Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: el-vadimo

  Date    Post    Topic  
03/19/2012Doron Zeilberger's Opinion #112References about the importance of formalism in programming language design
03/14/2012social aspects of influential dissentInformed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP
02/29/2012xrefMilawa on Jitawa: a Verified Theorem Prover
03/02/2012Christian Queinnec meets Norman Adamswhy first-class functions
02/29/2012algorithm animationBret Victor's Inventing on Priniciple
02/25/2012full disclosurePLT humor on Twitter
02/25/2012@PLT_BoratPLT humor on Twitter
02/08/2012dimensional analysisThe Algebra of Data, and the Calculus of Mutation
02/02/2012Re: What exactly can it do?Vellvm: Formalizing the LLVM Intermediate Representation for Verified Program Transformations
01/05/2012<a href="deca#comment-68815" class="active">être, ou ne pas étre</a>Deca, an LtU-friendly bare metal systems programming language
01/05/2012<a href="deca#comment-68810" class="active">“You and Your Research”</a>Deca, an LtU-friendly bare metal systems programming language
12/29/2011relationship of Redex to Jackson's AlloyRun Your Research: On the Effectiveness of Mechanization
12/28/2011tangential remarksSeven Myths of Formal Methods Revisited
01/03/2012understanding things top to bottomProgrammer Archeologists
12/06/2011CiaoPPGeneral purpose as a special case?
12/05/2011therapeutic aspect of a REPLGeneral purpose as a special case?
12/05/2011Re: Why only ‘minimal' languesGeneral purpose as a special case?
11/29/2011on the value of planning (and documentation)REPL-schmepl?
11/30/2011REPL as an afterthoughtREPL-schmepl?
12/01/2011evaluating evaluatorsREPL-schmepl?
12/06/2011eval gone badREPL-schmepl?
12/06/2011more like, “I hate debuggers”REPL-schmepl?
11/18/2011Re: There's proofs and proofsmath proofs are more robust than computer proofs
10/02/2011xrefSECD Machine - RAP?
06/22/2011modules are anti-modularmodules are anti-modular
12/03/2010redefining professionalismHaskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
12/04/2010Re: …it never dawned on them…Haskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit
11/30/2010beyond Bruce TateSeven Languages in Seven Weeks
11/27/2010Greenspun's 9thA book on Racket?
11/23/2010Re: broken linkWhat is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
12/02/2010analogy considered harmfulWhat is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
11/29/2010Mike Davey's TMWhat is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model
11/17/2010monkey patchingClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/18/2010clerical noteClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/16/2010from the horse's mouthClojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/18/2010reference? (Re: full abstraction)Clojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem
11/16/2010on physicistsA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/16/2010out of contextA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/17/2010fear and loathingA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/15/2010non-snarky approach to selling FP to the massesA Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming
11/13/2010jamming (disambiguation)Lambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
12/02/2010Kay's lamentLambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not)
11/02/2010garbage collector is a refrigeratorConservative Logic
11/05/2010keeping it simpleA Self-Checking Type System
10/27/2010The Myths of Object-OrientationThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/27/2010history, tragedy, farceThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/29/2010Re: Scott McKay is the original tragedy/farce citation in PLThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/28/2010single dispatch is of the essenceThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/27/2010(temporary) direct URL to the paperThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/01/2010late-bound familial tiesThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/01/2010⨯-refThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/10/2010let's quote Alan KayThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/28/2010objects ≣ closuresThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/28/2010psychiatry of object orientationThe Myths of Object-Orientation
11/04/2010A Stack is not an object. What is?The Myths of Object-Orientation
11/04/2010RoarVMThe Myths of Object-Orientation
10/20/2010Buridan's take on concurrency"A Theory of Interprocess Communication" -- Leslie Lamport
10/22/2010how fast is your computer?"A Theory of Interprocess Communication" -- Leslie Lamport
10/25/2010theorists vs. experimentalistsThe barrier to take-up of language innovation
10/04/2010Design Principles Behind SmalltalkDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/04/2010outlineDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/06/2010Lively KernelDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/06/2010the Forth approach to operating systemsDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/06/2010BYTE Magazine, August 1981Design Principles Behind Smalltalk
11/09/2010shark-infested watersDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
10/26/2010certifiably visionary Alan KayDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
11/05/2010beyond SmalltalkDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
11/09/2010future workDesign Principles Behind Smalltalk
08/06/2010does your language need a memory model?does your language need a memory model?
03/17/2011parallel vs. concurrentdoes your language need a memory model?
11/15/2010⨯-referenceForth in Lisp
11/15/2010along the same lines…Forth in Lisp
06/18/2010happy rebirth day, LtU NG!happy rebirth day, LtU NG!
