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*Is Fast Food Really Making Us Fat?.*

by Keith Hall

How many of you out there think fast food is making us fat. 1, 5, 5000, everybody.
Well okay lets see what the reason is you think for the food making us fat.

Is it ?
saturated fat, trans.. fat, sugars, sodium, grease.

Well which one did you pick?

Or did you pick more then one of them.

There is one that is the main cause of getting people fat yes that is what I am saying fat because that is what it is on your body, you could call it large, overweight, heavy, but all those refer to something and that something is FAT. Right?

Okay now that we have that all figured out and known I'm going to tell you what the one thing that causes you to be fat is.

Sodium, which in its common name we know as SALT.

So you now ask how can salt make you fat. Okay you got me on that one it should not be called fat, there is some fat with it but the salt causes, us to appear fat. It does this how.?

By making our body’s hold water. Yep the fat on your body might really be made up of a storage cell of 90% water and just 5% fat and 5% salt.

Those are just guessed %'s but it gets the point to you.

There is a medical condition that can kill you if you have it and this will make you drowned in your own body.

What's that I just said ?!!! yes in your own body, this condition will make your body save water instead of food.

Now you must know also it is helped by the condition of high blood pressure, but what it does will kill you in a while, first off you get a little fat.

Then it is different time lengths on different people but you then get really fat, then your feet no longer fit your shoes then you no longer can tie your shoes.

Then your legs are so fat,? Large? BLOATED, that you can no longer bend your knees or ankles with out a lot of work to do so.

And you can no longer walk with out needing to stop every 5 feet for 10 minute rest breaks, and forget about trying to breath your huffing and puffing and panting like you just ran a 30 mile race.

Yep that is what the medical condition does to you.

Why the hard to breath?

Simple when your body runs out of places between your skin and muscles to store the water it puts it in your lungs, yep you read that correctly, LUNGS.

Making you unable to lay down and sleep because you can't breath you must either prop your self up with pillows or sit up, to sleep..

I’m telling you now if you have all the conditions I listed above and you are at the point of sitting up with your feet propped up on a foot stool and your back straight up so you can sleep.

GO TO THE EMERGANCY ROOM your lungs could be full of water

and you can't last long once they fill up over your heart its only a mater of time, before it stops because of the water pressure.

There is medicine to get rid of the water but you can only get it by doctor's prescription and you will be taking it the rest of your life.

Now what is the condition called? I've never said it in all this message.

It is called “
CHF” short for Congenitive Heart Failure.

How does this happen to a person. Doctors still have not found what made it happen to me. But they said it is caused by several things.

Smoke, Over Drinking of Alcohol, Illegal Drug use and there is a virus that will attack your heart and cause it to have this condition.

None of the above I did or had, so what made me get it they don't know. But I was in the military and I did drive semi trucks for 15 yrs. The guys in the military all smoked in small rooms that I was also made to be in by my assignment.
And all the truckstops I was in most had some small vent fans working, but others had no vents and the smoke was worse then a meat packing company's smoke house, it was rolling out the cracks in the front door of them truckstops and I had to go pay for the fuel.

So the only thing I can think that would have caused the “CHF” in me is the SECOND HAND SMOKE.

Because I don't smoke don't drink alcohol and don't do illegal drugs. And I did not get that virus.

So second hand smoke is bad to be in.

The only way to get rid of the too much salt is not eat it so your body has less to get rid of, you must start looking at the salt or sodium content of the food you eat.

You will not believe how much salt is in that McDonald’s big mac. Why it really is enough to kill a horse.!

Same with all other fast food, but now you wonder if the food you make and prepare at home has to be the best and your right but its not all salt free.

Canned corn and peas have tons of salt in because of the water added to the can it is salt water.

Frozen or steamer bags of corn and peas don't have any salt. But now you will be on a huge undertaking of cutting salt from your meals. You will find everything has salt in it to a point.

Even the banana has 1 milligram of salt. That’s not bad since you if you have CHF will be on a 2 gram of salt a day diet the rest of your life.

One milligram is only 1 out of 2000, because one gram is 1000 milligrams.

But you will need to check online for some information about some of your food's because they carry no labels like tomatoes, and carrots and things like that. Those get more salt when cooked then when raw, not sure why but they do even when you don't add any.? Apples don't have any salt.

Now you with CHF will also be on a limited liquids diet too. So cut back on the water, and water foods like pasta it has no salt to worry about. Its like 1 milligram per 30 pounds of pasta? Who can eat that much in one day? So pasta is counted as no salt. But you have to cook pasta in water and it swells up with the water so you are getting liquid when you eat it.

The medicine can only get rid of so much liquid from your system so adding more in then you can get rid of is not good when you have CHF. I feel for you I really do why because I said above I have CHF and its hard for me not to drink anything.

I loved Gatorade so much I was drinking a gallon a day before. Thinking it was keeping me healthy and in shape cause it was good for us. Well I think the inventor of it was doing good for us but since he died I believe whom ever took over the making of Gatorade is just out for money, because now it has 110 milligrams of salt in just 8 ounces.

That is only one half a pint !

Remember those cartons of milk you bought at your school lunch? That’s it that is half a pint.

So don't drink Gatorade unless your playing in hot weather.

If you look at soda pop you will see most have 45 milligrams in the 12 ounce can's, one of the company’s has 30 milligrams in the 12 ounce cans.

So what do I drink in a day? about 2 pints of water and a can or two of soda.

People If you have CHF you are going to need to check with the doctor to set up what is going to be best for you, they will do tests to see what is working for you, So don't go by how many I drink.

If you DONT Have CHF and just want to cut back on salt then by all means drink water you should have a pint of water with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So make sure you get that much.

Every One should look online to get the best low salt menus for them, check out my content page it has menu's on it. how ever there is one thing we need that is found on salt in the stores.

It is iodine the doctors way back when found most people don't get enough of it in our daily meals, so they talked it over with the people making table salt and got them to put it on the salt. Which everyone gets or got back then and that stopped them from not having enough iodine in their body's, so there is a little reason for having a wee bit of salt.

But you can also get the iodine from vitamins, or prescriptions from the doctor.

Please Food Producers, and Cooks And Chefs. Stop Adding that much salt your killing your customers.

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