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PSF-ripping related tools:

sigfind v0.1

A program which finds sound related functions from the psyq library of functions, within a playstation executable. Functions from various versions between 3.7 and 4.6 of the psyq lib are detected.

The Open PSF Ripping Guide

A document that briefly describes how to rip PSFs and points to some resources that may be useful.

The "Home" of QuickerBasic

QuickerBasic is a QuickBasic compatible compiler I am working on. It is currently in preliminary stages (a prototype called the "QuickerBasic preliminary scratch interpreter is being developed).

Some programs for download:

Here are some of the programs I have made that are worth putting here. Where I say Qbasic I mean QuickBasic 4.5 (some of these programs require run-time libraries, which are included).

WSOCKXS Version 1.0

A library that gives Qbasic and other programming languages TCP/IP access roughly equivalent to that offered to Windows programs. Includes examples such as HTTP clients, a pinger and a dodgy game.

An un-named Gameboy emulator

It doesn't work yet but as far as I've tested the graphics emulation works fine, but the CPU core has many bugs. Includes two source versions of the CPU core: z80core.asm and z80core.asb. Actually the majority of it is programmed in assembly but it is possible to design a GUI for it in Qbasic. Some test ROMs work with the second CPU core.

Qbasic HTTP server

Seems to work fine under Win9x but the Long File Name resolver doesn't seem to act the same under Windows NT. It is very basic and probably is not too secure, but it's programmed in Qbasic! Needs WSOCKXS Version 1.0.

RSA encryption test

Shows how RSA works using very insecure 32-bit keys.

N64 dissassembler

Dissassembles N64 ROMs. I forget what the byte ordering needs to be. It does not dissassemble RSP instructions and gets some COP1 registers wrong I think.

Maze generator

Uses a simple maze generation algorithm to generate mazes. The two values the program prompts you for at the start are the dimensions of the maze. 320 x 175 is the maximum size. All mazes are solvable and have only one solution.

Mandelbrot set generator

Must have QBasic started up using QB /L MANDFAST since it uses assembly for the main loop. Uses floating point code. Change XMin, XMax, YMin and YMax to change the scope of the generator.

PI calculator

Calculates the first thousand digits of PI. It is possible to calculate more, but for some weird unknown reason all digits after about 2400 are bogus. Uses 4096-bit numbers! (And it's possible to use more.)

MIDI player - using MPU401

Some MIDI commands are not implemented. The timer hook it uses is not proper (it does not call the INT 08 handler at the correct rate). It does, though, play some of my MIDI files.

MD4 hash algorithm in Qbasic

Needs Qbasic started using QB /L MD4 since it uses some assembly. As far as I've tested it implements the MD4 algorithm perfectly.