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Something So Unreal
Thursday, 24 July 2003
Obla Dee, Obla Daa...
Mmm, just got back from my calc final - hard @$$ shit! But oh well ... it's over!! Finally - a month of total bliss... oh yeah! :o)

Well, I'm leaving for Jersey in a few minutes so I'm gonna go get my ish together...

More next week homies!

Posted by ultra/babybambina84 at 1:56 PM EDT
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Saturday, 19 July 2003
mmmmm!! :o)

So three reasons why my day was so great:

1. I found the perfect shade of lipstick! If you know me then you know the three things I can't seem to stop buying are candles, make-up, and movies. :o) So along with the perfect shade of lipstick, I dressed up and it felt nice to do that again because I've been too lazy to do it in a while. So for the night I was pretty again :o) Or semi-pretty... whatever.

2. I realized that this is my last week of Calculus. I'm sure no explanation of why that is so wonderful is needed.

3. The play tonight was sooo fabulous! And I don't think I've ever got a welcome like the one I got tonight. Kate was so happy to see me and it was nice to be loved! :o) I met her whole entire family - damn, that's one big family! She and the others in the play were sooo great.

It was great seeing her again and we got the letter together so we can be ROOMATES! Yes, roomates, put the two crazy, hyper, loud people in one room and who knows what will happen! *hehe*

Ok, so the only bad thing about tonight? I think I'm falling for someone that I really shouldn't be. We started off being really good friends, but today when I talked to him, I noticed I was getting jealous when he started talking about his GIRLFRIEND. Yes, his girlfriend. Guys are more trouble than they're worth. So my solution is to stay as far away from him as I can because I can't let myself fall farther... Besides, him flirting me, and telling me how pretty and smart (yada yada yada) I supposedly am is NOT helping!

Aaaaah. Guys. Who needs 'em? Dammit, I do!!

Posted by ultra/babybambina84 at 11:22 PM EDT
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Thursday, 17 July 2003
So I'm excited about everything that's going to come :o) I saw the twins the other day and I was happier to see them than I was some other people that I've basically known all my life. Sad, huh? I guess it's true, things change. Aaaah well. It was bound to happen, and I'm tired of people blaming me for things that aren't exactly my fault (AHEM!)

I only have a week of classes left, hell yes. IT'S ALMOST OVER! Then I have a month of vacationing time, woo f*cking hoo! I'm having everyone over when I get back from Jersey so that should be fun :o) I don't even want that many people there, honestly, there's only 10 or so people I want to see again and all of them have already told me they'll definitely be there.

Aaaand Bev is leaving soon (DAMMIT!) so we're all trying to go out because we won't see her for a long ass time - I think we're going to go bowling which will be fuuuun :o)

Ooops, I have homework I should be doing...

Posted by ultra/babybambina84 at 12:01 AM EDT
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Monday, 14 July 2003
Bad things tend to happen in clumps...
So who had one of the worst days? Yeah, that's right, me (I'll write the whole reason why in my "private journal" if you want the addy - send me an e-mail) So the calc exam was so f*cking ridiculus, grrr. Then I went to the mall to get my hair cut and I guess that was okay, but I just kept hoping I wouldn't see a certain person since they work at the mall, and luckily I didn't see them.

Hana's party tonight was good at first, like I was really having fun, but yeah... stuff happened after that and then I just wanted to go home. And Hana babe if you're reading this, happy birthday!! i love you!! I hope you liked the gift :o)

But anyways, it's me again thinking stuff I shouldn't be thinking. I was talking to Keerat the other night and telling him how I cry over too many people, and he told me what I wanted to hear, that no one's worth the tears, now only if I can make myself believe it.

Plus, I got a rather random and confusing e-mail from this girl the other day, and yeah, never mind.

OKay I'm going to stop being vague and go.

Posted by ultra/babybambina84 at 10:11 PM EDT
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Friday, 11 July 2003
the sun after the storm
Today was a pretty good day :o) One of the best I've had in weeks.

Vanessa and I were talking today, and it felt good to actually talk to a friend like that again. I've been driving myself apart from my friends lately, but I think things are getting better.

It's just nice to know that someone has some of the same opinions and goals you have. We talked about how we wanted to work with kids once we get out of college, and it was SO great to meet someone with the same passion you have. So maybe I will become a social worker? Ideally that's what I'll do, but we'll see - who knows what the future has in store.

So then I went shopping and got Hana's birthday gift (I wanna keep it!! *sniff*) and little things for myself, it was very fun :o)

Now I am very tired and I think I'm gonna read one of the books I bought (yes, I'm a horror novel fiend!)

More later?

Posted by ultra/babybambina84 at 11:09 PM EDT
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There's more to it than you think.
So lately I've been talking to a lot of old friends. Not old per say, but people I haven't talked to in a year or so. And I realized that they've done so much that I haven't have and I feel like I'm missing out in the college student perspective.

I mean I've never been drunk or high, or ANYTHING. And the worse part? That I don't have the urge to either. That worries me, I should be out every night partying it up and just having fun. But that's just not me, I got to parties, but not every weekend, and certainly not every night. I don't really drink, except for half a drink every other month or so. AAAAH, what's wrong with me?!

Why aren't I normal? I wish I was more adventurous. Hmph.

Posted by ultra/babybambina84 at 8:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, 10 July 2003
Aaaah! So I'm trying to find out who my roomates in Jersey are going to be? I know it's me and Shruti, and we might get two random roomates? I dunno. I'd rather have two random roomates than two people that I already know (and don't like, lol) because then I'd get to know those people better. I guess it's going to be fun? I don't know, there's a volunteer meeting this Sat. in Jersey but I was planning on studying for my Calc midterm this weekend, so I dunno. I think I have to go, we'll see.

Speaking of calc, I was sooo pissed about my last midterm. I freaking studied my butt off. GRRR. Oh well, I just want to pass the class because since I'm not taking it at UMBC I get the credits but it's not factored into my GPA so the grade I get really has no importance just as long as I pass. Eh. Only two more weeks to go!

I got home today and I was going to clean what used to be my room (before it was taken over by everyone else) and I pulled a Kim. I got on the bed to get stuff out from under it and I ended up sleeping for 3 hours, oopsies. I dreamt that I was back in India for the summer and I was happy only I woke up and I wasn't. And yeah, that's about it. *sigh*

Posted by ultra/babybambina84 at 7:48 PM EDT
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