ongoing contacts with an ancient 'freak' cross-breed between humans and apes commonly known as...
The Incredible Truth of Alien Hybrids
Curious cloud formations linked to quakes
Some interesting Videos
The largest Pedophile ring in history -- over 70,000 members
Do Black Budget Trillions Support A Secret American Space Program?
What about
Can you spot a UFO in the skies in the
Military Discloses
the alien presence is real
During World War 2, BOTH Communists AND Nazis raped millions of each other's female citizens!!!

The Suppressed Truth
McDonalds and Satanic Sacrifice!?
( More Corporate Satanism and Cannibalism )
You will NEVER learn the truth through the socialist propaganda outlets
(Communist News Network)
The Roman Catholic
Roots of the
Nazi Holocaust
Wondering where your old friends have been hanging out !?
(click on the 'magnifying glass' in the top-left corner of the page to search for them)
Is the 'Stargate' theme
of a secret U.S. Space Agency more than just fantasy!?
More on the 'Above Top Secret' Naval Space Program
Our Beautiful World
Search for...
"UFO Crash Retrieval Archives"... and MORE
Donald Trump's ingenious solution to the
Flag Pole Controversy
Could this be
The late Jim Marrs talks about
The Jesuits, the Illuminati, and the global Conspiracy
The Jesuits and
the assassination
of John F. Kennedy



Project Camelot Audio Files
(Many Of The Youtube Files No Longer Work - In Which Case Select The MP3 Files)
Cooper vs. Jones
Feed the Children
The great 440 Hz conspiracy, and why all of our music is wrong
******* Strike a blow to the global fascist music conspiracy by listening to *******
432 HZ MUSIC !!!
Net-Search For
Joe Biden is the Father of the "Tator" Family
His Other Name Is
Search for the
Pedophile Rings
The Cosmic Secret
(Movie featuring David Wilcock, Corey Goode and others)

of God
******* OR *******
Enter Billy Dee's
if you dare!
More on the
Ask yourself...
Far Above Space And Time
The NASA Live-stream Channel
Child Rape and the
Moronasonic Lodge
Astrology or Naztrology !?
The Astrological Roots of Nazism
Accounts of an early UFO Contactee
Wheels Within Wheels
Learn a New Language... Fast

the 4rth Reich
The Bush Family Nazis

****** ****** ******

--- 1Timothy 6:10 ---

Is THIS Website
(Let the DEVIL Sort 'Em Out)


The Prince of Peace ------- the father of lies

Calvery Hill ------- vatican hill

Cross of Jesus ------- altar of baal

Somebody to Love
More UFO Info
Dan Akroyd speaks about 'Out There' TV
by the 'reptilian!?
men in black
are you beyond God's forgiveness?
Alien entities
Caught On Camera
(Note: Following the 2:10 minute point, after the image of the first 'alien' and its 'tracks', the video is [mostly] of another person with a camera walking through a wooded area, and for the most part there nothing interesting to see. In order to skip all of that, go to 7:45 in the video)
Are many of the
(demon incarnate shape-shifting)


It hath been discovered that our knights have detected cracks and fractures within the walls of many of the passages which run throughout the dungeons and labyrinths which permeate the ground beneath the castle, suggesting that much of the 'system' may collapse at some time in the future. So we wouldst warn all explorers to keep their eyes and ears open for the "seismic warning signals" of a potential or imminant collapse. We have recieved word that some of these passages have already collapsed for one reason or another, and thus have been sealed off for reasons of convenience, in some cases new paths have been opened to reroute the traveler to the general destination. Also, we wouldst recommend that any 'jewels' that thou mightest find within the labyrinths shouldst NOT be left behind, so "SAVE" those "jewels of wisdom" that thou mightest find valuable or useful in the future, for thou mightest not know if nor when the passages back to these treasure chambers may collapse for ever. For more insights and discussions concerning the potential collapse, and also its potential effects, we recommend that thou visiteth the...

seismic warning research center

(Or in more modern words, make sure that you SAVE vital Internet information onto your computer or discs in the event of a system/power collapse which might disable the Internet altogether)

Black Lives Matter has lost
in my eyes...


"Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [celestial] places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." -- Ephesians 6:10-13, HOLY BIBLE, kjv

the biochips of the beast
the doomsday predictions of deyo
the adventure in arzareth
star travelers in the scriptures
the guardians of groom lake
the obelisk of the offenders
the arrival of the apocalyptic aliens
hell-worshipping heretics of haiti
the podcasts of paranormal prophecy
the living language of love
angels of darkness and angels of light
masonry the mother of moral monstrosities
the satanic seductions of swift
The Righteous Rantings of Riggs
the champions of the charming Christian choral contest
blood-lines of the beast
cosmic codes of the Christian creed for your computer
rivers out of the raving roasting regions
confirmations of a creator
the degrees of the demons
prophecies of planetary perils
the perversions of the pontiffs
the vermin of the vaccinations
the holy heifers of the heavenly hill
the creatures of the collider
hitler's alliance with hell
torah truth and the tragic trial of trump
the cosmic craft and the corporate conspiracy of cursed creatures
the emergence of the endtimes
the passion of pets for those who have passed
the pentagrams of the pagan priests
of angels and aliens
the arrival of the angels
the halls of heavenly healing
biden the bisexual blessing bastard
the enriching elements of the euphrtes
hitler and his henchmen in hell
the secrets of Schnoebelen
the heretic and the hellion
ash-tar or ass-tares!?
hollywood or helliewood?
the simulations and the scriptures
satanic sacrificing scum
the cinematics of the chakras
paying the preaching parasites
the molesting maggots of masonry
the bankster bastards of the beast
the sinister simulation of the second
the lyrics of love
one of the best basics of bible belief
the bloodlines of the beast-men
prosecuting the pedophile parasites
the codes of the covenant
the dire prophecies of the dream mine
Jesus is Jewish
selling ones soul for rock-and-roll
the sages of the sightings
the profits of pedophilia
Jesus and Joshuah
the perversions of the political parasites
fanatics against in-fernal filth
the hills of healing harmony
the 'repti-fellers' and the rfid chip
the battlefield of angelic battalions
the prophecies of a patriotic people
The Jesuit-Illuminati's Global Corporate-Industrial Empire Network Has Hoarded Most Of The Alien Technology From Crashed UFOs And WITH OUR HARD-EARNED TAX DOLLARS Have Built A Massive
Above Top Secret Space Force
That Is Invading Other Worlds In Alliance With Their Alien Reptilian Collaborators
(However We Must Admit That The IllumiNazi Space Fleet Which Has Robbed American Taxpayers Of Trillian's Of Their HARD EARNED TAX DOLLERS Is In Direct Conflict With A More Patriotic Above-Top-Secret U.S. NAVY SPACE FLEET, Which Is ALSO using Recovered Alien Technology And Who Are Working In Alliance With More Benevolent Human-Like Et's)
darlings or devils?
the manuscripts of marrs
more of the same


"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread. You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press. We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." -- a 'toast' offered by John Swinton, the former Chief of Staff at the NEW YORK TIMES, before the prestigious New York Press Club in 1953

the tunnels of trance-formation
the leaders of the leading edge
the pathway to pufori
the earthbound extraterrestrials
the inlets of the implants
the rivelets of reverse speech
the menace of the markabians
the arches of the archives
the murderous menace of mkultra
the bio-code of bio-energy
the intricacies of the inception
the byways of the borderland
casbolt and the conspiratorial confessions of consciousness control
delve into the deep dark web
the federal felons of the firms of fascist brain fracture!?
the madness and mirth of the monty
masonic mental manipulation among the multitudes
truthful tommy tv
gobbs of gaming groups
russo vs the rockefellons
the terrifying truth if the tides were turned (humor)
militant matches of mindless mirth
the brilliant and bizarre books of beckley
Marxist Media Monotony
(Hear - See - Speak - Think the Same)

lord of the larcenists
the platoons of the psychic
messing with these men was a massive mistake
the scamming of the scammers
the alternate archives of alexandria
the suspicions of a simulation
the illuminati instrument to implement imbecilea
the principles of the push
a colossal collection of chronicles and commentaries from the library of congress
the battering-ram of the brave browsers
police from a parallel place
fifty fantastic facts
the subsystems of the silent weapons
ready player one or real player online!?
freedom from fear or fascist fanaticism
the illustrations of illusion
kathy and the conspiracy
escape the dreamscape
the avengers of the apocalypse
the maze of military mind manipulation
more of the same


