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Cutscene Artwork

Wizardry Side-Story II: Curse of the Ancient Emperor [Japanese: Uiza-dorii Gaiden II: Kodai Koutei no Noroi], published in 1992 by ASCII, was the second of the trilogy of Wizardry roleplaying games released for the original gray-scale Nintendo Gameboy portable video game system.

  • I colored and resized (300%) all of the original black and white graphics:

  • »

  • I acquired, and translated, the vast majority of the statistical data for the creatures and items from this excellent Japanese Wizardry web site. Similarly, this map collection identified some secret rooms/doors that I had missed in my first playthrough when I was mapping the levels by hand on paper.

  • The translations from the original Japanese text are mostly the result of my own work/research, which was greatly aided by the NJStar word processor program, and the online resources Jeffrey's Japanese Dictionary and Google Translate. In cases where I couldn't even hazard a guess as to what the katakana or hiragana characters mean, I've left them in their original form. I'd also like to recognize Bogleech forum member "Ebe" for help with deciphering Xian Nui's name. As I am not even remotely fluent in the Japanese language, some of my translations may be incorrect and/or subject to reinterpretation, which I apologize for in advance.

  • Bestiary

  • UNIDENTIFIED: Unless you've cast the Level 3 Priest spell Latumapic, the identity of randomly encountered monsters is often unknown, which adds an element of uncertainy to battles. Fighting these vague shapes for a bit will usually reveal what they really are (if you survive that long).
  • CLASSIFICATION: What monster group/family the creature belongs to. Take particular note of Undead entities, as they can potentially be turned (banished) by Priests, Bishops, and Lords. Similarly, some weapons and armor are particularly effective against certain types of foes.
  • EXPERIENCE LEVEL: A numerical measure of how powerful a creature is. Stronger monsters are more dangerous, but they also yield greater rewards upon defeat.
  • EXPERIENCE POINTS: A numerical bounty you earn for killing a creature (which is divided equally amongst your surviving party members). At set quotas, which are different for each character class, accumulated experience points can be "cashed-in" at the Adventurer's Inn in town to advance a player character's experience level.
  • HIT POINTS: A numerical measure of a creature's life/health, as determined by the indicated die roll. Reducing it to zero kills the monster. The point spread represents the natural variation one would see in nature (i.e., some people are weaker/tougher than normal, but most are in the average range). Take note that some stronger monsters can regenerate (heal) a set number of hit points every round, which makes them more difficult to put down.
  • ARMOR CLASS: A numerical measure of how easy/difficult it is to strike a target. Usually, this is a reflection of an individual's physical resistance to injury, but things like size, dodging ability, unusual physiology, etc. can also contribute to the AC rating. Unlike the other statistics, when it comes to AC, the lower the number, including negative values, the better (a typical unarmored human has a natural AC of 10). Contrary to what one might expect, Armor Class does not actually reduce/mitigate damage, instead, it's an "all-or-nothing" affair--if an attack roll overcomes the player's or monster's AC value, then damage is successfully dealt, if it doesn't, they miss. Remember: Armor Class DOES NOT protect against breath attacks or spells, only physical attacks!!!
  • NUMBER APPEARING: The number of creatures making up a given monster group, which is determined by the indicated die roll. Some powerful monsters are solitary (which you should be thankful for), but most creatures tend to travel with others of their kind (mates, partners/allies, or whatever.)
  • PHYSICAL ATTACKS: A monster's "normal" offense. A creature with multiple physical attacks must direct them all at a single target; it can't attack several party members at once (i.e., a monster with three physical attacks can potentially hit one character up to three times, but it can't divide those strikes up amongst three separate characters.) There's also no guarantee that all of those blows will successfully hit (i.e., a monster with four physical attacks may only manage to land two of them on your character, which results in less damage). Beware! In addition to damage, some monsters' physical attacks may also inflict negative status effects, permanently drain experience levels, or even result in the loss of your head!
  • ATTACK BACK ROW: Most monsters can only physically attack the first three members of your party (the front row), however creatures with this ability have a longer reach and/or projectiles which allows them to strike any of your party members, regardless of their tactical position (time to die, you cowardly back row Mages!).
  • DECAPITATION: Instant death! While a variety of creatures can perform this feat, Ninja are the most infamous. No matter how powerful your characters become, they're always at risk of having their heads lopped off by creatures with this ability.
  • LEVEL DRAIN: Monsters with this ability (usually high-level Undead) can PERMANENTLY take away one (or more) of your character's experience levels, which is obviously something you want to avoid at all costs. Short of re-earning those experience points all over again, the Level 7 Mage spell Mahaman is the only way that you can restore those lost levels, but, even then, the character who employs said spell must forfeit an experience level in casting it, so you're always on the losing end of the equation.
  • SPELL LEVELS: Some monsters can cast Mage and/or Priest spells. The level (1-7) indicates their degree of expertise, and the percentage indicates the probability that they'll attempt to cast a spell during any given round of combat. See the Spellbook section, farther down the page, for more details.
  • BREATH ATTACK: A special ability that affects your ENTIRE party. The percentage indicates the likelihood that the monster will use it during a round of combat. A variety of creatures employ breath attacks, but dragons are the textbook example. Usually these exhalations just inflict damage, but some breath attacks can also cause negative status effects, like sleeping, poisoning, petrification, or, worst of all, instant death! It's always a good idea to cast the Level 3 Mage spell Cortu if you're facing a creature(s) that has a breath attack.
  • CALL FOR REINFORCEMENTS: When the going gets tough, the tough screams for help! Some monsters (particularly demons) can call out for an ally (of their own species) to join them in battle. The percentage indicates the probability of success. Remember: No single monster group can exceed nine members, so there's (thankfully) a limit to how many buddies they can accumulate.
  • RUN AWAY: Some creatures are cowardly (or smart enough to know when they're outclassed) and will flee combat rather than fight. Thieves and Mages are particularly prone to deserting their allies in battle. The percentage indicates the likelihood of the monster making a run for it during each round of combat. You don't earn any experience points for monsters that get away, but you still get their treasure/gold.
  • MAGIC RESISTANCE: Unfortunately for your spellcasters, some creatures have a degree of immunity to magic. The percentage indicates the likelihood of your magic failing when cast on said creatures (for example, a monster with 80% universal spell resistance is only affected by magic 20% of the time, which are pretty bad odds--better hope your fighters know their stuff). If a spell doesn't overcome a monster's magic resistance, then it doesn't have any effect, however, if the spell in question targets multiple enemies, it's possible other creatures might not be so lucky.
  • ELEMENTAL & STATUS EFFECT RESISTANCE: Some creatures are resistant to heat, cold, etc. While they can still be injured by such assaults, they only take half damage. For example, casting the freezing spell Madalto on a Frost Giant wouldn't be the soundest tactical decision.
  • FRIENDLY MONSTERS: Contrary to popular belief, not all monsters are bloodthirsty maniacs. Occasionally, you'll encounter friendly specimens. In such cases, you are presented with a choice of letting them go unmolested or attacking them (the course of action you take will likely affect the alignment of any Good or Evil characters in your party, which can have detrimental consequences, so choose wisely). Alas, some monster species can't be reasoned with and will never give your party the option to leave peacefully.
  • COMPANIONS: Most creatures are known to associate with another monster species, or additional groups of their own kind (again, Wizardry critters are firm believers in safety in numbers). The percentage indicated is the likelihood of those buddies being present at the start of the fight [i.e., there's a pretty good chance (65%) that Lesser Demons will be accompanied by a group of 1d4 Gargoyles.] Be aware that these "sidekicks" stack! Continuing with the Lesser Demon example, there's a small chance (15%) that said Gargoyles will be accompanied by yet ANOTHER Gargoyle group, and so forth. Thankfully, no single battle can consist of more than four monster groups, so there is a limit to these shenanigans.

  • Air Giant
    Japanese: Ea- Jaianto
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Japanese: Kyojin

    Air Giant

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    160-160 (20d1+140)
    Average: 160
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-5 (1d5)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 23-80 (3d20+20) damage. Average: 51.5
  • 10-20 (2d6+8) damage. Average: 15
  • 10-20 (2d6+8) damage. Average: 15
  • 10-20 (2d6+8) damage. Average: 15
  • 10-20 (2d6+8) damage. Average: 15
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 63-160. Average: 111.5
    Special Properties:
  • Universal spell resistance (95%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B11 and B?.
  • Frequently accompanied by Sickle Weasels (82% chance.)

  • Antlion Larva
    Japanese: Antoraion Ra-ba
    Japanese: Konchuu
    Japanese: Konchuu

    Antlion Larva

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    2-12 (2d6)
    Average: 7
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-8 (2d4) damage. Average: 5

  • Maximum damage range: 2-8. Average: 5
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to fire.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Antlion Larvae groups (20% chance).

  • Arch Demon
    Japanese: A-ku De-mon
    Japanese: Honoo
    Japanese: Akuma

    Arch Demon

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    305-705 (50d9+255)
    Average: 505
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 21-72 (3d18+18) damage. Average: 46.5
  • 20-54 (2d18+18) damage. Average: 37
  • 19-36 (1d8+18) damage. Average: 27.5
  • 19-36 (1d8+18) damage. Average: 27.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause poisoning, paralysis, petrification, and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 79-198
    Average: 138.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage and Priest spells (75% chance).
  • Regenerates 10 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (95%); Mage spell resistance (85%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle in B? at one of these six locations (it's random): 1N-2E; 2N-10E; 7N-2E; 9N-13E; 14N-15E; 15N-2E.
  • Always accompanied by a Lycurgus (100% chance).

  • Arch Wizard
    Japanese: A-ku Uiza-do
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Majutsushi

    Arch Wizard

    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    48-74 (13d3+35)
    Average: 61
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-7 (1d7) damage. Average: 4
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5

  • Maximum damage range: 2-15. Average: 8.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells (100% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10.
  • Always accompanied by a Mud Golem (100% chance.)

  • Armored Rhinoceros
    Japanese: A-ma-do Rainasarasu
    Armored Beast
    Japanese: Yoroi o Kita Kemono
    Japanese: Doubutsu

    Armored Rhinoceros

    Armored Beast
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    48-72 (8d4+40)
    Average: 60
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 25-72 (1d48+24) damage. Average: 48.5

  • Maximum damage range: 25-72. Average: 48.5
    Special Properties:
  • May run away (5% chance.)
  • Univeral spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to fire, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B5.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Elephants (45% chance.)

  • Asher
    Japanese: Assha-
    Weird Thing
    Japanese: Bukimi na Ikimono
    Japanese: Fushi


    Weird Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-10 (2d4+2)
    Average: 7
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-6 (1d6)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-6 (1d6) damage. Average: 3.5
  • May cause paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 1-6. Average: 3.5
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B3 and B4.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Asher groups (30% chance.)

  • Assassin
    Japanese: Asashin
    Crouching Figure
    Japanese: Uzukumaru Hitokage
    Japanese: Senshi


    Crouching Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    18-48 (10d4+8)
    Average: 33
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 4-10 (2d4+2) damage. Average: 7
  • 4-10 (2d4+2) damage. Average: 7
  • 4-10 (2d4+2) damage. Average: 7
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause poisoning and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 14-38. Average: 26
    Special Properties:
  • May call for reinforcements (20% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to fire and cold.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B7.
  • Often accompanied by an Armored Rhinoceros (80% chance.)

  • Bandit
    Japanese: Banditto
    Japanese: Kenshi
    Japanese: Senshi


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    3-8 (1d6+2)
    Average: 5.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-6 (1d4+2)
    Average: 4.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-12 (1d12) damage. Average: 6.5

  • Maximum damage range: 1-12. Average: 6.5
    Special Properties:
  • May run away (5% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Bandit groups (20% chance.)

  • Baramon
    Japanese: Baramon
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Souryo


    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    65-104 (13d4+52)
    Average: 84.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 6-10 (1d5+5) damage. Average: 8
  • 6-10 (1d5+5) damage. Average: 8

  • Maximum damage range: 12-20. Average: 16
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Priest spells; Level 4 Mage spells (100% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (10%).
  • Vulnerable to confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10.
  • Frequently accompanied by Wizards (82% chance.)

  • Basilisk
    Japanese: Bajirisuku
    Strange Animal
    Japanese: Kimyou na Doubutsu
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu


    Strange Animal
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-32 (4d8)
    Average: 18
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-5 (1d5)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-2 (1d2) damage. Average: 1.5
  • May cause poisoning and paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 1-2. Average: 1.5
    Special Properties:
  • May run away (20% chance.)
  • Vulnerable to confusion and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Sometimes accompanied by King Cobras (50% chance.)

  • Bishop
    Japanese: Bishoppu
    Armored Man
    Japanese: Yoroi o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Souryo


    Armored Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-32 (4d8)
    Average: 18
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-6 (1d5+1)
    Average: 4
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-10 (1d9+1) damage. Average: 6

  • Maximum damage range: 2-10. Average: 6
    Special Properties:
  • Level 2 Mage and Priest spells (100% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2 and B3.
  • Seldom accompanied by Ashers (35% chance.)

  • Bloody Bat
    Japanese: Buradi- Batto
    Winged Object
    Japanese: Tsubasa o Motsumono
    Japanese: Doubutsu

    Bloody Bat

    Winged Object
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-6 (1d4+2)
    Average: 4.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-4 (1d3+1) damage. Average: 3

  • Maximum damage range: 2-4. Average: 3
    Special Properties:
  • May run away (10% chance).
  • Resistant to cold.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Never accompanied by other monsters.

  • Chaos
    Japanese: Keiosu
    Grotesque Creature
    Japanese: Igyou na Seibutsu
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu


    Grotesque Creature
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    28-132 (8d14+20)
    Average: 80
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-8 (1d3+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5

  • Maximum damage range: 3-20. Average: 11.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Priest spells (60% chance).
  • May call for reinforcements (40% chance).
  • Regenerates 1 hit point per round.
  • Universal spell resistance (20%).
  • Resistant to fire and cold.
  • Vulnerable to silence and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Xian Nui (48% chance.)

  • Charmer
    Japanese: Cha-ma-
    Hazy Figure
    Japanese: Oboro Hitokage
    Japanese: Majutsushi


    Hazy Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    3-10 (1d8+2)
    Average: 6.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-6 (1d4+2)
    Average: 4.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-2 (1d2) damage. Average: 1.5

  • Maximum damage range: 1-2. Average: 1.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 2 Mage spells (90% chance.)
  • May run away (10% chance.)
  • Vulnerable to sleep, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Charmer groups (35% chance.)

  • Chimera
    Japanese: Kimera
    Strange Animal
    Japanese: Kimyou na Doubutsu
    Japanese: Doubutsu


    Strange Animal
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    32-88 (8d8+24)
    Average: 60
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 9-16 (1d8+8) damage. Average: 12.5
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 1-8 (1-8) damage. Average: 4.5

  • Maximum damage range: 20-48. Average: 34
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B5 and B6.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Cockatrices (55% chance.)

  • Cleric
    Japanese: Kurerikku
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Souryo


    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    7-37 (5d7+2)
    Average: 22
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-7 (2d3+1)
    Average: 5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-7 (2d3+1) damage. Average: 5
  • 3-7 (2d3+1) damage. Average: 5

  • Maximum damage range: 6-14. Average: 10
    Special Properties:
  • Level 3 Priest spells (95% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2 and B3.
  • Seldom accompanied by Zombies (30% chance.)

  • Cockatrice
    Japanese: Kokatorisu
    Japanese: Tori
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    10-35 (5d6+5)
    Average: 22.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • May cause petrification.

  • Maximum damage range: 3-10. Average: 6.5
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4 and B5.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Basilisks (54% chance.)

  • Cold Dragon
    Japanese: Ko-rudo Doragon
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Ryuu

    Cold Dragon

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    57-176 (17d8+40)
    Average: 116.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-15 (1d15) damage. Average: 8
  • 1-10 (1d10) damage. Average: 5.5
  • 1-5 (1d5) damage. Average: 3

  • Maximum damage range: 3-30. Average: 16.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Mage spells (20% chance).
  • Breath attack; cold attribute (60% chance.)
  • Mage spell resistance (40%); Priest spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to cold and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10, B11, and B?.
  • Frequently accompanied by Frost Giants (65% chance.)

  • Creeping Vine
    Japanese: Kuripingu Bainu
    Creeping Thing
    Japanese: Haizuru Mono
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Creeping Vine

    Creeping Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    4-8 (1d5+3)
    Average: 6
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-2 (1d2) damage. Average: 1.5

  • Maximum damage range: 1-2. Average: 1.5
    Special Properties:
  • Universal spell resistance (5%).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Never accompanied by other monsters.

  • Dark Priest
    Japanese: Da-ku Puri-suto
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Dark Priest

    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    22-66 (11d5+11)
    Average: 44
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-6 (1d5+1)
    Average: 4
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-10 (2d3+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • 3-10 (2d3+2) damage. Average: 6.5

  • Maximum damage range: 6-20. Average: 13
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Priest spells (100% chance).
  • Universal spell resistance (10%).
  • Vulnerable to confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B5, B6, and B7.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Lifestealers (52% chance.)

  • Death
    Japanese: Desu
    Japanese: Gaikotsu
    Japanese: Fushi


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    290-605 (35d10+255)
    Average: 447.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 29-121 (4d24+25) damage. Average: 75
  • 29-121 (4d24+25) damage. Average: 75
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, paralysis, and petrification.
  • May drain four experience levels.

  • Maximum damage range: 58-242
    Average: 150
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Priest spells (50% chance).
  • Breath attack; cold attribute (40% chance.)
  • Regenerates 10 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (95%); Mage spell resistance (75%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle in B? at one of these six locations (it's random): 1N-2E; 2N-10E; 7N-2E; 9N-13E; 14N-15E; 15N-2E.
  • Always accompanied by Sidelles (100% chance).

  • Delf
    Japanese: Derufu
    Japanese: Derufu
    Japanese: Akuma


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    58-148 (18d6+40)
    Average: 103
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 6-8 (2d2+4) damage. Average: 7
  • 6-8 (2d2+4) damage. Average: 7
  • 6-8 (2d2+4) damage. Average: 7
  • 6-8 (2d2+4) damage. Average: 7
  • May cause petrification.

  • Maximum damage range: 24-32. Average: 28
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Priest spells; Level 6 Mage spells (75% chance).
  • Regenerates 5 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (80%); Mage spell resistance (40%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep and silence.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Not found in any level of the dungeon.
  • Never accompanied by other monsters.
  • The Level 5 Mage spell Socordi can potentially summon a Delf (Monster Rank 6) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Delugean
    Japanese: Deryu-jan
    Huge Beast
    Japanese: Kyodai na Kemono
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Huge Beast
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    275-300 (25d2+250)
    Average: 287.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 18-48 (2d16+16) damage. Average: 33
  • 18-48 (2d16+16) damage. Average: 33
  • 12-40 (4d8+8) damage. Average: 26
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 48-136.
    Average: 92
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Priest spells (25% chance.)
  • Regenerates 30 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (100%); Mage spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to cold and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B?.
  • Frequently accompanied by Chaoses (85% chance.)

  • Despairant
    Japanese: Disuperanto
    Dreadful Summoned Thing
    Japanese: Kyoufu o Yobi Okosu Mono
    Japanese: Akuma


    Dreadful Summoned Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    225-700 (25d20+200)
    Average: 462.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 36-96 (4d16+32) damage. Average: 66
  • 36-96 (4d16+32) damage. Average: 66
  • 12-50 (2d20+10) damage. Average: 31
  • 12-50 (2d20+10) damage. Average: 31
  • May cause paralysis and decapitation.
  • May drain one experience level.

  • Maximum damage range: 96-292
    Average: 194
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells (20% chance).
  • Breath attack; fire attribute (70% chance.)
  • Regenerates 10 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (90%); Mage spell resistance (80%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle in B? at one of these six locations (it's random): 1N-2E; 2N-10E; 7N-2E; 9N-13E; 14N-15E; 15N-2E.
  • Always accompanied by Greater Demons (100% chance).

  • Dragon Zombie

    Japanese: Doragon Zonbi
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Fushi

    Dragon Zombie (Cold)

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    57-176 (17d8+40)
    Average: 116.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-30 (2d15) damage. Average: 16
  • 2-20 (2d10) damage. Average: 11
  • 2-10 (2d5) damage. Average: 6

  • Maximum damage range: 6-60. Average: 33
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Mage spells (20% chance).
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (60% chance.)
  • Mage spell resistance (50%); Priest spell resistance (40%).
  • Resistant to cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10, B11, and B?.
  • Often accompanied by Giant Zombies [Frost Type] (80% chance.)

