McCartan's Tree Service
                                         22955 countyroad 4142
                                              Lindale TX ,75771
                     Specialize In Tree Removal
                              Insured For You
Tree Pruning / Trimming
Fine pruning shall consist of the removal of dead, dying, diseased, decayed, interfering, objectionable, obstructing, and weak branches, as well as selective thinning to lessen wind resistance.
Tree Removal
Tree removal is a necessary part of landscape management. When a tree is dead or dying, it becomes imperative to remove the tree in order to protect people and your property.

Stump Grinding
Stump grinding is performed by a specialized machine and a professional arborist to remove the tree stump, as well as the roots, 6 to 8 inches below grade.
Raise Low limbs
Raise low limbs so grass can grow and you can mow under or walk under all limbs 
Major Services:
                         Copyright 2004 McCartan's Inc. All rights reserved.

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