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Borchi's Borzois!

"Polli", shown going Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex under Judge Eugeen Blake at Stephenville Kennel Club Show. She was just over 8 years of age at the time!


Sire: Si-wells A White Shadow
Dam: Alborak's Hither-N-Yon

Polli is a litter-mate to Sophie (Alborak's Sophia de Borchi), my second Borzoi. She was retained by the breeder (Barbara Lewis, Abilene, TX) along with the only male, Ivan (Alborak's Czar Ivan) to continue on her line. Then due to other family commitments and health problems she never got them out to be shown and with her Saluki's she just never did anything with her.
Polli was leased from Barbara in the winter of 1993 to be bred to Lexi (Borchi's Alexandrevich) when she came in season. She was bred to Lexi between Christmas and New Years 1994 and produced a litter of two March 3, 1994. Only one of these puppies survived (Alborak's Darija of Ansteorra) and she is co-owned with Barbara, Janie Clement (Lexi's owner) and myself, and Darija lives with Janie.
Shortlly after she went back home to Barbara's, she returned to my house after there was a complaint of to many dogs at Barbara's (4 dog limit in city) by an unknown neighbor. She and "Sundarr" a five year old Saluki were due to be the casualties if no home was to be found. I volunteered to take Polli and try to find Sundarr a home. I did, mine (they both stayed)!
Later that year she was again bred to Lexi and produced a litter of three, again with only one survivor. This was Int. Ch. Borchi's Balagan Mudrietz, who in July of 1999 was the sire of my current litter of Borzoi. Polli had never been shown so when Merlin was just over six months and Darija was around a year old I started to show them occasionally and took Polli along and showed her as well.
She was 8 years old by then and unfortunately at the time not many Borzoi entries where she was shown so never got any points. She did however get a BOS win the one time Darija was not there. There were no other bitches and she did not get BOW so she got no points. Anyway the purpose of showing her was to let people see where the two puppies had come from and there we succeeded.
She lived out the rest of her life here with me, and four days after her 13th Birthday passed away. She led a long and happy life!

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