  • Dragon Zombie

    Japanese: Doragon Zonbi
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Fushi

    Dragon Zombie (Earth)

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    48-138 (18d6+30)
    Average: 93
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-32 (2d16) damage. Average: 17
  • 2-32 (2d16) damage. Average: 17
  • 2-16 (2d8) damage. Average: 9

  • Maximum damage range: 6-80. Average: 43
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (70% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (45%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B11 and B?.
  • Often accompanied by Giant Zombies [Poison Type] (85% chance.)

  • Dragon Zombie
    (Eight-Forked Serpent)

    Japanese: Doragon Zonbi
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Fushi

    Dragon Zombie
    (Eight-Forked Serpent)

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    112-182 (14d6+98)
    Average: 147
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-36 (2d18) damage. Average: 19
  • 2-36 (2d18) damage. Average: 19
  • 2-36 (2d18) damage. Average: 19
  • 2-36 (2d18) damage. Average: 19
  • 2-18 (2d9) damage. Average: 10
  • 2-18 (2d9) damage. Average: 10
  • 2-18 (2d9) damage. Average: 10
  • 2-18 (2d9) damage. Average: 10
  • May cause sleeping and poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 16-216.
    Average: 116
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (60% chance.)
  • Priest spell resistance (50%); Mage spell resistance (35%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10 and B11.
  • Almost always accompanied by a High Wizard (90% chance.)

  • Dragon Zombie

    Japanese: Doragon Zonbi
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Fushi

    Dragon Zombie (Flame)

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    48-150 (17d7+31)
    Average: 99
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-40 (2d20) damage. Average: 21
  • 2-30 (2d15) damage. Average: 16
  • 2-30 (2d15) damage. Average: 16

  • Maximum damage range: 6-100. Average: 53
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Mage spells (20% chance).
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (60% chance.)
  • Mage spell resistance (60%); Priest spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to fire, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10, B11, and B?.
  • Frequently accompanied by Giant Zombies [Fire-Type] (65% chance.)
  • The Level 5 Mage spell Socordi can potentially summon Dragon Zombies [Flame Type] (Monster Rank 5) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Earth Dragon
    Japanese: A-su Doragon
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Ryuu

    Earth Dragon

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    48-138 (18d6+30)
    Average: 93
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-16 (1d16) damage. Average: 8.5
  • 1-16 (1d16) damage. Average: 8.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5

  • Maximum damage range: 3-40. Average: 21.5
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause petrification (70% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (35%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B11 and B?.
  • Almost always accompanied by an Arch Wizard (90% chance.)

  • Efreet
    Japanese: Ifuri-to
    Japanese: Honoo
    Japanese: Akuma


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    31-61 (10d4+21)
    Average: 46
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-3 (1d3)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 4-34 (2d16+2) damage. Average: 19
  • 2-17 (1d16+1) damage. Average: 9.5
  • 2-17 (1d16+1) damage. Average: 9.5

  • Maximum damage range: 8-68. Average: 38
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Mage spells (50% chance).
  • Breath attack; fire attribute (60% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (50%); Priest spell resistance (40%).
  • Resistant to fire and non-elemental.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B8.
  • Almost always accompanied by Salamanders (95% chance.)

  • Eight-Forked Serpent
    Japanese: Orochi
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Ryuu

    Eight-Forked Serpent

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    112-182 (14d6+98)
    Average: 147
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-18 (1d18) damage. Average: 9.5
  • 1-18 (1d18) damage. Average: 9.5
  • 1-18 (1d18) damage. Average: 9.5
  • 1-18 (1d18) damage. Average: 9.5
  • 1-9 (1d9) damage. Average: 5
  • 1-9 (1d9) damage. Average: 5
  • 1-9 (1d9) damage. Average: 5
  • 1-9 (1d9) damage. Average: 5
  • May cause sleeping and poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 8-108.
    Average: 58
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (60% chance.)
  • Priest spell resistance (50%); Mage spell resistance (35%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10, B11, and B?.
  • Almost always accompanied by High Sorceresses (90% chance.)

  • Elephant
    Japanese: Erufanto
    Huge Beast
    Japanese: Kyodai na Kemono
    Japanese: Doubutsu


    Huge Beast
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    59-80 (1d4)
    Average: 69.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-48 (2d24) damage. Average: 25
  • 2-48 (2d24) damage. Average: 25
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 4-96. Average: 50
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Often accompanied by Bloody Bats (75% chance.)

  • Executioner
    Japanese: Ekusukyu-shona-
    Japanese: Kenshi
    Japanese: Senshi


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    10-59 (7d8+3)
    Average: 34.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-3 (1d3)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 5-12 (1d8+4) damage. Average: 8.5
  • 5-12 (1d8+4) damage. Average: 8.5

  • Maximum damage range: 10-24. Average: 17
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleeping, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4 and B5.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Weretigers (45% chance.)

  • Fate Spinner
    Japanese: Fe-to Supina-
    Japanese: Akuma
    Japanese: Akuma

    Fate Spinner

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    50-80 (10d4+40)
    Average: 65
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-5 (1d5) damage. Average: 3
  • 1-5 (1d5) damage. Average: 3
  • 1-5 (1d5) damage. Average: 3
  • 1-5 (1d5) damage. Average: 3
  • May cause paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 4-20. Average: 12
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Mage spells (70% chance).
  • May call for reinforcements (30% chance).
  • Regenerates 3 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (55%); Mage spell resistance (45%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8 and B10.
  • Often accompanied by Succubi (80% chance.)

  • Fire Giant
    Japanese: Faia- Jaianto
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Japanese: Kyojin

    Fire Giant

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    90-180 (10d10+80)
    Average: 135
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 10-33 (1d24+9) damage. Average: 21.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 13-57. Average: 35
    Special Properties:
  • Priest spell resistance (20%); Mage spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to fire.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8 and B9.
  • Often accompanied by Salamanders (67% chance.)

  • Flack
    Japanese: Furakku
    Hazy Figure
    Japanese: Oboro Hitokage
    Japanese: Doubutsu


    Hazy Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    120-300 (20d10+100)
    Average: 210
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 7-35 (4d8+3) damage. Average: 21
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, paralysis, petrification, and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 7-35. Average: 21
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; cold attribute (50% chance.)
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10, B11, and B?
  • Always accompanied by Murphy's Ghost (100% chance.)

  • Flame Dragon
    Japanese: Fureimu Doragon
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Ryuu

    Flame Dragon

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    48-150 (17d7+31)
    Average: 99
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-20 (1d20) damage. Average: 10.5
  • 1-15 (1d15) damage. Average: 8
  • 1-15 (1d15) damage. Average: 8

  • Maximum damage range: 3-50. Average: 26.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Mage spells (20% chance).
  • Breath attack; fire attribute (60% chance.)
  • Mage spell resistance (50%); Priest spell resistance (20%).
  • Resistant to fire and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10, B11, and B?.
  • Frequently accompanied by Fire Giants (70% chance.)

  • Fly Premier
    Japanese: Furai Purimia-
    Huge Fly
    Japanese: Kyodai na Hae
    Japanese: Konchuu

    Fly Premier

    Huge Fly
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    295-735 (40d12+255)
    Average: 515
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 14-56 (6d8+8) damage. Average: 35
  • May cause poisoning and decapitation.
  • May drain two experience levels.

  • Maximum damage range: 74-200
    Average: 137
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells; Level 6 Priest spells (50% chance.)
  • Breath attack; may cause death (50% chance.)
  • Regenerates 6 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (90%); Mage spell resistance (85%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle in B? at one of these six locations (it's random): 1N-2E; 2N-10E; 7N-2E; 9N-13E; 14N-15E; 15N-2E.
  • Always accompanied by a Fate Spinner (100% chance).

  • Frost Giant
    Japanese: Furosuto Jaianto
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Japanese: Kyojin

    Frost Giant

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    90-180 (10d10+80)
    Average: 135
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 13-36 (1d24+12) damage. Average: 24.5
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 19-56. Average: 37.5
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; cold attribute (12% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (50%); Priest spell resistance (20%).
  • Resistant to cold.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Often accompanied by Yetis (65% chance.)

  • Gandharva
    Japanese: Gandaruva
    Hazy Figure
    Japanese: Oboro Hitokage
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Hazy Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    11-88 (7d12+4)
    Average: 49.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 5-9 (2d3+3) damage. Average: 7
  • 2-6 (1d5+1) damage. Average: 4
  • 2-6 (1d5+1) damage. Average: 4
  • May cause sleeping.

  • Maximum damage range: 9-21. Average: 15
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Priest spells; Level 4 Mage spells (60% chance).
  • Priest spell resistance (50%); Mage spell resistance (40%).
  • Resistant to cold and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to silence and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Garudae (49% chance.)

  • Gargoyle
    Japanese: Ga-goiru
    Japanese: Akuma
    Japanese: Akuma


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    30-50 (10d3+20)
    Average: 40
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-16 (1d16) damage. Average: 8.5
  • 1-16 (1d16) damage. Average: 8.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5

  • Maximum damage range: 3-40. Average: 21.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 3 Mage spells (50% chance).
  • May call for reinforcements (30% chance).
  • Universal spell resistance (50%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, and non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B5, B6, and B7.
  • Rarely accompanied by additional Gargoyle groups (15% chance.)
  • The Level 5 Mage spell Socordi can potentially summon Gargoyles (Monster Rank 3) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Garuda
    Japanese: Garu-da
    Japanese: Tori
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-56 (4d14)
    Average: 30
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-3 (1d3)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-14 (2d7) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 1-7 (1d7) damage. Average: 4
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-21. Average: 11.5
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (30% chance).
  • Regenerates 1 hit point per round.
  • Resistant to petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Torturers (40% chance.)

  • Ghoul
    Japanese: Gu-ru
    Gaunt Figure
    Japanese: Yatsureta Sugata
    Japanese: Fushi


    Gaunt Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    5-14 (3d4+2)
    Average: 9.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-5 (1d4+1)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-6 (1d5+1) damage. Average: 4
  • 2-6 (1d5+1) damage. Average: 4
  • May cause sleeping and paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 4-12. Average: 8
    Special Properties:
  • Mage spell resistance (20%); Priest spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to cold.
  • Vulnerable to silence and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Seldom accompanied by Rotting Corpses (35% chance.)

  • Giant Ant
    Japanese: Jaianto Anto
    Japanese: Konchuu
    Japanese: Konchuu

    Giant Ant

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    2-6 (1d5+1)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-6 (1d6)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5

  • Maximum damage range: 1-4. Average: 2.5
    Special Properties:
  • May call for reinforcements (10% chance).
  • May run away (5% chance).
  • Resistant to fire.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Giant Ant groups (20% chance).

  • Giant Scorpion
    Japanese: Jaianto Suko-pion
    Japanese: Konchuu
    Japanese: Konchuu

    Giant Scorpion

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    8-48 (8d6)
    Average: 28
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-8 (2d4)
    Average: 5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-6 (2d3) damage. Average: 4
  • 2-6 (2d3) damage. Average: 4
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 4-12. Average: 8
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B5.
  • Often accompanied by Huge Centipedes (70% chance.)

  • Giant Zombie

    Japanese: Jaianto Zonbi
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Japanese: Fushi

    Giant Zombie (Fire)

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    90-180 (10d10+80)
    Average: 135
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 20-66 (2d24+18) damage. Average: 43
  • 2-16 (2d8) damage. Average: 9
  • 2-16 (2d8) damage. Average: 9
  • 2-16 (2d8) damage. Average: 9
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 26-114. Average: 70
    Special Properties:
  • Priest spell resistance (20%); Mage spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to fire and non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to sleep and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8 and B9.
  • Often accompanied by Dark Priests (62% chance.)

  • Giant Zombie

    Japanese: Jaianto Zonbi
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Japanese: Fushi

    Giatn Zombie (Frost)

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    90-180 (10d10+80)
    Average: 135
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 14-60 (2d24+12) damage. Average: 37
  • 6-20 (2d8+4) damage. Average: 13
  • 6-20 (2d8+4) damage. Average: 13
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 26-100. Average: 63
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (12% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (50%); Priest spell resistance (20%).
  • Resistant to cold and non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to sleep and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Often accompanied by a High Priest (65% chance.)

  • Giant Zombie

    Japanese: Jaianto Zonbi
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Japanese: Fushi

    Giant Zombie (Poison)

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    71-71 (7d1+64)
    Average: 71
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 22-40 (2d10+20) damage. Average: 31
  • 6-20 (2d8+4) damage. Average: 13
  • 6-20 (2d8+4) damage. Average: 13
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 34-80. Average: 57
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (60% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (95%); Priest spell resistance (90%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to sleeping and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8.
  • Often accompanied by Executioners (56% chance.)
  • The Level 5 Priest spell Bamordi can potentially summon Giant Zombies (Monster Rank 4) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Gorgon
    Japanese: Go-gon
    Strange Animal
    Japanese: Kimyou na Doubutsu
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu


    Strange Animal
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    8-64 (8d8)
    Average: 36
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-12 (2d6) damage. Average: 7
  • 2-12 (2d6) damage. Average: 7
  • May cause petrification.

  • Maximum damage range: 4-24. Average: 14
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause petrification (50% chance).
  • Universal spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B5, B6, and B7.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Chimerae (41% chance.)

  • Greater Demon
    Japanese: Gure-ta- De-mon
    Japanese: Akuma
    Japanese: Akuma

    Greater Demon

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    62-118 (14d5+48)
    Average: 90
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 5-40 (5d8) damage. Average: 22.5
  • 6-72 (6d12) damage. Average: 39
  • 1-12 (1d12) damage. Average: 6.5
  • May cause poisoning and paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 12-124. Average: 68
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Mage spells (65% chance).
  • May call for reinforcements (50% chance).
  • Regenerates 5 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (85%); Mage spell resistance (80%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10 and B?.
  • Frequently accompanied by Lesser Demons (85% chance.)

  • Halgith
    Japanese: Harugisu
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Fushi


    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    129-279 (30d6+99)
    Average: 204
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 18-90 (9d9+9) damage. Average: 54
  • 18-90 (9d9+9) damage. Average: 54
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, paralysis, and decapitation.
  • May drain two experience levels.

  • Maximum damage range: 36-180
    Average: 108
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage and Priest spells (90% chance).
  • Regenerates 4 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (85%); Mage spell resistance (75%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle at N8-E12 in B10.
  • Always accompanied by Efreets (100% chance).

  • Hatamoto
    Japanese: Hatamoto
    Kimono-Clad Man
    Japanese: Kimono Sugata no Otoko
    Japanese: Senshi


    Kimono-Clad Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    34-54 (10d3+24)
    Average: 44
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-3 (1d3)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-8 (1d7+1) damage. Average: 5
  • 2-8 (1d7+1) damage. Average: 5
  • 2-8 (1d7+1) damage. Average: 5
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 6-24. Average: 15
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Mage spells (75% chance.)
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Often accompanied by Sorceresses (72% chance.)

  • Hell Beetle
    Japanese: Heru Bi-toru
    Hell Beetle
    Japanese: Heru Bi-toru
    Japanese: Konchuu

    Hell Beetle

    Hell Beetle
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    9-9 (1d1+8)
    Average: 9
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-1 (1d1) damage. Average: 1

  • Maximum damage range: 1-1. Average: 1
    Special Properties:
  • May call for reinforcements (30% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (50%).
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Not found in any level of the dungeon.
  • Never accompanied by other monsters.
  • The Level 5 Mage spell Socordi can potentially summon Hell Beetles (Monster Rank 1) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • High Lich
    Japanese: Hai Ricchi
    High Lich
    Japanese: Hai Ricchi
    Japanese: Fushi

    High Lich

    High Lich
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    100-160 (20d4+80)
    Average: 130
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 5-15 (2d6+3) damage. Average: 10
  • 5-15 (2d6+3) damage. Average: 10
  • 5-15 (2d6+3) damage. Average: 10
  • May cause paralysis.
  • May drain one experience level.

  • Maximum damage range: 15-15. Average: 30
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells; Level 5 Priest spells (80% chance).
  • Regenerates 2 hit points per round.
  • Universal spell resistance (75% chance).
  • Resistant to cold and non-elemental.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Not found on any level of the dungeon.
  • Never encountered with other monsters.
  • The Level 5 Priest spell Bamordi can potentially summon High Liches (Monster Rank 6) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • High Ninja
    Japanese: Hai Ninja
    Crouching Figure
    Japanese: Uzukumaru Hitokage
    Japanese: Ninja

    High Ninja

    Crouching Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    42-84 (14d4+28)
    Average: 63
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-3 (1d3)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, paralysis, and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 13-48. Average: 30.5
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 4 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (45%); Mage spell resistance (25%).
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10.
  • Often accompanied by Master Ninja (80% chance.)

  • High Priest
    Japanese: Hai Puri-suto
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Souryo

    High Priest

    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    30-50 (10d3+20)
    Average: 40
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-6 (1d4+2) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 3-6 (1d4+2) damage. Average: 4.5

  • Maximum damage range: 6-12. Average: 9
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Priest spells (100% chance.)
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Often accompanied by Gargoyles (72% chance.)

  • High Priestess
    Japanese: Hai Puri-sutesu
    Robed Woman
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Onna
    Japanese: Souryo

    High Priestess

    Robed Woman
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    42-70 (14d3+28)
    Average: 56
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 5-8 (1d4+4) damage. Average: 6.5
  • 3-8 (1d6+2) damage. Average: 5.5
  • 3-6 (1d4+2) damage. Average: 4.5

  • Maximum damage range: 11-22. Average: 16.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Priest spells (100% chance).
  • May run away (5% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10.
  • Often accompanied by Baramon (78% chance.)

  • High Sorceress
    Japanese: Hai So-sarisu
    Robed Woman
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Onna
    Japanese: Majutsushi

    High Sorceress

    Robed Woman
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    45-60 (15d2+30)
    Average: 52.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-6 (1d4+2) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 3-6 (1d4+2) damage. Average: 4.5

  • Maximum damage range: 6-12. Average: 9
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells (100% chance.)
  • May run away (5% chance.)
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B10 and B11.
  • Almost always accompanied by Hatamoto (92% chance.)

  • High Wizard
    Japanese: Hai Uiza-do
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Majutsushi

    High Wizard

    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    12-48 (12d4)
    Average: 30
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-5 (1d5) damage. Average: 3
  • 2-6 (1d5+1) damage. Average: 4

  • Maximum damage range: 3-11. Average: 7
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Mage spells (100% chance.)
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Often accompanied by Nue (62% chance.)

  • Hobbit Archer
    Japanese: Hobitto A-cha-
    Small Figure
    Japanese: Chiisa na Hitokage
    Japanese: Touzoku

    Hobbit Archer

    Small Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    8-32 (6d5+2)
    Average: 20
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-6 (1d4+2)
    Average: 4.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-9 (1d7+2) damage. Average: 6
  • 3-9 (1d7+2) damage. Average: 6
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 6-18. Average: 12
    Special Properties:
  • May run away (15% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (10%).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2 and B3.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Thieves (37% chance.)

  • Huge Centipede
    Japanese: Hyu-ji Sentipi-do
    Japanese: Konchuu
    Japanese: Konchuu

    Huge Centipede

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-8 (2d3+2)
    Average: 6
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-9 (2d4+1)
    Average: 6
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 1-8. Average: 4.5
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Huge Centipede groups (25% chance.)

  • Hungry Ghost
    Japanese: Gaki
    Small Figure
    Japanese: Chiisa na Hitokage
    Japanese: Fushi

    Hungry Ghost

    Small Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    8-40 (8d5)
    Average: 24
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-6 (1d5+1)
    Average: 4
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 6-20. Average: 13
    Special Properties:
  • May call for reinforcements (20% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to fire and cold.
  • Vulnerable to silence.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B5.
  • Frequently accompanied by Ghouls (65% chance.)

  • Imp
    Japanese: Inpu
    Japanese: Inpu
    Japanese: Akuma


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    6-12 (6d2)
    Average: 9
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-6 (1d4+2)
    Average: 4.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-3 (1d2+1) damage. Average: 2.5
  • 2-3 (1d2+1) damage. Average: 2.5

  • Maximum damage range: 4-6. Average: 5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 2 Mage spells (20% chance).
  • May run away (10% chance).
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Not found on any level of the dungeon.
  • Never encountered with other monsters.
  • The Level 5 Mage spell Socordi can potentially summon Imps (Monster Rank 2) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Ivory Tiger
    Japanese: Aivori- Taiga-
    Japanese: Kedamono
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Ivory Tiger

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    270-420 (15d11+255)
    Average: 345
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 24-40 (4d5+20) damage. Average: 32
  • 24-40 (4d5+20) damage. Average: 32
  • 24-40 (4d5+20) damage. Average: 32
  • 24-40 (4d5+20) damage. Average: 32
  • 38-108 (2d36+26) damage. Average: 73
  • May cause petrification.

