Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: True Konrads

  Date    Post    Topic  
06/28/2012DSL for Streaming Network Traffic AnalysisDSL for Streaming Network Traffic Analysis
06/28/2012DSL for Streaming Network Traffic AnalysisDSL for Streaming Network Traffic Analysis
06/15/2010Evaluating code qualityEvaluating code quality
06/16/2010During code reviewEvaluating code quality
06/09/2010Crash course in Racket/SchemeRacket Released
04/27/2010IndeedThe Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concern
02/13/2010Re: binary analysis?A few billion lines of code later: using static analysis to find bugs in the real world
02/03/2010Re: PuzzlingHipHop: Facebook runs compiled PHP on its servers
09/11/2009Expedia vs. Gallileo ,comparing GUI vs. CLI to DSL vs. librariesDSL goodness
07/28/2009Level of language in ref to machine and its usabiliyEvaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU)
04/06/2009It's about the runtime!Twitter and Scala
04/07/2009Clearly, PL matters, but compilers matter more!Twitter and Scala
04/02/2009Excellent moveSwift: making web applications secure by construction
01/07/2009R is a DSLR in the New York Times
08/26/2008How does Ada compares to ErlangReal-Time Concurrent Issues Drive Ada versus Java Choice
02/19/2008Shared variables and global variables are evil. News at 11Gilad Bracha: Cutting out Static
10/23/2007What is the future of ECMAScript/Js?ECMAScript 4 overview paper
08/23/2007Spicy pickling in PythonStatus Report: HOT Pickles, and how to serve them
08/09/2007Very insightulRalph Johnson: Erlang, the next Java
08/08/2007Where is the DSL in camel?Apache Camel routing rules: a DSL?
08/03/2007How is it different from configuration file, in essence?Amazon Flexible Payments Service

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Chris Rathman/