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January 15, 2004
[10:33 AM] What we do on our spare time (snowdays) :)
posted by: Ryan

NO SCHOOL!! haha this is the most amazing thing that has ever happened in my entire life (except when i managed to make my dog flip and land on his feet on our old trampoline.) Ya know, after doing that, i had a real sense of accomplishment - like my life had a purpose, not like that fake feeling of accomplishment when you get straight A's on your report card... but like a real sense of pride in what takes priority in my life ;) <--- naa im jk, ive never gotten straight A's so i wouldnt know... Anyway - this is fungs and my webpage that im gunna use to upload my music to as well as other things such as the SAT answer sheet and the such. Well Ray is teaching me all the html that i need to post and do all that neat lil schway stuff so im gunna try some of this stuff out and post again later.
January 15, 2004
[10:10 AM] This site is under construction 2
posted by: Fung

Right, now I'm starting to see whether new posts will fall one right on top of another. The reason this site is so boring right now is because of the lack of graphics. Font and graphics makes a world of difference, you know. Oh well, changes coming soon.
January 15, 2004
[10:05 AM] This site is under construction
posted by: Fung

As you can probably see, we have a ways to go before this website is completed. When it is finished however, this will be a place where budding artists will be able to post their work. Expect to see some guitar work from Mr. Bartscherer in the near future. We are currently setting up the other sections of the site and creating some style sheets to make editing faster. Enjoy your stay.
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