  • Maximum damage range: 134-268.
    Average: 201
    Special Properties:
  • Priest spell resistance (80%); Mage spell resistance (20%).
  • Resistant to petrification.
  • Vulnerable to silence.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle at N8-E3 in B11.
  • Always accompanied by an Eight-Forked Serpent (100% chance.)

  • Jinniya
    Japanese: Jinniya-
    Hazy Figure
    Japanese: Oboro na Sugata
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu


    Hazy Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    6-36 (6d6)
    Average: 21
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-5 (1d4+1)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-16 (1d16) damage. Average: 8.5
  • 1-16 (1d16) damage. Average: 8.5

  • Maximum damage range: 2-32. Average: 17
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Priest spells; Level 3 Mage spells (50% chance).
  • Priest spell resistance (30%); Mage spell resistance (20%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Often accompanied by Garudae (70% chance.)

  • King Cobra
    Japanese: Kingu Kobura
    Creeping Thing
    Japanese: Haizuru Mono
    Japanese: Doubutsu

    King Cobra

    Creeping Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    12-24 (2d7+10)
    Average: 18
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-5 (2d2+1)
    Average: 4
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-10 (2d5) damage. Average: 6
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-10. Average: 6
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Huge Centipedes (55% chance.)

  • Laughing Thruster
    Japanese: Ra-fingu Surasuta-
    Armored Man
    Japanese: Yoroi o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Senshi

    Laughing Thruster

    Armored Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    92-158 (22d4+70)
    Average: 125
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 12-30 (2d10+10) damage. Average: 21
  • 12-30 (2d10+10) damage. Average: 21
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 54-132. Average: 93
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 10 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (80%); Mage spell resistance (60%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B?
  • Sometimes accompanied by Tartars (68% chance.)

  • Lesser Demon
    Japanese: Ressa- De-mon
    Japanese: Akuma
    Japanese: Akuma

    Lesser Demon

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    20-80 (10d7+10)
    Average: 50
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-12 (2d6) damage. Average: 7
  • 2-12 (2d6) damage. Average: 7
  • 1-3 (1d3) damage. Average: 2
  • 1-3 (1d3) damage. Average: 2
  • 5-8 (1d4+4) damage. Average: 6.5

  • Maximum damage range: 11-38. Average: 24.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Mage spells (60% chance.)
  • May call for reinforcements (50% chance.)
  • Priest spell resistance (60%); Mage spell resistance (50%).
  • Vulnerable to confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Gargoyles (65% chance.)
  • The Level 5 Mage spell Socordi can potentially summon Lesser Demons (Monster Rank 4) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Lesser Ninja
    Japanese: Genin
    Crouching Figure
    Japanese: Uzukumaru Hitokage
    Japanese: Ninja

    Lesser Ninja

    Crouching Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-10 (2d4+2)
    Average: 7
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-5 (1d4+1)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • May cause sleeping and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 3-10. Average: 6.5
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2.
  • Sometimes accompanied by additional Lesser Ninja groups (42% chance.)

  • Lich
    Japanese: Ricchi
    Gaunt Figure
    Japanese: Yatsureta Sugata
    Japanese: Fushi


    Gaunt Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    50-68 (9d3+41)
    Average: 59
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-10 (2d5) damage. Average: 6
  • May cause paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-10. Average: 6
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Mage spells (80% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (60%).
  • Resistant to cold and non-elemental.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Frequently accompanied by Vampires (85% chance.)

  • Lifestealer
    Japanese: RaifuSutira-
    Gaunt Figure
    Japanese: Yatsureta Sugata
    Japanese: Fushi


    Gaunt Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    8-43 (7d6+1)
    Average: 25.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-3 (1d3)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-4(1d3+1) damage. Average: 3
  • May drain two experience levels.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-4. Average: 3
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Priest spells; Level 3 Mage spells (50% chance).
  • Universal spell resistance (30%).
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B5.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Zombies (48% chance.)
  • The Level 5 Priest spell Bamordi can potentially summon Lifestealers (Monster Rank 2) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Lightning
    Japanese: Raitoningu
    Savage Figure
    Japanese: Araburu Sugata
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Savage Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    120-140 (20d2+100)
    Average: 130
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 50-140 (10d10+40) damage. Average: 95
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 50-140. Average: 95
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause death (30% chance.)
  • Mage spell resistance (40%).
  • Resistant to fire and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B11 and B?.
  • Always accompanied by Storm (100% chance.)

  • Lycurgus
    Japanese: Raika-gasu
    Japanese: Gaikotsu
    Japanese: Akuma


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    177-228 (17d4+160)
    Average: 202.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • May cause poisoning, paralysis, and decapitation.
  • May drain two experience levels.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-8. Average: 5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells (70% chance).
  • May call for reinforcements (40% chance).
  • May run away (10% chance).
  • Regenerates 5 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (65%); Mage spell resistance (60%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B11 and B?.
  • Frequently accompanied by Greater Demons (70% chance.)

  • Maelific
    Japanese: Mairufikku
    Japanese: Akuma
    Japanese: Fushi


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    145-295 (25d7+120)
    Average: 220
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 14-36 (2d12+12) damage. Average: 25
  • 14-36 (2d12+12) damage. Average: 25
  • 9-16 (1d8+8) damage. Average: 12.5
  • 9-16 (1d8+8) damage. Average: 12.5
  • May cause poisoning and paralysis.
  • May drain three experience levels.

  • Maximum damage range: 46-104. Average: 75
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells (50% chance).
  • Breath attack; may cause poisoning (50% chance).
  • Regenerates 7 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (95%); Mage spell resistance (85%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle in B? at one of these six locations (it's random): 1N-2E; 2N-10E; 7N-2E; 9N-13E; 14N-15E; 15N-2E.
  • Always accompanied by Air Giants (100% chance.)

  • Magician
    Japanese: Majishan
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Majutsushi


    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    2-6 (2d3)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-3 (1d2+1) damage. Average: 2.5

  • Maximum damage range: 2-3. Average: 2.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 1 Mage spells (100% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Frequently accompanied by Rogues (72% chance.)

  • Manticore
    Japanese: Mantikoa
    Strange Animal
    Japanese: Kimyou na Doubutsu
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu


    Strange Animal
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    12-72 (10d7+2)
    Average: 42
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-5 (1d4+1)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 13-20 (1d8+12) damage. Average: 16.5
  • 2-12 (1d16) damage. Average: 7
  • 2-12 (1d16) damage. Average: 7
  • May cause poisoning and paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 17-44. Average: 30.5
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 5 hit points per round.
  • Universal spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B7.
  • Frequently accompanied by a Gorgon (80% chance.)

  • Master Ninja
    Japanese: Masuta- Ninja
    Crouching Figure
    Japanese: Uzukumaru Hitokage
    Japanese: Ninja

    Master Ninja

    Crouching Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    22-42 (10d3+12)
    Average: 32
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-2 (1d1+1)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 4-10 (2d4+2) damage. Average: 7
  • 4-10 (2d4+2) damage. Average: 7
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 10-28. Average: 19
    Special Properties:
  • Priest spell resistance (30%); Mage spell resistance (20%).
  • Resistant to fire and cold.
  • Vulnerable to confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B7.
  • Often accompanied by Ninja (67% chance.)

  • Master Thief
    Japanese: Masuta- Shi-fu
    Armored Man
    Japanese: Yoroi o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Touzoku

    Master Thief

    Armored Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    26-62 (12d4+14)
    Average: 44
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-6 (1d4+2)
    Average: 4.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-9 (1d8+1) damage. Average: 5.5
  • 2-9 (1d8+1) damage. Average: 5.5

  • Maximum damage range: 4-18. Average: 11
    Special Properties:
  • Level 3 Mage spells (30% chance.)
  • May run away (30% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (10%).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Frequently accompanied by Manticores (80% chance.)

  • Moloch
    Japanese: Mo-rokku
    Japanese: Mo-rokku
    Japanese: Akuma


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    30-450 (30d15)
    Average: 240
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 10-25 (5d4+5) damage. Average: 15
  • 10-25 (5d4+5) damage. Average: 15
  • 4-26 (2d12+2) damage. Average: 15
  • 4-26 (2d12+2) damage. Average: 15
  • 16-32 (8d3+8) damage. Average: 24
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 44-134. Average: 89
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells (50% chance).
  • Breath attack; may cause petrification (50% chance.)
  • Regenerates 2 hit points per round.
  • Mage spell resistance (80%); Priest spell resistance (40%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, and non-elemental.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Not found in any level of the dungeon.
  • Never accompanied by other monsters.
  • The Level 5 Mage spell Socordi can potentially summon a Moloch (Monster Rank 7) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Monk
    Japanese: Monku
    Armored Man
    Japanese: Yoroi o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Souryo


    Armored Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    5-17 (3d5+2)
    Average: 11
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-6 (2d3)
    Average: 4
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-7 (2d3+1) damage. Average: 5
  • 2-4 (1d3+1) damage. Average: 3

  • Maximum damage range: 5-11. Average: 8
    Special Properties:
  • Level 2 Priest spells (50% chance).
  • Priest spell resistance (10%).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Lesser Ninja (48% chance.)

  • Mud Golem
    Japanese: Maddo Go-remu
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Mud Golem

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    122-170 (12d5+110)
    Average: 146
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 10-44 (2d18+8) damage. Average: 27
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 16-64. Average: 40
    Special Properties:
  • Universal spell resistance (70%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Mud Golem groups (30% chance.)

  • Mummy
    Japanese: Mami-
    Gaunt Figure
    Japanese: Yatsureta Sugata
    Japanese: Fushi


    Gaunt Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    7-9 (1d3+6)
    Average: 8
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-6 (1d6) damage. Average: 3.5
  • May cause paralysis.
  • May drain one experience level.

  • Maximum damage range: 1-6. Average: 3.5
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to cold.
  • Vulnerable to silence and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Sometimes accompanied by additional Mummy groups (52% chance.)

  • Murphy's Ghost
    Japanese: Ma-fi-zu Go-suto
    Unidentified Entity
    Japanese: Shoutaifumei no Sonzai
    Japanese: Fushi

    Murphy's Ghost

    Unidentified Entity
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    30-110 (10d9+20)
    Average: 70
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-2 (1d1+1) damage. Average: 2
  • May cause sleeping.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-2. Average: 2
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 1 hit point per round.
  • Universal spell resistance (40%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7. Fixed optional encounter at N1-E2 in B1 that can be repeated an infinite number of times.
  • Sometimes accompanied by additional Murphy's Ghost groups (50% chance.)

  • Ninja
    Japanese: Ninja
    Crouching Figure
    Japanese: Uzukumaru Hitokage
    Japanese: Ninja

    Crouching Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    11-47 (6d7+5)
    Average: 29
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-6 (2d3)
    Average: 4
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-9 (1d8+1) damage. Average: 5.5
  • 6-13 (1d8+5) damage. Average: 9.5
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 8-22. Average: 15
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B3.
  • Often accompanied by Lesser Ninja (60% chance.)

  • Nue
    Japanese: Nue
    Strange Animal
    Japanese: Kimyou na Doubutsu
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu


    Strange Animal
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    55-100 (5d10+50)
    Average: 77.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 6-8 (2d2+4) damage. Average: 7
  • 6-8 (2d2+4) damage. Average: 7
  • 10-16 (2d4+8) damage. Average: 13
  • May cause sleeping.

  • Maximum damage range: 22-32. Average: 27
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (40% chance).
  • Regenerates 1 hit point per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (40%); Mage spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Frequently accompanied by Hobbit Archers (80% chance.)

  • Obsidian Tortoise
    Japanese: Obushidian To-tasu
    Mountain of Ice
    Japanese: Koori no Yama
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Obsidian Tortoise

    Mountain of Ice
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    180-210 (15d3+165)
    Average: 195
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 20-48 (4d8+16) damage. Average: 34
  • 20-48 (4d8+16) damage. Average: 34
  • 18-48 (2d16+16) damage. Average: 33
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 58-144.
    Average: 101
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Priest spells (20% chance.)
  • Breath attack; cold attribute (80% chance).
  • Universal spell resistance (70%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep and silence.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle at N12-E8 in B11.
  • Always accompanied by Cold Dragons (100% chance.)

  • Poison Giant
    Japanese: Poizon Jaianto
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Japanese: Kyojin

    Poison Giant

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    81-81 (7d1+74)
    Average: 81
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 11-20 (1d10+10) damage. Average: 15.5
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • 3-10 (1d8+2) damage. Average: 6.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 17-40. Average: 28.5
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause poisoning (60% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (95%); Priest spell resistance (90%).
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8.
  • Often accompanied by Twin-Horned Beetles (58% chance.)

  • Rakshasa
    Japanese: Rasetsu
    Savage Figure
    Japanese: Araburu Sugata
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Savage Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    63-108 (15d4+48)
    Average: 85.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-2 (1d1+1)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 8-20 (4d4+4) damage. Average: 14
  • 8-20 (4d4+4) damage. Average: 14
  • 8-20 (4d4+4) damage. Average: 14
  • 8-20 (4d4+4) damage. Average: 14
  • May cause poisoning and paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 32-80. Average: 56
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Priest spells (40% chance).
  • Priest spell resistance (70%); Mage spell resistance (50%).
  • Resistant to cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B?.
  • Often accompanied by Yaksha (73% chance.)

  • Raver Lord
    Japanese: Reiba- Ro-do
    Armored Beast
    Japanese: Yoroi o Kita Kemono
    Japanese: Doubutsu

    Raver Lord

    Armored Beast
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    130-190 (18d4+60)
    Average: 160
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 20-36 (2d9+18) damage. Average: 28
  • 10-18 (1d9+9) damage. Average: 14
  • 10-18 (1d9+9) damage. Average: 14
  • 10-18 (1d9+9) damage. Average: 14

  • Maximum damage range: 50-90. Average: 70
    Special Properties:
  • Level 6 Mage and Priest spells (60% chance).
  • Regenerates 2 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (40%); Mage spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, and non-elemental.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B11 and B?.
  • Often accompanied by High Priestesses (63% chance.)

  • Rogue
    Japanese: Ro-gu
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Touzoku


    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-6 (1d3+3)
    Average: 5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-5 (1d5) damage. Average: 3

  • Maximum damage range: 1-5. Average: 3
    Special Properties:
  • May run away (10% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Rogue groups (20% chance.)

  • Rotting Corpse
    Japanese: Rottingu Ko-pusu
    Weird Thing
    Japanese: Bukimi na Ikimono
    Japanese: Fushi

    Rotting Corpse

    Weird Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    3-21 (2d10+1)
    Average: 12
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-5 (1d4+1)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • May cause paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 1-8. Average: 4.5
    Special Properties:
  • Mage spell resistance (10%); Priest spell resistance (5%).
  • Resistant to cold.
  • Vulnerable to silence and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B3 and B4.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Rotting Corpse groups (35% chance.)

  • Ruby Phoenix
    Japanese: Rubi- Fenikkusu
    Japanese: Honoo
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Ruby Phoenix

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    200-300 (20d6+180)
    Average: 250
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 9-24 (3d6+6) damage. Average: 16.5
  • 9-24 (3d6+6) damage. Average: 16.5
  • 16-60 (4d12+12) damage. Average: 38

  • Maximum damage range: 34-108.
    Average: 71
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; fire attribute (75% chance).
  • Regenerates 10 hit points per round.
  • Mage spell resistance (75%); Priest spell resistance (50%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep and silence.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle at N3-E7 in B11.
  • Always accompanied by Flame Dragons (100% chance.)

  • Salamander
    Japanese: Saramanda-
    Japanese: Honoo
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    8-32 (6d5+2)
    Average: 20
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-4 (1d2+2)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-10 (1d10) damage. Average: 5.5
  • 1-6 (1d6) damage. Average: 3.5

  • Maximum damage range: 2-16. Average: 9
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; fire attribute (60% chance.)
  • May run away (10% chance.)
  • Priest spell resistance (20%); Mage spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to fire.
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4 and B5.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Basilisks (54% chance.)

  • Samurai
    Japanese: Samurai
    Kimono-Clad Man
    Japanese: Kimono Sugata no Otoko
    Japanese: Senshi


    Kimono-Clad Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    14-56 (7d8+3)
    Average: 35
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-5 (1d3+2)
    Average: 4
    Physical Attacks:
  • 4-14 (2d6+2) damage. Average: 9
  • 4-14 (2d6+2) damage. Average: 9

  • Maximum damage range: 8-28. Average: 18
    Special Properties:
  • Level 2 Mage spells (30% chance.)
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4 and B5.
  • Often accompanied by Sorcerers (78% chance.)

  • Sandclad
    Japanese: Sandokuraddo
    Creeping Thing
    Japanese: Haizuru Mono
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Creeping Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    60-140 (10d9+50)
    Average: 100
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-16 (2d8) damage. Average: 9
  • 2-16 (2d8) damage. Average: 9
  • 11-32 (3d8+8) damage. Average: 21.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 15-64. Average: 39.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 3 Priest spells (0% chance).
  • Regenerates 30 Hit Points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (100%); Mage spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to cold and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle at N9-E11 in B4.
  • Always accompanied by Giant Scorpions (100% chance.)

  • Sapphire Dragon
    Japanese: Safaia Doragon
    Japanese: Doragon
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Sapphire Dragon

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    200-250 (25d3+175)
    Average: 225
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 27-96 (3d24+24) damage. Average: 61.5
  • 14-36 (2d12+12) damage. Average: 25
  • May cause sleeping.

  • Maximum damage range: 61-180.
    Average: 120.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells (30% chance.)
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (70% chance.)
  • Regenerates 3 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (90%); Mage spell resistance (50%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep and silence.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle at N7-E12 in B11.
  • Always accompanied by Earth Dragons (100% chance.)

  • Scaly Empress
    Japanese: Sukeiri- Enpuresu
    Japanese: Doragon
    Japanese: Ryuu

    Scaly Empress

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    315-735 (60d8+255)
    Average: 525
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 9-16 (1d8+8) damage. Average: 12.5
  • 9-16 (1d8+8) damage. Average: 12.5
  • 14-36 (2d12+12) damage. Average: 25
  • 14-36 (2d12+12) damage. Average: 25
  • 54-192 (6d24+48) damage. Average: 123
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, and decapitation.
  • May drain two experience levels.

  • Maximum damage range: 100-296
    Average: 198
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage and Priest spells (70% chance).
  • Breath attack; may cause poisoning (40% chance.)
  • Regenerates 10 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (95%); Mage spell resistance (90%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed final boss battle at N11-E7 in B?
  • Always accompanied by a Despairant (100% chance).

  • Sickle Weasel
    Japanese: Kamaitachi
    Swift Wind
    Japanese: Hayate
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Sickle Weasel

    Swift Wind
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    12-48 (12d4)
    Average: 30
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-3 (1d1+2)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-16 (2d8) damage. Average: 9
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-16. Average: 9
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Priest spells (50% chance.)
  • Priest spell resistance (40%); Mage spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, and non-elemental.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Often accompanied by Jinniyas (70% chance.)

  • Sidelle
    Japanese: Saideru
    Giant Skeleton
    Japanese: Dokuro
    Japanese: Fushi


    Giant Skeleton
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    78-132 (18d4+60)
    Average: 105
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • May cause poisoning and paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 4-32. Average: 18
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage spells (75% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (55%); Priest spell resistance (50%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B11 and B?.
  • Always accompanied by a Lich (100% chance.)

  • Sorcerer
    Japanese: So-sara-
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Majutsushi


    Robed Woman
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    5-20 (5d4)
    Average: 12.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-5 (1d5)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-7 (1d5+2) damage. Average: 5

  • Maximum damage range: 3-7. Average: 5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 3 Mage spells (100% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2 and B3.
  • Seldom accompanied by Monks (28% chance.)

  • Sorceress
    Japanese: So-sarisu
    Robed Woman
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Onna
    Japanese: Majutsushi


    Robed Woman
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    7-28 (7d4)
    Average: 17.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-5 (1d4+1)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-5 (1d4+1) damage. Average: 3.5
  • 2-5 (1d4+1) damage. Average: 3.5

  • Maximum damage range: 4-10. Average: 7
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Mage spells (100% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Sphinxes (55% chance.)

  • Soul Trapper
    Japanese: Souru Torappa-
    Japanese: Akuma
    Japanese: Akuma

    Soul Trapper

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    30-42 (6d3+24)
    Average: 36
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-3 (1d3)
    Average: 2
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-3 (1d3) damage. Average: 2
  • 1-3 (1d3) damage. Average: 2
  • May cause paralysis.
  • May drain one experience level.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-6. Average: 4
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Mage spells (65% chance).
  • May call for reinforcements (20% chance).
  • Regenerates 3 hit points per round.
  • Mage spell resistance (40%); Priest spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to confusion and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Often accompanied by Witches (63% chance.)