"For decades, the various energy companies have been COLLUDING with each other to successfully ignore and even SUPPRESS several types of 'FREE ENERGY' technology... For example, at least three U.S. Patents [#3,811,058; #3,879,622; and #4,151,431] have so far been awarded for motors that run EXCLUSIVELY on PERMANENT MAGNETS, apparently TAPPING into the energy circulating through the Earth's magnetic field... During the 1930's, an Austrian civil engineer named Viktor Schauberger invented and partially developed an 'IMPLOSION TURBINE' [German name, 'ZOKWENDLE']. As described in the book 'A BREAKTHROUGH TO NEW FREE-EVERGY SOURCES', by Dan A. Davidson, 1977, water is pumped by an IMPELLER pump through a LOGARITHMIC-SPIRAL-SHAPED coil of tubing until it reaches a CRITICAL VELOCITY. The water then implodes, no longer touching the inside walls of the tubing, and drives the pump, which then converts the pump's motor into an electric generator. The device seems to be tapping [the dynamo energy of] the Earth's rotation, via the 'Coriolis effect', like a Tornado." -- from: FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY, by Robert E. McElwaine

the front lines of free energy
the vision of the vault
the endless caves of energy
the environs of ectoplasm
the highways of hi-tech
the helectites of hyperspace
the pathways of the paranormal
the cold cruel creatures of cern
the bettering of the batteries
the mysteries of the npc's
the science of the simulation
the sin-chronicity of the scaler waves
the weirdest wackiest worldline
the heroes of the hoverbikes
the apocalypse of the a.i.
the tempest of the temporal
the tunnels of teslan technology
the perils of the pixels
the physics of pegesus
the backpacks of the jetsacks
the star wars of the space shuttles
the murderous madness of the microwaves
the fareway of free energy
the 'unfair' advantages of a.i. ascendancy
the history of the hovercraft
the orbs of omicronian antigravity
more of the same


"Who has beaten us to the moon by hundreds or even thousands of years?" -- Morris K. Jessup