06/18/2010Re: New sitehappy rebirth day, LtU NG!
06/18/2010the old site being…happy rebirth day, LtU NG!
06/21/2010PHP FTWhappy rebirth day, LtU NG!
06/10/2010Frank is back?Data schema languages
06/06/2010some critiques of the Semat initiativesome critiques of the Semat initiative
06/07/2010non-formalized predictive theoriessome critiques of the Semat initiative
06/14/2010Re: non-formalized predictive theoriessome critiques of the Semat initiative
06/09/2010Re: Software engineering ≠ civil engineeringsome critiques of the Semat initiative
06/08/2010the engineering of process and the process of engineeringsome critiques of the Semat initiative
06/05/2010the no–meltdown theorem…Milawa: A Self-Verifying Theorem Prover for an ACL2-Like Logic
06/11/2010trusting your SAT solverMilawa: A Self-Verifying Theorem Prover for an ACL2-Like Logic
06/17/2010expressivityMilawa: A Self-Verifying Theorem Prover for an ACL2-Like Logic
02/29/2012xrefMilawa: A Self-Verifying Theorem Prover for an ACL2-Like Logic
05/13/2010and don't forget …On Iteration
05/19/2010xref to an updateSpam filters
04/22/2010Re: Communications of the ACM, May, 2010 Klein et alseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
04/26/2010ask not what formal verification can do for youseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
05/10/2010first-order vs. fourth-orderseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/15/2010Re: Not in the May issue….seL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
06/21/2010Re: AtanassowismseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
12/15/2010rigorous standardsseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
05/13/2010from the horse's mouthseL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel
04/12/2010Gilad Bracha's takeiPhone PL lockdown
04/05/2010Barwise's paperA Formal System For Euclid's Elements
04/05/2010124 pagesA Formal System For Euclid's Elements
11/08/2010Re: Error-Handling PatternsGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
01/06/2012exceptions ⇏ stack unwindingGo's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism
03/31/2010The Great Tcl Debate of 1994Tcl the Misunderstood
03/24/2010Jean put dire comment on tapeJean put dire comment on tape
04/12/2010malbolge, masochism, etc.Jean put dire comment on tape
03/26/201020% of C++Clojure's Mini-languages
11/18/2010⨯-referenceFirst-class environments. Discuss. ;)
12/02/2010Sturgeon vs. PedersenOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
12/15/2010more on Sturgeon's revelationOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
05/07/2010Gutmann's critique of formal methodsOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
05/11/2010seL4's formal semantics of Haskell and COn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
05/12/2010grand challengeOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
05/09/2010the Z notationOn the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
06/18/2010Bracha on Java serialization (and language design)On the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance
06/11/2010great principles of computingplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/14/2010Turing's oracle machineplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/14/2010mathematical chauvinismplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
05/26/2010definition of a powerful argumentplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/11/2010malleability of softwareplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/15/2010footnotesplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/16/2010Garmisch, 1968plt vs. something else for programming in the large?
06/17/2010construction in the largeplt vs. something else for programming in the large?
02/13/2010totalitarian principleA few billion lines of code later: using static analysis to find bugs in the real world
02/15/2010the busA few billion lines of code later: using static analysis to find bugs in the real world
02/16/2010alternative summaryA few billion lines of code later: using static analysis to find bugs in the real world
10/29/2009Literate Programming: Retrospect and ProspectsLiterate Programming: Retrospect and Prospects
10/29/2009what's next?Literate Programming: Retrospect and Prospects
11/07/2009closing thoughtsLiterate Programming: Retrospect and Prospects
10/06/2010LP/LispLiterate Programming: Retrospect and Prospects
10/25/2010progress update on Axiom's literate rewriteLiterate Programming: Retrospect and Prospects
11/07/2009ReST ≠ RESTLiterate Programming: Retrospect and Prospects
11/10/2010Re: reference to Kay's commentWhy are objects so unintuitive?
11/30/2010if programming languages were carsIf Programming Languages were &lt;T&gt;
12/01/2011updated linkA bit of Scheming
05/24/2010how complex systems failInspiring Papers
09/20/2008beyond multi-methodsbeyond multi-methods
09/22/2008modules for multimethodsbeyond multi-methods
09/12/2008Hamming problem reduxIrresistible programs
08/25/2008Gawk for AIIn Praise of Scripting: Real Programming Pragmatism
08/05/2008obligatory xrefPractical Bits of Making a Compiler for a New Language
05/08/2008future history of logic programmingHistory of Logic Programming: What went wrong, What was done about it, and What it might mean for the future
04/30/2008related questionIs Halting Problem Valid for P?
