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As we join our adventure, the Defenders have left to battle The Beast in his lair... this leaves a handful of people at the Castle.

*Running into the castle, becoming clean and dry as I enter. Seeing the group gathering and getting ready to leave. Talking with M'Lady Shadoweaver, and nodding as she ask Silver and I to stay behind and protect the castle.*

We shall do our best M'Lady.

*Turning to Silver*

We are to stay here M'Lord. We should find Talia, I'm sure she will help as well.


~Scampering softly near you and Silver.. tossing handfuls of wet leaves into the air.. and a fair bit of mud....giggling as they come raining down on the pair of you~

plays....plays....messs wants to plays....elf friends plays....

The Giggler

A quick side note... The Giggler is not a Batman villain wannabe... ~S~ The Giggler is a type of forest sprite who lives to play jokes and have fun.

*stepping into the castle and the spell removes all traces of moisture and mud from my body and clothes, hearing Ruby's words and nodding respectfully to Queen Tiamarra and then to Rubyflame*

I understand and shall do my best as well M'Lady

Silver A'maelorod

Julius....Hah...He has no place in this....

~Appearing in the Grand Hall...Drawing the BloodSword as Guards rush to the Rescue...clashing steel wtih one and Spinning in a swirl of Darkness sinking a Black dagger into the back of his Neck...Darkfyre blazing from My hand as I turn and send 3 others crashing through the Castle wall....making My way to the Throne and sticking My Sword straight into it...turning and Looking out over the City of Hope as the Isle of Doom appears Overhead...screams of the Minions of Darkness filling the Night Sky.......~

I play no games this Time...Tiamara...Let the Games....Begin....

~Turning and Drawing the Sword from the Throne and slowly Fades...laughter filling the Grand Hall in My Wake as the Doors to the Grand Hall begin to rattle and shake as the Dark Knights begin to Storm the Castle First......~

Marcus of Ontour

~Entering the Castle last...dark cold eyes looking around Before I step into it..Listening to the Sounds of Screams as bloodshed fills it's Ancient halls..a Black Robed Mage Standing to either Side of Me as I scan the room..assessing......~

Silian...^second in command of the DK^

~looks up from the letters I've been writing in the library and frowns, the inkpot on the desk beginning to rattle about, spilling ink all over... stands up and goes to the door... opens it slowly and peeks out, emerald eyes wide as the Knights come storming into the Great Hall... quickly shuts it and catches my breath, thoughts whirling as to what to do...~

THINK Heather lass....

~gasps as the door is pushed in, sending me tumbling across the room... rolls easily to my feet and stands, backing up from the Knights until my back hits the wall...~

Heather MacLeod

~The Door kicked in looking about wildly from behind Their Horned Helms..seemingly looking for something else as One of the three's eyes Stop on You...muttering something that sounds like.....~


~Slowly lumbering and Stalking towards You....~

Dark Knights

Pet... di' ye jus' call me a pet? I dinnae think sae ye bloody oaf!

~grabs up the chair next to me by the back and swings it at his head, then turns and runs out the servant's entrance as he stumbles around...~


~Hit in the Chair with an OOMpfff...crashing over a talble..another Lunging for You but missing at the last second as You run out the Servants quarters...a 3rd one Chasing after You......~

Dark Knights

~Watches quietly from the shadows having ditched the rude assholes who wanted to make a pet out of me... sinks deeper into the shadows as the screams fill my ears, closing my eyes and rubbing my swollen belly protectively, praying that Alasdair is alright....

then pulls myself together and remembers who I am... narrows my eyes in loathing then sneaks out the kitchen to the outside and takes off running for the Town of Hope...~


~Hearing the screaming about the castle, I get up and look out the window. Seeing all hell beraking lose, I turn and see the closet. Hands on my rounded belly as I waddle over there, whispering~

Jeeves, could you help me into this closet and hide me? Then make the bed so it looks like this room is empty?

~Getting into the closet, as Jeeves begins to try and hide me with cloths that someone left. Shutting the door and then he begins to make the bed~

~I try so hard not to make a sound, holding my breath with each contraction, praying to Corellon that the bad guys will not find me, but the good guys will~


~Bounds and Poofs...appearing in the Center of the Grand hall looking around..almost like a live scarecrow...a small child in appearance with eyes hollowed out of their sockets..dark flames dancing up and down and around it's body.....~

Come out come with Andrian..yes..


*Speaking to Talia, getting her up to date on the happenings. Turing around slowly and looking at the caslte. A bad feeling creaping over me. Running towrds the casle as I see the guards crashing through the castle wall. Entering the casle as the coward Marcus fades. My sword quickly in my hand as I take a defensive stance, in the bladesong, as the black knights rush in. Light on my feet, dancing around them with catlike grace, confusing them, and quickly dispatching two of them before they know what happened. Looking up at the door as I see the man with the two magic users walk in.*

Hello Boys. Come to play did you?

*taking a defensive stance again ready to cast a spell*


~listening to rubyflame on the happenings, my face develops a serious look. Pulling my bow off my back and pulling an arrow slowly around......glancing just behind I hear her talking........~


~looking up to the sky, from where He materializes, noticing Doom Island..muttering~

Cheating Bastard.  I was the first to have a flying continent. You always did steal My f---ing ideas, you little prick.

~deciding to stay out of the main battle, but not the war...murmering slowly from His hidden spot, the sky above Doom Island turning a pale shade of red, before firey meteors rain down onto the surface, in various places, causing some damage..more of a magical "f--- you" than anything else..signifying His return..and contempt for His other "family"~

The game is on brother marcus. But just like each time'll lose..becuase..I don't!

~echoing laughter heard as the Harbinger of Chaos vanishes into the black mist whence He came, to restore His vital energies, having been out of Acheron too long~

Julius Vandole

*A soft elven melody fills the chamber as the Dark Knights approach... it is haunting and sweet, the elf before them seems suddenly to be dancing, his movements slow and powerful, they can see his movements, but they go milliseconds without seeing him. His movements are hypnotic, they can see the longsword in his hand, but it is part of the dance, not a threat. They can see him dancing closer, but they are lost in the power of the the elegance and grace and power of the dance and the bladesong itself. They are victims to the bladesong ,as one Dark Knight after another fall to the longsword Dragonsflame and yet still watch the dance and listen to the song though they have watched their comrades fall. He turns as the last Knight falls and hears Ruby's words of welcome to new opponents*


YAY the cavalry's here... Aren't they?

Will Ruby and Silver be strong enough to defeat the onslaught?