the movies of meier
the tube of truth
otherworlds online
the other-planetarian in the pentagon
the kosmic kouncil of kimberly
the disclosure of the discs
our family of the firmament
curiosities of the cosmos
the categories of the cosmic crashes
the amazing activity of the aerial anomalies
alcyone and the astronauts of the astral
a secret spacer speaks
the coming of the cosmonauts
arrival of an alien from an astral alliance
the brave the bad and the bugly
strange star-battles in our skies!?
the nature of the nibiruvian nemesis
the great gateway to a galactic getaway
deals on the discount drones
en-counters with the cosmic craft
puny preternatural phantoms in the palm
the trials and triumphs of the taygetans
cosmic creatures caught on camera
a mysterious machine manifested on mars
the ambassador to the andromedans on the airwaves
an amazing assortment of alternative academically advanced aliens
the visionaries of the vastness of the void
the song of the seven sisters
aerial anomalies in the amazon
the arrival of the anunnaki
an earthlike exoplanet in the extraterrestrial expanse!?
the machinations of manipulation
the precepts of the pleiadeans
the encyclopedia of the extraterrestrials
the amazing and astonishing account of the analysis of the absent astronaut
the standard of the saucerians
the trans-terrestrial technology of tesla
cosmic craft and creatures on camera
the dramatic disclosures of deacon
the votaries of the valiant
terrifying truths of extra-terrestrial in-trusion
the cinematics of the cosmic creators of the crop circles
citizen-slaughtering serpentine space scum vs. the savage special forces from the states
attack of the alien arseholes
the cosmic conspiracy of concealment?
crazy codgers claim they created the crop circles
the light of the lyrans
the nearness of nibiru
the astronauts of the arcturian astral ship athena
chitty and the children
the marvelous cos-mic messages to hu-manity
the notorious notations of norio
extra planetary parasites and their pandering of the privileged-class pedophiles of this planet
the para planetarians of peru
the audit of the aliens
the cosmos of collier
the categorizing of the contactors
the discourses of doty
aona and the aliens
the kids of kryption!?
an assortment of alien anomalies
in the presence of the pleiadeans
the serenity of the star-child seren
the procyonean populators of a pleiadean planet vs. the putrid para-reptilian parasites
the volumes of the visitors
strange solar sightings
the cosmic confessions of colleen
flying-saucerians and the fallen
canada and the cosmic craft
the ugly underside of ufology
sophia-yazhi speaks of the stellar scenario
the nearnessof nnibiru!?
the nabbing of nationalists by the nazi-nauts
lear's exposure of the lies of our leaders
the terrifying testimony of tompkins
trump and the taygetans
the mysteries of the moon
a taygetan tour of the extra-terrestrial terrain
the saucers and the smugglers
the bastards of the blue beam
the satellite and the space ship
carlson on casualties from cosmic craft
the abduction of the airman
the musings of the late mr. mysterious
illegal intrusion of the interstellar imbeciles
the pathway to the pleiades
reagan the anti-reptilian revolutionary
hidden memories of a hybrid marine
the vexing void in the vastness of the uni-verse
certified cosmic creations of crop circles
the proclamations of the pleiadeans
the archives of the aliens
confessions of the cosmic contactees
planetary paradises beyond pluto?
MIB - Men In Black or Menacing Insane Bastards!?
the exposure of the exo-politicians
the tears of the technologists
the anal abscesses of the aryans and the aliens
the secret civilian Space program
aldrin vs. the aggressive aliens
the songs of our stellar siblings
atrocity of the absent abductees
reality reassignment reloaded
a speaker on the secret space society
the mystery of the mantis
the mein-kampf maggots of the masonic majestic military machine
the craft and the chase
Christians and the craft
moscow on the moon?
extraterrestrial earth-like environments
the seekers of the skyships
confirmation of the cosmic craft
the junior juggernauts of the jump rooms
the portals of the pleiadeans
the transmission of the extra-terrestrials
