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Showcasing the
Freeware Aircraft Designs of
Robert L. Erwin Jr
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (2006)
And Soon
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3


Well gmax has made a big splash on the flight simulator scene.
The more I use it the more I like it.

Here is my first project useing gmax.


Rockwell OV-10 Bronco

(100% gmax)

Here we have the OV-10 on the tarmac at
Mesquite Metro Airport, In Mesquite, Tx. Just north of my home.


>>> Sneak Peak <<<

A Mach 1 ROV
ReCON / Ground Assault / Tank busting.

No cockpit on this one, just Camera views, Gauges and AI RADAR at the operators station.

This is about 2 hours work so far.

My Son has already dubbed it "The Flying Bowling Pin"




Interceptor / Escort

gmax 1.2 project number two Is a Fictional
Home Land Security (HLS) Interceptor / Escort.

1/31/2003 L-2A Gold (above), has been uploaded to and can also be downloaded here
With a Darker Grey paint, Gold Canopy, Intake fan update
updated textures on the landing gear, and more.

The L-2A version 2 Gold = 2.11 meg

All versions released at
Gold version released at

The L-2A version 1 = 1.60 meg

All packages contain a stripped down version of the aircraft to us as a AI controlled aircraft.

Any comments are welcome good or bad let me know what you think so I can make it better
or a set with different features on each like one with VC and One with out VC.

Send comments to: or

Thank You.

It is an F-16 Class, Twin tail, Delta-wing aircraft

Tests have shown it able to fly as slow as 90 knots
and as fast as 1400+ knots at 4000 feet ASL

Cieling is between 50000 and 60000 feet ASL,
at a speed of 150 to 250 knots air speed.

With full animation, lights, animated thrust nozzle
and detailed VC the L-2A is as fun to test fly as it is to build.

In it's escort duty with wing tanks added not yet texture mapped.

Using Eric Marciano and Jorge Salas's FS2002 AI Radar Window downloaded from
With a modified BMP frame and custom placement, it is no problem to find
and intercept the AI aircraft in FS2002.

The plane was started in october 2002 and is being texture mapped as of Dec 2002


And Introducing My late 2006 project

The Louis

The Louis in its land configuration

The engine is highly detailed

In it's amphibian configuration

On the water

And the detailed prop with proper twist


Well I have a new project going for 2006-07

The AH-64

All Gmax

Texture mapping and interior details still need to be done.
But it is turning out very well and works great in both FS-2004 and FS-X. This is just a preview pic more photos to follow soon.



I want to thank

Nel's (Webmaster) at for all his help now and in the past

All the folks at Discreet for making gmax.

Chris Files for his great Middle Man program.

Finn Neuik (Newick) for his great Video Tutorials on texturing in gmax.

Doc Moriarty for the excellent program MDLCommander.

And all the fine folks running and using the web site and forum.

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