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"Check out the retrograde motion, kill the notion of biting and recycling and calling it your own creation." -Wycleff

"New Year's will bring so much to say..."

WHERE to begin? Semesters fizzled out, holidays passed, trips were taken... in short the world has spun, and our in-house reporter, in the middle of it all: with out a word of update. And you! diligent consumer, ever giving taxpayer and voice of public sentiment... where is your raised fist? Carest thou not? Well, no promises of increased fedualism this time for fear of a second let down; only, a steadfast refusal to die!


Wow, so some major updates are on the way. Japan, Korea, hot baths, heated toilet seats, lots of black hair... and 293 pictures of unabashed insanity! Also anticipating large scale transformations to the site as a whole.

Be sure to be checking out the Recently section for updates, also Quotes section has a return with meager beginnings.

Thanks to ACTP, 'crying' for a good laugh. Also check out T.J. Monkey's Comedy Extravaganza , expecially 'On Goth People and Reality'.... hilarious.

Back in the saddle again is the Recently... page. Functions as template for latest and greatest updates; I'll be using the home page for general comments and breaking news headers, but Recently... is where your cursor should be found. For example, did you know that there was a local Patio Dinner fammine?


...Forgive my pugnent lack of courtesy and supreme neglect towards the good the souls of this earth who continue to frequent this outworn novelty of a web site. After a trial membership with the H.M.A.A. (Hermits and Misanthrope Association of Austin, which naturally had a terrible time at actually ever organizing meetings since they disliked everyone) our protagonist realized to his amazement how dearly he missed humanity. So with espresso, a glue-stained model, and morning all near, I cue Matt Skiba, pick up my pen (set my fingers on home row keys just doesn't sound inspiring), and brush the confetti off my shoulders. It's good to BE back.

Back in black. Literally... after a 2 month hiatus, your favorite 'privately owned, privately run' website of optimistic avidity, retaliates against general apathy and an acute lack of time to steal the hearts of harlequins near and far. Discovering only a slimy film of mildew and backwash at the bottom of his barrel, our fearless hero, mild-mannered Kyle, escapes his despairing predilections to his usual milieu of well-being.

Thanks for all the birthday gabber... I'm just assuming all of ya'lls gifts are in the mail.

A big hirokoshinama*!!! (happy birthday in Japanese) to one-time roomate Kohei Katsumata, and long-time congratulations to his parents for his delivery on February 23.

Happy Belated New Years.

Witness the first ever unanimously free Christmas Party! Live sarcasm, wit, and bellicosities.

Lord of the Rings III comes out the 17th!

FINALLY! Some updates. Check out the Recentlies... If you don't like the music playing just hit ESC.

"A born again hooligan only to be king again..." Daddy's 2000.

Can't find your pic? Our collective hearts weep. Send any photos you want up.

New Whale Comic section. Ripped straight from the Daily Texan, and catered to your drab life.

Thanks to Kristen, avid ungreased fan, for the huge photo.

Matrix Revolutions came out yesterday... wow, if you have any testosterone in your body, you had better see this. Plus, we here at want to know how you felt about the movie. Please keep it PG. Matrix Testimonies

From trailer, to apartment, to back room, and finally to house, Derek continues
to be inspiration to all of us. The man has his own web site and priorities...
DaddyDbish: sorry bro, but promoting the website comes before anything else



MacArthur Drumline


*not real Japanese
**not real English