valiant the visitor from venus
the camera catches the creature
the images of the interplanetarians
the aliens of the astronome
the halls of heavenly hyperspace
goode vs. gaia
the maverick's of mufon
beilek on the bases in the heavenly bodies
the timeline wars of the temporal troopers
australian aerial anomaly articles
encounters with the extraterrestrials
the discovery of the disks
the fall of the fantastic
a drone discovers a dumbfounding device
contacting the cosmic clans
believing beyond the box
confessions of a conspiratologist
videos of visitors and vermin
an assortment of aliens
the paranormal portals to other-planetary peoples
the stellar sayings of salla
musk on mars
the cry of the cosmic mind captives
the Christians of the cosmos
a cat-astrophic leak in the cosmic conspiracy
stellar soldiers of the sol system
the projects of the other-planetarians
the unmasking of the unidentified
The Feds and the Federation
life to lifeless
fantastic flying federation friends
mysteries of the milabs
the investigations of ivan
the navy vs. the nazi's?
cinemas of the cosmic
the mysteries of mars
the mission of majestic
the arrival of the anunnaki
the mysteries of morning sky
the game of the galaxians!?
a project for the planet
the ufos and the uaps
facebooks favorite flying saucer films
the advocates of the abductees
the awareness of the abductors
the missions for mankind
the negativity of the nine
the documentation of disclosure
the missing military men and the ancient machine
the prophets of procyon
contact from the cosmos
tales from tau ceti
remote viewing the visitors
an advocate of the andromedans !?
the council of the cosmic
the wisdom of solar warden
the contactees of the covert
the unusual ufos of the ummo
the star-ships of the super-soldiers
the daughters of dal
the excellence of exonews
the watchings of the whites
the art of the aerials
the heroics of the helicar
the storm-troopers of the star-gates
the hybrid was a hero!?
unknown ufo's to unsealed ifo's
walking with the other-worldly whites
the situation in secret space
the protocols of the blue planet
the war of the worlds
the imminence of invasion
real or incredibly rehearsed!?
the mysteries of majestic
the army and the aliens
the trials of the taken
the mercenaries of mars
interstellar intimacy
saying hello to the hybrids
the agenda of the aliens
support for the super soldiers of secret space
the saucer of the saudis
the labyrinth of the leakers
the testimonies of threadwatch
contacting the crossbreeds
the controversy of the codes
the freedom fighters of the foundation
the woman from another world
the treasure trove of the trekkies
the conspiracies of the cosmic
the archeology of the aliens
the secrecy of the saucers
the pathfinders of the pleiadeans
the conspiracy of concealment
the garrisons of galactica
the chronicles of the alien craft
the benevolence of the blonds
the triangulation of the triangles
the revelations of the retrievals
song of the spacers
the atlas of the aliens
the discs of the dals
the mysteries of the moon and mars
the valiant of venus
the confessions of the contactees
the secrets of our starship
the claims of the contactees
the mica mysteries of the martians
the mysterious ano-malies of mars
the aryan aholes of antarctica
the invasion of the impostors
the marine mysteries of the martians
the phenomenon of phobos
the confessions of a cosmic covert conspirator
the gateways of the galaxians
the activities of the androids
the fascinating files of firmage
the dreadnauts of the shapeshifting dracos
the pillars of the pleiades
the underground of the ummo's
the hangers of the hindus
the mines of the ancient monuments
the discus' of deutchland
the evadamics vs the demonmaggots
the serpents and the scriptures
the vermin of varginha
the cosmic conspiracy of the circles
the pavilion of the pictographs
the thuroughfare of the third alternative
the collonades of the colonel
vaults of the venusian vixens
the canyon of crashed ships
the stargates of the spacefaring sasquatch
the corridors of cosmic confessions
the panorama of the pathfinder
the starscape of the solar spectacles
the mugshots of majestic 12
the drama of dreamland
more of the same


