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There is an apparent discrepancy between the stories that Mark Richards has told, and the accounts that Thomas Castello (and others) have related concerning the Dulce Battle. This concerns the role that the reptiloids (the tall 7 ft. reptilian humanoids) played in the Dulce facility.

Mark Richards writes that the Dulce base was controlled by the 'Greys', yet he does not mention the fact that the Grays are biologically reptilian in nature, and that according to MANY OTHER SOURCES the tall 'Reptiloids' are the overseers and masters of the 'Grays', and several sources indicate that the Reptiloids or Draconians (or so called 'Lizard-Men') are the innermost power in the collective 'hive mind' by which the Grays are controlled... again, ACCORDING TO MANY SOURCES.

Mark Richards however says that the Grays and the Reptiloids are enemies, which contradicts what many others have said. His 'Dulce Battle' account suggests that the 'Lizard Men' helped the human military personnel attack the 'Grays' in the base. However Richards' account makes absolutely no reference to the fact that these tall Reptiloids or Lizard men played a MAJOR role in the hidden activities within the Dulce base itself.

HOWEVER, we should consider the possibility that there are different FACTIONS of the reptiloid 'race', and that those whom Mark Richards dealt with are of a more benevolent class.

The question that we must ask ourselves concerning the DULCE WARS is just WHY these 'Lizard Men' would attack their OWN REPTILIAN GRAY SERVANTS!? Even IF such a scenario existed in the Dulce Battle, then could it have been a case of 'reverse psychology'... that is, the REAL ENEMY disposing of some of its lower echelon in order to convince the human military to TRUST them (the Reptiloids) because they wiped out the so-called enemy of the military, the 'Grays'... while keeping HIDDEN the fact that the grays work (or in this case, 'worked') for the reptilian humanoids!? But IF the attacking reptiloids were/are of different FACTIONS, then this would EXPLAIN this apparent discrepancy.

Such strategies of misleading, and absolute, DECEPTION by the reptiloids are a COMMON occurrence in abduction scenarios, etc.

Another account comes from Thomas E. Castello, former Dulce base security officer. And what he said about the reptiloids is that they were/are subservient to the very malitious "winged draco" (pterodactyl-like humanoids similar to descriptions of the so-called "Mothmen).

However, as it is said: " convinced against their will is of the same opinion still."

Castello stated that a small faction of Dulce base reptiloids disagreed with what was going on there, and they MAY have helped to orchestrate the Dulce attack to stop it (or not, this is just speculation).

So, we will try to 'lay it all on the line' and let you, the reader, make your own determination as to what to believe in this regard... and most importantly, to LIVE with the consequences of your chosen belief system. But one thing is certain, the Dulce base scenario seems to be VERY COMPLICATED!

Here then are some of the words of former Dulce base Security officer, Thomas E. Castello concerning the Reptiloids or Reptoids:

In response to a question as to how the 'Dulce caverns' were created, Thomas Castello wrote:

"...Nature started the caverns. The Draco [reptilian humanoids] used the caverns and tunnels for centuries... some 'reptoids' are native to this planet. The ruling caste of 'aliens' ARE reptilian. The beige or white beings are called The Draco. Other reptilian beings are green, and some are brown. They were an ancient race on Earth, living underground. It may have been one of the Draconian beings that 'tempted' Eve in the Garden of Eden. Reptoids rightly consider themselves 'native Terrans.' Perhaps they are the ones we call the Fallen Angels - maybe not. Either way, we are [considered] the 'squatters' on Earth."

In response to the question: "Where do the little Grey Aliens fit in?" - Thomas stated:

"...They (the Grays in the Dulce base) work for, and are controlled by the Draco. There are other gray skinned beings that are not in league with the Draco."

In response to the question: "Did you ever talk to any of the 'Aliens' at the Base?" - T.E.C. (Thomas E. Castello) stated:

"...It was the reptilian 'working caste' that usually did the physical labor in the lower levels at Dulce. Decisions involving that caste were usually made by the white Draco. When human workers caused problems for the working caste, the reptoids went to the white Draconian 'boss', and the Draco called me. At times, it felt like it was a never ending problem."

Another question posed to Mr. Castello about a year before his disappearance, was: "Can you give me more information on the reptilian race, what do they do on the sixth level? [The area called Nightmare Hall?]"

Thomas Castello's reply:

"...The worker caste does the daily chores, mopping the latex floors, cleaning the cages, bringing food to the hungry people and other species. It is their job to formulate the proper mixture for the type one and type two beings that the Draco Race has created. The working caste work at the labs as well as at the computer banks. Basically speaking, the reptilian races are active at all levels of the Dulce Base. There are several different 'races' of aliens that work on the east section of level six. That section is commonly called 'the alien section.' The Draco are the undisputed masters of the 5-6-7 levels. The humans are second in command of those levels. I had to ARGUE with one large Draconian 'boss' frequently. His name is difficult to verbalize, Khaarshfashst [pronounced throaty kkhhah-sshh-fahsh-sst].

"I usually called him 'Karsh,' and he hated it... These ancient beings consider us a lower race. Karsh called me 'Leader Castello,' but it was used in a sarcastical way."

(Note from 'Branton': I must confess here that I may have been presumptuous in labeling ALL of the reptilians as being controlled by the infernal 'HIVE', and have no individual thought or choice to resist its 'assimilation' of the universe/omniverse into the Hive's control, so to speak. I consider this possibility in light of the following words by Thomas Castello, in response to my question{s}, via email, through a mutual friend. My question was: "Did any of the working caste join in the revolt? Could you give me some names?)

