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More info. on me


(<-- That's me listening to one of my parents calling for me. I think I was almost 3 years old at my grandparents lake house. )

I am a student at the University of North Texas. Currently my major is Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology. With my degree in SLPA I hope to have a career as a Child Life Specialist. (For more about what a Child Life Specialist is, click HERE. )

Click here or here to see me.

I was involved in the Green Brigade Marching Band my Freshman year. I played the Bass Trombone. It was alot of fun to be in a huge group. Our school doesn't have much school spirit, but the band sure makes alot of noise!

I am also a Peer Acedemic Advisor in Clark Hall but was in Kerr Hall for 3 years.. A little extra cash flow is great to cover books and random order outs when the cafeteria closes or someone had food poisoning... but the best part is the FREE room and board! j/k

I am a student who is active in campus life. Campus life is fun. If you aren't a college student yet, look in to what universities and colleges offer in the way of student organizations and activities in evenings. There is nothing worse than an evening you actually have free and nothing to do.

I am a NOT a roommate anymore. As a Peer Advisor, along with not having to pay for room and board, i do not have a roommate. I am allowed my own peace and quiet.

I am a girlfriend. I have a wonderful boyfriend who is at Texas A&M and he is studying to be a computer science PhD person. He and I have been together for more than 5 years!

I am a Girl Scout. Actually, I will always be a Girl Scout because my lifetime membership was a present from my parents. They are scouts too.

I am a daughter and a sister. Both of my parents are great and work very hard to help my get through school. I appreciate their efforts. My dad is a limnologist and a Eagle Scout, and my mother is a lead reading teacher and a student (she is working on her doctorate![congratz to her]). My little brother is a freshman at A&M.

My family doesn't especially want to make an appearance on my webpage... so, you will not have the pleasure of seeing them on this site... sorry. Since you are heartbroken about not being able to see my family, you can click here to see my kitty named Cookie

My family consists of a mom and a dad and a younger brother. AND a cat (cookie), an older cat (nickey), and a baby cat who is a pain in the butt (bandit), and checkers (the guinea pig). My family is large. The newest edition to the family is Matthew and my FISH! Then of course I have other family... many of my friends are so close that I consider them family.

I am also a friend. Many of you who stumble across my site, or those who look at it when I actually tell them I have this site, know me as a friend. If there is someone out there who does not think I am not a friend, please email me so I can figure that all out.

Finally, I am tired, hungry, or busy in life. It's great being a college student!

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