"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government" -- Dr. Henry Kissinger, in an address to the Bilderberger organization meeting at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. Transcribed from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates.

the revolution of russo
when the only way to be on the defencive is to go on the offencive
the mass-assins of africa
the identification of the incredible
the wonders of the wormholes
the angelic audio of angela
the endgame of the edge
deciphering the disclosure
the nazis of the nsa
the offenders of the order
the horrifying hellishness of the w.h.o.
the conspiracy crusades of commander x
the perversity of the pedophiles
how to massacre multitudes of mosquitos
simple secret solutions to secure your situations and save your sanity
an amalgamation of the amazing
heroes of the homeland
the lost lessons of our lineage
the tales and trials of the tentative

reprobate ruinous reptilian racist rot
a herald of human health
massive meaty mamas of a-merica
marigolds of the mountain meadows
the juggernauts of jasper
the fiendish felonious flagitious food fascists
chucks cohesive contentedness
the beast of the bog
cinematics of confusion
freaky and frightening facts caught on film
battling belly blubber with batteries
the sightings of the strange scenarios
the cosmic conspiracies of crusher
the lamentive loss of the little ones
the sounds and the splendid sights of the sasquatch
helium and the healing hills
the music of the im-mortal
the legacy of lady legend
unified under the umbrella of the unknown
the worthlessness of the wicked worm named adam weishaupt
the rulers who rule through rules
the transformative teachings of telos
putin the prussian pal vs the polish people
musk and the master moderators move to the music
a collection of conspiracy claims
the hydro hollow of the hills
the lies about lady liberty?
a cacophony of cellphone conspiracies
tiny troll in the trunk of a tree?
the chorus of the cosmos
the proclomatons of a patriot
the swaruu and the subterraneans
roadtrip to rainbow ridge
leafy limbs alone on a lake
the torrent from the tree
a doggie doing his democratic duty
the hidden halls of herbal healing
a cacophony of conspiracy claims
the netherworld of nebel
a menagerie of mayhem
the infected imbecile ignatius and the infernal illuminati
trump testifies against the terrors of the tyrants
the smorgasbord of the strange
the vitamin vs. the virus
the tragic truth of tesla technology
king and the kommies
notifications of the national news network
the awakening of the army of angry american communist-annihilating activists
the sensibility of solar
quara answers your questions
mohammed the minority molesting monster
the dead sea is disappearing into a dry desert
the essentials of easiness
the tracking of the taxpayers by the tyrannical tyrants
living on the ledge of legendary lands
trash the table toxins
don't mess with a miniscule maniac
the why of the weird
jovial joe
blabbering biden in a bind
the federation of freedom
evesdropping on the elite
the secrets of sedona
if you like to judge you might be judged
the priests of the phallic pillar
the nauticals of the nazis
the heroes of humanity
the viscous vermin venum of the vatican
filming the fantastic
the arrival of the anunnaki
the logistics of longevity
confusion in the conspiracy circles
the restructured rushmore of the rotten ruling reptiloids
tucker tells the truth about trump
the captive caregiver in the camp of the krauts
the revelations of rhodes
the kutest of the kitties
the bones of the beast
peruse the paranormal pictures of the pyramids
the secret research of skinwalker ranch
the international implicators of artificial intelligence
the vanguard of the vanished videos
the villains and the virus
the conspiracy agaist the children
casualty of the clones from the conspiracy cabal
beastly bastards of the baltics
the conspiracy of the corpocracy
amway or scamway!?
the animal attracter
the proponents of the police state
don't mess with the master!
aliens atlantis and the ass-lluminati
casbolt on the conspiracy
of greed and gluttony
cancer free from the flavonoids
the invasion of the illegals
the badlands of the blacklists
peters the patriot
the hidden highlights of human history
creature caught on camera
taken by a tree!?
connections to the crop circles
the villains of vaccination
the the pyramids of peking-land
anomalies of the ancients
liver-life or liver-lard!?
habitats of herbal healing
morality vs. murder
the lair of the labyrinth
the legacy of levitation
ai and airlines!?
the rule of the rotting rich
the avenues of avalon
mr. king the kommunist
a certain cure for covid
transported to different time?
the maiden in the middle of the matrix
the mystery of magnetism
the monsters of the medical murder machine
peculiar people of the planet
delicious diets for dogs
the mysterious meanderings of the magnetic pole
the phenomena of the planetary phases
crazy creatures and cryptic things caught on camera
the clarion call of the crash
b2t on bitchute
the best of me beast
the wondrous writings of willis
the sweet siren song of a silenced sister
the evolution of the environment
the secret of the south polar scientists
the death of the dollar
reptilian witch or demon b*tch?
the monster of the monolith
The Socialist Shannon Brandt:
does he deserve citizens arrest or citizens execution?

