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中華古董上的 "銘文"
Mark on Artifacts

甲.   "銘文" 在 "器物上面"
A.   The "Marks" were on the "top" of the artifacts

乙.   "銘文" 在 "器物底下"
B.   The "Marks" were on the "bottom" of the artifacts

始自何時 "銘文" 改在 "底下" ?

Scince "When ?"

有 "考証" 嗎 ?

中華各 "博物館中" 有
"銘文在器底下" 的古董嗎?
若有, 是何 "年代", "朝代"?

中華各 "博物館中" 有
"銘文在器底下" 的古董
是 "起於" 那一 "年代", "朝代"?

這一問題值得 "探討"!

古代 "筆筒"
Old "Brush Holder"

These two characters were used
before 256 BC in China.

此二 "篆字" 為今字

These two "current-using characters" are
the new forms of the ancient characters

" ""


明代金色 "宣德香爐"
Ming golden "Xuande Burner"

Ming golden "Xuande Burner"

Zheng He brought
this golden burner to Sacramento CA, USA!

明代金色 "宣德貢盤"
Ming golden "Xuande Plate"

Xuande 宣 德 年代
Offering Plate & Incense Burner

Brought to California by Zheng He (鄭 和)

鄭 和 船隊帶到美國加州的
貢盤 和 香爐