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2007 TSI Fattest Butt Results

2007 Fattest Butt 50K+ a Spectacular Success; Carter, Cooper, and A.J. Johnson lead all da'slugs to finish & Crazy Horse Winner Jason "Move-Over" Mattis rumbles across the finish line to pick up the famed TSI "Black Slug-Shirt." To view all race photos Click Here!

Fat Butt starters Our lives are made up of long strings of individual moments. Some days are good, and some are bad. Today, for this list of Slug-finishers the memories will be great. They may not know it yet, and that's O.K. But, after they get over the crab-leggedness, the overwhelming fatigue, and the blisters, they will look back and think, "I had a good time." I know this, as all ultrarunners do. We may want to quit, but we can't . Even if we fail on a particular day, you can bet your sweet arse that we're coming back. Today, as always, the Slug-field had a wide variety of personalities and experience, and every single one of them deserved to be here.

Further, we had TSI Hall-of-Famer James "The All-Niter" Moore, and his child-bride, My Favorite Sluggette, on hand to welcome old and new slugs, alike. Leading our humble gang in today were three strong veterans. Ryan Carter over from D.C. and looking like he was out for a Sunday run shared the spotlight with A.J. Johnson and Jason Cooper. While Slug names usually take years to earn, Jason was granted an exception. Rockin' and Rollin' from Memphis, the Executive Council really had no choice. While Jason belongs to the S.A.M. (Smart Arse Marathoners) group; to us he will always be, "Elvis-Slug." On the female side; Katie Ka from the Philadelphia area called the night before the non-event, and requested entry. I immediately phoned Chief Slug in Florida who recommended entry, based on her absolute lack of marathon experience. Anyone, who believes that they can jump in there and finish, deserves a chance. And she made all da' slugs proud on this day.

Every individual in the field had a notable experience, and their efforts were proven in the January heat. Marching in through the pain of muscle cramps, Mark Kuo; reminded us all what it means "not to quit." Here in the middle of "The First State" on a winter morning in front of a handful of folks; it would have been easy to walk away. But Mark chose to battle, and in the end, it was a privilege to hand him the famed "Slug-shirt." While Russell couldn't be here, he's cliff-diving in Argentina; he did send representation. And Eugene "Bring It" Bruckert from Illinois did not let us down. Wearing that fantastic turtle shirt he rolled in looking good.

Ranger Rick chased us out at dark. That's only fair, and being a Lifetime Slug, i'm well-used to reasoning with park authorities. But, that can't stop Slugs from finishing. Miguel Gomez plodded back out into the pitch black forest; only God knows what happens at night out there. For sure, the blind flying squirrels will attack, and A.J. got to see a large-horned delaware deer beast up real close! But ole Miguel wanted that shirt. So into the darkness he disappeared. Sure enough an hour or so later he emerged, trembling with fear, and unable to tell tales of what he saw. Initiating him into Team Slug is why we're still here. He is a Slug. And it is an honor to have him.

It's funny how the right people always show up for these events. Blending together, sharing an experience that truly will enhance each of their lives, and an experience that none of them will ever forget. The newbies came here with a dream, of what could be; and for better or worse they left Delaware on this evening as Slugs. And, while this may not be a real race, and we're not a real club; you can be sure that the emotions and friendships we shared were real. And in the end, that is all that matters. Wishing each of you a glorious moment in the sun.

Happy Trails & Keep Runnin'
The Hitman

Register Now for Next Delaware TSI Event!!!Russell B. Cheney 50K

Final Results-----Central Delaware-----Jan 6, 2007
1. Ryan Carter, DC 4:42
1. Jason Cooper, TN 4:42
1. A.J. Johnson, NJ 4:42
4. John Straub, DE 5:04
4. Leif Rasmussen, PA 5:04
6. Derek Hills, MD 5:10
7. Tom Curtis, PA 5:16
8. Ravi Gooneratne, PA 5:20
9. James Moore, MD 5:38
10. Phillip Hesser, MD 6:05
11. Katie Ka, PA 6:18
11. Frank Gafford, PA 6:18
13. Mark Kuo, PA 6:23
14. Eugene Bruckert, IL 7:04
15. Jason Mattis, PA 7:11
16. Miguel Gomez, VA 7:45
(17 Starters, 16 Finishers)