Answer by Thomas Castello:

"...A few of the reptilian janitorial crew let us know that THEY knew WE were attempting to sabotage the work going on in the sixth and seventh levels. One of them, with the name Schhaal, secretly formed a small group of reptoids with the same mind set as my group."

(COMMENT BY BRANTON: Take note of the similarity between this scenario and the NBC mini-series "V", which is now available on video/DVD. I have it on 'good authority' that the original author of the "V" idea was an investigator who knew Thomas Castello on a personal basis. He had connections in Hollywood and had written a motion picture script, which was in turn seen and 'borrowed' without permission by an NBC employee and re-written as a mini-series. The show was based on reptilian humanoids from Sirius-B who had come to earth under the guise of benevolent human-like 'space brothers' to bring a new order of 'universal peace'. In reality, they had a secret agenda to rape planet earth of her resources and steal her people for biological sustenance. This agenda was being contested by a human resistance who refused to fall for the reptilian's facade, since may of these reptilians were able to chameleon-like shape-shift and pass themselves off as normal human beings, or at least with an outward human appearance. Such beings HAVE allegedly been encountered at Dulce also ["Truth is stranger than fiction"]. These human resistors in this, the "V" series were in turn working with a secret fifth-column of reptilians who did not agree with their leaders' agenda for the total conquest of planet earth. Could this mini-series have had an actual basis in a bizarre reality? - Branton).

Thomas Castello continues:

"....Sshhaal took upon himself the danger of informing me. He was as open as is possible in a unique situation. On the day I found out about it, I was inspecting a camera near an exit tunnel. He approached, stooped down (the tall reptiloids average about 7-8 ft. in height according to most witnesses - Branton), seemingly scraping some non-existent dirt, and he quietly said, 'A few of us agreed that you are singular in your interest in missing-human reports. If true, walk away. I'll reach you. If it's untrue, destroy my life now!' My heart almost leaped out of my chest, but I silently walked toward one of the wide halls. For the rest of my life I'll remember those words! It was the first time I KNEW reptilians could have individual thoughts and opinions! Basically, they formed a uniform front with a small variety of interests. Or at least, that was what we had thought.

"It was a couple days before I heard from him again. As he walked beside me in the sixth level's infamous hall, I heard him say 'Enter the exit tunnel on the sixth level, north, after your shift.' The next few hours were long and filled with thoughts of betrayal, or worse, but I shouldn't have worried. I contacted one of the original nine [resistance] men, and let him know, just in case. Gordon [his name] wanted to go with me, but I convinced him to wait a few feet from the exit and pretend he was having trouble with his cart [electric, like a golf cart]. When I got there, there were three of them. SSHHAAL formerly introduced FAHSSHHAA and HUAMSSHHAA [name base word is SSHHAA or assist]. With that, I quickly grabbed Gordon from the hall and the five of us talked and walked in the dark tunnels about three hours.

"After that day, the joined resistance group got bigger and bolder. Ultimately, it ended when a military assault was initiated via the exit tunnels and they executed anybody on their list, human or reptilian (apparently the 'Dulce Battle' or the 'Dulce Wars', OR could it have been another attack altogether!? - Branton).

"We fought back, but none of the working caste had weapons, nor did the human lab workers. Only the security force and a few computer workers had flash guns. It was a massacre. Every one was screaming and running for cover. The halls and tunnels were filled as full as possible. We believe it was the Delta Force [because of the uniforms and the method they used] that chose to hit at shift change, an effort that killed as many as named on their list..."

(NOTE FROM BRANTON: If Thomas Castello is correct in his assertion, then based on his overall revelations, as well as the revelations of others, the Dulce Wars were the result of at least five overlapping factors or scenarios which converged at more or less the same time or played into each other. This may have also involved a conflict of interest within MJ12 itself, and apparently involved different security forces including the Delta Force, Black Berets, Air Force Blue Berets, Secret Service, FBI Division Five, CIA stormtroopers and Dulce Base security. The various factors which seem to have played into the Dulce wars would include animosity towards the Greys for their slaughter of several scientists and security personnel in the Groom Wars below Area 51 three years earlier as described by former MJ12 Special Studies Group agent Michael Wolf; accidental [?] encounters between aliens and human construction workers and security forces near Dulce as described by Phil Schneider; an attack on the Dulce base 'resistance' that was apparently ordered by die-hard collaborators in deep-level intelligence agencies as described by Thomas Castello; an attempt to rescue several of our best scientists who had been captured by the aliens after they had discovered the "Grand Deception" involving a violation of the established treaties - that is the permanent abduction of thousands of humans to the Dulce and other bases for God only knows what purposes as described by John Lear; AND finally an orchestrated attempt by certain higher-ups to RESCUE thousands of abducted humans from the Dulce underground and surrounding areas. In other words the situation probably involved a complex mixture of overlapping scenarios -- Could it be that MJ12 / PI40 was unaware of these abductees, yet their superior agency known as the BLACK MONK / MAJIC WAS aware and had agreed to an actual exchange of human life for technology?; and another factor according to one source would involve a dispute over whether human security personnel could carry flash guns as opposed to machine guns. All of these were apparently contributing factors to the 'altercations' -- apparently more than one -- which raged throughout the Dulce Base beginning in 1979. - Branton).

Thomas Castello continues:

"We, to this day, do not know who BETRAYED us. Gordon Ennery ran beside me as we ran into the third level exit tunnels, and he died when several bullets slammed into his back. I vaporized that assassin and kept running. And I'm still running. Gordon will be remembered."

(Note: According to many abductees, the reptiloids are not above eating human flesh. It has been said that they prefer flesh that is young enough to be free of toxins, yet old enough to be imbued with a lifetime of accumulated "emotional energy residue" which is resident within the human body. - Branton)