Survivor Haven
Fall 2003

Welcome to the Fall 2003 issue of Survivor Haven.

We have a selection of poems, essays and editorials for you in this issue that will often take you out of the relm of Survivor Haven. Please bookmark us so you can find us again.

Silence of the Lambs: Why Survivors Keep Quiet
By:Jennifer Merrill

An answer to those who wonder why a survivor waits years to tell of his or her abuse.

By:Laurel Highland

A tale of abuse, betrayal and learning.

By Margaret Helmstetter

A victim's choices and thoughts of escape.

The Birthday
By: Tenna Perry

Not all birthdays are happy but they can be eye opening.

A Goal For Today
By: Carol Huber

Reaching for goals one day at a time.

My Fault
By: Margaret Helmstetter

A piece of justice served in a glass stirred, not shaken.

By:Andy Rojas

A male survivor speaks to his wife and about his past.
(This is a powerful poem but has graphic imagery. Survivors are urged to be aware of possible triggering)

The Petal Of A Flower
By: Carolina Osorio

A personal essay of abuse remembered.

Hiding In The Dark
By: Carol Huber

A look at the evil that lurks in shadows.

God When Are You Coming?

A suprising poem written by a nine-year-old.

Safety is always a concern for us at Survivor Haven. Below are a couple articles on self-defense and safety.

The Only Wrong Move In Self-defense
Is there such a thing?

Trick or Treat:Halloween Safety
Tips on keeping the children safe.

Our editor Tenna Perry does a great deal of work on the subject of abuse. We thought to share her idea of escape writing as a humorous end to this issue of Survivor Haven. It is one that most any parent of toddler age or older children should appreciate and we hope you enjoy it. Toilet Lessons Learned

We at Survivor Haven are proud to announce the new book by frequent contributor Susan Maree Jeavons is now available.

Gathering Pearls, A Treasury of Inspirational Poetry
by Susan Maree Jeavons
Price: $12.95
ISBN 1-58939-396-1
108 pages

"Gathering Pearls is a collection of cultured poems abounding with grace. A delicate thread of wisdom and sensitivity permeates Susan Maree's poetry. The poet's words emanate from the depth of her soul, as she often states that her poems are "whispers from God." When not written by way of divine inspiration, these poems are a direct result of Susan Maree's struggles and triumphs. The author confesses that for her, "writing poetry creates order out of chaos and transforms obstacles into blessings."

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As always, we encourage readers to let our authors know that their stories, poems or editorials have touched them in some way. Please send any comments

Supporting Friends of Survivor Haven

We are very proud of the diversity of authors, readers and supporters of Survivor Haven. One such group is the staff at Pagan Muse. Please check out their ad below.

The Pagan Muse Webzine: Blending our Lives, Our Loves and Our Being to Make Us Whole! A Webzine for Writers, for Pagan Writers, Pagan Parents, Family friendly things for all paths of writing and Paganism. To visit the website go to To subscribe to the newsletter send a blank email to: .

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