  • Sphinx
    Japanese: Sufinkusu
    Strange Animal
    Japanese: Kimyou na Doubutsu
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Strange Animal
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    3-36 (3d12)
    Average: 19.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-5 (1d5)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-16 (2d8) damage. Average: 9
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5

  • Maximum damage range: 3-24. Average: 13.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 3 Mage spells (50% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (15%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2 and B3.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Charmers (50% chance.)

  • Spriggan
    Japanese: Supurigan
    Japanese: Kyojin
    Japanese: Fushi


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    52-88 (12d4+40)
    Average: 70
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-20 (1d20) damage. Average: 10.5
  • 1-20 (1d20) damage. Average: 10.5
  • 1-20 (1d20) damage. Average: 10.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.

  • Maximum damage range: 3-60. Average: 31.5
    Special Properties:
  • Breath attack; may cause sleeping (60% chance).
  • Universal spell resistance (50%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Will O'Wisps (50% chance.)

  • Stink Slime
    Japanese: Sutinku Suraimu
    Creeping Thing
    Japanese: Haizuru Mono
    Japanese: Doubutsu

    Stink Slime

    Creeping Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-2 (1d2) damage. Average: 1.5

  • Maximum damage range: 1-2. Average: 1.5
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Never accompanied by other monsters.

  • Storm
    Japanese: Suto-mu
    Savage Figure
    Japanese: Araburu Sugata
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Savage Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    110-130 (20d2+90)
    Average: 120
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 11-32 (3d8+8) damage. Average: 21.5
  • 11-32 (3d8+8) damage. Average: 21.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 22-64. Average: 43
    Special Properties:
  • Universal spell resistance (80%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B11 and B?.
  • Always accompanied by Rakshasa (100% chance.)

  • Succubus
    Japanese: Sakkyubasu
    Winged Woman
    Japanese: Tsubasa o Motsu Onna
    Japanese: Akuma


    Winged Woman
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    8-80 (8d10)
    Average: 44
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-14 (1d14) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 1-14 (1d14) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 1-14 (1d14) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 1-14 (1d14) damage. Average: 7.5
  • May cause sleeping.
  • May drain one experience level.

  • Maximum damage range: 4-56. Average: 30
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Mage spells (60% chance.)
  • Universal spell resistance (30%).
  • Vulnerable to confusion and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8.
  • Frequently accompanied by Soul Trappers (82% chance.)
  • The Level 5 Mage spell Socordi can potentially summon Succubi (Monster Rank 5) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Tarantula
    Japanese: Taranchura
    Japanese: Konchuu
    Japanese: Konchuu


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-24 (4d6)
    Average: 14
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-6 (1d6)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-8. Average: 5
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to fire.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B2 and B3.
  • Often accompanied by Yogis (72% chance.)

  • Tartar
    Japanese: Tata-ru
    Armored Man
    Japanese: Yoroi o Kita Otoko


    Armored Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    65-104 (13d4+52)
    Average: 84.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 30-72. Average: 51
    Special Properties:
  • May call for reinforcements (20% chance).
  • Regenerates 3 hit points per round.
  • Universal spell resistance (30%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8, B9, and B10.
  • Often accompanied by Assassins (70% chance.)

  • The High-Master
    Japanese: Za. Hai Masuta-
    Crouching Figure
    Japanese: Uzukumaru Hitokage
    Japanese: Ninja

    The High-Master

    Crouching Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    74-146 (24d4+50)
    Average: 110
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • 3-12 (3d4) damage. Average: 7.5
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 27-108.
    Average: 67.5
    Special Properties:
  • Priest spell resistance (60%); Mage spell resistance (50%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B?.
  • Often accompanied by High Ninja (76% chance.)

  • Thief
    Japanese: Shi-fu
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Touzoku


    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    4-16 (3d5+1)
    Average: 10
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-7 (1d5+2)
    Average: 5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-3 (1d3) damage. Average: 2
  • 1-3 (1d3) damage. Average: 2

  • Maximum damage range: 2-6. Average: 4
    Special Properties:
  • May run away (20% chance.)
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2.
  • Seldom accompanied by Rogues (30% chance.)

  • Torturer
    Japanese: To-chara-
    Small Figure
    Japanese: Chiisa na Hitokage
    Japanese: Senshi


    Small Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    2-16 (2d8)
    Average: 9
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    3-9 (2d4+1)
    Average: 6
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • May cause sleeping.

  • Maximum damage range: 1-8. Average: 4.5
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1 and B2.
  • Sometimes accompanied by additional Torturer groups (40% chance.)

  • Trias
    Japanese: Toraiasu
    Savage Figure
    Japanese: Araburu Sugata
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Savage Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    291-615 (36d10+255)
    Average: 453
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 12-40 (4d8+8) damage. Average: 26
  • 18-48 (2d16+16) damage. Average: 33
  • 19-36 (1d18+18) damage. Average: 27.5
  • 19-36 (1d18+18) damage. Average: 27.5
  • 13-48 (5d8+8) damage. Average: 30.5
  • 23-80 (3d20+20) damage. Average: 51.5
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 196-288
    Average: 242
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage and Priest spells (10% chance).
  • Regenerates 20 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (95%); Mage spell resistance (80%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle in B? at one of these six locations (it's random): 1N-2E; 2N-10E; 7N-2E; 9N-13E; 14N-15E; 15N-2E.
  • Always accompanied by Lightning (100% chance).

  • Twin-Horned Beetle
    Japanese: Tsuinho-ndo Bi-toru
    Japanese: Konchuu
    Japanese: Konchuu

    Twin-Horned Beetle

    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    24-54 (6d6+18)
    Average: 39
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 9-23 (1d15+8) damage. Average: 16
  • 9-23 (1d15+8) damage. Average: 16

  • Maximum damage range: 18-46. Average: 32
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to fire.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B2 and B3.
  • Seldom accompanied by Bishops (30% chance.)

  • Undead Warrior
    Japanese: Andeddo Uoria-
    Armored Man
    Japanese: Yoroi o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Fushi

    Undead Warrior

    Armored Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    10-18 (2d5+8)
    Average: 14
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    4-6 (1d3+3)
    Average: 5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-16. Average: 9
    Special Properties:
  • Mage spell resistance (20%); Priest spell resistance (10%).
  • Vulnerable to silence and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Sometimes accompanied by additional Undead Warrior groups (50% chance.)

  • Vampire
    Japanese: Banpaia
    Gaunt Figure
    Japanese: Yatsureta Sugata
    Japanese: Fushi


    Gaunt Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    28-48 (10d3+18)
    Average: 38
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 8-14 (1d7+7) damage. Average: 11
  • May cause paralysis.
  • May drain one experience level.

  • Maximum damage range: 8-14. Average: 11
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Mage spells (50% chance).
  • Regenerates 1 hit point per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (45%); Mage spell resistance (35%).
  • Resistant to fire, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to silence and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Sometimes accompanied by additional Vampire groups (45% chance.)
  • The Level 5 Priest spell Bamordi can potentially summon Vampires (Monster Rank 3) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Vampire Lord
    Japanese: Banpaia Ro-do
    Vampire Lord
    Japanese: Banpaia Ro-do
    Japanese: Fushi

    Vampire Lord

    Vampire Lord
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    136-388 (36d8+100)
    Average: 262
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 4-8 (4d2) damage. Average: 6
  • 4-8 (4d2) damage. Average: 6
  • 4-8 (4d2) damage. Average: 6
  • 4-8 (4d2) damage. Average: 6
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause sleeping, poisoning, paralysis, and decapitation.
  • May drain 4 experience levels.

  • Maximum damage range: 16-32. Average: 24
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Priest spells (75% chance).
  • Regenerates 10 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (98%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Not found in any level of the dungeon.
  • Never accompanied by other monsters.
  • The Level 5 Priest spell Bamordi can potentially summon a Vampire Lord (Monster Rank 7) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Venus Man-Trap
    Japanese: Vi-nasu Mantorappu
    Creeping Thing
    Japanese: Haizuru Mono
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Venus Man-Trap

    Creeping Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    8-24 (8d3)
    Average: 16
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 12-20 (2d5+10) damage. Average: 16
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • 1-4 (1d4) damage. Average: 2.5
  • May cause poisoning and paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 14-28. Average: 21
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 1 hit point per round.
  • Universal spell resistance (50%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B4.
  • Often accompanied by Tarantulas (72% chance.)

  • War Master
    Japanese: Uo- Masuta-
    Savage Figure
    Japanese: Araburu Sugata
    Japanese: Shinwa

    War Master

    Savage Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    280-380 (25d5+255)
    Average: 330
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-1 (1d1)
    Average: 1
    Physical Attacks:
  • 22-60 (2d20+20) damage. Average: 41
  • 22-60 (2d20+20) damage. Average: 41
  • 19-36 (1d8+18) damage. Average: 27.5
  • 14-50 (4d10+10) damage. Average: 32
  • May cause petrification and decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 57-206
    Average: 141.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 7 Mage and Priest spells (30% chance).
  • Breath attack; may cause petrification (30% chance.)
  • Regenerates 2 hit points per round.
  • Priest spell resistance (90%); Mage spell resistance (60%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Fixed boss battle at N8-E7 in B11.
  • Always accompanied by Storm (100% chance).

  • Werebuffalo
    Japanese: Wa-baffaro-
    Japanese: Kedamono
    Japanese: Juujin


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    6-15 (3d4+3)
    Average: 10.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-12 (2d6) damage. Average: 7

  • Maximum damage range: 2-12. Average: 7
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 1 Hit Point per round.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Seldom accompanied by additional Werebuffalo groups (20% chance.)

  • Weretiger
    Japanese: Wa-taiga-
    Japanese: Kedamono
    Japanese: Juujin


    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    5-40 (5d8)
    Average: 22.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-8 (1d8)
    Average: 4.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 3-13 (2d6+1) damage. Average: 8
  • 3-13 (2d6+1) damage. Average: 8
  • May cause sleeping and poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 6-26. Average: 16
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 1 Hit Point per round.
  • Resistant to cold.
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B4 and B5.
  • Often accompanied by additional Weretiger groups (70% chance.)

  • Will O'Wisp
    Japanese: Uiru O- Uisupu
    Unidentified Entity
    Japanese: Shoutaifumei no Sonzai
    Magical Creature
    Japanese: Mahou Seibutsu

    Will O'Wisp

    Unidentified Entity
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    34-43 (9d2+25)
    Average: 38.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-2 (1d2)
    Average: 1.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-32 (2d16) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • 10-24 (2d8+8) damage. Average: 17
  • Can attack party members in the back row.
  • May cause paralysis and petrification.

  • Maximum damage range: 22-80. Average: 51
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 2 hit points per round.
  • Universal spell resistance (98%).
  • Resistant to fire, cold, non-elemental, and petrification.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Seldom accompanied by Poison Giants (20% chance.)

  • Witch
    Japanese: Uicchi
    Robed Woman
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Onna
    Japanese: Majutsushi


    Robed Woman
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    3-12 (3d4)
    Average: 7.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    6-6 (6d1)
    Average: 6
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-5 (1d4+1) damage. Average: 3.5

  • Maximum damage range: 2-5. Average: 3.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 2 Mage spells (100% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2 and B3.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Monks (53% chance.)

  • Wizard
    Japanese: Uiza-do
    Robed Man
    Japanese: Ro-bu o Kita Otoko
    Japanese: Majutsushi


    Robed Man
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    10-40 (10d4)
    Average: 25
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 2-9 (1d8+1) damage. Average: 5.5

  • Maximum damage range: 2-9. Average: 5.5
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Mage spells (100% chance).
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B6 and B7.
  • Often accompanied by Samurai (65% chance.)

  • Xian Nui
    Japanese: Shian Nui
    Kimono-Clad Woman
    Japanese: Kimono o Kita Onna
    Japanese: Majutsushi

    Xian Nui

    Kimono-Clad Woman
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    26-52 (13d3+13)
    Average: 39
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-4 (1d3+1)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 4-8 (1d5+3) damage. Average: 6
  • 4-8 (1d5+3) damage. Average: 6

  • Maximum damage range: 8-16. Average: 12
    Special Properties:
  • Level 5 Mage and Priest spells (95% chance).
  • May run away (5% chance).
  • Mage spell resistance (20%); Priest spell resistance (15%).
  • Resistant to non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B5, B6, and B7.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Gandharvae (45% chance.)

  • Yaksha
    Japanese: Yasha
    Savage Figure
    Japanese: Araburu Sugata
    Japanese: Shinwa


    Savage Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    11-88 (11d8)
    Average: 49.5
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 6-12 (3d3+2) damage. Average: 9
  • 6-12 (3d3+2) damage. Average: 9
  • 6-12 (3d3+2) damage. Average: 9
  • May cause poisoning.

  • Maximum damage range: 18-36. Average: 27
    Special Properties:
  • Level 4 Priest spells (50% chance).
  • Priest spell resistance (50%); Mage spell resistance (40%).
  • Resistant to cold.
  • Vulnerable to sleep.
  • Encounters:
  • Never friendly.
  • Can be found in B8 and B9.
  • Sometimes accompanied by Hungry Ghosts (57% chance.)

  • Yeti
    Japanese: Ieti
    Huge Beast
    Japanese: Kyodai na Kemono
    Japanese: Doubutsu


    Huge Beast
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    24-80 (8d8+16)
    Average: 52
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-3 (1d2+1)
    Average: 2.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 9-24 (3d6+6) damage. Average: 16.5
  • 7-12 (1d6+6) damage. Average: 9.5
  • 7-12 (1d6+6) damage. Average: 9.5
  • May cause sleeping.

  • Maximum damage range: 23-48. Average: 35.5
    Special Properties:
  • Regenerates 2 Hit Points per round.
  • Mage spell resistance (20%); Priest spell resistance (10%).
  • Resistant to cold and non-elemental.
  • Vulnerable to death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B5 and B6.
  • Frequently accompanied by Venus Man-Traps (75% chance.)

  • Yogi
    Japanese: Yogi
    Gaunt Figure
    Japanese: Yatsureta Sugata
    Japanese: Souryo


    Gaunt Figure
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    6-18 (3d5+3)
    Average: 12
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    2-5 (1d4+1)
    Average: 3.5
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • 1-8 (1d8) damage. Average: 4.5
  • May cause decapitation.

  • Maximum damage range: 2-16. Average: 9
    Special Properties:
  • Level 2 Priest spells (80% chance).
  • Resistant to fire and cold.
  • Vulnerable to silence, confusion, and death.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B1.
  • Frequently accompanied by Bandits (72% chance.)

  • Zombie
    Japanese: Zonbi
    Weird Thing
    Japanese: Bukimi na Ikimono
    Japanese: Fushi


    Weird Thing
    Experience Level:
    Experience Points:
    Hit Points:
    2-16 (2d8)
    Average: 9
    Armor Class:
    Number Appearing:
    1-5 (1d5)
    Average: 3
    Physical Attacks:
  • 1-3 (1d3) damage. Average: 2
  • 1-3 (1d3) damage. Average: 2
  • 1-6 (1d6) damage. Average: 3.5
  • May cause paralysis.

  • Maximum damage range: 3-12. Average: 7.5
    Special Properties:
  • Vulnerable to sleep, silence, and confusion.
  • Encounters:
  • Sometimes friendly.
  • Can be found in B2.
  • Often accompanied by Undead Warriors (65% chance.)
  • The Level 5 Priest spell Bamordi can potentially summon Zombies (Monster Rank 1) to fight on the caster's behalf.

  • Monsters by Type
  • Armored Rhinoceros
  • Bloody Bat
  • Chimera
  • Elephant
  • Flack
  • King Cobra
  • Raver Lord
  • Stink Slime
  • Yeti
  • Demons
  • Arch Demon
  • Delf (Socordi Only)
  • Despairant
  • Efreet
  • Fate Spinner
  • Gargoyle
  • Greater Demon
  • Imp (Socordi Only)
  • Lesser Demon
  • Lycurgus
  • Moloch (Socordi Only)
  • Soul Trapper
  • Succubus
  • Dragons
  • Cold Dragon
  • Earth Dragon
  • Eight-Forked Serpent
  • Flame Dragon
  • Scaly Empress
  • Fighters
  • Assassin
  • Bandit
  • Executioner
  • Hatamoto
  • Laughing Thruster
  • Samurai
  • Torturer
  • Giants
  • Air Giant
  • Fire Giant
  • Frost Giant
  • Poison Giant
  • Insects
  • Antlion Larva
  • Fly Premier
  • Giant Ant
  • Giant Scorpion
  • Hell Beetle
    (Socordi Only)
  • Huge Centipede
  • Tarantula
  • Twin-Horned Beetle
  • Legends
  • Cockatrice
  • Delugean
  • Gandharva
  • Garuda
  • Lightning
  • Rakshasa
  • Sandclad
  • Sphinx
  • Storm
  • Trias
  • War Master
  • Yaksha
  • Lycanthropes
  • Werebuffalo
  • Weretiger
  • Mages
  • Arch Wizard
  • Charmer
  • High Sorceress
  • High Wizard
  • Magician
  • Sorcerer
  • Sorceress
  • Witch
  • Wizard
  • Xian Nui
  • Magical Creatures
  • Basilisk
  • Chaos
  • Creeping Vine
  • Dark Priest
  • Gorgon
  • Ivory Tiger
  • Jinniya
  • Manticore
  • Mud Golem
  • Nue
  • Obsidian Tortoise
  • Ruby Phoenix
  • Salamander
  • Sapphire Dragon
  • Sickle Weasel
  • Venus Man-Trap
  • Will O'Wisp
  • Ninja
  • High Ninja
  • Lesser Ninja
  • Master Ninja
  • Ninja
  • Tartar
  • The High-Master
  • Priests
  • Baramon
  • Bishop
  • Cleric
  • High Priest
  • High Priestess
  • Monk
  • Yogi
  • Thieves
  • Hobbit Archer
  • Master Thief
  • Rogue
  • Thief
  • Undead
  • Asher
  • Death
  • Dragon Zombie [Cold]
  • Dragon Zombie [Earth]
  • Dragon Zombie [Eight-Forked Serpent]
  • Dragon Zombie [Flame]
  • Ghoul
  • Giant Zombie [Fire)]
  • Giant Zombie [Frost]
  • Giant Zombie [Poison]
  • Halgith
  • High Lich (Bamordi Only)
  • Hungry Ghost
  • Lich
  • Lifestealer
  • Maelific
  • Mummy
  • Murphy's Ghost
  • Rotting Corpse
  • Sidelle
  • Spriggan
  • Undead Warrior
  • Vampire
  • Vampire Lord (Bamordi Only)
  • Zombie

  • Cutscene Artwork
    People, places, and things that are vital to the completion of your quest--so much so that they get special illustrations.
    The Kingdom of Almarl

    The desert kingdom of Almarl is the setting for this Wizardry outing. A strange curse has blighted the land, blackening the skies and creating an ominous maelstrom directly over the palace. Pictured (top) is Almarl besieged by the curse at the beginning of the game and (bottom) a liberated Almarl from the ending sequence.

    Dungeon Entrance

    Here's where it all starts . . . take care going down that rather unsafe-looking stairway, as it'd be pretty embarrassing to lose your footing and break your neck before you even got to fight your first monster. This is my favorite "entrance to the maze" image out of all the Wizardry games I've ever played.


    There are several magical springs scattered around the levels of the Maze. What happens when you bathe in them? Maybe something good . . . maybe something bad . . . there's only one way to find out! Thankfully, there aren't any surprise boss fights lurking in the depths, like there were in the previous Gameboy Wizardry installment, Suffering of The Queen.

    Ancient Emperor Halgith

    The long-dead Emperor Halgith has risen from his tomb as an undead horror and placed a terrible curse on the land of Almarl. The blighted kingdom is in desperate need of brave souls willing to venture down into the royal crypts, brave unimaginable dangers, and, hopefully, send the monarch back to his eternal rest again. But, who, or what, is behind Halgith's unholy reawakening?

    Chamberlain and Princess Manaya

    After destroying the undead emperor Halgith, and returning to the castle with his elaborate helmet as proof of your victory, you will be granted a royal audience. However, something seems off about the Princess, as though someone, or something, else, were in control of her body . . .

    Altar of Five Elements

    A mysterious stone structure, located on Basement Level 11, that depicts the five elements: earth, trees, metal, fire, and water. Anyone who can unlock its secrets will gain entry into the Underworld, but be warned: few have ever returned from that nightmarish land alive.

    Scaly Empress

    The true evil power behind Halgith, the Scaly Empress is manipulating events in Almarl from afar by using Princess Manaya as her puppet. Acting through Manaya, the Scaly Empress' ultimate goal is to conquer the mortal world and plunge it into eternal darkness.

