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Science Museum
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[Fossil Museum] [Restored Houses] [Random Museums] [Science Museum]

Adam at the air-hockey table experiment

Alejandro at the green swirly thingy

Alessandro checking his vision while Tatiana and Yael watch

Andy and Ellen check their eyesight

Anita pointing to the eye chart where they check their vision

A pirahna that had lost one of its eyes

A showdown between the half-blind fish and erlend

Anita, Serena, Tatiana, and Erlend inside a giant set of teeth

Marie pushing Ceren on a centripetal force exhibit

Ceren shifting her facial features to match Nelly's

Nelly shifting her facial features to match Ceren's

Kunnar spinning Clemens

Kunnar spinning Clemens

Kunnar spinning Clemens

Ellen learning about the Doppler Effect

Emre testing out viscosity

Erlend, Alessando, and Jose in front of a crazy mirror

Man meets Dino

Erlend and Jose

Erlend "brushes up" his brushing skills

Jorge making a bubble

Jorge making a different bubble

Jorge learning how an arch works

Jorge and Marlene with the bubbles

Kunnar and Leanne

Louise excited

Marie finding out her blood stroke volume

Marie with the lightening machine

Martin making music

Rebecca and Marlene

Jose, Patrick, and Jorge playing with a robot

Sean looking at the hot air balloon

Serena looking through a microscope

Tatiana discovers how tall she is using sound waves

Yael learning how to stay healthy

Johan checking his blood pressure

[Fossil Museum] [Restored Houses] [Random Museums] [Science Museum]

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