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The Cheats For Anno 1602

they will be read to you if you let the
microsoft msagents
download the needed stuff from the micosoft site.
When you click the button
or if you already have the msagent program
it will just start for you so just press the button

Mash script uses Genie.

you can use some cheats with out turning on the code. so i will say them first.

1. pressing the keys of : F5, F6, F7 will speed up the game for a short time
then it goes back to normal, for hydroplaning speed you press the shift key
and the F8 key at the same time, that is also for just a short time.

2. you can get more then one of the wagons from the warehouses by
building one warehouse and then getting the wagon out. and then destroying
the warehouse, and rebuilding a second one. this second one needs to be
built outside of the first ones area of control. so you can only get as many as
there is equal to the amount of unclaimed area from the warehouse or
marketplaces on your island. it goes with out saying but ( the bigger the island
is the better chance you have a getting more wagons).

now to get back to the coded cheats.

to enable the cheats you need to do this when you start the game up once
you can see your island you press down the control ,shift,alt,w, keys all at
the same time. then let go.

I have been notified that some are having trouble with the above and that some times
you need to hold the control, shift, alt, keys down and tap the "W," key while holding
the others down, so the cheats will be turned on.

now look in the left lower corner of the screen see that little white line
in the games image.

you now type the number 2061 and press the "a" key once then the enter
key once ( how ever this is sometimes messed up. on my computer i sometimes
need to press both "a" and enter keys at the same time. or the enter key then the "a" key not sure why but that happens )
now after pressing them keys the cheat codes are on or should be. check by
doing this cheat code.

press the shift key and the letter " m " key and watch your money go up. if it
does not increase in the amount then you need to try turning the cheat codes
on again.
( some times it takes me 15 time of trying )

once the codes are on these are the cheats
press these keys at the same time. and make sure your mouse pointer is over
your warehouse you want to fill up. except the money it fills up when the
pointer is over any of your islands. your ships can be filled this way also
but they need to be selected first.

shift and the m key is for money
shift and the z key is for bricks
shift and the k key is for cannons
shift and the h key is for wood
shift and the t key is for tools

by doing the same thing you do when turning on the cheats to get the white
prompt line then instead of the number
you are to be able to type gold and press enter but i believe this is a fake
one to get you to quit using the cheats.

the fastgame cheat is a fake just to make you give up using cheats also.

you can get this one but why? the shift m gives you more?
type Columbus and give yourself a yellow flag and 10,000 dollars at once.

now for these you need to press the same keys as in turning on the cheats
the control,shift,alt,w
all at once for each item you want.
this will tell the game your turning on the cheats for loading the
warehouse up.

and at the little white prompt line you type in the number of the item you
want in the boat or warehouse.
(the boat will need to be selected as i said before and the mouse will
need to be over the warehouse or island your wanting to load up.)

then after you type in the number you press the Enter key and let go then
you press the A key and hold it until your warehouse is fill with that
item.( it helps to have opened the warehouse's crate to see what it has
first.) the numbers for the items are as follows.

02 for iron ore
03 for gold
04 for cotton
05 for sugarcane
06 for tobacco
07 for cattle
08 for corn or wheat
09 for flour
10 for iron pipe or rods
11 for swords
12 for rifles
13 for cannons. but shift and k will do this one with out having
to enter the codes
14 for food
15 for cigars
16 for spices
17 for cocoa
18 for Rum or Wine which all islanders are asking for most.
19 for fabric
20 for clothing
21 for jewellery
22 for tools but shift and t will do this one with out having
to enter the codes
23 for wood but shift and h will do this one with out having to
enter the codes
24 for bricks but shift and z will do this one with out having to
enter the codes

now to make your soldiers have their colored flag over them so you can see
them you do this

during the game at any time just press the M key once for marking the
soldiers and if you want to take it off them just press M again and it is

also needed to know info

to load your soldiers on a ship you need to first select your solider or
(if you select more then the ship will hold it does not matter the will
stop when the ship is full)
then hold down the control key while they are selected now with the ship
already at the loading dock or shore of the island. you click on that ship
and the soldiers will load in to that ship. when full just bring another
ship to the island and repeat the step.

after making or building a ship you need to select it and press the shift
and k keys to load the cannon on its deck. if you do not have the cheats
turned on you need to load the cannons in to the ships cargo hold
and then click on them in there to load them to the deck

if you load cannon in to the cargo hold on a ship thinking it will help in a
battle. it will not. because you need to click on the cannons in the cargo
hold to bring them to the deck. and this takes time. the cannons on the
deck never wear out anyway so there is no need for extra cannons.

i hope these help you i am in Texas so these do work on the American

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