    Princess Manaya

    This lovely young maiden is the heir to Almarl's throne, but, ever since the kingdom began to suffer under Halgith's curse, Manaya has seemed different. While her subjects have just chocked this up to the general despair afflicting them all, the heroes have a suspicion that something more sinister is afoot. After confronting and defeating the Scaly Empress in the depths of the Underworld, they learned that Manaya had been under the mental control of the demonic dragoness. Returning to the Castle triumphant, and presenting Manaya with the Empress' Scale as proof of their deed, the party received a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks for delivering Almarl and Manaya from certain destruction. And so ended another legend in the saga of Wizardry...


  • Mage, Bishop, and Samurai player characters can learn and cast Mage spells. However, Bishops and Samurai learn them at a slower rate than Mages.
  • Priest, Bishop, and Lord player characters can learn and cast Priest spells. However, Bishops and Lords learn them at a slower rate than Priests.
  • Fighter, Thief, and Ninja player characters cannot learn or cast spells at all, unless you dual-class. For example, if you changed an evil Bishop into a Ninja, then that Ninja would retain the ability to cast any of the Mage and Priest spells that the Bishop had learned up to that point. However, keep in mind that, in the interest of game balance, there are penalties for dual-classing a spellcaster: Your existing number of spell slots are permanently decreased, and you won't learn any more new spells or gain additional spell levels/slots when you level up if that's not a feature of the new character class that you've switched to.
  • When a given enemy's entry indicates that they have a spell rank in the "Special Properties" section, either in the Mage or Priest schools of magic, or both, then they can cast all combat spells of that level and lower (i.e., a Sorceress, who knows Level 4 Mage Spells, can cast any of the Mage combat spells from Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 listed below). Naturally, the greater an opponent's spell proficiency/repertoire is, the more dangerous they are.

  • Level 1 Spells


  • Dumapic [Camp]
    (Japanese: Dumapikku)
    Allows you to view a map of the dungeon level that your party currently occupies; your position and all the areas that you've explored to date will be shown.
  • Halito [Combat]
    (Japanese: Harito)
    Small fireball that deals 1-8 points (average: 4.5) of fire damage to a single target.
  • Katino [Combat]
    (Japanese: Katino)
    Attempt to put one group of enemies to sleep. Napping enemies cannot fight back, are easier to hit, and suffer more damage from your blows.
  • Mogref [Combat]
    (Japanese: Mogurefu)
    Iron body spell that lowers the Armor Class of the caster by 2 for the duration of a single battle.
  • Priest

  • Badios [Combat]
    (Japanese: Badiosu)
    The inverse of Dios, this spell inflicts 1-8 points (average: 4.5) of non-elemental damage on a single target instead of healing them.
  • Dios [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Diosu)
    Lesser healing spell that restores 1-8 hit points (average: 4.5) to a single ally.
  • Kalki [Combat]
    (Japanese: Karuki)
    Lesser shield spell that lowers the Armor Class of the entire party by 1 for the duration of a single battle.
  • Milwa [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Miruwa)
    Lesser light spell that illuminates the dungeon, allowing you to see farther and increasing the probability of thieves detecting secret doors. It only lasts for 40 steps, or until dispelled by entering a magically darkened zone.
  • Porfic [Combat]
    (Japanese: Po-fikku)
    Personal defense spell that lowers the Armor Class of the caster by 4 for the duration of a single battle.
  • Level 2 Spells


  • Bolatu [Combat]
    (Japanese: Boratsu)
    Lesser flesh-to-stone spell which allows you to attempt to petrify a single monster. An enemy turned into stone cannot fight back, is easier to hit, and suffers more damage from your blows.
  • Dilto [Combat]
    (Japanese: Diruto)
    Darkness spell that raises the Armor Class of a group of enemies by 2, for the duration of a single battle, increasing your probability of successfully hitting them.
  • Melito [Combat]
    (Japanese: Merito)
    Magical sparks that deal 1-8 points of fire damage (average: 4.5) to all the members of one group of enemies.
  • Sogref [Combat]
    (Japanese: Sogurefu)
    Transparency spell that lowers the Armor Class of a party member by 2 for the duration of a single battle.
  • Priest

  • Calfo [Treasure]
    (Japanese: Karufo)
    Identifies the type of trap, if any, on a treasure bag/chest, with 95% accuracy.
  • Matu [Combat]
    (Japanese: Matsu)
    Stronger shield spell that lowers the Armor Class of the entire party by 2 for the duration of a single battle.
  • Kandi [Camp]
    (Japanese: Kandi)
    Gives the coordinates of missing or dead party members in the dungeon so that you know exactly where to look for them (monsters love to loot and move the corpses of slain adventurers.)
  • Montino [Combat]
    (Japanese: Montino)
    Attempt to silence one group of enemies by causing the air around them to stop transmitting sound. Silenced monsters cannot cast spells.
  • Level 3 Spells


  • Cortu [Combat]
    (Japanese: Korutsu)
    Creates a magical barrier that may protect the entire party from spells and breath attacks.
  • Kantios [Combat]
    (Japanese: Kantiosu)
    Attempt to confuse one group of enemies.
  • Mahalito [Combat]
    (Japanese: Maharito)
    Firestorm that deals 4-24 points (average: 14) of fire damage to all the members of one group of enemies.
  • Morlis [Combat]
    (Japanese: Mo-risu)
    Lesser fear spell. Attempt to frighten one group of enemies, raising their Armor Class by 4 (making them easier to strike) and preventing them from taking any actions other than defending or fleeing.
  • Priest

  • Bamatu [Combat]
    (Japanese: Bamatsu)
    Greater shield spell that lowers the Armor Class of the entire party by 3 for the duration of a single battle.
  • Dialko [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Diaruko)
    Cures paralysis, removes the silence effect, and awakens sleepers.
  • Latumapic [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Ratsumapikku)
    Automatically and correctly identifies all opponents for the duration of your stay in the dungeon, or until dispelled.
  • Lomilwa [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Romiruwa)
    Greater light spell that illuminates the dungeon, allowing you to see farther and increasing the probability of thieves detecting secret doors. It lasts until you exit the dungeon unless the effect is dispelled or you enter a magically darkened zone.
  • Level 4 Spells


  • Lahalito [Combat]
    (Japanese: Raharito)
    Inferno that deals 6-36 points (average: 21) of fire damage to all the members of one group of enemies.
  • Litofeit [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Ritofeito)
    Levitation spell that allows the party to float safely above pit traps and chutes in the dungeon floor. The likelihood of monsters ambushing the party (gaining a free round of attacks) is also decreased. It lasts for the duration of your stay in the dungeon or until dispelled.
  • Rokdo [Combat]
    (Japanese: Rokudo)
    Greater flesh-to-stone spell that may petrify one group of enemies. Monsters transformed into stone cannot fight back, are easier to hit, and suffer more damage from your blows.
  • Tzalik [Combat]
    (Japanese: Tsuzariku)
    A giant fist crushes a single target, dealing 24-58 points (average: 41) of non-elemental damage.
  • Priest

  • Bariko [Combat]
    (Japanese: Bariko)
    Ripping winds deal 6-15 points (average: 10.5) of non-elemental damage to all the members of one group of enemies.
  • Dial [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Diaru)
    Stronger healing spell that restores 2-16 hit points (average: 9) to a single ally.
  • Latumofis [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Ratsumofisu)
    Neutralizes any toxins that have poisoned one ally.
  • Maporfic [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Mapo-fikku)
    Persistant shield spell that lowers the Armor Class of the entire party by 2 for the duration of your stay in the dungeon, or until dispelled.
  • Level 5 Spells


  • Bacortu [Combat]
    (Japanese: Bakorutsu)
    Erects a magic dampening field around one group of enemies, which may prevent them from casting any spells.
  • Kanito [Combat]
    (Japanese: Kanito)
    Attempt to instantly kill all the members of one group of weaker monsters (ranked at experience level 8 or less) by suffocating them.
  • Madalto [Combat]
    (Japanese: Madaruto)
    Arctic frost that deals 8-64 points (average: 36) of cold damage to all the members of one enemy group.
  • Palios [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Pariosu)
    Cancels out magical energies. When used in combat, it dispels any spell effects monsters have cast on themselves. When used outside of combat, it cancels all the magical effects that you currently have cast on your party (i.e., Lomilwa, Latumapic, Litofeit, and Maporfic). Probably the only reason you would ever want do that is if you wished to go down a chute, but couldn't, because you had previously cast Litofeit.
  • Socordi [Combat]
    (Japanese: Sokorudi)
    Randomly summons a group of demonic monsters to aid the party in battle. In order of strength: Hell Beetles, Imps, Gargoyles, Lesser Demons, Succubi, Delf, and Moloch. You cannot directly control these creatures; the game's AI simply plays them like it normally would, except your enemies are the targets instead of you.
  • Vaskyre [Combat]
    (Japanese: Basukaia-)
    Lesser prismatic spray. Attempt to inflict random detrimental effects [death, fear, paralysis, petrification, physical damage (~30), or sleeping] on all the members of one group of enemies.
  • Priest

  • Badi [Combat]
    (Japanese: Badi)
    Lesser death magic. Attempt to instantly slay a single target by stopping their heart from beating.
  • Bamordi [Combat]
    (Japanese: Bamorudi)
    Randomly summons a group of undead monsters to aid the party in battle. In order of strength: Zombies, Lifestealers, Vampires, Giant Zombies (Poison Type), Dragon Zombies (Flame Type), High Liches, and Vampire Lord. You cannot directly control these creatures; the game's AI simply plays them like it normally would, except your enemies are the targets instead of you.
  • Di [Camp]
    (Japanese: Di)
    Lesser life magic that revives one fallen comrade with 1 hit point (the character may also age one year and lose one point from their vitality score.) It doesn't work on characters that have been reduced to ashes. There is also a chance of failure, if that happens, the dead character's body will be reduced to dust.
  • Dialma [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Diaruma)
    Greater healing spell that restores 3-24 hit points (average: 13.5) to a single ally.
  • Fisnoit [Combat]
    (Japanese: Fisunoito)
    Reduce the magic resistance of all enemies by 10%.
  • Lanifo [Combat]
    (Japanese: Ranifo)
    Attempt to paralyze all the members of one enemy group. Immobilized enemies cannot fight back, are easier to hit, and suffer more damage from your blows.
  • Level 6 Spells


  • Ladalto [Combat]
    (Japanese: Radaruto)
    Icy annihilation that deals 34-98 points (average: 66) of cold damage to all the members of one group of enemies.
  • Lazalik [Combat]
    (Japanese: Razariku)
    Two giant fists smash a single target, dealing 64-80 points (average: 72) of non-elemental damage.
  • Lokara [Combat]
    (Japanese: Rokara)
    Ultimate death spell. Attempt to instantly destroy all enemies.
  • Mamorlis [Combat]
    (Japanese: Mamo-risu)
    Greater fear spell. Attempt to frighten all enemies, raising their Armor Class by 4 (making them easier to strike) and preventing them from taking any actions other than defending or fleeing.
  • Zilwan [Combat]
    (Japanese: Jiruwan)
    Disruption spell that deals approximately 1,000 points of damage to a single Undead enemy.
  • Priest

  • Bamilwa [Combat]
    (Japanese: Bamiruwa)
    Attempt to confuse one group of enemies.
  • Labadi [Combat]
    (Japanese: Rabadi)
    Life-draining spell that reduces a single target down to 1-8 (average: 4.5) hit points, regardless of their hit point total. That siphoned life force is then transferred to the caster, healing him/her. This spell is a very effective way to substantially weaken powerful foes, even bosses, IF you can manage to get it past their magic resistance.
  • Loktofeit [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Rokutofeito)
    Last resort escape spell. The party is teleported out of the dungeon and back to town, but the caster forgets the spell in the process and must relearn it.
  • Madi [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Madi)
    Ultimate healing spell that fully restores all the hit points of a single ally and removes all negative status effects.
  • Mogato [Combat]
    (Japanese: Mogato)
    Attempt to banish one demon back to the Abyss, permanently removing it from the battle.
  • Level 7 Spells


  • Mahaman [Combat]
    (Japanese: Mahaman)
    Wish spell that invokes divine intervention on the party's behalf. A deity will appear and present the caster with a choice of one of three randomly picked favors from the following list:
    - Fully heal/cure/resurrect the entire party.
    - Disable all enemy spells and breath attacks.
    - Remove all enemy magic resistance.
    - Teleport the party out of the battle.
    - Annihilate all enemies.
    - Bestow the entire party with a temporary -10 AC bonus.
    - Refill the entire party's spell slots.
    - Restore any experience levels that have been drained.
    This magic is so potent that the caster has to relearn the spell and also loses one experience level, so save it for truly dire situations.
  • Malor [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Maro-ru)
    Teleportation spell. Outside of combat, simply select the desired floor of the dungeon, move the cursor onto the square you want to appear in, and, presto, off you go. Note that you cannot teleport to a location that you haven't previously visited (that'd be cheating!) If you use the Malor spell in combat, you will escape the battle and be sent to a random location on that dungeon level, but, beware, if you end up in solid stone, your party will be completely annihilated.
  • Mawxiwtz [Combat]
    (Japanese: Maujiutsu)
    Greater prismatic spray. Attempt to inflict random detrimental effects [death, fear, paralysis, petrification, physical damage (~30), or sleeping] on all enemies.
  • Tiltowait [Combat]
    (Japanese: Tirutoueito)
    The ultimate attack spell; the catastrophic energies released by this magic deals 10-150 points (average: 80) of non-elemental damage to all enemies.
  • Priest

  • Bakadi [Combat]
    (Japanese: Bakadi)
    Greater death magic. Attempt to instantly slay an entire group of enemies.
  • Kadorto: [Camp]
    (Japanese: Kadoruto)
    Greater life magic that revives one fallen comrade with full hit points even if all that remains is ashes (the character may also age one year and lose one point from their vitality score.) However, there is still a chance of failure--if the spell doesn't successfully bring a dead character back from their powdery remains, then that party member is lost forever!
  • Mabariko [Combat]
    (Japanese: Mabariko)
    Devastating meteor shower that inflicts 18-58 points (average: 38) of non-elemental damage on all enemies.
  • Madial [Camp/Combat]
    (Japanese: Madiaru)
    Mass healing spell that restores 6-20 hit points (average: 13) to all party members.

  • Equipment

  • Boltac's Trading Post carries an assortment of standard adventuring gear, but all of the really good stuff must be obtained from the treasure chests (which are usually booby-trapped) left behind by defeated monsters. Generally speaking, the stronger the monster, the better the loot. Remember: Anything you sell to Boltac stays in his shop, so you can always buy an item back later (at a substantial markup, of course) if you change your mind.
  • Items acquired as battle spoils are always unidentified (i.e., all the shields in the game are just that, plain shields, when you find them), and only a fool would equip an item without knowing what it is and what it does. If you have a Bishop in your party, they can potentially appraise said objects in the field, revealing what they are (provided they have a high enough experience level; keep in mind that, if a Bishop fails to identify an item, they may be afflicted with the Fear status effect, particularly if the item is cursed). Otherwise, you'll have to pay Boltac to figure out what all your mysterious stuff is.
  • Some items are cursed. If you equip such an object, you cannot remove or discard it, and the character wearing it will suffer any detrimental effects associated with said curse (AC penalty, steady HP loss, etc.) The only way to get rid of the accursed item is to pay Boltac, who has a lot of experience with that sort of thing, a substantial fee to remove it.
  • Regarding weapon range: Characters equipped with short range weapons can only attack if they're in the front row (the first three battle positions). The only exceptions to this are the Thief and Ninja character classes, who can attack from the back row with short range weapons IF they successfully use their ability to hide and then backstab. Characters equipped with long range weapons in the front row position can attack any monster group. Characters equipped with long range weapons in the back row position can only attack the first two monster groups.
  • Regarding item breakage: Most items with a "use" or "special" function have a chance of breaking every time that you activate said ability. If the percentage is 100%, the item always shatters or crumbles to pieces when you use it (potions and scrolls, for example). If the percentage is 0%, it never breaks, and you can employ the ability as much as you like (the Icing Dagger, for example, can be used to cast the Level 5 Mage spell Madalto an infinite number of times, without fear of losing the item).

  • Weapons
    (Japanese: Buki)
    #032 Dagger
    (Japanese: Tantou)
    Unidentified: Knife
    (Japanese: Tantou)
    Identification Difficulty: 0
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Mage, Thief, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $5 / $2 / $2
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #033 Staff
    (Japanese: Tsue)
    Unidentified: Staff
    (Japanese: Tsue)
    Identification Difficulty: 0
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-5 (1d5)
    Average: 3
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties: N/A
    $10 / $5 / $5
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #034 Short Sword
    (Japanese: Tanken)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 0
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-6 (1d6)
    Average: 3.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Thief, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $15 / $7 / $7
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #035 Sword
    (Japanese: Ken)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 0
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-8 (1d8)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $25 / $12 / $12
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #036 Mace
    (Japanese: Meisu)
    Unidentified: Mace
    (Japanese: Meisu)
    Identification Difficulty: 1
    Range: Short
    Damage: 2-6 (1d5+1)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $30 / $15 / $15
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #037 Spear
    (Japanese: Supia-)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Range: Long
    Damage: 2-6 (1d5+1)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $250 / $125 / $125
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #038 Flail
    (Japanese: Fureiru)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Range: Long
    Damage: 1-7 (1d7)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fight, Priest, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $400 / $200 / $200
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #039 Bow
    (Japanese: Yumi)
    Unidentified: Bow
    (Japanese: Yumi)
    Identification Difficulty: 1
    Range: Long
    Damage: 2-8 (1d7+1)
    Average: 5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $300 / $150 / $150
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #040 Shortbow
    (Japanese: Kogata no Yumi)
    Unidentified: Bow
    (Japanese: Yumi)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Range: Long
    Damage: 2-7 (1d6+1)
    Average: 4.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Thief, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $600 / $300 / $300
    Shop Stock: 1
    #041 Battle Axe
    (Japanese: Batoru Akkusu)
    Unidentified: Axe
    (Japanese: Ono)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Range: Short
    Damage: 8-14 (2d4+6)
    Average: 11
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,700 / $850 / $850
    Shop Stock: 1
    #042 Blunt Sword
    (Japanese: Namakura na Ken)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 4
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-8 (1d8)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,700 / $850 / $850
    Shop Stock: None
    #043 Shamshir
    (Japanese: Shamushi-ru)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Range: Short
    Damage: 3-9 (2d4+1)
    Average: 6
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,700 / $850 / $850
    Shop Stock: 1
    #044 Katana
    (Japanese: Katana)
    Unidentified: Katana
    (Japanese: Katana)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Range: Short
    Damage: 7-13 (2d4+5)
    Average: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,700 / $850 / $850
    Shop Stock: 1
    #045 Bloodstained Flail
    (Japanese: Chizome no Fureiru)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Range: Long
    Damage: 5-9 (1d5+4)
    Average: 7
    Armor Class: +2
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to thieves
  • Hit points steadily drop over time
  • Protects against thieves
  • Special: Luck -1 (but the attribute score can't become less than 3)
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $2,000 / $1,000 / $1,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #046 Sapphire Dragon's Sword
    (Japanese: Seiryuu Tou)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 4
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-12 (1-12)
    Average: 6.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,000 / $1,000 / $1,000
    Shop Stock: 1
    #047 Cross Throwing Stars
    (Japanese: Jyuji Shuriken)
    Unidentified: Disc
    (Japanese: Enban)
    Identification Difficulty: 4
    Range: Long
    Damage: 1-8 (1d8)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,000 / $1,000 / $1,000
    Shop Stock: 1
    #048 Morningstar
    (Japanese: Mo-ningusuta-)
    Unidentified: Iron Ball
    (Japanese: Tekkyuu)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Range: Long
    Damage: 4-10 (1d7+3)
    Average: 7
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,000 / $1,000 / $1,000
    Shop Stock: 1
    #049 Halberd
    (Japanese: Haruba-do)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Range: Long
    Damage: 7-13 (2d4+5)
    Average: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,500 / $1,250 / $1,250
    Shop Stock: 1
    #050 Crossbow
    (Japanese: Kurosubou)
    Unidentified: Bow
    (Japanese: Yumi)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Range: Long
    Damage: 7-13 (1d7+6)
    Average: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Thief, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,500 / $1,250 / $1,250
    Shop Stock: None
    #051 Hard Staff
    (Japanese: Katai Tsue)
    Unidentified: Staff
    (Japanese: Tsue)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Range: Short
    Damage: 2-6 (1d5+1)
    Average: 4
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,500 / $1,250 / $1,250
    Shop Stock: 1
    #052 Ripper Sword
    (Japanese: Kirisaki no Ken)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Range: Short
    Damage: 7-12 (1d6+6)
    Average: 9.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: 1
    #053 Shortsword of Piercing
    (Japanese: Tsuranuki no Tanken)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Range: Short
    Damage: 2-7 (1d6+1)
    Average: 4.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Thief, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $4,000 / $2,000 / $2,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #054 Naginata
    (Japanese: Naginata)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 7
    Range: Long
    Damage: 7-17 (2d6+5)
    Average: 12
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $5,000 / $2,500 / $2,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #055 Holy Basher
    (Japanese: Ho-ri- Bassha-)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Range: Long
    Damage: 9-15 (1d7+8)
    Average: 12
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Priest and Bishop
    Special Properties: N/A
    $7,500 / $3,750 / $3,750
    Shop Stock: None
    #056 Silence Staff
    (Japanese: Chinmoku no Tsue)
    Unidentified: Staff
    (Japanese: Tsue)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Range: Short
    Damage: 4-8 (1d5+3)
    Average: 6
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Mage, Priest, Bishop, and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Montino (Lv2 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 10% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $5,000 / $2,500 / $2,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #057 Twisted Staff
    (Japanese: Nejireta no Tsue)
    Unidentified: Staff
    (Japanese: Tsue)
    Identification Difficulty: 11
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Armor Class: +2
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Hit points steadily drop over time
  • Special: Age +1
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #058 Satanist's Staff
    (Japanese: Akuma Tsukai no Tsue)
    Unidentified: Staff
    (Japanese: Tsue)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Range: Short
    Damage: 3-11 (2d5+1)
    Average: 7
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Mage, Bishop, and Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against demons
  • Use: Socordi (Lv5 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 15% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #059 Necromancer's Staff
    (Japanese: Nekuromansa- no Tsue)
    Unidentified: Staff
    (Japanese: Tsue)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Range: Short
    Damage: 5-10 (1d6+4)
    Average: 7.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Priest, Bishop, and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against the undead
  • Use: Bamordi (Lv5 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 15% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #060 Rusty Saber
    (Japanese: Sabitsuita Tsurugi)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 11
    Range: Short
    Damage: 6-12 (1d7+5)
    Average: 9
    Armor Class: +1
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #061 Heavy Axe
    (Japanese: Hebii Akkusu)
    Unidentified: Axe
    (Japanese: Ono)
    Identification Difficulty: 9
    Range: Short
    Damage: 10-20 (2d6+8)
    Average: 15
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $8,500 / $4,250 / $4,250
    Shop Stock: None
    #062 Double-Edged Axe
    (Japanese: Ryouba no Ono)
    Unidentified: Axe
    (Japanese: Ono)
    Identification Difficulty: 9
    Range: Short
    Damage: 12-24 (4d4+8)
    Average: 18
    Armor Class: +2
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Attacks may decapitate enemies
  • Hit points steadily drop over time
  • Special: Suffer 12-24 points of damage
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $8,500 / $4,250 / $4,250
    Shop Stock: None
    #063 Snake Mace
    (Japanese: Hebi no Meisu)
    Unidentified: Mace
    (Japanese: Meisu)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-8 (1d8)
    Average: 4.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to poison

