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Head In The Clouds...
Thursday, 31 July 2003
...and so it begins.
I don't know wether i'm going to keep it up though. Now how on earth am i going to intrest others into reading this "blog"? Do i really want to pour my life into the web world...i don't think it matters it's not as if anyone i know will read it....i hope!
Anyway this blob is called "Head In The Clouds..." cos thats basically what i do. My mind always seems to be somewhere else and im forever dreaming and, i have a hell of an imagination and ideas. Im creative to and...Im Hazel by the way im 14 and 10 months (tomorrow) sort of. Its 10:55pm. Im not a tierd girl though, i can stay up days at a time and not get tierd, i guess my body eats up any stored energy i have. You know i've always thought i was special and different to others, i mean everyones different and unique but i want to be...somthing? not nothing. Haha hear i am talking to a computer about stuff i've never said to anyone! Im talkative but i usually want to know more about the other person than me. Your probably bored off your socks...oh well those who care or are bothered to read feel free to read cos i want to know about anyone who reads this to!
Ill end with a quote i think has some sort of impact on me...its from final fantasy x/x2 - a game (i dont remember) "Nomatter how dark the night, morning always comes".

Posted by ultra/ffforever at 10:58 PM BST
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