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What does lindsey like?

Obviously I would like a lot of people, way too many to list on this page... (however if you actually visit this site and request on the guestbook for you name to make an appearence on my page, i'll put your name on there just for you. deal?)

Anways, I enjoy food. Being a college student, it seems as if I eat during all of my free time (yes, there is free time in college). I don't really like cafeteria food, Bruce is great and all, but nothing really beats Taco Bell when you are really really hungry. I'd have to say that my favorite at home meal is chicken or steak fajitas. Mom always gets this really seasoned meat. Yummm. When I go out to eat I usually get some sort of pasta, soup, or quesidillas. Menu's are really easy to sort through for me. If the food is covered with veggies, I am not going to order it. If the food is way too expensive, out goes that option. And obviously, if it's on the kiddie menu I can't order it, I'm not 12 or under. That usually narrows the choices down considerably.

All there is to life isn't just food (although sometimes it seems that way...). I enojoy a number of other things.

I really enjoy movies. My first job was at a movie theatre. This job was great cause my friends and I always got to go see free movies! On top of that I got free popcorn and movie posters. That job was alot of fun. Any chance I get, and i am really bored, I get friends to walk over to payless video with me and we get 87 cent rentals. There are alot of good movies out there but there are also alot of really bad movies out there. Be careful what movies you rent in a payless video (many of them are porn...). I do reccommend Jerry Maguire, The Matrix, Benny and Joon, Saving Private Ryan, October 22 (indie film), Shakespeare in Love, High Fidelity, (i'll add more when i think of more... i am real sleepy at the moment.)

I love pictures. Go ahead and visit my pics page and you will only see a blink's worth of the hundreds of photos I own. I took photography and loved it. [The angel pic. on my site is one I took and developed~ good job?] So, if you are one of my friends, chances are I have a picture of you or I have already bothered you for a picture.

Candy. I am not a real big candy eater... but I do have my favorites. I really like twizzelers and I love marachino cherries. That's really about it for the candy likes... short and sweet.

I also enjoy time with people. It seems as if people spend too much time now working or cleaning or occupied with anything other than sitting down and talking with other people.

Surprisingly, I enjoy doing laundry at school because when I do my laundry is when I have a really good book I want to read or I have a project to finish. Doing laundry keeps you stuck in the dorm and when you are stuck there for 2 hours, you can get alot of stuff accomplished.

I enjoy walking in the rain. I also enjoy winter time. This does not conclude that I like walking in the rain during the winter time. If I did, I'd be an idiot. I like walking in the rain because it's that thought that no matter how long you're out there you're going to get wet, so you might as well get soaked. It's alot of fun to not have anyone yell at you to get inside or tell you that you are going to get sick. I like just being able to walk around in the rain, or bring a huge umbrella and just sit outside and enjoy the sounds. As for the winter thing, I love cold weather. I enjoy big sweatshirts and warm jackets. I think that I enjoy winter mostly because if warm arms that hug when you're cold ( you know who you are... ). I also enjoy making that fire in the fireplace when everyone in the house is cold. I love hot chocolate. I fixed Matthew a whole jar of the homemade powdered recipe. What's also great about the hot cocoa thing is the mug you put it in. I have this mug that says "Lindsey with a capital L". That's my mug. Name mugs make people feel good.

I also enjoy snow. I have only seen snow maybe 3 times in my life and one time has been since college began. It is always fun to make snow angels and go sledding. I don't really enjoy those snowball fights because sometimes the cold snow gets inside your shirt and that's not a whole lot of fun at all..

I also enjoy helping others. Making people smile or feel better always makes people feel wonderful. I try to help atleast one person smile a day, even if I am in a crummy mood.

This includes holidays. I love all holidays. It is always alot of fun to find reasons to give fun stuff to other people. I think it'd only be better if everyone would celebrate and join in the festivities. Things like valentines aren't just for couples, and st. patricks day isn't just extra special for the wee irish ones... does that make sense to anyone? I think that everyone should enjoy reasons to celebrate instead of mope around they don't belong with the spirit of the holiday.

I really like ice cream in the summer. My favorite flavor is usually mint chocolate chip.

Recently, my new interest has been in creating random stuff. I found the Magnetic Poetry website and it has all sorts of neat stuff on it.

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