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #064 Twain Sword
    (Japanese: Mapputatsu no Ken)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Range: Short
    Damage: 8-17 (1d10+7)
    Average: 12.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $4,000 / $2,000 / $2,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #065 Faust Halberd
    (Japanese: Fausuto Haruba-do)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 9
    Range: Long
    Damage: 8-20 (4d4+4)
    Average: 14
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to demons
  • Protects against demons
  • Special: Vitality -1 (but the attribute score can't become less than 3)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / 5,000 / 5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #066 Bardiche
    (Japanese: Barudashu)
    Unidentified: Hammer
    (Japanese: Hanma-)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Range: Long
    Damage: 10-20 (2d6+8)
    Average: 15
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to dragons

  • Special: Strength +1 and Luck -1 (but the attribute score can't become less than 3)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #067 Wereslayer
    (Japanese: Wa-sureiya-)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Range: Short
    Damage: 2-11 (1d10+1)
    Average: 6.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to lycanthropes

  • Protects against lycanthropes

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #068 Heavy Crossbow
    (Japanese: Hebii Kurosubou)
    Unidentified: Bow
    (Japanese: Yumi)
    Identification Difficulty: 11
    Range: Long
    Damage: 10-18 (2d5+8)
    Average: 14
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Thief, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $12,000 / $6,000 / $6,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #069 Magician's Bow
    (Japanese: Mahou Tsukai no Yumi)
    Unidentified: Bow
    (Japanese: Yumi)
    Identification Difficulty: 13
    Range: Long
    Damage: 6-12 (1d7+5)
    Average: 9
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Mage
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to mages

  • Special: Vitality +1 and maximum HP -1
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $12,000 / $6,000 / $6,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #070 Master Katana
    (Japanese: Tatsujin no Katana)
    Unidentified: Katana
    (Japanese: Katana)
    Identification Difficulty: 13
    Range: Short
    Damage: 7-19 (3d5+4)
    Average: 13
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Attacks may decapitate enemies

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $14,000 / $7,000 / $7,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #071 Pentagram
    Throwing Stars

    (Japanese: Hoshigata Shuriken)
    Unidentified: Disc
    (Japanese: Enban)
    Identification Difficulty: 12
    Range: Long
    Damage: 6-20 (2d8+4)
    Average: 13
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $14,000 / $7,000 / $7,000
    Shop Stock: 0
    #072 Lifestealer
    (Japanese: Raifusuti-ra-)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 15
    Range: Short
    Damage: 8-24 (4d5+4)
    Average: 16
    Armor Class: +1
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to fighters
  • Hit points steadily drop over time
  • Special: Vitality -1 (but the attribute score can't become less than 3) and Age +1
    (Item breakage: 20% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $14,000 / $7,000 / $7,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #073 Cuisinart Sword
    (Japanese: Kashina-to no Ken)
    Unidentified: Blade
    (Japanese: Bure-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 12
    Range: Short
    Damage: 12-22 (2d6+10)
    Average: 17
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $15,000 / $7,500 / $7,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #074 Nunchaku
    (Japanese: Nunchaku)
    Unidentified: Weapon
    (Japanese: Buki)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Range: Short
    Damage: 5-13 (2d5+3)
    Average: 9
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Priest and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $15,000 / $7,500 / $7,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #075 Black Japando
    (Japanese: Burakku Japando)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 13
    Range: Short
    Damage: 12-24 (2d7+10)
    Average: 18
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to giants

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $30,000 / $15,000 / $15,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #076 Evil Saber
    (Japanese: Aku no Sa-beru)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Range: Short
    Damage: 10-22 (4d4+6)
    Average: 16
    Armor Class: N/A (Evil) / +1 (Good/Neutral)
    Cursed: No (Evil) / Yes (Good/Neutral)
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to priests

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $30,000 / $15,000 / $15,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #077 Shining Staff
    (Japanese: Kagayama no Tsue)
    Unidentified: Staff
    (Japanese: Tsue)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Range: Short
    Damage: 4-18 (2d8+2)
    Average: 11
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to the undead
  • Use: Lomilwa (Lv3 Priest spell)

  • (Item breakage: 0% chance)
    $60,000 / $30,000 / $30,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #078 Vermillion-Lacquered

    (Japanese: Shunuri no Yari)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 17
    Range: Long
    Damage: 12-22 (2d6+10)
    Average: 17
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to fighters

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $150,000 / $75,000 / $75,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #131 Kogarasumaru
    (Japanese: Kogarasumaru)
    Unidentified: Katana
    (Japanese: Katana)
    Identification Difficulty: 16
    Range: Short
    Damage: 10-25 (3d6+7)
    Average: 17.5
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to animals
  • Protects against animals
  • Use: Dialko (Lv3 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 5% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $140,000 / $70,000 / $70,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #132 Doujigiri
    (Japanese: Doujigiri)
    Unidentified: Katana
    (Japanese: Katana)
    Identification Difficulty: 16
    Range: Short
    Damage: 4-32 (4d8)
    Average: 18
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to legends
  • Attacks may decapitate enemies
  • Protects against legends
  • Special: IQ -1 (but the attribute score can't become less than 3) and maximum HP +1~4
    (Item breakage: 50% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $140,000 / $70,000 / $70,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #133 All-Sided
    Throwing Stars

    (Japanese: Happou Shuriken)
    Unidentified: Disc
    (Japanese: Enban)
    Identification Difficulty: 16
    Range: Long
    Damage: 7-28 (3d8+4)
    Average: 17.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to ninja

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $140,000 / $70,000 / $70,000
    Shop Stock: 0
    #134 Thieves' Knife
    (Japanese: Touzoku no Tantou)
    Unidentified: Knife
    (Japanese: Tantou)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-6 (1d6)
    Average: 3.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Thief and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to thieves

  • Special: Permanently transform any player character into a ninja, regardless of race, class, alignment, or ability scores
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $50,000 / $25,000 / $25,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #135 Sage Flail
    (Japanese: Daichi no Fureiru)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Long
    Damage: 12-18 (3d3+9)
    Average: 15
    Armor Class: N/A (Gnomes) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: No (Gnomes) / Yes (Others)
    Equip: Priest
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to priests
  • Hit points steadily regenerate over time
  • Protects against priests
  • Priest spell resistance (10%)
  • Resistant to poisoning

  • Use: Lokara (Lv6 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $600,000 / $300,000 / $300,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #136 Tigerslayer Spear
    (Japanese: Toragoroshi no Yari)
    Unidentified: Long Stick
    (Japanese: Nagai Bou)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Long
    Damage: 3-39 (3d13)
    Average: 21
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to dragons and animals
  • Protects against animals
  • Special: +500,000 experience points
    (Item breakage: 75% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $500,000 / $250,000 / $250,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #137 Icing Dagger
    (Japanese: Aishing Daga-)
    Unidentified: Knife
    (Japanese: Tantou)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Long
    Damage: 5-8 (3d2+2)
    Average: 6.5
    Armor Class: -1 (Hobbits) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: No (Hobbits) / Yes (Others)
    Equip: Thief
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to thieves
  • Attacks may decapitate enemies
  • Protects against thieves
  • Resistant to fire
  • Use: Madalto (Lv5 Mage spell)

  • (Item breakage: 0% chance)
    $800,000 / $400,000 / $400,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #151 Rust-Eaten
    Knight's Blade

    (Japanese: Sabitsu Kishi Yaiba)
    Unidentified: Blade
    (Japanese: Bure-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Short
    Damage: 1-4 (1d4)
    Average: 2.5
    Armor Class: +2 (Humans) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Hit points steadily drop over time
  • Special: Kills character and reduces them to ashes

  • (Item breakage: 100% chance, but, instead of disappearing, Rusted Knight Sword becomes the Baking Blade)

    $0 / $0 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #152 Adamantine
    Battle Axe

    (Japanese: Kongou no Senpu)
    Unidentified: Axe
    (Japanese: Ono)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Range: Short
    Damage: 4-48 (4d12)
    Average: 26
    Armor Class: N/A (Dwarf) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: No (Dwarf) / Yes (Others)
    Equip: Fighter
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to fighters and demons
  • Protects against fighters
  • Universal spell resistance (5%)
  • Resistant to petrification
  • Use: Bakadi (Lv7 Priest spell)

  • (Item breakage: 0% chance)
    $800,000 / $400,000 / $400,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #153 Tree Spirit Bow
    (Japanese: Kodama no Yumi)
    Unidentified: Bow
    (Japanese: Yumi)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Long
    Damage: 7-17 (2d6+5)
    Average: 12
    Armor Class: -1 (Elf) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: No (Elf) / Yes (Others)
    Equip: Mage
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to mages
  • Attacks may decapitate enemies
  • Protects against mages
  • Mage spell resistance (10%)
  • Resistant to experience level drain
  • Use: Mawxiwtz (Lv7 Mage spell)

  • (Item breakage: 0% chance)
    $700,000 / $350,000 / $350,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #154 Ninja Throwing Knives
    (Japanese: Kunai)
    Unidentified: Weapon
    (Japanese: Buki)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Short
    Damage: 8-32 (3d9+5)
    Average: 20
    Armor Class: N/A (Evil) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: No (Evil) / Yes (Good, Neutral)
    Equip: Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to ninja
  • Attacks may decapitate enemies
  • Resistant to poison and experience level drain
  • Special: Alignment is corrupted to evil?

  • (Item breakage: 50% chance)

    $50,000 / $25,000 / $25,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #155 Muramasa
    (Japanese: Muramasa)
    Unidentified: Weapon
    (Japanese: Buki)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Short
    Damage: 5-50 (5d5+10)
    Average: 27.5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to the undead
  • Special: Vitality +1

  • (Item breakage: 50% chance)
    $1,000,000 / $500,000 / $500,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #156 Excalibur
    (Japanese: Ekusukariba-)
    Unidentified: Sword
    (Japanese: So-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Short
    Damage: 15-35 (5d5+10)
    Average: 25
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to legends and dragons

  • Resistant to poisoning

  • Special: Permanently transform any player character into a lord, regardless of race, class, alignment, or ability scores
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $150,000 / $75,000 / $75,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #157 Baking Blade
    (Japanese: Beikingu Bure-do)
    Unidentified: Blade
    (Japanese: Bure-do)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Range: Short
    Damage: 16-34 (6d4+10)
    Average: 25
    Armor Class: N/A (Humans) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: No (Humans) / Yes (Others)
    Equip: Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to fighters and priests

  • Protects against fighters and priests
  • Priest spell resistance (5%)
  • Resistant to cold

  • Use: Labadi (Lv6 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $900,000 / $450,000 / $450,000
    Shop Stock: None

    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    #079 Robe
    (Japanese: Ro-bu)
    Unidentified: Robe
    (Japanese: Ro-bu)
    Identification Difficulty: 0
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties: N/A
    $15 / $7 / $7
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #080 Leather Armor
    (Japanese: Kawa no Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 0
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $30 / $15 / $15
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #081 Chainmail
    (Japanese: Kusari Katabira)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 0
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $70 / $35 / $35
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #085 Copper Ring Armor
    (Japanese: Doumaru Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Armor Class: -4
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $200 / $100 / $100
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #087 Plate Mail
    (Japanese: Pure-to Meiru)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Armor Class: -5
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties: N/A
    $750 / $375 / $375
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #090 Rotten Leather Armor
    (Japanese: Kusatta Kawa Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Armor Class: +1
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,500 / $750 / $750
    Shop Stock: None
    #091 Hardened
    Leather Armor

    (Japanese: Katai Kawa Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,500 / $750 / $750
    Shop Stock: 1
    #092 Light Chainmail
    (Japanese: Hikaru Kusari Katabira)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: -4
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,500 / $750 / $750
    Shop Stock: 1
    #093 Warrior's Armor
    (Japanese: Musha Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: -5
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,500 / $750 / $750
    Shop Stock: 1
    #094 Hero's Armor
    (Japanese: Masurao no Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: -6
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,500 / $750 / $750
    Shop Stock: 1
    #098 Demon Breastplate
    (Japanese: Akuma no Muneate)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Hit points steadily drop over time
  • Protects against the undead
  • Resistant to cold
  • Special: Fully restore HP
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $2,500 / $1,250 / $1,250
    Shop Stock: None
    #101 Luxurious
    Leather Armor

    (Japanese: Gouka na Kawa Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Armor Class: -4
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $6,000 / $3,000 / $3,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #102 Cursed Chainmail
    (Japanese: Noroi no Kusari Kitabira)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Armor Class: +1
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $6,000 / $3,000 / $3,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #103 Elven Chainmail
    (Japanese: Erufu no Kusari Kitabira)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Armor Class: -5 (Elves) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: No (Elves) / Yes (Others)
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $6,000 / $3,000 / $3,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #104 First-Rate Armor
    (Japanese: Gokujou no Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Armor Class: -7
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties: N/A
    $6,000 / $3,000 / $3,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #108 Perforated Armor
    (Japanese: Anadarake no Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 13
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #109 Neutrality Armor
    (Japanese: Chuuritsu no Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Armor Class: -7 (Neutral) / +1 (Good/Evil)
    Cursed: No (Neutral) / Yes (Good/Evil)
    Equip: Fighter, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #110 Daimyou's Armor
    (Japanese: Daimyou no Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: -6
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #112 Cursed Robe
    (Japanese: Norowareta Ro-bu)
    Unidentified: Robe
    (Japanese: Ro-bu)
    Identification Difficulty: 16
    Armor Class: +2
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: All
    Special Properties: N/A
    $12,000 / $6,000 / $6,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #116 Crimson Robe
    (Japanese: Guren no Ro-bu)
    Unidentified: Robe
    (Japanese: Ro-bu)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Armor Class: -4 (Evil) / +1 (Good/Neutral)
    Cursed: No (Evil) / Yes (Good/Neutral)
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to fire and petrification
    $4,000 / $2,250 / $2,250
    Shop Stock: None
  • #118 Displacer Robe
    (Japanese: Dispuressa- Ro-bu)
    Unidentified: Robe
    (Japanese: Ro-bu)
    Identification Difficulty: 14
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Universal spell resistance (5%)
  • Resistant to death
    $12,000 / $6,000 / $6,000
    Shop Stock: None
  • #121 Evil Armor
    (Japanese: Aku no Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Armor Class: -8 (Evil) / +1 (Good/Neutral)
    Cursed: No (Evil) / Yes (Good/Neutral)
    Equip: Fighter, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to poison
    $150,000 / $75,000 / $75,000
    Shop Stock: None
  • #126 Icy Chainmail
    (Japanese: Koori no Kusari Kitabira)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 15
    Armor Class: -6
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to fire and death
    $150,000 / $75,000 / $75,000
    Shop Stock: None
  • #127 Mythril Plate Mail
    (Japanese: Misuriru Pure-to Meiru)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Armor Class: -10
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Priest spell resistance (10%); Mage spell resistance (5%)
  • Resistant to cold

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $275,000 / $137,500 / $137,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #128 Red Toodoshi
    (Japanese: Akai Toodoshi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Armor Class: -8
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to ninja
  • Protects against ninja
  • Universal spell resistance (15%)
  • Resistant to decapitation and death

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $300,000 / $150,000 / $150,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #129 Holy Armor
    (Japanese: Seinaru Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Armor Class: -10
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to lycanthropes, the undead, and demons
  • Attacks may decapitate enemies
  • Steadily regenerate hit points over time
  • Protects against legends and dragons

  • Priest spell resistance (25%); Mage spell resistance (20%)

  • Resistant to fire, cold, poison, petrification, experience level drain, and decapitation

  • Special: Fully heal the entire party
    (Item breakage: 50% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $1,000,000 / $500,000 / $500,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #130 Menoukou
    (Japanese: Menoukou)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Armor Class: -5
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to cold
  • Special: Age +10
    (Item breakage: 33% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $1,000,000 / $500,000 / $500,000
    Shop Stock: None

    (Japanese: Tate)
    #082 Shield
    (Japanese: Tate)
    Unidentified: Shield
    (Japanese: Tate)
    Identification Difficulty: 0
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $40 / $20 / $20
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #084 Iron Shield
    (Japanese: Tetsu no Tate)
    Unidentified: Shield
    (Japanese: Tate)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, and Lord
    Special Properties: N/A
    $200 / $100 / $100
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #089 Shoulder Pads
    (Japanese: Kataate)
    Unidentified: Guard
    (Japanese: Bougu)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Thief, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,500 / $750 / $750
    Shop Stock: 1
    #095 Support Shield
    (Japanese: Sasae no Tate)
    Unidentified: Shield
    (Japanese: Tate)
    Identification Difficulty: 4
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,000 / $1,000 / $1,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #0105 Infected Shield
    (Japanese: Utsuru no Tate)
    Unidentified: Shield
    (Japanese: Tate)
    Identification Difficulty: 12
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against dragons
  • Resistant to fire and cold

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $7,000 / $3,500 / $3,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #113 Protection Shield
    (Japanese: Mamori no Tate)
    Unidentified: Shield
    (Japanese: Tate)
    Identification Difficulty: 11
    Armor Class: -5
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties: N/A
    $7,000 / $3,500 / $3,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #114 Evil Shield
    (Japanese: Aku no Tate)
    Unidentified: Shield
    (Japanese: Tate)
    Identification Difficulty: 16
    Armor Class: -4 (Evil) / +1 (Good/Neutral)
    Cursed: No (Evil) / Yes (Good/Neutral)
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $25,000 / $12,500 / $12,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #124 Sleeve Armor
    (Japanese: Sode Yoroi)
    Unidentified: Armor
    (Japanese: Yoroi)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Armor Class: -5
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against dragons
  • Resistant to fire

