Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 07/17/2012

Posts By: Todd Coram

  Date    Post    Topic  
11/28/2009Abstractions...Scratch: Programming for All
07/07/2007Complexity and microcontrollersForth in hardware ("not dead yet")
07/07/2007...but we need LtU type people in the embedded world!Forth in hardware ("not dead yet")
03/15/2007Tiny languages for Tiny machinesPico Lisp: A Case for Minimalist Interpreters?
03/15/2007AVR's uses the Harvard ArchitecturePico Lisp: A Case for Minimalist Interpreters?
03/15/2007Compiler vs InterpreterPico Lisp: A Case for Minimalist Interpreters?
03/16/2007A DSL, really..Pico Lisp: A Case for Minimalist Interpreters?
03/15/2007Linux is not tiny enough ;-)Pico Lisp: A Case for Minimalist Interpreters?
02/23/2006Rich resource site for the programming language "K"Rich resource site for the programming language "K"
02/22/2006Well, translating from XYZ to C/C++source code conversion
02/16/2006The SPIN model checker and PromelaThe SPIN model checker and Promela
02/07/2006Reminds me of a quote...eWeek: 'Exotic' Programming Tools Go Mainstream
02/03/2006Unix as programming languageUnix as programming language
02/03/2006What we (I) need is...Unix as programming language
02/03/2006Scsh is built upon Scheme48Unix as programming language
02/05/2006ah, but I want to "useful functionality" elsewhereUnix as programming language
02/05/2006Chicken as a unix command line utility?Unix as programming language
02/08/2006Bash vs Scsh (for simple scripts)...Unix as programming language
02/06/2006adhoc calendar scheduling...Unix as programming language
02/06/2006My definition of lightweightUnix as programming language
02/05/2006complex shell scripts considered harmfulUnix as programming language
02/12/2006xargs as poor man's mapUnix as programming language
01/23/2006My 2 favorite quotesHaskell vs. Erlang, Reloaded
01/24/2006Confusing...Haskell vs. Erlang, Reloaded
01/17/2006GAWK (GNU AWK) for AI?GAWK (GNU AWK) for AI?
01/20/2006Not much new added to awkGAWK (GNU AWK) for AI?
01/20/2006and not too wise (anymore)...GAWK (GNU AWK) for AI?
01/20/2006ah... bummerGAWK (GNU AWK) for AI?
01/08/2006New language for kids: Scratch - Logo meets Squeak Smalltalk?New language for kids: Scratch - Logo meets Squeak Smalltalk?
03/17/2007Scratch has been released.New language for kids: Scratch - Logo meets Squeak Smalltalk?
03/19/2007There are some abstractions...New language for kids: Scratch - Logo meets Squeak Smalltalk?
01/02/2006The new old or The "Return" to ConcurrencyThe new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
01/03/2006Unix and Erlang (and Mozart?)The new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
01/03/2006The "unix way" in Mozart/ErlangThe new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
01/03/2006Unix Piping paradigm, components and languagesThe new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
01/10/2006one line of perl = ? MBThe new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
02/16/2006That is the point...The new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
01/10/2006..and this is why we are slowly "returning to the unix way"The new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
01/10/2006Unix (process)-like support for language level concurrencyThe new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
02/03/2006...and so is IPC (lightweight)The new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
02/15/2006Still a monolithThe new old or The "Return" to Concurrency
12/16/2005Revisiting AWKRevisiting AWK
12/23/2005Ugly hacks?Revisiting AWK
11/28/2005Interesting Logo Site: ElicaInteresting Logo Site: Elica
11/29/2005Brian Harvey's BooksInteresting Logo Site: Elica
09/09/2005Haskell is... differentHaskell and creative freedom
09/12/2005core benefits ... but no religion?Haskell and creative freedom
09/12/2005... impure concurrency capabilities...Haskell and creative freedom
09/02/2005System programming using FPSystem programming using FP
09/03/2005Nice HouseSystem programming using FP
09/03/2005OCaml and concurrencySystem programming using FP
09/09/2005ML aging?System programming using FP
08/29/2005How is Ruby different?Tim Bray on Ruby
08/06/2005ML vs Scripting Language for prototypingHave scripting languages peaked?
08/07/2005ML (FP) vs "real world"Have scripting languages peaked?
08/08/2005ML in production?Have scripting languages peaked?
03/30/2005Koenig and FPexpressivity of "idiomatic C++"
03/30/2005Finally... a reference bookBook: The Standard ML Basis Library
08/10/2004Nits with the paperUdell: A strategic vision for dynamic languages
07/23/2004Definition of "Power"The C++ Source Journal
07/23/2004briding and bindingThe C++ Source Journal
12/15/2003Re: Reading, Writing, and CodeReading, Writing, and Code
12/16/2003Re: Reading, Writing, and CodeReading, Writing, and Code
12/16/2003Re: Reading, Writing, and CodeReading, Writing, and Code
12/16/2003Re: Reading, Writing, and CodeReading, Writing, and Code
11/21/2003Re: PyLogoPyLogo
11/06/2003Re: EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable Display EditorEMACS: The Extensible, Customizable Display Editor
11/06/2003Re: EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable Display EditorEMACS: The Extensible, Customizable Display Editor
10/22/2003Re: Expressiveness versus execution speedExpressiveness versus execution speed
10/22/2003Re: Expressiveness versus execution speedExpressiveness versus execution speed
05/15/2003Re: Language Once Was Key-Now It's DesignLanguage Once Was Key-Now It's Design
03/23/2003Re: C++ Templates: The Complete GuideC++ Templates: The Complete Guide
03/11/2003Re: Defensive programming in erlangDefensive programming in erlang
02/26/2003Re: Tools for the short hikeTools for the short hike
02/26/2003Re: Tools for the short hikeTools for the short hike
02/25/2003Re: Y Store now C++Y Store now C++
02/25/2003Re: Y Store now C++Y Store now C++
02/25/2003Re: Y Store now C++Y Store now C++
02/25/2003Re: Y Store now C++Y Store now C++
02/25/2003Re: Y Store now C++Y Store now C++
02/26/2003Re: Y Store now C++Y Store now C++
02/19/2003Re: Erlang: A Case Study of Technology IntroductionErlang: A Case Study of Technology Introduction
02/14/2003Re: Paul Graham: Accumulator GeneratorPaul Graham: Accumulator Generator
02/08/2003Re: Jon Udell: Shipping the prototypeJon Udell: Shipping the prototype
01/28/2003Re: Guido van Rossum: Programming at Python SpeedGuido van Rossum: Programming at Python Speed
10/08/2002Re: o:XMLo:XML
10/08/2002Re: o:XMLo:XML
09/26/2002Re: How to tell your personality type from your codeHow to tell your personality type from your code
09/23/2002Re: The Tcl WarThe Tcl War
09/23/2002Re: The Tcl WarThe Tcl War
09/24/2002Re: The Tcl WarThe Tcl War

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Chris Rathman/