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Note to Mr. D!

Hey Mr. D!! Oh finally, now I can type the ‘homie’ way, where ‘was’ is spelt W-U-Z (hehe, get it?) So anyways, what did u think of it? Was I thinking outside of the box enough? Or even better, 10 feet away from the box? (Hehe)

ok. I didn't write your real name on this site, just in case you were one of those people who dont want any of their personal info on the web because they are afraid that someone will find it, and track them down.

Also, I have intelligently disabled the right click on this site (as you might already know), so that only the most intelligent person can copy any part of the site. And any of your future students will not be able to get the source code!

Alritee now. I gotta explain some stuff:
Question number 6 is in the newspaper that I handed in. In total, I wrote 4 articles.
Question number 7 (the poster) is on the back of the newspaper (page 6). To understand it, you kinda have to have read the Moraine Restoraine Inc. Page. Hopefully, youve already done that. okay? good.

Well, thats about it. But one question still remains: Can i get perfect, pleeeeeeeeeze???? heheeh. okay bye!

you! ^


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