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Greetings again - These are dark times for the Blessed Isle of Avalon.  While the majority of it's defenders are away battling a great evil, another has laid seige to the Castle.

The Isle of Avalon has it's fair share of legends and tales of dashing heroes, damsels in distress and just plain wizardry.  But never before has there been a tale such as this... where the damsels in distress aren't really in distress and they turn around to rescue the dashing heroes who ARE in distress... This leaves us at Dashing Damsels and Heroes in Distress...

This tale, like many others, begins long before the actual adventure.  You see, Marcus of Ontour has come back.  He originally returned with intentions of wooing the Queen, Tiamara.  However, he allied himself with The Beast and has now decided that playtime is over.

Black Knights have stormed the Castle, a huge Isle of Doom is hanging overhead and those within the vicinity are not too thrilled.  Will they survive to mount a defense?  Will our intrepid Beast Ass Whoopers return in time to fight? ... and will they be strong enough?

Come, enter into the Magic of Avalon and relive the adventure!!