04/21/2008program verification: the very ideaprogram verification: the very idea
04/21/2008part I: relation to previous workprogram verification: the very idea
04/21/2008part II: Fetzer's thesisprogram verification: the very idea
04/21/2008part III: resulting firestormprogram verification: the very idea
04/25/2008Volume 1 and Volume 2program verification: the very idea
05/11/2010hardware verificationprogram verification: the very idea
04/23/2008a mishmash of followupsprogram verification: the very idea
04/24/2008Fetzer, the careful epistemologistprogram verification: the very idea
04/26/2008ceci n'est pas une pipeprogram verification: the very idea
04/27/2008moral hazardprogram verification: the very idea
04/27/2008allez en avant, et la foi vous viendraprogram verification: the very idea
05/04/2008have checker, will verifyprogram verification: the very idea
12/17/2010Jevons paradoxprogram verification: the very idea
04/25/2008wget --recursive --no-parent verification: the very idea
04/27/2008verifying compiler: the grand challengeprogram verification: the very idea
08/03/2008on playing catch-upprogram verification: the very idea
09/28/2008SECD verification projectprogram verification: the very idea
04/15/2008more power and less verbiagemore power and less verbiage
04/15/2008a quick examplemore power and less verbiage
04/15/2008focusing on the wrong thing?more power and less verbiage
04/28/2008view from the trenchesCareer paths and concerns
04/28/2008more of the same...Career paths and concerns
04/28/2008"You and Your Research" by Richard HammingCareer paths and concerns
03/30/2008the power of GNU Awkthe power of GNU Awk
03/29/2008future history of logic programmingfuture history of logic programming
03/29/2008using WAM to represent XMLfuture history of logic programming
03/30/2008rights and obligationsfuture history of logic programming
05/08/2008xreffuture history of logic programming
10/22/2010xrefConcurrent Composition and Algebras of Events, Actions, and Processes
10/25/2010Re: Cantrill's “concurrency hucksters and shysters”Concurrent Composition and Algebras of Events, Actions, and Processes
04/04/2008strictness analysisGilad Bracha: Cutting out Static
04/06/2008fly in the ointmentGilad Bracha: Cutting out Static
02/03/2008Felleisen on toysArc is released
01/15/2008beyond programming languagesbeyond programming languages
01/15/2008more extensive quotebeyond programming languages
01/16/2008KRLbeyond programming languages
01/18/2008in increments of how many microReids?beyond programming languages
01/14/2008a people's history of computer scienceComputer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
01/14/2008economics of software verificationComputer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
04/21/2008residual defectsComputer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
01/14/2008Booch's Ada vs. Liskov's Java: Two Approaches to Teaching SoftwaComputer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
11/17/2007Common Lisp at ITAExamples of large-scale functional language projects
04/13/2008a quick xrefMinimal FORTH compiler and tutorial
12/30/2007perpetuum mobileSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
01/07/2008treatise of human natureSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
04/27/2008...except hot bakery itemsSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
04/27/2008requested citationSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
04/21/2008program verification: the very ideaSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
04/21/2008machine-obstructed proofSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
02/16/2010a modern take on social processes and static analysisSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
04/02/2010Vardi's recent digs at DeMillo, Lipton, and PerlisSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
05/07/2010understanding Spafford's lack of enthusiasmSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
04/02/2010breaking provably secure systemsSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
04/22/2010tour de force bruteSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
11/29/2010Doron Zeilberger's Opinion #112Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
03/19/2012xrefSocial Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
05/09/2007Per Bothner is working on OpenJFXF3 is now openjfx
05/14/2007Perlis vs. DijkstraThe Monad.Reader
05/15/2007iceberg looming in the backgroundThe Monad.Reader
05/16/2007notice of correctionThe Monad.Reader
05/19/2007death by a thousand Dedekind cutsThe Monad.Reader
04/10/2012theorem industry reduxThe Monad.Reader
11/16/2010Sussman's comment at ILC'09De-Scheming MIT?
11/08/2010⨯-referenceMachine Obstructed Proof
04/27/2008xrefVerified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments
08/19/2006Closures for Java or money backClosures for Java or money back
08/19/2006GLS's 2003/08/21 post on ll1-discussClosures for Java or money back
08/23/2006icing on the four-layered cakeClosures for Java or money back
09/05/2006Re: Erasure a joke?Closures for Java or money back
08/26/2006Re: non-local transferClosures for Java or money back
08/29/2006"lexically scoped" non-local transferClosures for Java or money back
08/30/2006is tooClosures for Java or money back
09/21/2006xrefs for archival completenessClosures for Java or money back
04/28/2008dlw on conditions in CL (and elsewhere)Common Lisp Exception Handling
05/22/2006Re: Greenspun's Law?Ethnographic Study of Copy and Paste Programming Practices in OOPL
04/05/2006public vs. published interfacespublic vs. published interfaces
04/05/2006Re: Martin Fowler linkpublic vs. published interfaces
04/07/2006Re: Not just by conventionpublic vs. published interfaces
04/13/2006Re: Two thoughtspublic vs. published interfaces
05/02/2006Better Math, Better Processes?ACM Queue: A Conversation with Steve Ross-Talbot
06/02/2006The Calculus Formally Known as PiACM Queue: A Conversation with Steve Ross-Talbot
08/25/2008forward xrefGAWK (GNU AWK) for AI?
