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    Packets Reviewed

    A packet is a unit of information transmitted as a whole from one network device to another.

    During the transmission and reception process, appropriate information is added and subtracted to and from each packet.

    Packet Structure

      All packets have the same 3 basic parts:
          Contains the source and destination address
          Transported Data
          Error correction data

    Minimum Packet Contents

      Source and destination addresses.
      Alert signal.
      Data being transmitted.
      Error correction data.
    Rules and procedures for communicating.
      A set of protocols that work together is called a protocol stack or protocol suite.

    Common protocol stacks include:


    Protocol Classifications
    Certain classifications can be applied to all protocols.

      Connection or connectionless orientation.
      Routable or noroutable.

    Connectionless vs. Connection Oriented

      Connectionless protocols place data on the media and assume that it will get through. (i.e. the Mailbox Model)
      Reliable but could be more reliable

      Connection oriented protocols establish a connection between the two computers.

        More reliable

    Routable vs. Nonroutable Protocols

      The network layer of the OSI model is responsible for moving data across networks.
      Moving data between networks is called routing.
      Network level protocols are routable, other protocols, such as Transport protocols are not.

    Enterprise Protocols

      TCP/IP and IPX/SPX are routable protocols well suited for large networks.
      NetBEUI however is nonroutable.
        It is a small fast transport level protocol well suited for small networks.
      Sometimes, collections of separate protocols form protocol groups.

    Major Protocol Groups

      Application, Session, and Presentation layers combine into the Applications Major Group.
      Transport Layer becomes the Transport Group.
      Network, Data Link, and Physical layers, combine into the Network Major Group.

    Application Group Protocols

      Operate at the OSI model's upper layers
      Provide application to application services.
      Common application protocols include:

    Transport Protocols

      Ensure reliable data delivery.
      Common transport protocols include:
        SPX and NWLink

    Network Protocols
    Provide addressing and routing information, error checking.
    Also called link services.
    Common Network Protocols include:


    Microsoft's Protocol Stack
    NetBIOS and NetBEUI are two of six components in the Microsoft Protocol Stack.

      In order from the top they are:
        NIC Driver

    Microsoft Protocol Suite

      Redirector interprets requests from the computer
        Keeps request local or remote.
        If the service is remote, it passes the request to the SMB (Server Message Block).
      The SMB passes information between networked computers.
      NetBIOS operates at the Session layer to establish and maintain connections.
      NetBEUI works at the Transport layer
        Manages communications
      Each computer in a NetBIOS network has a 15 character name that is used for identification.


      Microsoft's 32 bit IPX/SPX implementation.
      NWLink works with particular Ethernet frame type(s).
      For communications to be effective, all frame types must be identified to NWLink.

    Auto Frame Detect

      Note that auto frame detect will only detect one frame type.
      If everything seems okay and communications is not occurring, check the frame type.

    Frame Types

      EthernetII DEC
      802.2 Novell 3.12 and later
        Industry standard. 802.3 Compliant.
      802.3 Novel 3.11 and earlier
      SNAP Apple
      While it predates the ISO model, its protocols and functions are similar.
      Utilizes small, specialized protocols.
      IP provides source and destination addressing and routing.
      Connectionless datagram protocol that is fast but not reliable.

    TCP/IP Protocol Components

      ARP Address Resolution Protocol
        Translates logical (IP) addresses to a physical MAC address.
      TCP Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
        Transport protocol that accepts messages of any length from an upper-layer protocol and provides transportation to a TCP peer.
      UDP User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
        A connectionless Transport layer protocol.
      DNS Domain Name System
        A Transport layer, name to address resolution protocol. Keeps a list of system's NetBIOS names and their IP addresses.
        A remote terminal emulation program.
      SMTP Simple Mail Transport Program
        Mail protocol that operates at all upper layers.
      RIP Routing Information Protocol
        Uses distance vector algorithm to select the best path for a packet.
      OPSF Open Shortest Path First
        Determines best path through network
    IP Address
      Logical address
      32 bits, 4 bytes, long.
      Each byte can be represented by a decimal number from 0 to 255.

    IP Address Representation

      Each IP addresses is represented by four octets separated by periods, that is,
      Part of the address denotes the network that the computer resides on. The other part of the address denotes the computer itself.

    Address Classes

      Classfull TCP/IP addressing includes several classes.
      Class A addresses
        Begin with a number between 1 and 126.
        Can have 16,387,064 hosts.
      Class B addresses
        Begin with a number between 128 and 191
        Can have 64,516 hosts per address
      Class C addresses
        First three octets begin with a number between 192 and 223.
        Can have 254 hosts.

    Certain address, such as those beginning with 127, are reserved for special purposes.

    Subnet Mask

      Determines which part of the IP address denotes the network and which part the host.
      All computers on the same network must use the same subnet mask.

    Dynamic Host Configuration Program

      DHCP is defined as a server that assigns IP addresses from an address pool to each computer as it signs onto a network.
      Makes moving computers easier.
      Included with NT Server.

    Media Access Methods

      Defines when computers can access the shared network cable or data channel.
      Provides additional assurance that data reaches its destination by preventing two or more computers from simultaneously accessing the cable.

    Major Access Methods

        CSMA/CD -- Ethernet
        CSMA/CA -- Apple's Local Talk
      Token Passing
        Token Ring, FDDI, ARCNet
      Demand Priority
        PDP 11, SNA