Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: scruzia

  Date    Post    Topic  
04/20/2007ClarificationThoughts about the Best Introductory Language
03/12/2007acronym policeThe Current Practical Limit of Static Typing
02/16/2007to contrast with single-dispatch OOPEasy to learn and use
02/16/2007YepEasy to learn and use
02/11/2007ancient mental scars from reading Wirth's Pascal compilerSeeking suggestions on how to unify the environment, free variables, and current activation record for closures
02/13/2007It aids readabilitySeeking suggestions on how to unify the environment, free variables, and current activation record for closures
01/26/2007Does a double [OT] cancel itself out?Software Composability and the Future of Languages
01/02/2007Day 0 two-ferWhy numbering should start at 0
12/29/2006python has while ... else and for ... elseWhy do we need finally in try?
12/06/2006"Strategic Programming"?"Folding"/FP traversal over trees
12/01/2006AEP (*) AttackMechanized Metatheory Model-Checking
09/28/2006Quark/CAL/BORG announcementBusiness Objects Quark - Haskell meets Java
07/10/2006Please expand short, rarely-used acronyms ...Socially Responsive, Environmentally Friendly Logic
06/08/2006How often do we know in advance?assistance with some data flow terms
04/11/2006Maciej has similar things to sayWard Cunningham podcast: Smalltalk, little languages, XP, typing and future of software
04/07/2006[Further OT]Purity in PLT
03/29/2006[OT] subvert the dominant paradigmGosling vs. Dynamic Languages
03/22/2006rmalafia did say "mozilla" ...Programming: 50, 100 years from now
03/15/2006Keyboard-less keyboards (projection / virtual)Programming: 50, 100 years from now
03/13/2006LLVM?Virtual Machines, Language Runtimes, and the Future of Objective C
02/28/2006POTS -> PODS -> POJOLeak Free Javascript Closures
02/12/2006no time to shortenSociology of a Language Construct
01/18/2006Bake for four years ...Scala 2
01/11/2006Intel's iAPX-432Accelerator: simplified programming of graphics processing units for general-purpose uses via data-parallelism
12/16/2005It's a pretty direct lineVirtual machine implementation and dynamic languages
12/16/2005*double* compileCountering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling
12/16/2005why not use bOther?Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling
12/01/2005Channeling Jon PostelThe building of robust software
11/10/2005ReadabilityCaSe SenSitIviTy! What is its purpose in programming language syntax?
11/10/2005TasteOCaml 3.0.9
11/04/2005PyscerochaProgramming Language Names
10/18/2005Slogan versionExpressions vs Statements
10/11/2005Ruby's Rakefile languageXNHTML
05/04/2006as they fade away ...Forum usability
09/29/2005There is a "wider textareas" bookmarkletForum usability
08/08/2005Ruby has reused that idiomOverloading - Syntactic Heroin?
07/20/2005As Appel said ...Conversion of 'functional' to 'imperative' algorithms: is it possible?
06/23/2005shampoo, or envelopes?Why recursing is better than looping
06/09/2005NeXT's IOKitWhat will Apple's move to Intel mean for Alternative Language Communities?
05/17/2005Apple/gcc VMX "vector" context-sensitive keywordModern Language Features of Visual C++ 2005
06/16/2005"Apple created Object Pascal..."Computerworld Development Survey
03/01/2005meanwhile, you could try nntp//rssNew RSS Feed(s)
02/24/2005You mean the Mac OS Character Palette?Special characters' input methods
01/07/2005Step on giants' feet?Speech-to-text friendly programming languages
01/08/2005When will academia wake up and abandon .ps?Composable memory transactions
01/03/2005Thinking in ScalaThe Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
11/18/2004It already is a whim ...Switch statement design
10/08/2004Tangent on NeXT, Mac OS X, and ObjCHouse , hOp - the Haskell Operating System
09/10/2005Looks like a few letters dropped out of there ...Why type systems are interesting - part II
07/30/2004I might still have it somewhereVyper is missing
01/21/2007vyper ... foundVyper is missing
07/17/2004Sounds like you need the UnfinalizerFantazies on "final"
12/21/2004"What the heck is ..."?Understanding continuations
06/22/2004Meta-programming systemsCode Generation Netwrok
06/21/2004Evanescent TDDInteractive Programming
06/01/2004Re: The Case for First Class MessagesThe Case for First Class Messages
06/01/2004Re: The Case for First Class MessagesThe Case for First Class Messages
05/05/2004Re: Prolog and Mercury ComparedProlog and Mercury Compared
04/21/2004Re: Tunneling VariablesTunneling Variables
03/15/2004Re: Bruce Eckel on Java genericsBruce Eckel on Java generics
02/09/2004Re: LtU FAQ UpdateLtU FAQ Update
02/09/2004Re: LtU FAQ UpdateLtU FAQ Update
02/05/2004Re: Scope, generators and list comprehensions (Python)Scope, generators and list comprehensions (Python)
12/04/2003Don Knuth Book Tour!Don Knuth Book Tour!