01/02/2006... and thisJoel Spolsky views on CS education
12/07/2005reddit rewriteMisc Links
10/25/2005Microsoft Command Shell (msh)Microsoft Command Shell (msh)
11/04/2005code parsing in EmacsBruce Tate: Technologies that may challenge Java
08/18/2007A critique of the SQL database languageFormal methods for O/R mapping
09/30/2005"The Anatomy of a Loop""The Anatomy of a Loop"
10/06/2005winnowing wheat from chaff"The Anatomy of a Loop"
09/22/2005Mondo bizarroMondo bizarro
09/23/2005"mommy, help! I'm trapped in call/cc!"Mondo bizarro
09/07/2005koders doesn't seem better -- not for JavaJExamples
08/12/2005Please help add entries to FreeTechBooks.comPlease help add entries to
09/14/20052VariableConcatenative Language Kont
04/27/200850th anniversary issue of JACMGrady Booch: Software Engineering Grand Challenges
07/14/2005Eckel's comments on Arnold's postGenerics are a mistake?
05/23/2006Brendan Eich's presentation at XTechJavaScript 2.0: Evolving a Language for Evolving Systems
06/03/2005Evolving the Java PlatformEvolving the Java Platform
05/04/2005Re: unreasonable effectivenessCall for Papers: ACM Symposium on Dynamic Languages
05/03/2005exposing complexityCall for Papers: ACM Symposium on Dynamic Languages
05/04/2005global extent of local reasoningCall for Papers: ACM Symposium on Dynamic Languages
05/12/2005Re: global extent of local reasoningCall for Papers: ACM Symposium on Dynamic Languages
05/02/2005Re: Note to selfThe long tail of programming languages
04/27/2005OO runtime graphs are scale-freeOO runtime graphs are scale-free
05/17/2005a PL better than Java deemed an enormous challengeThe Fortress Language Spec v0.618
03/02/2010Knuth's take on "important problems"Richard Hamming - "You and Your Research"
04/26/2005Hamming's book out of print in the U.S.Richard Hamming - "You and Your Research"
03/02/2010Kindle editionRichard Hamming - "You and Your Research"
04/24/2005"C++ is bigger than ever"Why do they program in C++?
04/26/2005Re: Math without overload doesn't need to be that uglyWhy do they program in C++?
05/03/2005Re: large expressions?Why do they program in C++?
04/26/2005Re: Well, it IS typesafe if...Why do they program in C++?
04/18/2005some more linksOn the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science
04/20/2005re: And I disagree too!On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science
06/15/20051995 Object World trade show's surveyComputerworld Development Survey
04/04/2005data structures harmful?Starlog
03/29/2005expressivity of "idiomatic C++"expressivity of "idiomatic C++"
03/29/2005on paradigmatic shiftsexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
03/29/2005another quote from the article's Conlusionexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/07/2005Myths and ideology in mathematicsexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/18/2005from Lakatos back to Hammingexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
03/29/2005a deficiency in the C++ implementationexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
03/29/2005python versionexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/01/2005a Prolog solutionexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/01/2005Re: Space Complexityexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/01/2005Re: Space Complexityexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/04/2005expected Haskell behavior in pseudo-codeexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/04/2005Re: Space Complexity -- Haskell winsexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/05/2005Perl implementation with lazy streamsexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/02/2005Hamming subsequence with no gapsexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/04/2005Re: Death by a thousand cuts (!/0)expressivity of "idiomatic C++"
04/05/2005back to the drawing boardexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
09/08/2006Haskell-to-Scala translationexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
12/28/2007still broken under Scala 2.6...expressivity of "idiomatic C++"
11/10/2010Scala 2.8.1expressivity of "idiomatic C++"
03/16/2005Grady Booch's keynote on software complexity at AOSDGrady Booch's keynote on software complexity at AOSD
12/22/2004Reading SICP for fun and profitReading SICP for fun and profit
10/05/2004Away from interpreter hacking and toward enhancing stdlibAway from interpreter hacking and toward enhancing stdlib
08/10/2004Dataflow Language for Scriptable DebuggingMzTake: A Scriptable Debugger
10/18/2005functional programming in Java with genericsFunctional programming in Java

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Chris Rathman/