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sodium makes you hold water so you get bloated, carb's turn in to sugar, so loose weight by cutting those back to levels
your doctor told you too, or to levels mentioned above,
which is what i was told to do because i'm 5 foot 10 inches average build, so your doctor or dietitian will tell you what numbers you are to use, i lost 15 pounds in 11 days
just by cutting out sodium.

you do not have to eat that many carbs per meal if you want a meal that has more carbs then that in it.
just skip some meals and have the carbs saved for that one big meal you want, sorry you can not hold the extra carbs or sugar or sodium over for the next day
because it is a 160 to 240 carbs per day.
and 2000 miligrams of sodium per day diet,
so it starts over again at midnight.

Now how does it work, i mean the math of it all.

Number your doctor or dietitian gave you for the day.
minus the number you ate of that item. Equals your total for the day, if you go over that item's number you subtract it from the next day.. example

carbs i get 240 a day

sugar i cut back all possible because carbs turn in to sugars

sodium i get 2000 a day.

i eat 249 carbs on monday i then only get 231 carbs for tuesday, i eat 200 carbs on tuesday i then get my 240 carbs back for wednesday, the more carbs you don't eat the lower your blood sugar is.

same thing with the sodium / salt i get 2000 for monday i eat 2500 then tuesday i get 1500 to eat, in other words that last bit of great tasteful food cost you the next day.

so measure carefully.

but as i said above check with your doctor and dietitian to get the proper numbers for you.

So think about it if that fast food burger has over 550 miligrams of salt in the bread alone, when adding in the salt of the other stuff you put on the burger,
then if you eat french fries with the meal, they pour on about 1 gram of salt to the fries, and you eat that meal 3 times a day, Just how much fat do you think you have
compaired to stored water ?
your body has to get rid of sodium by sweating it out or by getting rid of the water in your system the other way, so you need to stop adding in too much salt and exercise more.

As you will see i total up the c,s,s per recipe,
this is done so you can make a fast guess as to how much each meal will take from your total for the day.
Say like my daily c,s,s total is 2240 so a fast look at the recipe's c,s,s total tells me if i can have it or not that day.


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