11/25/2003Re: Antipathy to Type SystemsAntipathy to Type Systems
11/25/2003Re: Antipathy to Type SystemsAntipathy to Type Systems
11/10/2003Re: (postscript and "compress")Coalgebraic Reasoning about Classes in Object-Oriented Languages
10/31/2003Re: (side site issue)Macros vs. Higher-order Programming
10/31/2003Re: (side site issue)Macros vs. Higher-order Programming
08/02/2003Re: Demo of VBDemo of VB "Whidbey"
07/22/2003Re: Windows security flaw - buffer-overflowWindows security flaw - buffer-overflow
07/17/2003Re: The Power and Philosophy of RubyThe Power and Philosophy of Ruby
06/16/2003Re: Modern Static Typing: Less Code, Better CodeModern Static Typing: Less Code, Better Code
04/22/2003Re: LojbanLojban
04/23/2003Re: LojbanLojban
03/14/2003Re: Is Inheritance a Pillar of OO?Is Inheritance a Pillar of OO?
02/24/2003Re:"My C++ Experience/Disaster"
11/07/2002Re: Loell, a new programming languageLoell, a new programming language
10/09/2002Re: If programming languages were cars...If programming languages were cars...
09/25/2002Re: Programming languages textbook onlineProgramming languages textbook online
09/23/2002Re: Michael Vanier: LFM's and LFSP'sMichael Vanier: LFM's and LFSP's
08/20/2002Re: Informal Scheme Workshop in LondonInformal Scheme Workshop in London
08/20/2002Re: Disruptive Programming Language TechnologiesDisruptive Programming Language Technologies
08/07/2002Re: Embedding Prolog in HaskellEmbedding Prolog in Haskell
08/01/2002Re: First-class Attribute GrammarsFirst-class Attribute Grammars
07/31/2002Re: Intentional Programming OverviewIntentional Programming Overview
07/30/2002Re: Richard Hamming: You and Your ResearchRichard Hamming: You and Your Research
08/06/2002Re: Richard Hamming: You and Your ResearchRichard Hamming: You and Your Research
08/07/2002Re: Richard Hamming: You and Your ResearchRichard Hamming: You and Your Research
07/17/2002Re: Generator-based state machinesGenerator-based state machines
05/08/2002Re: High-Level Assembly LanguageHigh-Level Assembly Language
05/07/2002Re: Joel on Programming LanguagesJoel on Programming Languages
04/22/2002Re: Language MythsLanguage Myths
04/20/2002Re: Pyrex - A language for writing Python extension modulesPyrex - A language for writing Python extension modules
04/22/2002Re: goo: a generic-function based OO languagegoo: a generic-function based OO language
03/27/2002Re: Shared Source CLI BetaShared Source CLI Beta
03/10/2002Re: Guido van Rossum: Parade of the PEPsGuido van Rossum: Parade of the PEPs
03/06/2002Re: Linus Torvalds on Coding styleLinus Torvalds on Coding style
03/06/2002Re: Uncovering Rotor -- A Shared Source CLIUncovering Rotor -- A Shared Source CLI
03/01/2002Re: Comments on CommentsComments on Comments
03/07/2002Re: Comments on CommentsComments on Comments
03/02/2002Re: Implementations of .NET-Targeted Languages ProblematicImplementations of .NET-Targeted Languages Problematic
02/28/2002Re: rST - Remote SmalltalkrST - Remote Smalltalk
02/06/2002Re: Common Lisp CookbookCommon Lisp Cookbook
06/18/2002Re: ScalaScala

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Chris Rathman/