Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: William D. Neumann

  Date    Post    Topic  
04/17/2009Nice but...Generic Discrimination: Sorting and Partitioning Unshared Data in Linear Time
02/09/2009What color is your box?On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
02/09/2009He's pretty heavy, he's my BAOn the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
11/26/2008Interesting, but...Type-Checking Zero Knowledge
09/12/2008A favorite from the world of cryptoIrresistible programs
08/12/2008Mi(c|k)matchText Processing by Functional Language?
02/27/2008OCaml as well (sort of)Chris Okasaki on Indentation Syntax
10/25/2007non-determinism tooOn the Importance of Purity
10/25/2007My crypto is showing...On the Importance of Purity
10/25/2007Maybe and sort ofOn the Importance of Purity
10/25/2007HehOn the Importance of Purity
08/17/2007DEVONthinkTools for (PhD) Researching
05/20/2007Reliability, security, privacy, secrecy, etc.Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs
05/09/2007If it looks a bit like a duck...LC for kids (alligators, oh my!)
04/19/2007NANDoomThoughts about the Best Introductory Language
04/18/2007One man's sexy is another man's meh.Thoughts about the Best Introductory Language
04/18/2007Popularity <> better for teaching or learningThoughts about the Best Introductory Language
04/19/2007Books <> Learning programming eitherThoughts about the Best Introductory Language
04/19/2007Raisins are good in oatmealThoughts about the Best Introductory Language
04/20/2007typewriter textThoughts about the Best Introductory Language
04/20/2007More is more or less less, but less is more or less moreThoughts about the Best Introductory Language
04/09/2007It was a very good yearEarly Programming Languages (A Logic Puzzle)
02/08/2007You know what they say...Programming Shorthands
03/07/2007One thing I do feel hasWhy people don't use functional programming?
10/27/2006It'll be out... eventually?Practical OCaml
11/06/2006let practical_ocaml = ()Practical OCaml
10/05/2006Yes, but...Google Code Search
09/22/2006Well, at least on OS X andWhy Johnny can't code
05/31/2006Well worth ityet another noob via "little lisper" and scheme
05/27/2006Hare shirt?Linspire chooses Haskell as preferred language
05/04/2006Another TextMate userYour favourite editor/IDE
03/22/2006Not a luddite, just an idiot...Programming: 50, 100 years from now
03/22/2006Wow... how user friendly.Programming: 50, 100 years from now
03/22/2006Spare the rod, get lousy documents...Programming: 50, 100 years from now
03/23/2006Aim higher than mediocrityProgramming: 50, 100 years from now
02/07/2006The growth and "neato" factors are big...hypothetical question
11/24/2005Beauty of the dots?Code Reading
10/05/2005Choose your monkeys wisely"The Anatomy of a Loop"
09/28/2005One more cup of coffeeICFP Programming Contest 2005 Results
08/12/2005Understandable? Flexible?Concatenative Language Kont
08/12/2005Faster than I am...Concatenative Language Kont
08/12/2005Time to get started then...Concatenative Language Kont
08/06/2005Used <> associated with.Overloading - Syntactic Heroin?
08/05/2005Byzantine syntax agreementObjective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof.
08/06/2005For certain definitions of "expressive"...Objective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof.
08/05/2005Useless anecdotes are the best kind of evidence... right?Objective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof.
08/05/2005Sort of stringy...Objective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof.
08/06/2005Minutia...Objective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof.
03/03/2005In addition...Wanted: platform-independent Standard ML
06/03/2005Something about sizzle and steak...Issue One of The Monad.Reader, monthly Haskell eZine
06/03/2005It's not pdf, per seIssue One of The Monad.Reader, monthly Haskell eZine
06/03/2005Some specificsIssue One of The Monad.Reader, monthly Haskell eZine
02/03/2005See you soon...GCC Wiki
02/05/2005I took the plunge...GCC Wiki
01/27/2005Could you elaborate?"Popular vs. Good" in Programming Languages
01/28/2005Much appreciated"Popular vs. Good" in Programming Languages
09/29/2004And those are just the major bugs..."The Silver Bullet"
07/03/2004And now for something completely different?The Language Wars are Dead; Long Live the Language Wars!
02/11/2004Re: OCaml, an IntroductionOCaml, an Introduction

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Chris Rathman/