Ranger Exes Memorial-TX - Ranger schools Tiffin School
The Tiffin community built this school but later joined the Ranger ISD in Ranger, TX. The school is perhaps the least known of the four-grade schools built during the boomtime of the early 20s. It was located 3 miles north-east of Ranger on Tiffin Road near the T&P railroad. Unlike the one floor Hodge Oak School, Tiffin had two floors while Young & Cooper schools (which were the same design except the brick was darker on one) had three floors. Tiffin had a large auditorium. Some folks referred to this school as "Tiffin Tech". It was the first of the four schools to close and be torn down. The bricks were used to construct the recreation building near the downtown high school in 1934.
Tiffin School - Grades 1st & 2nd in March of 1921
Group picture at Tiffin School