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.New Stuff.
.Birth Control Pill.
.Related. .Pain.

.Birth Control Pill.


My vagina doesn't usually hurt. It goes itchy sometimes, and then I scratch it in my sleep and it hurts when I wake up. One time when I had my period it hurt, like the actual vagina, not the uterus, hurt. Also once after my boyfriend and I had sex 5 times in a day it started to hurt a lot. But not during sex, just after. But I think that pain was also contributed by the Kotex U Sandpaper .pads.

When I was younger I used my vagina used to itch and burn a lot. I think this was because I didn't drink much water when I was little which would cause my urine to be really concentrated and hurt like hell when I pee. Mum used to have to put special cream (I have no idea what it was) on my vagina at times to stop the pain and itch. Eventually I stopped needing it after I was about 8 or 9. The memory makes me giggle because I remember being really embarrassed to ask mum to wipe cream on my vagina, so I'd call it my choo choo. Hehe and if someone overheard I'd pretend I was talking about a train and start making chugging noises. ANYWAYS getting off topic here.

I used to get really bad menstrual pains. Like really bad. And they got worse with every .period. One time they were so bad I curled up in bed screaming all morning. Finally, after missing school every month from the pain I got myself to the doctor and she put me on the .Pill.

The .Pill. was a last resort. If you have period pain don't straight away think, yes I'm going to go on the pill! It's not that great, but THAT story is in the Pill section. Anyways, my periods were very .heavy., .irregular., .painful., and made me unbelievably nauseous, and I couldn't take painkillers made for period pain as they made me sick, and normal painkillers weren't strong enough. One time I took 2 of my mum's brufen, and they didn't even help me. So yes, I went on the .Pill.




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