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To Brandy with Love

(Submitted by: Jayka Heierling)

One cold winter day an acquaintance told me of my friend in need.
I had to come up with a plan to help her and execute it with speed.
It did not look good, her days were truly numbered.
Without my help she would not see another spring, let alone another summer.
They claimed nothing could be done, her faith was sealed.
I tried many plans, and requested for her an appeal.
I first met Brandy when I was only seven.
We fell in love at first sight, a match that we felt was made in heaven.
We spent many hours together walking through the forest trails of trees.
We helped each other put our problems at ease.
We went through every lesson trying as a team.
And always tried to forgive each other for occasional days when one of us acted mean.
Five years have gone by since the first day we met.
And I would spend everyday I could with her from sunrise to sunset.
They said she was just too old, too crazy, too tired and too broken.
But in my heart I knew the truth about her wasn't spoken.
I went to her to tell her I would help her fight.
Not to give up because our love for each other would make things right.
You see she is a great and I am the girl who cared.
I purchased her and stopped her slaughter with just two days to spare.

Jayka Heierling
July - 1998

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