1855 - First school built in Eastland County near Colony Creek.
1881 - Private school opened in Ranger by Mrs. Vincen Heller.
1882 - Public Free School opened in Ranger.
1883 - Thirty-eight schools established in Eastland County.
1885 - Ranger incorporated for school purposes.
1889 - Two-story frame building served the community. Newspaper ad
1905 - First brick Ranger High School built.
1917 - Central Ward School served as grade school.
1919 - Construction started on Cooper School, Young School,
& Tiffin School.
1921 - St. Rita's Parochial School opened.
1922 - RHS Rampager football team
1922 - Ranger High School construction began near downtown.
1923 - Bullock School built north of Ranger.
1924 - Ranger High School Band organized.
1926 - Hodges Oak Park Ward School built.
1926 - Slaughter Ward Grammar School opened for African-
American students.
1926 - Ranger Junior College opened.
1934 - Tiffin school torn down & bricks used for Rec. Building.
1935 - Lighted football field built.
1942 - 12th grade added to high school. Nine independent
school districts in Eastland County: Carbon, Cisco,
Desdemona, Eastland, Gorman, Olden, Pioneer, Ranger
and Rising Star.
1948 - Cooper school building became part of Ranger Junior College.
1952 - St. Rita's Catholic School closed after 30 years.
1952 - Bullock School closed after 29 years.
1953 - Ranger Bulldogs won State Championship.
1957 - Ranger schools integrated and Slaughter School closed.
1978 - New RISD school complex built east of town.
1978 - Young school closed (building remains today).
1979 - Demolition of old Ranger High School
1991 - Carbon school system moved to Eastland.
2003 - Five school systems left in Eastland County: Cisco, Eastland,
Gorman, Ranger and Rising Star.
2021 - Ranger football program changes to 6-man.
College-Ranger Junior
Ranger High School (present) (1923-1978) (1905-1922)
Football Schedule & Scores
Kid Day at RHS
RHS Band
RHS Cheerleaders
RHS Drum Majors
RHS Flag Corps
RHS Honors
RHS Majorettes
RHS Principals
RHS School song
RHS Senior Trips
Scholarships Available
Scholarships Awarded
RISD School Board
RISD Superintendents
School-Hodges Oak Park Ward
School-Slaughter Ward Grammar
Sport stadiums in Ranger