Ranger Exes Memorial - Ranger schools Exes Association - Ranger Hall of Fame

The purpose of this document is to prescribe policies and procedures for the nomination, selection, and induction of personnel into the Ranger Hall of Fame and for the maintenance of records on these actions. The Ranger Hall of Fame was established in October of 1994 as the result of a recommendation of the Ranger Exes Association to the Ranger Historical Preservation Society. For some years the Exes Association had supported a Ranger Football Hall of Fame which was established to recognize those varsity football players of the Ranger High School who had excelled in the sport and thereby brought accolades to the school. In recommending to the Historical Society the establishment of the Ranger Hall of Fame, the Exes Association sought to widen the population from which nominees could be drawn as well as widen the scope of the effort. The idea is to develop a Ranger Hall of Fame which will include those who have made significant contribution(s), in one form or another, to the development of the City of Ranger, Texas over its history. A significant contribution may be defined as any action or sustained series of actions beyond the realm of normal performance which has substantially enhanced the name and/or growth of Ranger. The Ranger Exes Association will aid the Historical Preservation Society through announcing the formation of the Hall of Fame in its periodic newsletter and through announcing pertinent data pertaining to the Hall of Fame, i.e. solicitation of nominees, deadlines, etc., through the same medium. Selections for induction into the Ranger Hall of Fame will be made annually in time to be announced at a special event. NOMINATIONS TO THE RANGER HALL OF FAME List of Inductees A. Nomination Procedures: 1. Anyone may submit a nomination. The person making the nomination should be familiar with the nominee’s history/biography. 2. A nomination must include as a minimum: (a) Name, address, and telephone number of nominator. (b) Biographical sketch as shown in Appendix A. (c) Detailed and documented narrative description of the nominee’s significant contribution(s) to Ranger, Texas. (d) An 8x10 photograph (if available) which will be displayed permanently in the Ruth Terry Denney Library Building. (e) Supplemental documentation may be included to assist in documenting and verifying contributions. (f) Nominations submitted without sufficient details and documentation will be held in an inactive file and will not be acted upon by the selection board until more information is provided. Nominators will be promptly notified if his/her nomination falls into this category. (g) Nominations should be mailed to: ATTENTION: Ranger Hall of Fame - Nomination Ranger Historical Preservation Society P.O. Box 320 Ranger, TX 76470-0320 NOTE: It is very important that all nominations should be addressed specifically to Attention: Ranger Hall of Fame. This will allow all nominations to be opened and viewed only by the Hall of Fame Selection Committee. B. Nominations: 1. Once nominated, the nomination will remain active for 4 years unless determined by a simple majority of board members that the file should no longer be reviewed for induction. 2. If a nominee is not inducted after four consecutive reviews by the selection board, the nomination shall be placed in an inactive status. After a 1-year waiting period, the nominee can be considered again if renominated. If a renomination is received during the waiting period, the nomination will be effective when the year is over. In no event shall an individual remain under consideration for more than four consecutive years. 3. The nomination process may continue indefinitely. The files containing biographical histories and documentation shall be maintained by the Ranger Historical Preservation Society. C. Selection Board: 1. The convening of the selection board is an official proceeding. The president and members of the board will be appointed by the Ranger Historical Preservation Society. 2. Each selection board member will arrive at his/her own independent conclusion as to who should be inducted. Board members shall not communicate with each other about nominees prior to the selection board. Conduct of the board and decision making will not be discussed with non board members. 3. The goal each year is to induct not more than two nominees. 4. Individuals inducted must be chosen solely on their significant contribution(s) to Ranger, Texas. Each selectee must be able to stand up to close scrutiny. Sex, ethnicity and/or religion will not be discriminators. FORMAT FOR JUSTIFICATION OF NOMINATION TO THE RANGER HALL OF FAME NOMINATOR DATA NAME:______________________________________________________ ADDRESS:___________________________________________________ TELEPHONE:____________________ NOMINEE:________________________________________ First, Middle, Last BIOGRAPHICAL DATA DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH:_________________________________ DATE DECEASED:___________________________ (if applicable) ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ (if deceased, spouse, or next of kin) PRESENT OCCUPATION: _____________________________________ (Date retired if applicable) PUBLICATIONS/CONTRIBUTIONS TO PERIODICALS: (if applicable, include dates) EDUCATION: (Civilian and military (if applicable); include dates attended and degrees earned, if known) LIST OF POSSIBLE SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE NOMINEE: SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION (S) TO RANGER, TEXAS (Narrative of significant contributions) INCLUDE PHOTOGRAPH (if available)