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    Network Operating Systems

    A Network Operating System (NOS) functions as an O/S for the network.

      It controls the real resources of the server machines as well as the communications over the media and the client component of network workstations.


      The ability to support multiple processes at one time.
      Required for an effective NOS.

    Two types of multitasking.

      Preemptive (NT)
      Cooperative (WIN3.X)

    NOS Functionality
    Manages the server, the client, and the media.

      Logically connects all network devices.
      Controls resource access.
      Coordinates communications.
      Supports security and privacy.
      Coordinates and controls device functionality

    NOS Location

      Components reside on both client and server computers and include the protocols that keep order on the media.
      Sometimes, network workstations can provide both client and server functionality.

    Client Network Software

      Redirector (AKA requestor)
      Routes resource requests to appropriate device.
      Operates at the presentation layer.
      Operates transparently.
      Shields user from complexity.


      Keeps track of the drive letters assigned locally (mapped) to remote shared drives.

    Universal Naming Convention (UNC)

      A standard naming method for network resources.
      Provides an alternative to drive mapping.
      Usually takes the form of:
    Usually, a UNC name can be used in place of a share name

    Server Network Software

      NOS component that provides resources.
      Features include:
      User and group management
      User authentication at logon
      Management, control, and auditing tools
      Fault tolerance

    NOS Installation

      Similar to OS installation.
      Requires preparation that identifies:
      • Architecture and Topology
      • Network scope and size
      • Server partition and file system
      • Name and naming convention
      • Client O/Ss
      • Server specific functionality

    NOS Installation Detail

      Network Adapter Configuration
      Number of adapters, IRQs...
      Protocol selection
        Routable or Nonroutable
        Where relevant, TCP/IP parameters.
          IP Address, Subnet Mask, default gateway, WINs and DNS.

      Hard disk organization (partitioning and file system)
      Dual or single boot configuration

    Network Services

      Basic resources found in all networks.
      Printer services
      Directory shares
      Other services as desired
    Network services are installed from a control panel similarly to a hardware device driver.

    Network Bindings

      Establish a logical link between the upper protocols and lower protocols on the NIC.
      On the client side, the order of the bindings can impact network performance.
      Most frequently used protocol, service, or adapter should be bound first.

    Network Applications

      Designed for multiple simultaneous users on numerous connected computers.

    Three Net Applications Architectures

      File system sharing
      True client/server (Utilizes processing power of both client and server)

    Most popular network application is email.

      Based on a common protocol and standard of communication.

    E-mail protocols include:

      X.400 hardware and software independent


      Hardware and software independent
      Similar to X.400 with improved directory services. (global address database)
    SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
      Current standard for Internet based mail