smith vs. the swastika
beast of the bizarre
the wonders of the wastelands
the media of the mysteries
the atmosphere of the athletic adepts
the creatures of the concealed cams
the discoveries of the drones
the multiplicity of the mysterious
the invisible island of the incredible
the rundown on the reptifellers
biden the bolshevik bankster bastard
the fascinating films of fawcett
the podcasts of the paranormal
the mazes of the mysteries
the return of the reptilian riech
the surreal strands of strangeness
the supreme secrets surpassing the surface society
the crash of the cash!?
the conspiracy of the code
the paranormal parasites of the parks
the defenders and the decoders
peter moon and mufon on the money monopolists and other mysteries
lear in his lair
the hiding of hitler
the hidden halls of human history
the recession of the reds
the stories of the strange
intelligencia of infowars
the conversations of convenience
the dungeons of the dumbs
the lens does not lie
the land of the longeliers?
the assembly of the associations
the intelligencia of icke
the discourses of david
the sayings of swerdlow
the proclamations of parkes
sam vs. the ss and the sasquatch
the legends of the leaks
the nebula of the nameless
the question of the quantum
the proclamations of peter
the pedophiles and pizza-gate
the sinistry of the scalar
preparing for the next pandemic
the cinemas of the conspiracies
Joe Biden and the Bavarian Banksters
the healing of the heart
the principles of preparedness
the images of idiocracy
our fascination with futility
was charlamagne a charlatan?
the beasts of biogenetics
the cinemas of the creepy
the twistings of the timelines
the viral riffs of the video clips
the agents of
the dracos and dna
misunderstood mysteries
the destroyers of democracy
when estrogen is the enemy
the fighters for freedom
the rearguard of the republic
the battles of biowarfare
the films of facebook
the konquest of the kite
the rotten rants of the reptifellers
the freeway of the freebees
biden the ballot box stuffing bastard
the insanity of indulgence
healing cannabis vs. carcinogenic marijuana
the viral vermin of the vanishing videos
strangeness on the shores of the sea
the springs of serenity
the house of hope
w.h.o. is killling the world
the infidels against independence
the medicine for mighty memory!?
wild fires or smart fires!?
the victims of the vaccine
nuremburg vs. the nazCIAs
turning back the temporal flow of time
the influence of the inner inhabitants
a presentaton of peculiar photos
the legacy of lindell
the madness of the masks
the dice master of the day
the deciphering of the disclosures
the access to the archives
healthcare holocausters who will fry in hell
the buffet of bing
the food and fruits of farsight
celebration of 100 child corpses
the strangeness of shaver
the deception of diabetes
the google pit is full of sh*t
fiat paper & electronic wages vs. gold and silver wealth
the venison of the vegetables
the betrayal of the billionaire bankster bastards
the awakening of america
jab-vaccine free job-vocations
the death-threats of the demonic drug companies
girlymen in the government!?
the roswell of the robots
the places of the paranormal
the music of the missing
the meetups of the metaphysical
the monarchy of the molestetrs
the panic of the pedophiles
the showdown of the super-soldiers
the hiding of the healing
the parasites of pharmacide
a siesta with the sasquatch
a former fed finks on fema
the heroes of humanity
the chronicles of conspiracy
the infiltration of the impostors
the fairways of the forbidden
the lies of the left
the anomalies of akin
the maggots of murder
the simulation of society
the triumph of trump
the debunkers vs. the disclosers
the mysteries of the monoliths
the eerieness of emory
biden the bolshevik!?
the facts of the forbidden
the pedophiles of the politicians
the globalists and the gold standard
the purveyors of perversion
the casualties of the clintons
the reptilian rulers of the realm
the trends toward transformation
the pedophiles of pizzagate
the satanic child sex cults of screenville
the subtle stealthy subversion of the secret slithering-standing serpents
the friends of frugality
from failure to freedom
the path to the paranormal pages
stillness in the storm
the governors of google
the machinations of mcallister
the terrors of the trafficers
the trouble of the trillions
the video of the villains
the infantry of info warriors
the corruptors of china
the anger of anon
the emancipation of the eagles
the horrors of the new holocaust
the quest of qanon
the networks of the noble
the cure for cancer
the writings of wilson
the freehold of frugality
the bogs of the bilderbergers
the freedom fighters of the food fraternity
the labyrinths of lost children
the realms of the 'representatives'
the bunkers of the bold
the mirror maze of the media
the cinema of sony
the repression of the demonocratic reptipublicans
the gargoyles of galacterran warfare
the earth fractures of the fema feds
the inlets of intelligence
the madness of the medicine men
the portals of paul revere
more of the same


"One of the chasms of the earth happens to be greater than the rest and is bored right through the whole earth, this of which Homer himself says, 'Far off, where deepest beneath the earth is an abyss;' which elsewhere he and many other poets have called Tartarus. For all the rivers flow into this chasm and flow out of it again; and each becomes such as the earth through which it also flows." -- from: PHAEDO, by Plato

