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Feudal Japan - A time of danger, intrigue and deception. Jubei is a masterless ninja who travels the land alone, hiring his services to those with gold...or a worthy cause. His fearsome abilities have served him well, but a hideous plot to overthrow the government threatens to end his wandering ways and possibly his life.

When a small village succumbs to a terrible plague, a team of ninjas are sent to investigate, and realize that all is not as it seems. Ambushed, they are wiped out by a fearsome man-monster with incredible powers, leaving only one alive - Kagero, a beautiful female ninja, whose touch can bring instant death. Jubei saves her from a fate worse than death, and unwittingly becomes drawn into the web of treachery. He is soon faced with his greatest challenge, an enemy for whom death holds no fear, with the power to destroy Jubei's world.

SWEET art and animation along with spectacular and bloody action sequences make this must-see film the hallmark against which all other samurai anime movies are judged. Created by the ever popular Mad House animation studio.

This movie is a must see if you havent than your screwing your self out of good anime WARNING THIS ANIME IS NOT FOR KIDS. IF THEY WERE TO CUT IT, IT WOULD BE A BLACK SCREEN WITH NO PICTURE, CAUSE ITS SO DAMM VIOLENT.
Cegeta's opinion- ONE OF THE BEST ANIME MOVIES IVE SEEN IT RANKS NEXT to akira and ghost in shell and any others but for its violent content its basically rated r But i was watching rate r movies when i was 5 and hasnt hurt me that bad.. check it out make sure people who dont like r movies arent in the room cause of rape and others bad things in the movie.

For bios and some pics click on this link here cause I already made a whole site to this anime alone.// here

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