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Voice of writer vs. voice or reader
Monday, 28 February 2005
Larry Flynt
The movie The People vs. Larry Flynt was a very controversial film dealing with issues of pornography conflicting with the First Amendment. Gloria Steinem is very adamant that Flynt is not a hero, nor any other pornographer. To her the film is a lie because it only tells half the truth. Readers have no idea the molestations allegations against Flynt by his daughter or the many wives Flynt discarded. Ellen Goodman sees Flynt as the curse to the First Amendment. To her, the making of this movie, which allows the American people to remember such a man, has fulfilled Flynt’s last fantasy. Goodman sees the movie as a lie because it does not accurately depict Flynt. The film leaves out such facts as Flynt’s five wives and five children. Goodman isn’t against the movie or magazine being shown to the public. What concerns her more is that a man such as Flynt is depicted as a hero in such a film. Slipped in with his extensive information regarding the movie Oliver North says that the film treats those against pornography, motivated by their religious beliefs, more dangerous than Flynt. North doesn’t think that this issue is what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the First Amendment. The movie depicts Flynt as the champion of this amendment but if one were to look past the suspicious scheme of the film they would see that the Flynt portrayed on the big screen doesn’t come close to reality.

Posted by ultra2/jennifer0 at 12:01 AM PST
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Friday, 25 February 2005
Personal definition of the constitution
Mood:  d'oh
The Constitution is a document that was written for the people. Of all documents this one holds supreme power. It was created a little over two hundred years ago by a very famous group of men. The United States Constitution is constantly being revised and changed. It is a living document, which means it is left to the people to interpret the laws with which it consists. Though it covers many issues the Constitution does not cover such issues as abortion or gay marriage. These concerns are constantly being debated and argued upon by the people. Contained within this most powerful document are the Articles of Confederation and the Declaration of Independence. Such great men as George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson contributed in the creation of this text. Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Later a Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. The preamble which begins the Constitution is recited, while looking up to an American flag with a hand over ones heart, daily. The First Amendment contained within the Bill of Rights, grants freedom of speech to the people. Today this Amendment is greatly debated upon. Courts often have a hard time defining what people should and shouldn’t be able to say in public. The Supreme Court is continually looking at and interpreting the Constitution to fit the ever-changing world we live in.

Posted by ultra2/jennifer0 at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 21 March 2005 6:16 PM PST
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Wednesday, 23 February 2005
End of unit
I found this unit very interesting. There are so many things in this world that most people never take the time to think about, such as the origination of language and how it is passed down through their ancestors. Words that I use today may not be present in the language of my children but then again maybe they will. Its funny how a word can take on a different meaning. A word such as bitchin. I know my parents said this word when they were little. At that point in time it was rather new but today it seems as though is beginning to fade out. It amazes me how we continue to make up words such as duh which cannot be found in a dictionary. It’s possible that there is a dictionary out there that contains this word. I wonder if there is a dictionary of modern language. I’ve seen dictionaries from the early 19th century and it is quite interesting to look up words that we use today and see just how much the definition has changed. Oops going off on a tangent. Hey, there is one again oops. My computer even recognizes that as a word. I have also learned that it is very difficult to write an essay critiquing something. I found while writing a critique I wanted to give my own opinion on the subject. I have written critiques before but somehow this one seemed different. In high school part of the requirements to pass chorus was to write a critique. We would have to go see a concert or vocal performance of some sort and then critique the show. Some how this critique essay seemed more difficult. I enjoy analyzing things and so, so far I have enjoyed this class immensely. I often think about things such as where language came from and so it is fun to actually discuss this with other people and get different points of view.

Posted by ultra2/jennifer0 at 6:18 PM PST
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Thursday, 17 February 2005
Blog 3, free write
The Freudian slip… All thoughts and behavior have meaning, nothing happens randomly. When we accidentally say one thing but mean another is it our subconscious trying to tell us something? Early childhood experiences influence adult relationships. One who has unresolved relationships may notice a pattern in their relationships problems that very well could stem back to a significant event that took place in their lives during childhood. Most every human being seeks to feel balanced or at an equilibrium. We are in a constant state of trying to satisfy one need after another. I continually have this problem with my two friends Doug and Greg. I know they are different people. I don’t particularly notice many similarities between the two yet somehow when I am referring to one or the other I say the wrong name. For example when talking about Doug I will “accidentally” say Greg’s name. This particular reoccurring Freudian slip I cannot understand. For the most part I think if one looks hard enough they can see some sense in what they did not mean to say. If we are so influenced by the occurrences in our childhoods can we change those things about ourselves? Are they permanently embedded in our minds because of their presence during the key growing stages of our minds? I like to believe that even as adults if one can identify a particular negative trait about themselves they can work on it and possibly change it if need be.

Posted by ultra2/jennifer0 at 10:50 AM PST
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Language shapes a culture
Mood:  incredulous
Language is a system of symbols that allows for communication amongst people. Without language the continuity of culture wouldn’t be possible. This process of cultural transmission is enabled because we can communicate and pass on to our children our customs and standards. Culture comes from learned behavior, one is not born with the ability to speak and assimilate in to society. Language allows us to verbally show emotion and express things that we are not other wise able to do, therefore allowing one to pass on their values and beliefs. Language skills link us to the past as well as spark the human imagination. Such oral tradition allows stories and lessons to be passed down generation to generation. Each inherited word holds its own history that helps define individuals within a culture. The fact that there are many different languages in our world just goes to show that location and environment also contribute to shaping a culture. The difference in weather and available food sources in a particular location will bring out different skills and learned behaviors in a person. Overall the language that an individual speaks and the learned customs and beliefs that are passed down to him or her help to shape the culture in which they are brought up in.

Posted by ultra2/jennifer0 at 10:20 AM PST
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Monday, 7 February 2005
Voice of writer vs. reader
Mood:  down
A person who writes gets to express their thoughts and feelings. A person who reads is simply takin in what has already been said. The writer has the power to persuade the reader and possibly change his or her opinion on the topic. Writing gives on e power and can take you farther in life. The book gives different strategies for writing and how to begin an essay or some other work of writing. Writing is a source of freedom because one can record their thoughts and express thier own opinions. A well written piece can be taken and made in to something great. With reading that is simply all one is doing, there is no option to change what they are reading and accept it or dislike it. Simply put, you can go about life reading what others have to say or you can write it yourself.

Posted by ultra2/jennifer0 at 1:02 PM PST
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