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $125,000 / $62,500 / $62,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #150 Empress' Scale
    (Japanese: Jyotei no Uroko)
    Unidentified: Scale
    (Japanese: Uroko)
    Identification Difficulty: 17
    Armor Class: -4
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to dragons
  • Hit points steadily drop over time
  • Protects against dragons, animals, and lycanthropes
  • Universal spell resistance (20%)
  • Resistant to fire, cold, poison, petrification, experience level drain, and death
  • Use: Di (Lv5 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)
  • Note: A "game clear" item you're awarded after defeating the Scaly Empress in Basement ?, the Underworld. Bring it to the Castle to finish the game's storyline and receive A symbol status markers after your party's names.
    $0 / $0 / $100,000
    Shop Stock: None

  • Helmets
    (Japanese: Kabuto)
    #083 Leather Helmet
    (Japanese: Kawa no Kabuto)
    Unidentified: Helmet
    (Japanese: Kabuto)
    Identification Difficulty: 1
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $100 / $50 / $50
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #088 Iron Helmet
    (Japanese: Tetsu no Kabuto)
    Unidentified: Helmet
    (Japanese: Kabuto)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $1,500 / $750 / $750
    Shop Stock: 1
    #099 Yellow Hat
    (Japanese: Kiiro no Boushi)
    Unidentified: Hat
    (Japanese: Boushi)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Armor Class: +3
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to fire
  • Special: Restores one dead character (even from ashes) back to life, with 1-4 HP
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $3,000 / $1,500 / $1,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #106 Endurance Helmet
    (Japanese: Nintai no Kabuto)
    Unidentified: Helmet
    (Japanese: Kabuto)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #115 Tekkamen
    (Japanese: Tekkamen)
    Unidentified: Helmet
    (Japanese: Kabuto)
    Identification Difficulty: 13
    Armor Class:-4
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties: N/A
    $13,000 / $6,500 / $6,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #120 Magic Circlet
    (Japanese: Mahou no Sa-kuretto)
    Unidentified: Guard
    (Japanese: Bougu)
    Identification Difficulty: 14
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Mage
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against giants
  • Universal spell resistance (10%)
  • Resistant to death
  • Use: Malor (Lv7 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $25,000 / $12,500 / $12,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #123 Ring-Around-The-Moon Helmet
    (Japanese: Tsuki no O no Kabuto)
    Unidentified: Helmet
    (Japanese: Kabuto)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against fighters and animals
  • Priest spell resistance (10%); Mage spell resistance (5%)
  • Resistant to petrification
  • Special: Cures poisoning
    (Item breakage: 3% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $20,000 / $10,000 / $10,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #144 Emperor's Helmet
    (Japanese: Koutei no Kabuto)
    Unidentified: Helmet
    (Japanese: Kabuto)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: Mage and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to petrification, decapitation, and death
  • Note: A "game half clear" item you're awarded after defeating Halgith in Basement 10. Bring it to the Castle to advance the game's storyline and receive α symbol status markers after your party's names.
    $0 / $0 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None

  • Gloves
    (Japanese: Kote)
    #086 Leather Gloves
    (Japanese: Kawa no Kote)
    Unidentified: Gloves
    (Japanese: Kote)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $500 / $250 / $250
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #096 Iron Gloves
    (Japanese: Tetsu no Kote)
    Unidentified: Gloves
    (Japanese: Kote)
    Identification Difficulty: 4
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,500 / $1,250 / $1,250
    Shop Stock: 1
    #107 Silver Gloves
    (Japanese: Gin no Kote)
    Unidentified: Gloves
    (Japanese: Kote)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #117 Mantis Gloves
    (Japanese: Mantisu Guro-bu)
    Unidentified: Gloves
    (Japanese: Kote)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Samurai, and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to insects
  • Protects against insects
  • Resistant to cold

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $15,000 / $7,500 / $7,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #119 Hobbit Gloves
    (Japanese: Hobitto no Kote)
    Unidentified: Gloves
    (Japanese: Kote)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Armor Class: -3 (Hobbits) / +1 (Others)
    Cursed: No (Hobbits) / Yes (Others)
    Equip: Fighter, Priest, Thief, Bishop, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to cold and petrification

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #125 Mythril Chain Gloves
    (Japanese: Misuriru no Kusari Kote)
    Unidentified: Gloves
    (Japanese: Kote)
    Identification Difficulty: 18
    Armor Class: -4
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Universal spell resistance (10%)
  • Resistant to cold
  • Special: Strength +1; IQ +1; Piety +1; Agility +1; Luck +1
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $150,000 / $75,000 / $75,000
    Shop Stock: None

    (Japanese: Sonota)
    #001 Light Scroll
    (Japanese: Akari no Makimono)
    Unidentified: Scroll
    (Japanese: Makimono)
    Identification Difficulty: 1
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Lomilwa (Lv3 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $50 / $25 / $25
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #002 Jewel Ring
    (Japanese: Houseki no Yubiwa)
    Unidentified: Ring
    (Japanese: Yubiwa)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Dumapic (Lv1 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 5% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $1,000 / $500 / $500
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #003 Ruby Slippers
    (Japanese: Rubi- no Surippa)
    Unidentified: Strange Object
    (Japanese: Kimyou na Mono)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Loktofeit (Lv6 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $4,000 / $2,000 / $2,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #004 Salve
    (Japanese: Kizugusuri)
    Unidentified: Potion
    (Japanese: Po-shon)
    Identification Difficulty: 1
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Dios (Lv1 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $100 / $50 / $50
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #005 Strong Poison
    (Japanese: Gekiyaku)
    Unidentified: Potion
    (Japanese: Po-shon)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Badios (Lv1 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $500 / $250 / $250
    Shop Stock: 3
    #006 Smoke Ball
    (Japanese: Kemuridama)
    Unidentified: Potion
    (Japanese: Po-shon)
    Identification Difficulty: 1
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Matu (Lv2 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $300 / $150 / $150
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #007 Antidote
    (Japanese: Dokukeshi)
    Unidentified: Potion
    (Japanese: Po-shon)
    Identification Difficulty: 1
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Latumofis (Lv4 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $200 / $100 / $100
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #008 Smelling Salts
    (Japanese: Kitsukegusuri)
    Unidentified: Potion
    (Japanese: Po-shon)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Dialko (Lv3 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $400 / $200 / $200
    Shop Stock: Infinite
    #009 Wonder Drug
    (Japanese: Tokkouyaku)
    Unidentified: Potion
    (Japanese: Po-shon)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Madi (Lv6 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $2,500 / $1,250 / $1,250
    Shop Stock: 1
    #010 Sleep Scroll
    (Japanese: Nemuri no Makimono)
    Unidentified: Scroll
    (Japanese: Makimono)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Katino (Lv1 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $200 / $100 / $100
    Shop Stock: 2
    #011 Lightning Scroll
    (Japanese: Ikazuchi no Makimono)
    Unidentified: Scroll
    (Japanese: Makimono)
    Identification Difficulty: 4
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Tzalik (Lv4 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $1,500 / $750 / $750
    Shop Stock: 1
    #012 Sickle Weasel Scroll
    (Japanese: Kamaitachi no Makimono)
    Unidentified: Scroll
    (Japanese: Makimono)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Bariko (Lv4 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $1,000 / $500 / $500
    Shop Stock: 1
    #013 Flame Scroll
    (Japanese: Honoo no Makimono)
    Unidentified: Scroll
    (Japanese: Makimono)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Mahalito (Lv3 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $1,200 / $600 / $600
    Shop Stock: 1
    #014 Wind God's Ring
    (Japanese: Fuujin no Yubiwa)
    Unidentified: Ring
    (Japanese: Yubiwa)
    Identification Difficulty: 6
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Priest, Bishop, and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Bacortu (Lv4 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 20% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #015 Porcelain Ring
    (Japanese: Yakimono no Yubiwa)
    Unidentified: Ring
    (Japanese: Yubiwa)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Armor Class: +3
    Cursed: Yes
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Hit points steadily drop over time
  • Use: Rokdo (Lv4 Mage spell)
  • Special: Petrifies character

  • (Item breakage: 0% chance)
    $100,000 / $50,000 / $50,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #016 Diamond Ring
    (Japanese: Daiya no Yubiwa)
    Unidentified: Ring
    (Japanese: Yubiwa)
    Identification Difficulty: 4
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Steadily regenerate hit points over time
  • Protects against demons
  • Universal spell resistance (10%)
  • Resistant to death
  • Use: Bamatu (Lv3 Priest spell)
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $500,000 / $250,000 / $250,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #017 Rejuvenation Stone
    (Japanese: Wakagaeri no Ishi)
    Unidentified: Stone
    (Japanese: Ishi)
    Identification Difficulty: 15
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Special: Age -1 (but the character can't become younger than eighteen)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #018 Mind Stone
    (Japanese: Kokoro no Ishi)
    Unidentified: Stone
    (Japanese: Ishi)
    Identification Difficulty: 15
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Special: IQ +1
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #019 Prayer Stone
    (Japanese: Inori no Ishi)
    Unidentified: Stone
    (Japanese: Ishi)
    Identification Difficulty: 15
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Special: Piety +1
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #020 Strength Stone
    (Japanese: Chikara no Ishi)
    Unidentified: Stone
    (Japanese: Ishi)
    Identification Difficulty: 15
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Special: Strength +1
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $12,000 / $6,000 / $6,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #021 Life Stone
    (Japanese: Inochi no Ishi)
    Unidentified: Stone
    (Japanese: Ishi)
    Identification Difficulty: 15
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Special: Cures all negative status effects and restores full hit points.
    (Item breakage: 85% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $12,000 / $6,000 / $6,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #022 Mysterious Stone
    (Japanese: Shinpiteki na Ishi)
    Unidentified: Stone
    (Japanese: Ishi)
    Identification Difficulty: 13
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Special: Death
    (Item breakage: 70% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $8,000 / $4,000 / $4,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #023 Thieves' Pick
    (Japanese: Touzoku no Pikku)
    Unidentified: Strange Object
    (Japanese: Kimyou na Mono)
    Identification Difficulty: 8
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Thief and Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against ninja
  • Resistant to poison
  • Special: Agility +1
    (Item breakage: 70% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $100,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #024 Rainbow Amulet
    (Japanese: Niji no Mayoke)
    Unidentified: Amulet
    (Japanese: Amyuretto)
    Identification Difficulty: 7
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Vaskyre (Lv5 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 20% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: 1
    #025 Mist Amulet
    (Japanese: Kiri no Mayoke)
    Unidentified: Amulet
    (Japanese: Amyuretto)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Cortu (Lv 3 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 20% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #026 Ice Amulet
    (Japanese: Koori no Mayoke)
    Unidentified: Amulet
    (Japanese: Amyuretto)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Resistant to fire

  • Use: Madalto (Lv5 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 20% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $30,000 / $15,000 / $15,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #027 Twilight Cloak
    (Japanese: Tasogare no Manto)
    Unidentified: Cloak
    (Japanese: Manto)
    Identification Difficulty: 2
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Sogref (Lv2 Mage spell)

  • (Item breakage: 10% chance)
    $5,000 / $2,500 / $2,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #028 Dark Night Cloak
    (Japanese: Yamiyo no Manto)
    Unidentified: Cloak
    (Japanese: Manto)
    Identification Difficulty: 3
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against thieves
  • Use: Dilto (Lv2 Mage spell)

  • (Item breakage: 20% chance)
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #029 Midsummer Cloak
    (Japanese: Manatsu no Manto)
    Unidentified: Cloak
    (Japanese: Manto)
    Identification Difficulty: 13
    Armor Class: -3
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter and Lord
    Special Properties:
  • Deal double damage to the undead
  • Protects against the undead
  • Mage spell resistance (15%); Priest spell resistance (10%)
  • Resistant to cold
  • Use: Tiltowait (Lv7 Mage spell)

  • (Item breakage: 25% chance)
    $100,000 / $50,000 / $50,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #030 Cheek Protectors
    (Japanese: Hooate)
    Unidentified: Guard
    (Japanese: Bougu)
    Identification Difficulty: 17
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Samurai
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against mages
  • Mage spell resistance (5%)
  • Resistant to death

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $25,000 / $12,500 / $12,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #031 Shinobi Mask
    (Japanese: Shinobi no Masuku)
    Unidentified: Guard
    (Japanese: Bougu)
    Identification Difficulty: 14
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Ninja
    Special Properties:
  • Protects against priests
  • Priest spell resistance (20%); Mage spell resistance (5%)
  • Resistant to poison and death

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $25,000 / $12,500 / $12,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #097 Leather Greaves
    (Japanese: Kawa no Suneate)
    Unidentified: Guard
    (Japanese: Bougu)
    Identification Difficulty: 4
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $2,500 / $1,250 / $1,250
    Shop Stock: 1
    #100 Wing Boots
    (Japanese: Uingu Bu-tsu)
    Unidentified: Guard
    (Japanese: Bougu)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Litofeit (Lv4 Mage spell)

  • Special: Agility -1 (but the attribute score can't become less than 3)
    (Item breakage: 25% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $5,000 / $2,500 / $2,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #110 Steel Greaves
    (Japanese: Hagane no Suneate)
    Unidentified: Guard
    (Japanese: Bougu)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: Fighter, Samurai, Lord, and Ninja
    Special Properties: N/A
    $10,000 / $5,000 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #122 Elven Compass
    (Japanese: Erufu no Haribou)
    Unidentified: Strange Object
    (Japanese: Kimyou na Mono)
    Identification Difficulty: 16
    Armor Class: -1
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Permanent Lomilwa (Lv3 Priest spell) effect
  • Protects against insects
  • Universal spell resistance (20%)
  • Resistant to experience level drain

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $50,000 / $25,000 / $25,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #138 Book of Mahaman
    (Japanese: Mahaman no Sho)
    Unidentified: Books
    (Japanese: Shomotsu)
    Identification Difficulty: 19
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Steadily regenerate hit points over time
  • Protects against magical creatures
  • Mage spell resistance (25%); Priest spell resistance (20%)
  • Resistant to poison, petrification, experience level drain, and death
  • Use: Mahaman (Lv7 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 100% chance)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $500,000 / $250,000 / $250,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #139 Book of Nature
    (Japanese: Tensei no Sho)
    Unidentified: Book
    (Japanese: Shomotsu)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Special: Gives you passwords to transfer your Curse of the Ancient Emperor player characters to other Wizardry Gaiden titles.
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)

  • Note: The only way to obtain this tome is to fill up Boltac's shop with every item in the game! I've never been able to get it to work properly, but I believe you can use the password at the Training Grounds to resurrect lost characters.
    $0 / $0 / $10,000
    Shop Stock: None
  • #140 Cape of Blinding
    (Japanese: Kuramashi no Ke-pu)
    Unidentified: Cloak
    (Japanese: Manto)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Use: Guaranteed escape from battle

  • (Item breakage: 0% chance)
  • Note: You only way to get this item is to beat the game in "Maniac" mode (the game only autosaves in town, not in the dungeon.)

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $0
    Shop Stock: None
    #141 Owl's Pupil
    (Japanese: Fukurou no Hitomi)
    Unidentified: Jewel
    (Japanese: Houseki)
    Identification Difficulty: 5
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Note: Story item that allows you to pass through the magically darkened area of level 1 to reach the entrance to the 10N-4E elevator

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $500
    Shop Stock: None
    #142 Sand Medal
    (Japanese: Suna no Medaru)
    Unidentified: Medallion
    (Japanese: Medarion)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Note: Story item that unlocks access to the 10N-0E elevator that stops on levels 4-9

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $1,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #143 Gravekeeper's Key
    (Japanese: Hakamori no Kagi)
    Unidentified: Key
    (Japanese: Kagi)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Note: Story item that unlocks a door on B9 that leads to a room with a chute down to B10

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $2,500
    Shop Stock: None
    #145 Obsidian Tortoise Statue
    (Japanese: Genbu no Zou)
    Unidentified: Turtle Statue
    (Japanese: Kame no Chouzou)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Note: Story item used on the Altar of Five Elements on Level 11

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #146 Ivory Tiger Statue
    (Japanese: Byakko no Zou)
    Unidentified: Tiger Statue
    (Japanese: Tora no Chouzou)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Note: Story item used on the Altar of Five Elements on Level 11

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #147 Ruby Phoenix Statue
    (Japanese: Suzaku no Zou)
    Unidentified: Bird Statue
    (Japanese: Tori no Chouzou)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Note: Story item used on the Altar of Five Elements on Level 11

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #148 Sapphire Dragon Statue
    (Japanese: Seiryuu no Zou)
    Unidentified: Dragon Statue
    (Japanese: Ryuu no Chouzou)
    Identification Difficulty: 10
    Armor Class: N/A
    Cursed: No
    Equip: N/A
    Special Properties:
  • Note: Story item used on the Altar of Five Elements on Level 11

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $5,000
    Shop Stock: None
    #149 Underworld Jewel
    (Japanese: Yomi no Hougyoku)
    Unidentified: Orb
    (Japanese: O-bu)
    Identification Difficulty: 15
    Armor Class: -2
    Cursed: No
    Equip: All
    Special Properties:
  • Universal spell resistance (10%)
  • Resistant to experience level drain
  • Use: Kanito (Lv5 Mage spell)
    (Item breakage: 0% chance)
  • Note: Story item that opens the entrance to the final area, Level ?, the Underworld.

  • Buy/Sell/Appraise:
    $0 / $0 / $50,000
    Shop Stock: None


  • If you're familiar with Wizardry I-III, then you'll probably notice that the Gameboy maps are a little smaller than usual (16x16 squares instead of 20x20), that was probably a necessity given the smaller screen resolution.
  • Thankfully, there are no anti-magic fields or falling rock traps in this game, unlike Suffering of the Queen.
  • Thieves now have the ability to automatically detect the presence of secret doors (a message will pop up on the screen if your Thief notices anything suspicious while you're walking around), although you still have to manually search to make them appear. Note that this doesn't work all the time, and the higher your Thief's experience level is, the better his or her chances are of making such discoveries. Of course, if you use my maps, you'll already know where all of the secret doors are...

  • KEY
    Normal Door
    Secret Door (search to reveal it)
    Locked Door (open by picking the lock or by possessing the required story item)
    = or
    One-Way Door / Shutter (once you pass through, you can't return)
    Pit Trap (deals damage; float over it safely with Litofeit)
    Spinner (disorientates)

    Dark Zone (can't see anything; dispels Milwa and Lomilwa)
    Message (see notes)

    Event (see notes)

    Solid Stone (impassable; lethal if you teleport into it)
    Elevator (move between multiple floors)

    Stairs up to previous floor

    Stairs down to next floor
    Chute (drop down to next floor; float over it safely with Litofeit)
    1a/1b, 2a/2b, 3a/3b, etc.
    Teleporter entrance/destination
    Instantly return back to town
    Basement Level 1

    ENEMIES: Antlion Larva, Bandit, Bloody Bat, Creeping Vine, Giant Ant, Magician, Murphy's Ghost*, Rogue, Stink Slime, Torturer, Undead Warrior, Were Buffalo, and Yogi.


    OBJECTIVE: I strongly recommend that you build up several experience levels on this introductory floor (watch out for Undead Warriors, Werebuffaloes, and Yogis, as they're pretty tough opponents for low-level adventurers), and upgrade your equipment at Boltac's to the best stuff he offers, before moving down to the second level. When you're ready, go up to the Northeast corner, search for the secret door, and proceed down to Basement 2.

    (1N-2E) A large altar is illuminated with a pale, moon-like light. There is a white statue. You can fight the classic Murphy's Ghost enemy over-and-over again in this location, if you so desire.

    (1N-0E) This door doesn't have a keyhole. Yet, you sense that a great adventure lies beyond. The stairs behind this seemingly impassable door are actually a quick shortcut to the final stage of the game, Level ?, the Underworld, but you won't be able to open it until after you've beaten the final boss, so just forget about it for now.

    (4N-7E; 5N-7E; 8N-3E; 8N-5E) This passage has been blocked completely by a cave-in. It seems that there is no choice but to seek out another path. These are probably hints that you need to search for secret doors in order to find the stairs down to the next floor.

    (7N-7E) As I adventure, I will exchange information. Let's inspect everything. Periodically, someone, or something, will leave helpful tips on this wall for you to read. The messages usually change after you accomplish something particularly noteworthy.
    Tip #1: "To stop the quicksand, you must be off the stairs." This is a hint that you need to find, and pull, the lever on B4 to stop the cascade of sand that will prevent your party from exploring most of the level.
    Tip #2: "5, 6, and 7 are three-in-one. Though entangled with each other, there is likely something to be found." This is a hint that levels 5, 6, and 7 are one, large interconnected maze and that, through careful navigation, you may find something of value (the Gravekeeper's Key).
    Tip #3: "Earth, tree, metal, fire, and water. The former does not win the latter. Open the sealed underworld." This is a reference to the puzzle you must solve on level 11 involving the four saint beasts' statues and the Altar of the Five Elements.
    Tip #4: "The Underworld is the realm of devils. Beware of black magic!" The Underworld is bad news and populated by the legions of Hell...I don't think you needed anyone to tell you that, right?

