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Rockwell OV-10 Bronco Project

(100% gmax)

Update: Do to a computer crash the textures and mapping for the entire VC and some for the exterior were lost. so to save my sanity, I have put the OV-10 project on the back burner at this time. It was about 30 full day of work went POOF...I burn to CD-R every day i work on them now LOL.

I made and placed the pilots the day before these images were captured they still need to be textured.
The ejection seats are true models of the ones used in the real plane and are detailed to about 1/3 the true detail of the real seat.

This image shows the props as the engines are started.
showing the still, and slow prop sequences.
The pylons also still need to be textured.

This image shows the props in there slow, and blurred sequence.

With flaps 0ne notch down I start a short field take off roll.

Less than half field I pull the stick back to lift the nose wheel
and were off.

A slow gear down pass around the field.
The gear are fully animated in every way.

Landing gear being retracted.

Three shots of the OV-10 in gmax.
The OV-10 is a great plane to use to learn gmax.

There is some work still needed to be done to make this plane ready.
I am pleased with the way gmax works the learning curve is a bit steep
but after working with gmax through this project and then installing the update
With no problems, I am very pleased with the gmax software and the FS2002pro Gamepak.

I am Looking forward to CFS3 and gmax, it's going to be a blast.

Rudder pivot point

The Pedals

This section assumes one knows the basics of key frame animation setup, there are things I am not covering here yet.

This is also a rough draft and may have spelling errors, it is being posted on the fly.

There are three parts to each side, a Top main pivot, The arms, And the pedals.
I used three parts per side but only two per side are needed the arms, and the pedals.
But for now we will use three.

first off I made the pedals and placed them in the plane where I wanted them, in there neutral position.
Then I made the top main pivots with a small cylinder one for each side, They are
for motion control only and do not show.
I then made the arms for each side.

take note as to the position of the rotational pivots and how they are pointed.

The Pedals

I named the pedals in order as lever_pedals_l_r_03 and lever_pedals_l_r_04 so they will rotate
on the arm and keep the same angle as they move. They are linked to the arms.

The top main pivots

Are placed where there would be a pivot bar under the panel that the pedal arms rotate on.
they are also named in order as lever_pedals_l_r_01 and lever_pedals_l_r_02 and control the main
rotation of the entire assembly for that side.

The Arms

Have no animation applied to them so they can be named anything but are linked to the Top main pivot.
So what I have is the pedals named with the needed lever tag and selected, then linked to the arms, then the arms selected
and linked to the top main pivot that is also named with the needed lever tag.
what this does is when the top main pivot moves it drags the arms with it and the arms drag the pedals.

Now that every thing is made and linked, its is time to animate it all, I will do the left side first,
each side has two key frame animation's.
The first is the Top main pivot, I set up the animation with a time of 0 to 100, then I select the top main pivot part.
and with the rotation tool, I rotate it to the front position, this moves the arm and pedal at the same time.
Do not worry about the way the pedal looks now, that's what the second animation is for.
the image below is of the correct working unit.

With the Top main pivot rotated to the front I click the animate button the screen will outline in red,
I then move the key frame slider to 100, I then rotate the top main pivot to the back to where I want it
and click animate again this set the rotation of the entire unit. Move the slider from 0 to 100 the unit
now moves with it from front to back
Now we need to set the angle of the pedals to stay about the same through the travel of the unit.
I do this the same as the top main pivot, I select the pedal and set up a key frame time of 0 to 100.
I set the slider to 0 this moved the unit to the front, I rotate the pedal on it's axis with the rotation
tool so it is at the angle I want, I then click the animate button the screen will outline in red, I then
move the slider to 100 this moved the unit to the rear, with the rotation tool I rotate the pedal to the
same angle I set when it was at the front then click the animate button again, this set the rotation so
the pedal will rock back and forth to keep the same angle as the unit is moved.

Well that's it for the left side, the right side goes together exactly the same way except for one thing.
the Key frame animation is reversed, when you are ready to set the animation of the right top main pivot
before you start put the slider to 100 this will move the left unit to the back, now while it is there
rotate the right top main pivot to line up with the left side do not worry about the right pedal now.
move the slider back to 0 this put the left unit back to the front and the right is set to the back position.
Now click animate, we have a red indicator around the screen, move the slider to 100 then rotate the right
top main pivot to the front to where the left side was, you can hold a piece of paper or anything up to
mark the left sides position before you move the slider then move to 100 and start the rotation to the front
stopping at the mark and click animate again the right side main rotation is now set.
The pedal angle is set the same way as the left.

Below are images of the left pedal pushed then in the neutral position, and then the right pedal pushed.

Well the only thing left to do is select all the parts of both left and right sides and Group them, I named
the group, pedals_int I then placed the group into the interior group so they work in the VC.

The VC

Still a lot to do, but it's coming right along.