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Psylence Web Productions is the branch of Psylence Studios that is most directly linked to this website. Mainly because this is the place to get their products in the most normal way. More normal than, say, downloading a game, or a comic scan, etc.

Our (my) current project is a Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver sprite comic with many different sprites, and my own edit, Sonichaos. Many of them will be Sonic related. Yes, here at Psylence Studios all of us are Sonic fans.

If you're interested in our (my) fine web establishment and want to be a part of it, then join Psylence Web Productions. Send me a sprite you edited from a game that's known fairly well, or a sprite comic. I'll put your sprite in the comics, or put your comic up here.


Psylence Web Productions' finished products:
