Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: Brandon Moore

  Date    Post    Topic  
10/08/2011Categorical Programming LanguageData, Codata, and Their Implications for Equality, and Serialization
04/01/2011Constrained by implementationFinding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers
04/01/2011UsabilityFinding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers
03/05/2011How do you define observable behavior?Memory Models: A Case for Rethinking Parallel Languages and Hardware, CACM, August 2010
02/23/2011Properties and, interfacesMonads vs. Actors
02/26/2011Countable Choice not provable in ZFMonads vs. Actors
02/28/2011Not even pairsMonads vs. Actors
02/28/2011ConnectionMonads vs. Actors
02/28/2011EnumerationMonads vs. Actors
01/01/2011Mostly-structural RecursionThe AST Typing Problem
11/17/2010SamplingA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/21/2010Randomness and RandomnessA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
09/27/2010Strong NormalizationOmega - Language of the Future
09/15/2010CoqMildly Extended MixFix
12/08/2010Object RepresentationArticles on Precise GC with Parametric Polymorphism
12/08/2010Unboxed NumbersArticles on Precise GC with Parametric Polymorphism
08/06/2010Not closed world semantics at allOverlapping Instances + Functional Dependencies Unsound?
07/22/2010Read On!Scribble: Closing the Book on Ad Hoc Documentation Tools
07/12/2010Mutation / LinearityThe Rust Language
08/13/2009Isn't that standard for total programming?The End of the GPU Roadmap
02/03/2009What's wrong with that codata?Ruling out nonsensical data type definitions
02/03/2009Maybe complain about voidRuling out nonsensical data type definitions
11/18/2008ApproximationTotal functional language self interpreter?
06/11/2008Also why Turing incompleteness.On the importance of Turing completeness
06/11/2008That's CoqOn the importance of Turing completeness
06/10/2008Like Haskell?erlang green threads and the CLR
04/22/2008Poor terminologyprogram verification: the very idea
04/22/2008"Uncontroversial"program verification: the very idea
05/07/2008Polymorphism guarded by constructorsFPH: First-class Polymorphism for Haskell
03/19/2008SynthesisHigher-Order Programming without Closures?
03/13/2008Not DirectlyLanguages best suited for scientific computing?
03/17/2008Semantic ExamplesEriskay: a Programming Language Based on Game Semantics
03/12/2008true == implicit?Confused Deputies in Programming Languages
03/17/2008ExampleConfused Deputies in Programming Languages
03/17/2008ChrootConfused Deputies in Programming Languages
03/05/2008MonadsLearning language design
02/18/2008Parallel ComplexityRecursive Algorithms that cannot be expresses with Tail-Recursion?
01/04/2008CPS and paremetricityThe worker/wrapper transformation
12/19/2007Quick ExecutionA Growable Language Manifesto
12/19/2007Safety Guarantees, QuantifiersA Growable Language Manifesto
12/12/2007Little built inpoll: syntax
12/12/2007Epigram and LOOPSubtext 2 Video
12/05/2007Freeing memory in a heapMonadic and Substructural Type Systems for Region-Based Memory Management
11/26/2007Time Value of MoneySamurai - Protecting Critical Data in Unsafe Languages
11/20/2007Ack!What are the properties of "Functional Programming Languages"?
11/19/2007Missing polymorphismWell-typed programs can't be blamed
11/19/2007Perhaps this is a case whereWell-typed programs can't be blamed
11/12/2007Goodstein's TheoremUniversal Type System
11/13/2007So what can't be done with static compilation?Dependent Classes
11/02/2007That's not pureOn the Importance of Purity
11/29/2007By DefinitionOn the Importance of Purity
11/02/2007Unbounded LBA?The simplest mechanism with Turing-equivalent power to date ...
10/22/2007GHCiAny multi-threaded interpreters?
10/09/2007Binaries are sharedTim Bray and Erlang
08/24/2007Duck Typing and Structural SubtypingDuck Typing advocated where?
08/24/2007Function type annotationsAn Accidental Simula User, Luca Cardelli
06/11/2008Depends what "monad" meansDiagram showing all programming paradigms and their relationships
08/12/2007modified collectorsGarbage Collection Without Paging
08/12/2007Robustness and Resource AccountingRalph Johnson: Erlang, the next Java
07/18/2007Non-standard semanticsType inference for free?