the shafts of shaveria
abductions into the abyss
the kard of the kraut
the deception of the dumbs
the cia under cern
the unidentified of the underground
the cavern city of the canyon
the serenity of the sasquatch
the circle in the stone
the secrets of the sunken saucers
a cosmic craft confiscated from a cavern in china!?
the wisdom of woodard
abysmal alien abductions
the secret of the submersible shuttle and the sighting of a sizeable saucer
the network of the netherworld
the inventory of the interior
the ancient alien architecture of the aquatics
comforting the captured children in the caverns of california
the controversial cinematics of the cavernous causeway
aliens of the abyss!?
the secrets of the subterranean
expedition to the entrance of the emptyrial earth
the monsters of the mysterious military missions
the dungeons of dore
presenters of the para-planetary perspective
the tommyknockers of the troglodytes
what waits within
the subterranean beneath the streets
the amazing arcadeal adventures in agartha
the legendary land of the lost legions
the mystery of the mer-man
the quest of q
mourning for the missing
the machinations of the milabs
the creature in the cavernous crevice
the seekers of the sunken suburbs
the spiritual conflict of shasta
ingress to the interior
the craft and the cave
atack of the anunnaki from the abyss
probing the plutonic pits of our planet
speaking to the sasquatch
the superstore and the subterranea
the entrances of the euphrates
the aliens of antarctica
moricz and the metallic mystery
defending democracy from the denizens of the depths
aliens of the abyss
the denizens of dugway
monsters of the marina
the civilizations of the caverns
the abyss of area 51
the satanism of the socialists
barkun on what is below
vile venom in the vaults beneath the vatican
the mystery of the merpeople
the reach of the radar
the nazis of the netherworld
the warriors of subterranean wars
the war of the under worlds
the destruction of the dumbs
the aliens of the abyss
the sadness of mrs. phil schneider
the conquest of the cavern world
the caverns of the clones
the inhabitants of the interior
the allure of agharta
missing with the mer-people
the netherworld of our cosmic neighbors
the subterrains of the skinwalker
the nazis of neuschwabenland
the society of the subterra-holics
the manipulations of the milabs
the entrances to the emptorial earth
the legacy of the lizards
the secret bunkers of the british
the draconian dungeons of the damned
the soldiers of subterranea
the kinetics of kinninigin
the creatures of the caverns
the halls of hurtak
the mysteries of the mermaids
the unidentified underground
the pathways under the pyramids
the destiny of the draco's
the mazes of the monuments
the caverns of the cults
the katacombs of the kgb
the portals of the plotters
the dungeons of denver
the speleothems of speleology
the hot and the hollow
the netherworld of the nazis
the serpent-worshipers of schwabenland
the pitfalls of pine gap
the pathways of pine gap
the borehole of the secret bases
the roadways of the reptiles
the chasm of the cauldrons
the bastian of bennewitz
the lost world of liverpool
the underworld of the unexplained
the masonic manipulators of mentality
the backlands of the bore-mechs
the mazepits of the mothmen
the tunnels of the infil-traitors
the shafts of the scrolls of schneider
the video secrets of schneider
the depths of dulce
the tunnel trains of the trans-european transit terminals
Military Officials have FINALLY ADMITTED that "quite a number" of Crashed UFO's
(Note: You May Need to Click on the SOUND icon at the Bottom-Right corner of the Screen to Adjust the Volume)
more of the same

Don't be an A.S.S. - i.e. a victim of "Alien Stockholm Syndrome"
The Darkest Hour
Play the
Type into the address bar of your browser (the radical socialist LEFT-WING organization) and see what comes up !!!
Is Science Fiction
Science FACTion !?
While doing a video search for the words: Denver airport "underground nazi base" german "new world order" ... ONLY ONE website came up, and it was THIS ONE ...

The Evils of the
Online Video Games
Colonel Fawcett and the
Lost City of Z
can cancer be beaten?
Question Reality
The Early Contacts of Alex Collier
(Contactee Alex Collier says that the 'Andromedans' originally colonized the Zenatae star system -- which is in the CONSTELLATION of Andromeda in OUR galaxy -- FROM the Lyra sector... the Lyrans have an ancient underground base beneath Death Valley California, from where their ancestors -- the "ancient astronauts" from earth who developed space travel -- colonized Lyra thousands of years ago)
blessed2teach + "underground war" + Youtube
"New Berlin" + Nazi + underground + Antarctica + Youtube

Sometimes the most fiercest battles are the



wouldst thou go back to the home cavern?


tread deeper still?