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So you want to be part of Psylence Studios, huh?

Maybe you want to draw comics. Maybe you want to be in on the Web Productions. Maybe you want to work on fan games like a happy little vegemite (ha ha, matt) and live in joy forever. Or maybe you just liked the cool name and want to be part of something big. Who knows? I don't.

But unless you're a very special case (and nobody is, not even me, and I started Psylence) you won't get in automatically. You gotta send us some stuff.

Until we can get a programmer who can put in some CGI scripts, you'll have to just e-mail us the following:

Name(first only):
Online Name(if you don't give me one, I'll just use your e-mail):
Sample of your work: This can vary depending on who you are applying for(see Psylence Studios, Psylence Gaming, or Psylence Web Productions for more info). This is what determines if you make the cut and get into Psylence or not.
