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About Sentorius
Hobo Stories


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Greetings and salutations internet traveler. I am Sentorius of The Great Lakes, a shard (or world) in Ultima Online (a massively multiplayer online game, or MMOG). This site is dedicated to share my experiences from inside of the game to anyone who wishes to know them. Let me warn you of three things right now, 1) I like to ramble a lot, so some things may not make much sense. 2) The reason for all the talk about hobo's is because of my house in-game, "The GoF Hobo Huts". 3) I hate swamps. Sure, a swamp is like a soggy jungle, but it makes no difference to me. The one single thing I hate more than swamps, is a Swamp Roof. A Swamp Roof is a house that has a swamp on its roof. Coincidentally, my neighbor in-game, is Swamp Roof. I refer to him with much hate.

Now that you have read the warnings, I will allow you to continue to any of the sections of the site you wish to browse. Oh yes... I almost forgot... Don't EVER, EVER, EVER, click on the symbol in the upper left... Don't tell me I didn't warn you...


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This site was last updated 06/17/03