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                                                                     Customized Parts

Tools:  dremel, file, hacksaw, tape measure, marker, screwdriver, drill, small vice

Materials: sheet steel, washers, asst nuts & bolts, RTV sealant.

Of course there were a few parts that just had to be made.  Considering I didn't even have a
table in my garage to make parts I wanted to keep it to the bare minimum.  Home Depot had the
steel stock to fab parts as needed such as few bracket to keep some of the lines out of the way.

Since I had disabled EGR for my turbo ( there is a way to enable EGR with a hombrewed turbo,
check the archives ) initially, a block off plate was made to cover the hole left in the intake
manifold after removing the EGR pipe.  You can see it here right above the TB.

The battery tray had a hole drilled a little further inward for the hold down bolt in order to
secure the smaller Westco sealed battery.  You can see it here just above the center oval

The passenger side fan moter shield did need to be cut in order to fit it in with the turbo and
turbo heat shields.  Compare itto the stock shield and you will see what I mean.  The stock second
piece ( left side ) was no longer used.  I ended up having to install the radiator with this fan pre-
attached due to clearance problems ( I didn't want to scratch one the newly painted turbo heat
shields ;-) with the turbo.


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