    (10N-5E; 10N-6E) An intense fear of the darkness suddenly arises within you. In dismay, your party hastily retreats. You need the Owl's Pupil item to pass through this pitch black corridor.

    (12N-4E) A raised stone is on the floor, profanity is carved upon it. I'm not sure what the significance of this is, but it doesn't seem important.

    Basement Level 2

    ENEMIES: Asher, Bishop, Charmer, Cleric, Hobbit Archer, Lesser Ninja, Monk, Rogue, Sorcerer, Sphinx, Tarantula, Thief, Torturer, Twin-Horned Beetle, Undead Warrior, Witch, Yogi, and Zombie.


    OBJECTIVE: Make your way over to the Northwest corner (picking the lock on the door along the way) and go down to the third basement. It's not essential, but you can also take the stairs in the central secret room back up to the first floor to access the isolated Southern area that you couldn't reach. There's nothing terribly important up there, but you can beat on Murphy's Ghost if you want to.

    (12N-4E; 13N-4E) A section of the floor sinks down as you step forward, and, with a tremendous crash, a wall of stone slams down before your eyes, blocking the way. You can't make any progress in this direction, regardless of whether you approach from the North (the corridor) or South (the elevator room), so you'll have to take a different route.

    Basement Level 3

    ENEMIES: Asher, Bandit, Bishop, Charmer, Cleric, Hobbit Archer, Lesser Ninja, Monk, Ninja, Rogue, Sorcerer, Sphinx, Tarantula, Undead Warrior, Witch, Yogi, and Zombie.

    IMPORTANT ITEMS: Owl's Pupil (Fukuro no Hitomi)

    OBJECTIVE: Make your way down to the Southeast corner and proceed on to the next level (the Owl's Pupil is on this floor, but you need to go down to Level 4, and then take the elevator you'll find back up here, in order to reach the isolated area where it's located). The large yellow arrows are shutters that will close the passage behind you when you pass, so choose your path carefully.

    (5N-7E) Looking down at us from the wall is a statue modeled in the shape of an owl. The right eye of the owl shines faintly with an amber color. (After searching) Character picked up an item. Search the statue to acquire the Owl's Pupil. With this, you'll finally be able to pass through the dark corridor on Basement Level 1 to reach the 10N-4E elevator, which will speed up exploration considerably.

    Basement Level 4

    ENEMIES: Asher, Basilisk, Bloody Bat, Cockatrice, Elephant, Executioner, Garuda, Ghoul, Giant Scorpion, Huge Centipede, Jinniya, King Cobra, Monk, Mummy, Rotting Corpse, Salamander, Samurai, Sandclad*, Sorcerer, Soul Trapper, Torturer, Were Tiger, and Witch.

    IMPORTANT ITEMS: Sand Medal (Suna no Medaru)

    OBJECTIVE: The first order of business is to search 1N-8E and pick "Yes" (Hai) when asked whether you wish to pull the lever or not. With that out of the way, you're free to explore. You can finally access the 10N-4E elevator now. Use it to go back to the third floor and obtain the Owl's Pupil item. Finally, defeat the first boss, Sandclad, to acquire the Sand Medal item, which grants access to the 10N-0E elevator (you won't be able to go deeper than level 7 in the dungeon without this important item). Note that you can skip Sandclad for now and move on to get the Gravekeeper's Key first if you prefer.

    (1N-8E) There's something strange about the atmosphere of this whole room. (After searching:) Hidden in the wall, you find a lever. It appears to allow the sand to run. Do you pull the lever? (Yes/No). If you don't search this area and pull the lever you find, you'll be taken for a merry ride along the light blue path shown on the map the moment you step outside the one-way door onto 2N-15E (which terminates in a drop down a chute onto the next level if you haven't cast Litofeit). It's impossible to fully explore this floor until you turn off this cascading stream of sand.

    (6N-12E) Before you is a spring of clear blue water. The footprints of many animals can be seen around its edges. There is a spring. Do you enter? (Yes/No) This hidden pool will completely heal/cure any character that bathes in it, and there is no limit to the number of times that you can use it, so take advantage of it whenever you can.

    (9N-11E) Sand has been spread across the floor of one side of the hall. Something appears to be swimming through it. As you get closer, whatever it is picks up speed. Suddenly, the sand erupts before your eyes! This is your first boss encounter: 2-3 Sandclads along with some Giant Scorpions (and Huge Centipedes if you're unlucky). After defeating them, you'll acquire the Sand Medal item (make sure that you have an empty slot in one of your characters' inventories before triggering the battle!). TIP: You can accumulate a lot of experience points here by discarding the Sand Medal everytime you win, which will reset the boss fight, so that you can battle the Sandclads over-and-over again. This is a particularly attractive option when you also factor in the close proximity of the healing pool!

    (10N-1E) Quicksand, filled with Antlions, swirls at your feet. In this state, the way is impassable. You need the Sand Medal item, which you can obtain from the boss fight on this floor, to access the elevator.

    Basement Level 5

    ENEMIES: Armored Rhinoceros, Basilisk, Chimera, Cockatrice, Dark Priest, Elephant, Executioner, Gargoyle, Ghoul, Giant Scorpion, Huge Centipede, Hungry Ghost, King Cobra, Lesser Ninja, Lifestealer, Monk, Salamander, Samurai, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sphinx, Tarantula, Undead Warrior, Venus Man-Trap, Were Tiger, Yeti, Yogi, and Zombie.

    IMPORTANT ITEMS: Gravekeeper's Key (Hakamori no Kagi)

    OBJECTIVE: Levels 5-7 are one big, interconnected maze. Work your way back-and-forth between the three floors, via the various stairs, chutes, and teleporters, to reach the 1N-0E elevator area, which is where you'll find the Gravekeeper's Key item that you'll need on level 9.

    (0N-0E) There is a room covered in sand. One of the Sandclads has probably been here. The room looks to have been the quarters of the gravekeeper. (After searching:) Character picks up item. It would appear that the Sandclads killed the tomb's caretaker in his home (or maybe he was transformed into a Sandclad?) Search this spot to find the Gravekeeper's Key item. Don't forget to cast Litofeit, if you haven't already done so, as there's a chute right in front of these coordinates.

    (14N-0E; 14N-14E; 15N-1E) Triple floor. I believe this comment refers to the multiple access points between levels 5-7.

    Basement Level 6

    ENEMIES: Chaos, Chimera, Dark Priest, Gandharva, Gargoyle, Garuda, Gorgon, High Priest, Hobbit Archer, Lich, Lifestealer, Murphy's Ghost, Nue, Rogue, Samurai, Thief, Torturer, Vampire, Venus Man-Trap, Undead Warrior, Wizard, Xian Nui, and Yeti.


    OBJECTIVE: Levels 5-7 are one big, interconnected maze. Work your way back-and-forth between the three floors, via the various stairs, chutes, and teleporters, to reach the 1N-0E elevator area, which is where you'll find the Gravekeeper's Key item that you'll need on level 9.

    Basement Level 7

    ENEMIES: Charmer, Chimera, Dark Priest, Gandharva, Gargoyle, Garuda, Gorgon, Hatamoto, High Priest, Hobbit Archer, Lich, Lifestealer, Manticore, Master Ninja, Nue, Poison Giant, Rogue, Samurai, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sphinx, Thief, Torturer, Twin-Horned Beetle, Undead Warrior, Vampire, Will O'Wisp, Wizard, Xian Nu, and Zombie.


    OBJECTIVE: Levels 5-7 are one big, interconnected maze. Work your way back-and-forth between the three floors, via the various stairs, chutes, and teleporters, to reach the 1N-0E elevator area, which is where you'll find the Gravekeeper's Key item that you'll need on level 9.

    Basement Level 8

    ENEMIES: Armored Rhinoceros, Basilisk, Bishop, Dark Priest, Efreet, Executioner, Fate Spinner, Frost Giant, Giant Zombie (Fire/Poison), High Wizard, Hobbit Archer, Hungry Ghost, Lesser Demon, Lifestealer, Monk, Nue, Salamander, Soul Trapper, Succubus, Tarantula, Tartar, Thief, Twin-Horned Beetle, Venus Man-Trap, Weretiger, Witch, Yaksha, Yeti, and Zombie.


    OBJECTIVE: There's nothing of importance on this floor. Unless you feel like exploring and/or battling monsters for experience/gold/items, move on to level 9.

    (6N-13E) Before you lies a spring of blood-colored water. A poster affixed to the wall reads, "Even if you're lucky, avoid." There is a spring. Enter? (Yes/No) Bathing in this pool is a risky venture. On the plus side, it may make your character younger by one year, on the negative side, it might age them one year, or, even worse, kill them outright. As the sign recommends, you're probably better off leaving it alone, as the risks outweigh the rewards.

    (12N-3E) That sanctity of these graves seems to have been violated. Wandering through this maze of the unliving can come to no good.

    Basement Level 9

    ENEMIES: Basilisk, Dark Priest, Fate Spinner, Fire Giant, Garuda, Ghoul, Giant Zombie (Fire), Gorgon, High Wizard, Hobbit Archer, Hungry Ghost, Jinniya, Lesser Demon, Lifestealer, King Cobra, Manticore, Master Thief, Mud Golem, Nue, Rotting Corpse, Salamander, Sickle Weasel, Soul Trapper, Spriggan, Succubus, Torturer, Will O'Wisp, Witch, Yaksha, and Zombie.


    OBJECTIVE: Use the Gravekeeper's Key to open up the room with the chute down to level 10, and then dive down said hole.

    (1N-7E) Broken armor and empty bottles are piled up like garbage on the floor. An odor fills the air. Look for something? It's possible to reclaim items that you recently discarded from this pile of junk (think of it like the recycle bin on your computer desktop). Not particularly useful, unless you accidentally threw away something important.

    (7N-8E) Before you a flowing spring sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow. You detect a faint, strange smell in the air. There is a spring. Do you enter? (Yes/No) A variety of bad effects will befall anyone foolish enough to bathe in this suspicious pool (paralysis, fear, poisoning, etc.) I might as well call it what it is: prismatic spray water (too bad you couldn't bottle it and toss it on monsters, eh?)

    Basement Level 10

    ENEMIES: Assassin, Arch Wizard, Armored Rhinoceros, Baramon, Basilisk, Chimera, Cold Dragon, Dark Priest, Dragon Zombie (Cold/Eight-Forked Serpent/Flame), Eight-Forked Serpent, Elephant, Fire Giant, Flack, Flame Dragon, Frost Giant, Gargoyle, Garuda, Giant Zombie (Fire/Frost), Gorgon, Greater Demon, Halgith*, Hatamoto, High Ninja, High Priest, High Priestess, High Sorceress, Hobbit Archer, Jinniya, Lesser Demon, Manticore, Master Ninja, Master Thief, Mud Golem, Murphy's Ghost, Ninja, Nue, Poison Giant, Salamander, Samurai, Sickle Weasel, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sphinx, Spriggan, Tartar, Thief, Twin-Horned Beetle, Will O'Wisp, Wizard, Yeti.

    IMPORTANT ITEMS: Emperor's Helmet (Kotei no Kabuto).

    OBJECTIVE: Locate and battle the next boss, Halgith, and obtain the Emperor's Helmet item as spoils (don't equip it, as it's cursed, and you'll be giving it up soon anyway). Return to the castle with said trophy to receive your reward and advance the game's story. Finally, after you're healed and rested up, come back to this level and make your way down the stairs to level 11.

    (2N-10E) Before you, a spring sparkles like silver. A black ring surrounds the circumference. There is a spring. Do you enter? (Yes/No) Diving into this pool with completely restore any character's spell slots, and there's no limit to the number of times that you can do so, so take advantage of it whenever you can.

    (7N-8E) There is a bonfire burning in the center of the room. You see signs of recent activity. The lid of the coffin suddenly opens, and a growling shadow rises up from the casket and growls, "You're a fool, a damn fool! You unwelcome bastards don't know anything. I'll have your lives for food!" Boss battle with the evil undead emperor Halgith and his Efreet lackeys (along with some Salamanders and Basilisks if you're unlucky)! Defeating him will net your party the Emperor's Helmet item. With physical proof of Halgith's destruction, you should immediately return to the castle and present it to demonstrate your valor.

    (12N-7E) The musty atmosphere is choking. All the signs are worrisome. The scent of blood is on the air. You're in the deepest layer of the crypt now, the Ancient Emperor must be near...

    Basement Level 11

    ENEMIES: Air Giant, Arch Wizard, Basilisk, Cold Dragon, Dark Priest, Dragon Zombie (Cold/Earth/Eight-Forked Serpent/Flame), Earth Dragon, Eight-Forked Serpent, Executioner, Fire Giant, Flack, Flame Dragon, Frost Giant, Gargoyle, Garuda, Giant Zombie (Cold/Fire/Poison), Hatamoto, High Priest, High Sorceress, High Wizard, Hobbit Archer, Ivory Tiger*, Jinniya, Lich, Lifestealer, Lycurgus, Mud Golem, Murphy's Ghost, Nue, Obsidian Tortoise*, Ruby Phoenix*, Salamander, Sapphire Dragon*, Sickle Weasel, Sidelle, Sorceress, Sphinx, Storm, Vampire, Venus Man-Trap, War Master*, Weretiger, Yaksha, and Yeti.

    IMPORTANT ITEMS: Ivory Tiger Statue (Byakko no Zou), Obsidian Tortoise Statue (Genbu no Zou), Ruby Phoenix Statue (Suzaku no Zou), Sapphire Dragon Statue (Seiryuu no Zou), and the Underworld Jewel (Yomi no Hougyoku).

    OBJECTIVE:Defeat the four Saint Beast bosses and obtain their respective statues. Place said artifacts in the proper configuration in the Altar of Five Elements to trigger the next boss battle with War Master. After defeating him, you'll get the Underworld Jewel, which you'll need to proceed onwards into the final level of the dungeon.

    (8N-7E) There is a large stone structure; five kinds of patterns are hewn into the surface. There is a recess in each pattern, where something is apparently made to fit.
    (After obtaining the four statues)
  • An image of Genbu (Obsidian Tortoise). Do you fit it into one of the depressions? (East/North/West/South/Center)

  • An image of Byakko (Ivory Tiger). Do you fit it into one of the depressions? (East/North/West/South/Center)

  • An image of Suzaku (Ruby Phoenix). Do you fit it into one of the depressions? (East/North/West/South/Center)

  • An image of Seiryuu (Sapphire Dragon). Do you fit it into one of the depressions? (East/North/West/South/Center)

  • The altar begins to shift noisily, revealing the mouth of a huge hole. Out of the previously sealed pit leaps an unruly figure!

    (After defeating War Master)
    I think we should follow into the pit of the Abyss. The party prepares to dance amongst the darkness.
    You need to place the four statues of the Saint Beasts in their proper locations in order to proceed onward. Put the Obsidian Tortoise Statue in the South (Minami), the Ivory Tiger Statue in the East (Higashi), the Ruby Phoenix Statue in the West (Nishi), and the Sapphire Dragon Statue in the Center (Chyuuou) to solve the puzzle [North (Kita) remains empty.] BEWARE: Successfully completing this puzzle will trigger a boss fight with War Master and his colleagues Storm and Lightning (along with some Yaksha if you're unlucky), so make sure you're prepared for a tough battle. After defeating him, you'll get the Underworld Jewel item, which opens the way into Hell.

    (3N-7E) Boss battle with the Ruby Phoenix and its Flame Dragon buddies (along with some Fire Giants and Salamanders if you're unlucky). You'll recieve the Ruby Phoenix Statue item for beating them.

    (7N-12E) Boss battle with the Sapphire Dragon and its Earth Dragon buddies (along with an Arch Wizard and a Mud Golem if you're unlucky). You'll recieve the Sapphire Dragon Statue item for beating them.

    (8N-3E) Boss battle with the Ivory Tiger and its Eight-Forked Dragon friend (along with some High Sorceresses and Hatamoto if you're unlucky). You'll recieve the Ivory Tiger Statue item for beating them.

    (12N-8E) Boss battle with the Obsidian Tortoise and its Cold Dragon buddies (along with some Frost Giants and Yetis if you're unlucky). You'll recieve the Obsidian Tortoise Statue item for beating them.

    (4N-7E) Patron of fire. The Ruby Phoenix lurks behind this door.

    (7N-11E) Patron of trees. The Sapphire Dragon lurks behind this door.

    (8N-4E) Patron of metal. The Ivory Tiger lurks behind this door.

    (11N-8E) Patron of water. The Obsidian Tortoise lurks behind this door.

    Basement Level ?, "The Underworld"

    ENEMIES: Air Giant, Arch Demon*, Arch Wizard, Armored Rhinoceros, Assassin, Baramon, Basilisk, Chaos, Cold Dragon, Death*, Delugean, Despairant*, Dragon Zombie (Cold/Earth/Flame), Earth Dragon, Eight-Forked Serpent, Executioner, Fate Spinner, Fire Giant, Flack, Flame Dragon, Fly Premiere*, Frost Giant, Gandharva, Gargoyle, Garuda, Giant Zombie (Fire/Frost/Poison), Greater Demon, Hatamoto, High Priest, High Priestess, Jinniya, Laughing Thruster, Lesser Demon, Lich, Lightning, Lycurgus, Maelific*, Master Ninja, Mud Golem, Murphy's Ghost, Ninja, Rakshasa, Raver Lord, Salamander, Scaly Empress*, Sickle Weasel, Sidelle, Soul Trapper, Storm, Succubus, Tartar, The High-Master, Trias*, Vampire, Venus Man-Trap, Wizard, Xian Nui, and Yeti.

    IMPORTANT ITEMS: Empress' Scale (Joutei no Uroko).

    OBJECTIVE: NOTE: You can't use the Lv7 Malor spell to travel around this floor, or to move to a different level of the dungeon (if you try, you just get sent back to the same square you started from.) However, you can still use Malor to escape a battle.

    This is it, the final level of the dungeon. Make your way through the many teleporters, periodically fighting six incredibly powerful bosses along the way (or you can skip these battles via the secret door shortcuts) and then confront your final opponent, the Scaly Empress. You'll get the Empress' Scale item for defeating her (don't equip it, as it's cursed, and you'll be giving it up soon anyway); return to the castle with said item to complete the game and see the ending. Of course, Wizardry games never truly end, so, after the credits, you're free to dive right back into the game and continue leveling up your characters and trying to obtain one of every item for Boltac's Trading Post..

    (1N-2E; 2N-10E; 7N-2E; 9N-13E; 14N-15E; 15N-2E) Each of these squares represents a random boss battle with either Arch Demon (with Lycurgus, and possibly Greater Demons and Lesser Demons), Despairant (with Greater Demons, and possibly Lesser Demons and Gargoyles), Death (with Sidelles and a Lich, and possibly some Vampires), Trias (with Lightning, Storm, and some Rakshasa), Fly Premier (with Fate Spinner, and possibly Succubi and Soul Trappers), or Maelific (with Air Giants, and possibly Sickle Weasels and Jinniyae). While you can fight all of these foes if you wish (they're worth LOTS of experience and have the best item drops in the game), take note that it's possible to skip them via the secret door shortcuts (which is probably the wiser course of action, considering that each creature is extremely dangerous and you're likely to use up a lot spells/items taking them down--resources you'll probably wish you had when you reach the final boss.) Keep in mind that all six of these boss fights reset if you leave the Underworld, so, you're going to have to deal with them, one way or another, everytime you attempt to make it through this floor.

    (8N-7E) There is an injured woman from your reality. Though her face is incredibly beautiful, her smile is cold and ruthless. She opens her mouth to speak: "That girl (Manaya) is a bud about to bloom. She is my mouth and ears. As innocent as the virgin lily, she is my key to dominate the outside world. Your intereference will not be permitted. Despite all your efforts, here you die." Her appearance suddenly changes into something terrible! This is the final battle, your party versus the Scaly Empress, a Despairant, and some Greater and Lesser demons. Defeat them all to obtain the Empress' Scale item, and return to the castle with it (there's a convenient set of stairs that go straight up to the first floor of the dungeon in the back of the chamber), as proof of her destruction, to beat the game.

    (7N-7E) Unexpectedly powerful and dreadful things without compare may attack. Watch out! This is not the kind of place where you can just come and go as you please. I believe this is a warning about the powerful bosses that inhabit this area, as well as the fact that the Malor spell will not function properly on this floor.