07/10/2007Nontermination and SoundnessSimply Easy! (An Implementation of a Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus)
06/29/2007Second in a seriesThe dream of Church and Curry realized?
06/25/2007Hindley MilnerFully Inferable Languages
06/26/2007Even strongerFully Inferable Languages
06/21/2007AcuteHOT Pickles
06/01/2007Abstraction, not type checkingType-sensitive control-flow analysis
05/04/2007Transformation PatternsCombining Total and Ad Hoc Extensible Pattern Matching in a Lightweight Language Extension
04/12/2007Stream FusionStream Fusion
04/12/2007AuthorsStream Fusion
04/04/2007Delimited ControlGenerators/Iterators and lazy evaluation
02/08/2007Maybe the seeds of some arguments?Patrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory
02/06/2007Curry-Howard and TerminationTermination Checking with Types
06/12/2007Type ReconstructionSteps Toward The Reinvention of Programming
02/06/2007See also Active LibrariesMeta-Compilation of Language Abstractions
01/25/2007How to automate?Total Functional Programming
02/27/2007Programs in CoqTotal Functional Programming
02/14/2007One size fits allWhy people don't use functional programming?
01/04/2007Representing cyclic structures as nested datatypesCan referential transparency be bad? (puzzle included)
01/02/2007Algol 60Why numbering should start at 0
12/15/2006Earlier Threadpath-sensitive dataflow analysis. How?
12/08/2006Also Distributed Haskell?Erlang vs C++ for Robust Telecom Software
12/01/2006Human factors vs. IntuitionThe Future of LtU
10/02/2006ML has Principal TypingsTim Bray: Dynamic-Language IDEs
10/02/2006DefinitionsTim Bray: Dynamic-Language IDEs
10/02/2006The direction of inferenceTim Bray: Dynamic-Language IDEs
09/12/2006Lightweight Threads vs. ThreadlessConcurrency made easy?
09/11/2006Compose AwayParser that allow syntax extensions
08/28/2006Cache HierarchyImplementing arrays
08/27/2006Compile time analysis and type checkingunchecked exceptions are like runtime type checking?
08/27/2006For Finite Programsunchecked exceptions are like runtime type checking?
08/29/2006Terminationunchecked exceptions are like runtime type checking?
08/28/2006Large datasets and Implementations?Declarative Networking: Language, Execution and Optimization
08/28/2006Distribution ControlDeclarative Networking: Language, Execution and Optimization
08/23/2006A few resources, maybe minus the BNFgenerating interpreters, IDEs, etc., from simple specifications?
08/09/2006Aside: sketching in HaskellLisp Lovers, how would you fix Lisp or bring it up to date?
08/09/2006"Sum of Products" vs "Sum"Lisp Lovers, how would you fix Lisp or bring it up to date?
07/28/2006Polymorphic variants seemLightweight Static Capabilities
10/02/2006Modular Development of Certified Program VerifiersA type-correct, stack-safe, provably correct, expression compiler in Epigram
06/23/2006Quite a lot, I suspectDelimited dynamic binding
06/18/2006Both Throw and Val n areWhat is the Meaning of These Constant Interruptions?
06/18/2006Type classes in MLML Modules and Haskell Type Classes: A Constructive Comparison
06/08/2006Normalizing LanguagesRelevance of Curry-Howard
06/03/2006STType checking and logical errors
06/02/2006Missing an important pointType checking and logical errors
06/05/2006Parametricity and FusionType checking and logical errors
06/05/2006Correct Type-checker in EpigramType checking and logical errors
05/30/2006Impredicativity and Row PolymorphismFirst Class Values, Types as values within a Programming Language
05/31/2006Not meant to be exclusiveFirst Class Values, Types as values within a Programming Language
07/19/2006More assumptionsFirst Class Values, Types as values within a Programming Language
05/13/2006ComegaLINQ May 2006 Preview
03/17/2008Paper has movedA Language-Based Approach to Unifying Events and Threads
12/09/2006Following Church's ChurchExtremely static language?
11/08/2007Full paper, CSPTransducer Composition and CPS
07/13/2006A Framework for Extended Algebraic Data TypesOmega
06/01/2006gettimeofday() isn't purePugs, Practicing the Theories.
08/23/2006State IsolationTransparent Persistence
09/06/2006Misunderstanding ST?Transparent Persistence
11/18/2008Text at leastShoot-out: most annoying compiler error message

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Chris Rathman/